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to vish ~ more on prayer

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vish wrote:

Namaste and greetings to Joan / Kumari: Maa and Swami have told usthat it is a great blessing to be able to pray for others. Maa hasalso said that as one of us is lifted up, we too are raised higher,for we are all ONE SOUL. It is indeed a great privilege to offer prayers for those in need andI hope that all those in our family who need help feel free to ask forprayers from our brothers and sisters here, or for any folks in ourlives who are suffering....


Dear vish and all ~ when I do the weekly prayer club sankalpa or the annual sankalpa, I am aware that I am asking, slong with many others, for peace for all individuals, groups, religions, nationalities, the Planet, the Universe. But then there is another much more personal way. I previously, somewhere, mentioned my prayer, more like the cry of a child, to Shree Maa, and how deeply I was affected by that.


My sister and I are estranged, not by my choice, and I do not want to gossip, so that is all I will say about it. Last night, I cried to my earthly mother, as I have also prayed to Maa, to reach through my sister's wall and help her open her heart so we can be sister's and friends again. I asked my mother to intercede with my sister; she knows us both so well. We are both getting older, and are both not well, and it saddens me greatly that we are not talking to each other. It is very complicated, so I won't say more here, except to say, I am more aware of the passage of time than ever, and I don't feel I have any time to use feeling bad, or angry, or sad. Still, I am only human.


There is a strong history of alcoholism and drug abuse on both sides of my family tree. I have fortunately escaped that part of the gene pool, but instead, I got the Al Ano(nish), caretaker side. But if you grow up in an alcoholic family, even if you don't become an alcoholic, you often take on many of the behaviors. In going to both Al Anon and AA, there was one thing that I took to my heart. I was reminded of it again recently. Having gone to a hospital in Connecticut (I live in Massachusetts) for a brain scan, I went to the gift store before I left. I secretly brought my husband a beanie baby pig because he is really into pigs. And for both of us I got a whale because we are now back to being so close to the ocean. Then I noticed a rack of religions "cards" ... not the kind you open, but the kind that has an image on the front (in this case Jesus) and a prayer on the back. Can you guess which one?


The Serenity Prayer


God/dess grant me the


to accept the things

I cannot change...

the Courage to change

the things I can*

and Wisdom

to know the difference.


*I've worked hard and long to be able to discriminate in the way this prayer reveals. In many ways it reminds me of what Swamiji said to me, "why on earth would you let anything disturb your peace of mind." This seed planted by Swamiji was a confused little sprout ... I couldn't figure out what to do to make it grow. Then recently, it all seemed to come together and to be so clear. And so I bow to Swamiji for planting that seed because it is becoming a strong growing plant, giving and taking (giving fruit perhaps, taking Carbon Dioxide and turning it back to clean air. Who knows what this little plant will become? In any case, I am thankful.


Jai Maa , Jai Swamiji

LindaLooking for a car that's sporty, fun and fits in your budget? Read reviews on AOL Autos.

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so beautiful!


we dont always get the blessings we want, but we always get the

blessings we need!







Thu, 14 Aug 2008 8:29 pm

[www.ShreeMaa.org] Re: to vish ~ more on prayer









vish wrote:


Namaste and greetings to Joan / Kumari: Maa and Swami have told us

that it is a great blessing to be able to pray for others. Maa has

also said that as one of us is lifted up, we too are raised higher,

for we are all ONE SOUL.

It is indeed a great privilege to offer prayers for those in need and

I hope that all those in our family who need help feel free to ask for

prayers from our brothers and sisters here, or for any folks in our

lives who are suffering....






Dear vish and all ~ when I do the weekly prayer club sankalpa or the

annual sankalpa, I am aware that I am asking, slong with many others,

for peace for all individuals, groups, religions, nationalities, the

Planet, the Universe. But then there is another much more personal way.

I previously, somewhere, mentioned my prayer, more like the cry of a

child, to Shree Maa, and how deeply I was affected by that.




My sister and I are estranged, not by my choice, and I do not want to

gossip, so that is all I will say about it. Last night, I cried to my

earthly mother,=2

0as I have also prayed to Maa, to reach through my

sister's wall and help her open her heart so we can be sister's and

friends again. I asked my mother to intercede with my sister; she knows

us both so well. We are both getting older, and are both not well, and

it saddens me greatly that we are not talking to each other. It is very

complicated, so I won't say more here, except to say, I am more aware

of the passage of time than ever, and I don't feel I have any time to

use feeling bad, or angry, or sad. Still, I am only human.




There is a strong history of alcoholism and drug abuse on both sides of

my family tree. I have fortunately escaped that part of the gene pool,

but instead, I got the Al Ano(nish), caretaker side. But if you grow up

in an alcoholic family, even if you don't become an alcoholic, you

often take on many of the behaviors. In going to both Al Anon and AA,

there was one thing that I took to my heart. I was reminded of it again

recently. Having gone to a hospital in Connecticut (I live in

Massachusetts) for a brain scan, I went to the gift store before I

left. I secretly brought my husband a beanie baby pig because he is

really into pigs. And for both of us I got a whale because we are now

back to being so close to the ocean. Then I noticed a rack of religions

" cards " ... not the kind you open, but the kind that has an

image on

the front (in this case Jesus) and a prayer on the back. Can you guess

which one?




The Serenity Prayer




God/dess grant me the




to accept the things


I cannot change...


the Courage to change


the things I can*


and Wisdom


to know the difference.




*I've worked hard and long to be able to discriminate in the way this

prayer reveals. In many ways it reminds me of what Swamiji said to me,

" why on earth would you let anything disturb your peace of mind. " This

seed planted by Swamiji was a confused little sprout ...  I couldn't

figure out what to do to make it grow. Then recently, it all seemed to

come together and to be so clear. And so I bow to Swamiji for planting

that seed because it is becoming a strong growing plant, giving and

taking (giving fruit perhaps, taking Carbon Dioxide and turning it back

to clean air. Who knows what this little plant will become? In any

case, I am thankful.




Jai Maa , Jai Swamiji






vish wrote:


Namaste and greetings to Joan / Kumari: Maa and Swami have told us

that it is a great blessing to be able to pray for others. Maa has

also said that as one of us is lifted up, we too are raised higher,

for we are all ONE SOUL.

It is indeed a great privilege to offer prayers for those in need and

I hope that20all those in our family who need help feel free to ask for

prayers from our brothers and sisters here, or for any folks in our

lives who are suffering....






Dear vish and all ~ when I do the weekly prayer club sankalpa or the

annual sankalpa, I am aware that I am asking, slong with many others,

for peace for all individuals, groups, religions, nationalities, the

Planet, the Universe. But then there is another much more personal way.

I previously, somewhere, mentioned my prayer, more like the cry of a

child, to Shree Maa, and how deeply I was affected by that.




My sister and I are estranged, not by my choice, and I do not want to

gossip, so that is all I will say about it. Last night, I cried to my

earthly mother, as I have also prayed to Maa, to reach through my

sister's wall and help her open her heart so we can be sister's and

friends again. I asked my mother to intercede with my sister; she knows

us both so well. We are both getting older, and are both not well, and

it saddens me greatly that we are not talking to each other. It is very

complicated, so I won't say more here, except to say, I am more aware

of the passage of time than ever, and I don't feel I have any time to

use feeling bad, or angry, or sad. Still, I am only human.




There is a strong history of alcoholism and drug abuse on both sides of

my famil

y tree. I have fortunately escaped that part of the gene pool,

but instead, I got the Al Ano(nish), caretaker side. But if you grow up

in an alcoholic family, even if you don't become an alcoholic, you

often take on many of the behaviors. In going to both Al Anon and AA,

there was one thing that I took to my heart. I was reminded of it again

recently. Having gone to a hospital in Connecticut (I live in

Massachusetts) for a brain scan, I went to the gift store before I

left. I secretly brought my husband a beanie baby pig because he is

really into pigs. And for both of us I got a whale because we are now

back to being so close to the ocean. Then I noticed a rack of religions

" cards " ... not the kind you open, but the kind that has an image on

the front (in this case Jesus) and a prayer on the back. Can you guess

which one?




The Serenity Prayer




God/dess grant me the




to accept the things


I cannot change...


the Courage to change


the things I can*


and Wisdom


to know the difference.




*I've worked hard and long to be able to discriminate in the way this

prayer reveals. In many ways it reminds me of what Swamiji said to me,

" why on earth would you let anything disturb your peace of mind. " This

seed planted by Swamiji was a confused little sprout ...  I couldn't

figure out w

hat to do to make it grow. Then recently, it all seemed to

come together and to be so clear. And so I bow to Swamiji for planting

that seed because it is becoming a strong growing plant, giving and

taking (giving fruit perhaps, taking Carbon Dioxide and turning it back

to clean air. Who knows what this little plant will become? In any

case, I am thankful.




Jai Maa , Jai Swamiji







Looking for a car that's sporty, fun and fits in your budget? Read

reviews on AOL Autos.

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