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Can Shiva help? Intercessory Prayer

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, " inspectionconnection108 "

<inspectionconnection108 wrote:


> Namaste all family: As I read these thoughts about prayer,


> and suffering, Swami's words in the Preface to Advanced Shiva Puja

> came to mind. He is addressing the source of all the illnesses of


> mankind. And he gives us the cure.

> Here is a brief quote from the text: " ...All fear is of the


> The transitory nature of existence makes us feel insecure. We want

> things to stay the way they are, because we do not know what change

> will bring. That is why Shiva, as the Destroyer, is so


> What will it be like when He is done? Will He ever be done? Maybe

> He'll just go on changing ad infinitum.

> Until we accept the will of Shiva there will be fear. As long as we

> identify with the changes that are occurring, we have attachment. By

> saying to God, " I like the universe the way it is, please don't


> it " , we resist the course of nature. We create our own pain by our

> attachment to the way we think things should be. Shiva, as the


> Destroyer, will destroy our attachment too. That is His function


> the Consciousness of Continual Transformation.

> By worshiping Shiva, we cultivate the qualities of infinite,

> consciousness, unattachment, and freedom from bondage to this world


> objects and their relationships. We cultivate the attitude of

> perceiving the intrinsic reality, not the extrinsic appearance. We

> identify with that which does not change. We become the witness of


> changes of nature. From this perception, we act and interact with


> world. Remembering the eternal reality, we free ourselves from pain

> and fear. We see them as passing states of mind and accept the will

> of God. "

> As a part of my daily Intercessory Prayer, I ask Shiva to remove my

> attachments, and awaken in me His Divine Spirit, the Consciousness


> Infinite Goodness. From that state of awareness, He, and me, will


> what is best for all creation. As " I " change, so everyone changes.

> If I pray for myself, the Consciousness of Infinite Goodness, and


> divinity becomes my daily reality, everyone will benefit. We are all

> one soul, we are all the Consciousness of infinite Goodness. We


> all Shiva. He will take care of everything, He is taking care of

> everything, of that there is no doubt.

> So, whenever doubt, fear, or pain arises, on behalf of myself or

> others, I chant, Om Namah Shivaya.


> God bless


> Jai Ma Jai Swami


> vishweshwar


Wise words, Vish. I hope that I can remember them when the thought

of non-existence becomes oppresive. I agree that my Ishta Devata is

taking care of things whether I am fearful or feel confident and

trusting. So many times in my life when things could have gone

really bad and it turned out well and I was protected. Can I really

fear death then? I will be taken care of then, too. Jai Ma Kali, Om

namah Shivaya. I hope that you are all blessed by that infinite




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