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to vish about sin and Beanies

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vish wrote:

>>Namaste all: in verse the first half of verse 1 of the 5 verses>>written by Shankar Acharya, at the foreword of the Advanced Shiva Puja>>text, translated by Swami, Shankar Acharya tells devotees..."to always>>study words of wisdom, and with all your capacity act in accordance>>with and perform the discipline of these words, and following the>>systems of worship they enumerate, make the worship of the Supreme>>Lord, and don't allow your consciousness to contemplate adverse desires." >>The thoughts contained in these words will change the life of a>>devotee. In our own lives,we have experienced that the knowledge which>>Maa and Swami have shared with us, about the value and methods of>>worship, has awakened the desire within us to begin worship of the>>Lord, in whatever form which suits our nature...

Dear vish ~ thank you for sharing these words of Shankar Acharya, and for including " ... to begin worship of the Lord, in whatever form which suits our nature..."


I really appreciated this. In my heart for many long years I have had a special affection and have been very drawn to Shiva Nataraj. Likewise, I have been drawn to Saraswati, perhaps for Her representation of knowledge and creativity. Since "meeting" Maa and Swamiji, I have felt growing a deep connection with Durga. Yet also, what is a bit confusing to me, I have also felt close to Jesus. I left Christianity behind long ago, but I feel this new relationship is between me and Jesus, and isn't represented in any of the many Christian Denominations I was exposed to in the early part of my life, but it is very precious to me.


I remember that Swamiji and Shree Maa, on the Cosmic Altar (I believe), have a murti of Jesus. Now I understand that are welcoming God(s)/Goddess(es}. I became very touched by this. Even before this, Jesus has "visited" me several times. I don't share this to pump myself up. What would the point of that be? Sooner or later, someone would come along and stick a pin in me, and PoP !


The first visit, many years ago, He came and sat next to me on my bed. I was surrounded by a feeling of protection, peace and love. We sat for a few moments, and then he "said" (in a kind of mind to mind; heart to heart way), "I will always be with you." At times when I have felt very much alone, I would cry out to Jesus, to Maa and Swamiji, to Durga. They know when the best times to overtly support you, and I believe theirsupport underlines all we do to increase our sadhana and become worthy and devotees. Recently, when was upset about my symptoms getting wose, and I was scared by the brain scan, he came and sat beside me again. Through my tears and sniffles I asked, "why are you here." He said, "I told you I would always be with you." I took this to mean He is always with me, even when I don't feel or sense or "see" Him.


Recently, when I was at the hospital, I went to the gift shop. I LOVE Beanie Babies ... mostlly those which represent endangered species, what one would consider to "wild" animals -- mammals, fish, and mythological animals. I saw a whale on the Beanie Baby rack, so I brought it home in honor of my new location, which is closer to the (Atlantic) ocean. She sits on my bead shelf, with the window right behind her. And...I also noticed a rack of "cards," the kind you would get that are religious. I looked around, and then my eyes became glued to a picture of Jesus. None of the others looked like Him, not like the Jesus I have been visited by. And on the back, the Serenity Prayer, which is always incredibly useful. (If there is anyone who doesn't know it, let me know, and I will post it to the digest. Anyway, it seemed more than coincidence.


Jai Maa!!! Jai Swamiji!!! Jai Devi Mandir Family!!!


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