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to vish ... more about satsang

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vish wrote:

....He (Shankar Acharya)begins this verse by reminding us of the value of satsunga. When wecome together in satsunga, each devotee brings something to share:love, support, devotion, knowledge, and empathy, etc., and the wholesatsunga becomes greater than the sum of its parts. Remember howblissful we felt discussing being "One Soul, One Family" several weeksago here in our club? That bliss came as a result of the Grace whichflows from our satsunga That blissful energy, that love of eachother, of the Master, and of God, begins to melt and dissolve the deepseated patterns within our hearts, minds, and thoughts. We begin torelate to the more subtle, universal, eternal, non-changing values oflife rather than the ever changing thoughts, emotions, andcircumstances which swirl around us like leaves in the wind. Thus we become friends with the universe. We act in accord with God'sdesire, rather than our own selfish desires. We have faith that Godwill always be with us, and he will protect us always...



Dear vish ~ again your one post was filled with pearls. I will want to go back and read through the "One Soul, One Family." If anyone can give me the number of the beginning post, I will greatly appreciate it. I feel I mostly discussed this in my last post, although that wasn't me intention. However, I feel you acknowledge the truth that this group, this cyber satsang, is every bit as much a satsang as being in the same room. In a sense we are ~ we inhabit the same "space." I find I have discovered, again, the truth you speak about satsang, including the part of relating to the "subtle, universal...rather ever changing circumstances, which swirl around us like leaves in the wind."


Having just moved, about a hear ago, but at the end of fall, from the southwest, back to the east coast, I find myself delighted and enchanted by the subtle variations in leaves on trees and bushes, and even on certain kinds of grasses. It proceeds the glory to come, when the leaves burst into a full "painting" of colors. With these real leaves we are content just to see, watch, and somehow participate in the process, even if it just with our gratitude and joy. I find this natural process to be a "living" metaphor of being the Witness of the leaves of nature as well as the swirling leaves of our lives ... to experience the similarity of nature's leaves by Witnessing and to begin to experience the same with our emotions, thoughts, and even behaviors. Again, the peace this brings is heaven. Thank you vish ~ LindaIt's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel deal here.

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