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Shiva Puja, Verse 3, Part 2, Page 6

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Namaste all: Advanced Shiva Puja, Verse 3, Part 2, Page 6, ....Make

renunciation of the many thoughts of the mind, and leave the egotism

of your body, and don't debate idle philosophies with intellectuals.


As we worship Shiva, or any aspect of Divinity, we desire and pray to

be absorbed in the act of worship, to experience Oneness with the

Divine, our own Soul. During worship, when the thought about anything

other than the object of worship arises, we renounce it, and bring our

awareness back to the mantras, back to the bhava of the focus of our

worship. In the same manner, Swami tells us that if our leg begins to

hurt, as we sit in our asan, and our attention is drawn to it, when we

realize we are off the mantra, bring our attention back to the object

of our worship. Treat the thought of bodily discomfort as we would

any other thought, and bring our mind back to the mantras.


We all experience this many times during the course of our worship. We

become distracted by thoughts and aches and pains. But, we know to

bring our awareness back to God.

In theri wisdom, the Masters organized the puja so that we would state

our sankalpa at the start of each puja, homa, etc. By stating our

sankapla at the beginning, we inform God of our intention to focus on

Him, and we ask His help is keeping our focus on Him.

Yes, it is difficult, but through practice, and patience, and the

Lord's Grace, we will succeed.

How do we know?

Because we have the shining examples of Maa and Swami, and, the

lineage of Masters, who have reached the Goal, before us. Their

energy, their shakti, their strength, their sincerity, is contained

within the mantras, and it is passed onto us with each repetition of

the mantras. And it becomes stronger as we continue our practice and

become more tuned into the Masters.

And finally, the Master implores us to avoid discussing idle

philosophy with intellectuals. He is reminding us that the pursuit of

the Supreme Reality is a solitary, focused, one-pointed exercise. We

must discipline ourselves and keep our attention focused during our

sadhana, and in every aspect of our lives, in order to reach the Goal

of all Goals.

His charge to us is simple and profound: One-pointed pursuit of God,

rather than intellectualizing and speculating about the nature or


Lord, we pray to you to increase our devotion and sincerity in order

that we may come to know You as our very Own.



Jai Maa Jai Swami



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