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Shiva Puja: Verse 4, Part 1, Page 7

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Namaste all family: Swami translated these 6 verses from Shankar

Acharya to help us get into the proper frame of mind and heart to

begin our daily worship. Part one of this verse reads:

" Take the cure for the illness of uncontrolled desire, serve your

doctor as a beggar would serve a Lord, don't seek the associations of

pleasure-seekers or self-centered individuals. Remain contented with

whatever you receive in a divine union, that which God has consented

to give. "

Uncontrolled desire. What a powerful thought. Each one, when

fulfilled, gives rise to one equally strong. My monkey mind wanders

to and fro, each new sensory impulse, each new bright shiny object

draws my attention. How to live in this world when I cannot even

control myself for 1 minute? The Master's advice: take the cure

which the Master prescribes. Trust the Guru, have faith in Them, and

do whatever is necessary to obtain their Grace. Bow to your Guru, and

perform one pointed service to your Master, as a beggar would serve a


Let us explore what Maa and Swami have to say about the unique and

transendental relationship between a Master and their disciple.

Maa and Swami write in Their book: " Before Becoming This " , on page

293: " There is a law of mutual conductivity that says when two of

anything enter into a relationship, the dominate qualities will always

be assumed by the other. ....When a disciple comes into a

relationship with a Guru, the disciple begins to practice puja and the

Guru accepts the disciple's karma.

The disciple refines his or her own self to become more and more like

the Guru. The Guru tries to remain free from attachment, so when he

takes the karma of the disciple, the Guru does not become bound by

that karma. He takes away the attachment from the disciple, but

doesn't cultivate attachment. Gurus are in a position to take the

karma because they have freed themselves from attachment or they can

recycle the karma very quickly. "

So, how should I spend my time? In the company of a Master who can

help me cultivate Divine Qualities? Or, a self centered worldly person?

I once had to choose between going to a Giant's baseball game or going

to the Mandir for a special Kali puja. Maa called to invite me to the

puja, and I told Her I had been given free tickets to the game. She

said: " You would rather go to a game, than come and play with me? "

Dear friends, Her response, as my Doctor, immediately cured my monkey

mind of its illness.

I replied, " I will be right over Maa, of course I would rather play

with You. " She laughed and said: " Good choice. "

Well, as fate would have it, Maa's Kali puja was one of the most

powerful experiences I have even had.

We have so many chances to play or pray. We have to remember our

goals, and our Doctor's orders, and take our medicine, and keep our

sankalpa, no matter how we feel. And, She will take care of us. That

is Her promise.

What a deal.


Jia Maa Jai Swami



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Namaste Vishveshwar,

What a timely post!

Whenever I decide to maintain a routine I have hundreds of things

propping up to make sure I don't stick to schedules.

It is indeed a hard decision and I find myself making creative excuses.

For instance, exactly on the dates we are to be in Benares (9th and

10th November) there's an investment forum being held here with which

I am involved. But I have decided and declared that I am away from the

7th Nov onwards.I guess it is important to take a stand for what is

important to one.

BUT the trickier part is time for prayers. Since its everyday and I

have to cope with 101 things I find myself taking shortcuts,

convincing myself that lighting a candle is enough etc.

I keep Maa and Swamiji in my heart all the while though and don't stop

thinking about them and their lives. I don't think I will ever be able

to emulate them in this lifetime. But I am blessed to have found them.

When I find myself overwhelmed by my circumstances I dive deep into

the well (Ocean?) of my consciousness and seek out Maa & Swamiji. They

are always there. This I can assure you.

Thank You for your post. I second your views.




Jai Maa and Jai Swamiji


, " inspectionconnection108 "

<inspectionconnection108 wrote:


> Namaste all family: Swami translated these 6 verses from Shankar

> Acharya to help us get into the proper frame of mind and heart to

> begin our daily worship. Part one of this verse reads:

> " Take the cure for the illness of uncontrolled desire, serve your

> doctor as a beggar would serve a Lord, don't seek the associations of

> pleasure-seekers or self-centered individuals. Remain contented with

> whatever you receive in a divine union, that which God has consented

> to give. "

> Uncontrolled desire. What a powerful thought. Each one, when

> fulfilled, gives rise to one equally strong. My monkey mind wanders

> to and fro, each new sensory impulse, each new bright shiny object

> draws my attention. How to live in this world when I cannot even

> control myself for 1 minute? The Master's advice: take the cure

> which the Master prescribes. Trust the Guru, have faith in Them, and

> do whatever is necessary to obtain their Grace. Bow to your Guru, and

> perform one pointed service to your Master, as a beggar would serve a

> Lord.

> Let us explore what Maa and Swami have to say about the unique and

> transendental relationship between a Master and their disciple.

> Maa and Swami write in Their book: " Before Becoming This " , on page

> 293: " There is a law of mutual conductivity that says when two of

> anything enter into a relationship, the dominate qualities will always

> be assumed by the other. ....When a disciple comes into a

> relationship with a Guru, the disciple begins to practice puja and the

> Guru accepts the disciple's karma.

> The disciple refines his or her own self to become more and more like

> the Guru. The Guru tries to remain free from attachment, so when he

> takes the karma of the disciple, the Guru does not become bound by

> that karma. He takes away the attachment from the disciple, but

> doesn't cultivate attachment. Gurus are in a position to take the

> karma because they have freed themselves from attachment or they can

> recycle the karma very quickly. "

> So, how should I spend my time? In the company of a Master who can

> help me cultivate Divine Qualities? Or, a self centered worldly person?

> I once had to choose between going to a Giant's baseball game or going

> to the Mandir for a special Kali puja. Maa called to invite me to the

> puja, and I told Her I had been given free tickets to the game. She

> said: " You would rather go to a game, than come and play with me? "

> Dear friends, Her response, as my Doctor, immediately cured my monkey

> mind of its illness.

> I replied, " I will be right over Maa, of course I would rather play

> with You. " She laughed and said: " Good choice. "

> Well, as fate would have it, Maa's Kali puja was one of the most

> powerful experiences I have even had.

> We have so many chances to play or pray. We have to remember our

> goals, and our Doctor's orders, and take our medicine, and keep our

> sankalpa, no matter how we feel. And, She will take care of us. That

> is Her promise.

> What a deal.


> Jia Maa Jai Swami


> vishweshwar


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