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Shiva Puja, Verse 4, Pt. 2, Page 7

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Namaste all family: completing verse 4, by the Master, in the

Advanced Shiva Puja text, page 7.

" Remain contented with whatever you receive in a divine union, that

which God has consented to give. Remain the same while undergoing all

the pairs of opposites like hot and cold, pleasure and pain, and don't

give expression to worthless speech. Carry yourself as a great

renunciate. Don't look to get grace from other men, and don't seek to

obtain something from men.


In the first part of this verse, we talked about serving our Master

with one pointed devotion and taking the medicine they prescribe,

because only they can give us the cure for the great illness:

thinking this material ever changing world is real, and forgetting the

eternal nature of the Soul. Forgetting we are One with God.

Become One with God, the great sages tell us, and from that level of

consciousness pleasure and pain, heat and cold, all passing sensory

experiences, have no binding effect on us.

However, while advancing on the path, still experiencing pain, and

worries, and the troubles of this world, the Great Sages tell us to

keep our focus on the Highest Goal and know that whatever God gives us

is for our highest good, and know that we are the Eternal Soul.

Swami tells us that we become what we think most about and where we

put our attention grows. So, we should keep our eyes on God, and

remain steadfast in our knowledge that no matter what happens, we are

protected, cared for, loved, and nourished by His Will and His Will

alone. Don't look for grace or liberation from anyone but the Guru.

Remembering the Guru and their Grace in every situation, and keeping

our attention on Them, will bring us to our Goal.



Jai Ma Jai Swami



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Namaste Vishweshwar and Family,


> Swami tells us that we become what we think most about and where we

> put our attention grows. So, we should keep our eyes on God, and

> remain steadfast in our knowledge that no matter what happens, we are

> protected, cared for, loved, and nourished by His Will and His Will

> alone. (from Vish's post below)


What great advice to start the week with! Thanks for all the inspiring

posts. love, karen


Jai Maa!! Jai Swamiji!!



, " inspectionconnection108 "

<inspectionconnection108 wrote:


> Namaste all family: completing verse 4, by the Master, in the

> Advanced Shiva Puja text, page 7.

> " Remain contented with whatever you receive in a divine union, that

> which God has consented to give. Remain the same while undergoing all

> the pairs of opposites like hot and cold, pleasure and pain, and don't

> give expression to worthless speech. Carry yourself as a great

> renunciate. Don't look to get grace from other men, and don't seek to

> obtain something from men.


> In the first part of this verse, we talked about serving our Master

> with one pointed devotion and taking the medicine they prescribe,

> because only they can give us the cure for the great illness:

> thinking this material ever changing world is real, and forgetting the

> eternal nature of the Soul. Forgetting we are One with God.

> Become One with God, the great sages tell us, and from that level of

> consciousness pleasure and pain, heat and cold, all passing sensory

> experiences, have no binding effect on us.

> However, while advancing on the path, still experiencing pain, and

> worries, and the troubles of this world, the Great Sages tell us to

> keep our focus on the Highest Goal and know that whatever God gives us

> is for our highest good, and know that we are the Eternal Soul.

> Swami tells us that we become what we think most about and where we

> put our attention grows. So, we should keep our eyes on God, and

> remain steadfast in our knowledge that no matter what happens, we are

> protected, cared for, loved, and nourished by His Will and His Will

> alone. Don't look for grace or liberation from anyone but the Guru.

> Remembering the Guru and their Grace in every situation, and keeping

> our attention on Them, will bring us to our Goal.



> Jai Ma Jai Swami


> vishweshwar


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