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To Linda,comprehensibility of the Goddess and some questions for the whole group

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Namaste Linda and all family: Swami has created a wonder-full class

on the entire Chandi. His complete discourse of every chapter is

stored at the Mandir web site, chapter by chapter, at

www.shreemaa.org. All your questions will be answered, and more. I

sat at most of the classes, and time after time I was amazed at the

depth of wisdom and transcendental bliss which was transmitted through

Swami's words.

Remember, Swami has chanted this text for 35+ years. He knows it

backwards and forwards. He received the boon of sitting full time at

Shree Maa's feet because He devoted himself heart and soul to Maa

Shakti, Maa Chandi, Maa Kali, Maa Lakshi, Maa Saraswati, etc.

Now it is our turn.


Indeed, if we all listened to these discourses, everyone will start

chanting the Chandi immediately. The Chandi touches upon every level

of our existence. It changes and modifies every level of our

existence, and leaves us in contact with Her. This text is a discourse

of every moment of our lives. When you read it, remember this, and

" see " how the Generals in the Army of the Great Ego, inside you and

me, interact and cause so much trouble. They are: self conceit, self

deprecation, too much, too little, wandering too and fro, want of

resolution, etc.

After you have listened to each chapter, post your comments and

feelings. I guarantee that this will change your lives.



Jai Ma Jai Swami








, nierika wrote:


> jaisanatanimaa wrote:




> reading these verses, what strikes me most is the emphasis on the

> indescribability and the incomprehensibility of Divine Mother...

> 'I' am supported by Her and not the other way around,is something to

> be remembered constantly. In vs.5 it is said that She is 'faith to

> the truthful'; to me, this means thatif we are honest enough to admit

> that we 'don't know Her path very well', She will fill our hearts

> with trust in Her in whatever guise She may choose...


> Dear jaisanatanimaa ~ I too was struck by the references to the

incomprehensibility of Divine Mother.

> Also, I was struck speechless (if I'd been inclined to talk), by

this passage (V 4): " Whose imcomparable

> greatness and strengh the Lord of the Universe (Vishnu?,

Shiva?)...is incable to extol. So I was not

> the only one rendered speechless. This passage from V 3, " Her

intrinsic nature is the aggregate energy of

> all the Gods and Seers. " Wow!


> Then I decided that to really understand Chapter 4, I needed to read

Chapter 3, and then quickly realized

> that, actually, I would have to start with the first Chapter and

read through to Chapter 4. It as there, in the

> " Meditation, " that I found brief descriptions of the objects She

carries (that? had asked about in a pre-

> vious post. I feel certain that these objects carry deeper meanins,

but here is how they were described:

> sword ... of worship (one pointed attention to the goal?)


> discus ... of revolving time (She stands beyond time and space?)


> bow ... of determination (we need to watch where we aim an shoot our

arrows, and She is modeling this?)


> pike ... of attention (similar to the sword?)


> iron bar?... of restraint (couldn't come up with any additional

intuitive understanding of this one)


> head ... of egotism (we must let ours go, or She will take it for us?)


> conch ... of vibrations (the conch comes from the water; again a

reference perhaps to diving deep,or

> of always coming from a deep level of understanding?; being above

and beyond the roiling waves of

> the turbulant ocean of objects and relationshps?, a bit like walking

on water


> I would be very interested to read other people's interpretation or

these objects, because they are

> mentioned over and over in the Chandi Path. Is there a way to take

this before Swamiji and ask

> for his interpretation?


> To Devi Mandir Family: I very much like the way that vish has been

going through the Advanced

> Shiva Puja ... a verse at a time. I wonder if anyone here would be

interested in doing that with

> the 4th chapter of the Chandi?


> Jai Maa!!!!!? Jai Swamiji !!!!!

> Linda


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