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to Kumari and about approaches to the Chandi

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Namaste Kumari and all: I think it is great that you have read the

book in English. Your grasp of the ideas and flow of activity will

really help you " get into " the chanting from Swami's text using the

transliterations. I hope you have purchased the text from the Mandir


When I was learning the Shiva and Durga pujas, I read them in English

many many times, and it made me appreciate the depth and breath of the

texts. After I learned to chant the transliteration, I began to

forget what I was reading. It became mechanical, yet the flow of the

sound of Sanskrit and the meter of the verses still provided me with

much joy and peace.

Recently I read the English again and felt a new level of

understanding dawn and another level of my " heart " opened.

Swami tells us that we need to understand the words we are chanting,

as well as the deeper bhava they hold. Swami's discourses provide us

with that experience. His Chandi discourses literally stopped my mind,

put the Ego to sleep, and I sat listening in complete joy, LISTENING


The Swami's video classes provide that satsunga, that meeting of

TRUTH, which dispels intellectual doubts and opens the heart to its

universal nature.

We are getting ready to celebrate the 9 days of Mother Divine, when

Maa and Swami stop the creation, and go " inside " to bask in Her

radiance and renew themselves. This time of renewal, or regeneration,

is Her blessing to us all.

I hope that each of us can make a sankalpa to honor Her in some way

each day of the 9 days. By remembering Her, we remember our True

Nature, we remember that She is our Nearest and Dearest.


Jai Maa Jai Swami







, " mjfisher2005 " <mjfisher2005



> Victory to you as well, Linda! :-)


> To be sure, the only reason I read the Chandi in English was because

> my little copy only had Devinagari and English, no transliteration.

> And My ability to read Devinagari was limited to spelling it out

> letter by letter with pen in hand! I actually did that with some

> hymns that I recognize as having come from the Chandi now. I am sure

> there were some mistakes in those transliterations! It is such a

> pleasure now, to just read them straight through and I think my

> ability to recognize individual letters is beginning to improve.


> Om Jai Ma Kali - Om Namah Shivaya!

> Kumari


> , nierika@ wrote:

> >

> > Dear Kumari and all ~ interesting that you should mention having

> read through the entire Chandi in English.

> > I have always read the transliterated Sanskrit first, then the

> English. Reading Chapter 4, I suddenly

> > realized how much this was limiting me. It was breaking up the

> continuity, and so I wasn't able to

> > gain a real comprehension of the whole. So I went back and read all

> of Verse 4 in English. It immediately

> > made a very different impression to me, in a sense, putting me

> right there, in the aftermath of the battle and

> > once again realizing the incredible compassion of the Divine

> Mother, for even the negative thoughts were

> > allowed, through her grace, to ascend to heaven. This has struck me

> before, but more on an intellectual

> > level. So I believe that this time 'round, I will take a page from

> your book and read each chapter entirely

> > in Englis first. (The difficulty has been that I am so in love with

> Sanskrit and love the way it looks and

> > even my poor attempts to pronounce the transliterations. Yes, it is

> a privelege. Thank you for

> > reminding me of that. Jai Maa !!!!  Jai Swamiji !!!!  Kumari ki

> jai !  ~ Linda

> >

> > Kumari wrote:

> >

> >

> > I am listening to the discussion. I will not share much. This is

> my

> > irst time through the Chandi in Sanskrit with all proper mantras

> and

> > rayers to be included. I am somewhat in awe and feel very much a

> > eginner even though I have some familiarity with the text through

> > hanting of some of the prayers from the Chandi in

> > Sanskrit and

> > aving read it in it's entirety for some years in English. But

> > ostly I had no guide and did not think at the time to ask anyone.

> I

> > elt inspired by Divine Mother's courage and loving protection and

> > hat seemed to be enough. Now I know that is just the tip of the

> > ceberg so to speak and study and chanting will repay me richly. To

> > articipate in satsang even though I cannot be with other devotees

> in

> > erson is indeed a priviledge. One which I prize highly. And what

> > an I say about Swamiji's and Shree Ma's efforts to make all these

> > criptures availiable to everyone who seeks. I am blessed to live

> in

> > hese times.

> > So I will start with Chapter 1 and slowly go through it, trying to

> > rasp the meaning as well as I can. May Ma bless my efforts.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Tue, 23 Sep 2008 3:44 am

> > [www.ShreeMaa.org] Digest Number 2726

> >

> >

> >

> > There are 12 messages in this issue.

> > Topics in this digest:

> > 1. Walking the Path - 19 Sep

> > maadevi55

> > 2a. spiritual calendar

> > srini_sadhu

> > b. Re: spiritual calendar

> > Alphanso DSouza

> > 3a. Re: Study of Chandi Path, Chapter 4, verses 1-7

> > srini_sadhu

> > b. Re: Study of Chandi Path, Chapter 4, verses 1-7

> > srini_sadhu

> > 4. Walking the Path - 20 Sep

> > maadevi55

> > 5a. To Linda,comprehensibility of the Goddess and some questions

> for

> > the

> > inspectionconnection108

> > 6a. Re: to Linda and all - Chandi Path Chapter 4

> > mjfisher2005

> > 7a. Re: to Ragan and all, from Swami-Q + A

> > mjfisher2005

> > b. Kumari and all: fire ceremony

> > inspectionconnection108

> > 8. Walking the Path - 21 Sep.

> > maadevi55

> > 9. Walking the Path - 22 Sep.

> > maadevi55

> >

> > essages

> >

> ____________________

> _

> > . Walking the Path - 19 Sep

> > Posted by: " maadevi55 " maadevi55@ maadevi55

> > Mon Sep 22, 2008 7:49 am ((PDT))

> >

> > n order to go back to the origin, we must come and go by the same

> path.

> > Guru and the Goddess (Kasyapa Sutra 12) - Published by the Devi

> Mandir

> > Om sanatani mayavidmahe

> > Jñana praka´sayai dhimahe

> > Tanno ´sri mam pracodayat

> >

> > essages in this topic (1)

> >

> ____________________

> _

> >

> ____________________

> _

> > a. spiritual calendar

> > Posted by: " srini_sadhu " srini_sadhu@ srini_sadhu

> > Mon Sep 22, 2008 7:49 am ((PDT))

> > Namaste!

> > Please visit

> > http://www.shreemaa.org/drupal/spiritual_calendar_september_21_27

> > for the spiritual calendar for the upcoming week.

> > Love

> > rini

> >

> > Messages in this topic (4)

> >

> ____________________

> _

> > b. Re: spiritual calendar

> > Posted by: " Alphanso DSouza " alphanso108@ alphansojohn

> > Mon Sep 22, 2008 8:30 pm ((PDT))

> >

> > Thank you Srini for the link.

> > m Shanti Shanti Shanti20Om!Peace and blessings to all Beings!Jai

> Durga Ma!

> > lphanso

> > @: srini_sadhu@: Mon, 22 Sep 2008

> > 1:15:02 +0000[www.ShreeMaa.org] spiritual calendar

> >

> >

> > amaste!Please

> visithttp://www.shreemaa.org/drupal/spiritual_calendar_september_21_27

> for

> > he spiritual calendar for the upcoming week.Lovesrini

> >

> >

> > _______________

> >

> > essages in this topic (4)

> >

> ____________________

> _

> >

> ____________________

> _

> > a. Re: Study of Chandi Path, Chapter 4, verses 1-7

> > Posted by: " srini_sadhu " srini_sadhu@ srini_sadhu

> > Mon Sep 22, 2008 7:50 am ((PDT))

> > Dear Kumari,

> > Thank you for your post!

> > Maa and Swamiji emphasize this teaching a lot. And they exemplify

> this

> > eaching in many ways.

> > Complete your karma even if there is a lot of difficulty.

> > This has been my main teaching. When I lived in the world, I would

> let

> > hings slide. But in the ashram the emphasis is on completing all

> your

> > asks for the day.

> > Love

> > rini

> >

> > , " mjfisher2005 " <mjfisher2005@>

> > rote:

> >

> > The thing that strikes me about this story is that we must follow

> our

> > dharma even though there may be pain associated with it, because

> in

> > not completing that duty, there is even worse pain on all levels

> and

> > the joy of doing it is so much greater than the pain.

> >

> > Kumari

> >

> > , " srini_sadhu " <srini_sadhu@>

> > wrote:

> > >

> > > Namaste!

> > >

> > > Om Sam

> > Saraswatyai Namaha!

> > >

> > > I am happy to begin our discussion of Chapter 4 of Chandi Path.

> > >

> > > At the end of Chapter 3, Divine Mother kills the Ego and Gods and

> > > Goddesses (that's us) are filled with delight.

> > >

> > > And so they sing in praise of Divine Mother.

> > >

> > > She is the energy of all and She is everywhere.

> > >

> > > She is the Goddess of Wealth in the homes of virtuous souls and

> > misery

> > > of those perform evil.

> > >

> > >

> > > Once after Swamiji chanted the Chandi he was telling us that he

> felt

> > > an excruciating pain running all the way from His feet to the

> top of

> > > His head. And do you know what His response to the pain was?

> > >

> > > He said, " I thanked the Goddess for giving Her darshan in the

> form

> > of

> > > the shooting pain " .

> > >

> > > And of course, he completed His recitation without getting up.

> > >

> > > This really helped me and sometimes when I feel pain I remind

> myself

> > > of this story and it helps me sit and complete the recitation.

> > >

> > > How can we recognize Her in all the different ways She comes to

> us?

> > > How can we implement this lesson from Swamiji in our lives?

> > >

> > > I look forward to hearing your thoughts!

> > >

> > > respectfully,

> > > Srini

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> > essages in this topic (5)

> >

> ____________________

> _

> > b. Re: Study of Chandi Path, Chapter 4, verses 1-7

> > Posted by: " srini_sadhu " srini_sadhu@ srini_sadhu

> > Mon Sep

> > 22, 2008 7:50 am ((PDT))

> > Dear Henny,

> > It is true that She is infinite. But no one can grasp the infinite.

> So

> > e all create a for that is most appealing to us and strive to offer

> > ur devotion to that form. The saints say that the form can take us

> to

> > he doorstep of Akhanda Satchidananda. The form, the murti will give

> > ou everything you need. The life of Sri Ramakrishna, for me, is an

> > xample of how His devotion to the murti of Kali gave him everything.

> > Even today during the Chandi I was moving (for some reason) and so

> He

> > sked me to focus on the scripture (instead of moving). After the

> > oma, Swamiji emphasized to me the every thought other than Her means

> > hat Self-Conceit gets a portion of the sacrifice. The goal is to

> > ocus on God to exclusion of other thoughts.

> > Thanks for sharing!

> > Love

> > rini

> >

> > , " jaisanatanimaa "

> > jaisanatanimaa@> wrote:

> >

> > Namaste Srini and all,

> >

> > reading these verses, what strikes me most is the emphasis on the

> > indescribability and the incomprehensibility of Divine Mother; She

> > cannot be 'grasped' or comprehended by the mind. And yet, this is

> > what my mind tries to do: to fashion a comfortable and safe idea

> out

> > of Divine Mother which will accomodate my idea of goodness and

> > divinity, and which in no way forms a threat to the ego. Not

> really.

> > So, that mind thinks: 'surely Mother would not want me to suffer

> > pain, I think She won't mind if I move my leg a little'. As long

> as

> > 'I' am confortable, I

> > don't mind reciting the verses describing the

> > demise of the Great Ego:)

> >

> > To learn to accept that She will come as She will come,

> whether 'I'

> > like it or not, is not so easy. To acknowledge that Her ways are

> > other than 'my' ways, and that 'I' am supported by Her and not the

> > other way around,is something to be remembered constantly. In vs.5

> it

> > is said that She is 'faith to the truthful'; to me, this means

> that

> > if we are honest enough to admit that we 'don't know Her path very

> > well', She will fill our hearts with trust in Her in whatever

> guise

> > She may choose,

> >

> > with love,

> > Henny

> >

> > , " srini_sadhu " <srini_sadhu@>

> > wrote:

> > >

> > > Namaste!

> > >

> > > Om Sam Saraswatyai Namaha!

> > >

> > > I am happy to begin our discussion of Chapter 4 of Chandi Path.

> > >

> > > At the end of Chapter 3, Divine Mother kills the Ego and Gods and

> > > Goddesses (that's us) are filled with delight.

> > >

> > > And so they sing in praise of Divine Mother.

> > >

> > > She is the energy of all and She is everywhere.

> > >

> > > She is the Goddess of Wealth in the homes of virtuous souls and

> > misery

> > > of those perform evil.

> > >

> > >

> > > Once after Swamiji chanted the Chandi he was telling us that he

> felt

> > > an excruciating pain running all the way from His feet to the

> top of

> > > His head. And do you know what His response to the pain was?

> > >

> > > He said, " I thanked the Goddess for=2

> > 0giving Her darshan in the form

> > of

> > > the shooting pain " .

> > >

> > > And of course, he completed His recitation without getting up.

> > >

> > > This really helped me and sometimes when I feel pain I remind

> myself

> > > of this story and it helps me sit and complete the recitation.

> > >

> > > How can we recognize Her in all the different ways She comes to

> us?

> > > How can we implement this lesson from Swamiji in our lives?

> > >

> > > I look forward to hearing your thoughts!

> > >

> > > respectfully,

> > > Srini

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> > essages in this topic (5)

> >

> ____________________

> _

> >

> ____________________

> _

> > . Walking the Path - 20 Sep

> > Posted by: " maadevi55 " maadevi55@ maadevi55

> > Mon Sep 22, 2008 7:50 am ((PDT))

> >

> > hrough the recitation of scripture we breathe and inhale the wisdom

> of

> > he scripture. We exhale the scripture, and we become the source of

> > eace.

> > Guru and the Goddess (Kasyapa Sutra 11) - Published by the Devi

> Mandir

> > Om sanatani mayavidmahe

> > Jñana praka´sayai dhimahe

> > Tanno ´sri mam pracodayat

> >

> > essages in this topic (1)

> >

> ____________________

> _

> >

> ____________________

> _

> > a. To Linda,comprehensibility of the Goddess and some questions for

> the

> > Posted by: " inspectionconnection108 " inspectionconnection108@

> > nspectionconnection108

> > Mon Sep 22, 2008 7:50 am ((PDT))

> > Namaste Linda and all family: Swami has created a wonder-ful

> > l class

> > n the entire Chandi. His complete discourse of every chapter is

> > tored at the Mandir web site, chapter by chapter, at

> > ww.shreemaa.org. All your questions will be answered, and more. I

> > at at most of the classes, and time after time I was amazed at the

> > epth of wisdom and transcendental bliss which was transmitted

> through

> > wami's words.

> > emember, Swami has chanted this text for 35+ years. He knows it

> > ackwards and forwards. He received the boon of sitting full time at

> > hree Maa's feet because He devoted himself heart and soul to Maa

> > hakti, Maa Chandi, Maa Kali, Maa Lakshi, Maa Saraswati, etc.

> > ow it is our turn.

> >

> > ndeed, if we all listened to these discourses, everyone will start

> > hanting the Chandi immediately. The Chandi touches upon every level

> > f our existence. It changes and modifies every level of our

> > xistence, and leaves us in contact with Her. This text is a

> discourse

> > f every moment of our lives. When you read it, remember this, and

> > see " how the Generals in the Army of the Great Ego, inside you and

> > e, interact and cause so much trouble. They are: self conceit,

> self

> > eprecation, too much, too little, wandering too and fro, want of

> > esolution, etc.

> > fter you have listened to each chapter, post your comments and

> > eelings. I guarantee that this will change your lives.

> >

> > ai Ma Jai Swami

> > vishweshwar

> >

> >

> > , nierika@ wrote:

> >

> > jaisanatanimaa wrote:

> >

> >

> >

> > reading these verses, what strikes me most is the emphasis on the

> 0D indescribability and the incomprehensibility of Divine Mother...

> > 'I' am supported by Her and not the other way around,is something

> to

> > be remembered constantly. In vs.5 it is said that She is 'faith to

> > the truthful'; to me, this means thatif we are honest enough to

> admit

> > that we 'don't know Her path very well', She will fill our hearts

> > with trust in Her in whatever guise She may choose...

> >

> > Dear jaisanatanimaa ~ I too was struck by the references to the

> > ncomprehensibility of Divine Mother.

> > Also, I was struck speechless (if I'd been inclined to talk), by

> > his passage (V 4): " Whose imcomparable

> > greatness and strengh the Lord of the Universe (Vishnu?,

> > hiva?)...is incable to extol. So I was not

> > the only one rendered speechless. This passage from V 3, " Her

> > ntrinsic nature is the aggregate energy of

> > all the Gods and Seers. " Wow!

> >

> > Then I decided that to really understand Chapter 4, I needed to

> read

> > hapter 3, and then quickly realized

> > that, actually, I would have to start with the first Chapter and

> > ead through to Chapter 4. It as there, in the

> > " Meditation, " that I found brief descriptions of the objects She

> > arries (that? had asked about in a pre-

> > vious post. I feel certain that these objects carry deeper meanins,

> > ut here is how they were described:

> > sword ... of worship (one pointed attention to the goal?)

> >

> > discus ... of revolving time (She stands beyond time and space?)

> >

> > bow ... of determination (we need to watch where we aim an shoot o

> > ur

> > rrows, and She is modeling this?)

> >

> > pike ... of attention (similar to the sword?)

> >

> > iron bar?... of restraint (couldn't come up with any additional

> > ntuitive understanding of this one)

> >

> > head ... of egotism (we must let ours go, or She will take it for

> us?)

> >

> > conch ... of vibrations (the conch comes from the water; again a

> > eference perhaps to diving deep,or

> > of always coming from a deep level of understanding?; being above

> > nd beyond the roiling waves of

> > the turbulant ocean of objects and relationshps?, a bit like

> walking

> > n water

> >

> > I would be very interested to read other people's interpretation or

> > hese objects, because they are

> > mentioned over and over in the Chandi Path. Is there a way to take

> > his before Swamiji and ask

> > for his interpretation?

> >

> > To Devi Mandir Family: I very much like the way that vish has been

> > oing through the Advanced

> > Shiva Puja ... a verse at a time. I wonder if anyone here would be

> > nterested in doing that with

> > the 4th chapter of the Chandi?

> >

> > Jai Maa!!!!!? Jai Swamiji !!!!!

> > Linda

> >

> >

> >

> > essages in this topic (3)

> >

> ____________________

> _

> >

> ____________________

> _

> > a. Re: to Linda and all - Chandi Path Chapter 4

> > Posted by: " mjfisher2005 " mjfisher2005@ mjfisher2005

> > Mon Sep 22, 2008 7:50 am ((PDT))

> > , nierika@ wrote:

> > To Devi Mandir Family: I very much like the way that vish has been

> > oing throu

> > gh the Advanced

> > Shiva Puja ... a verse at a time. I wonder if anyone here would be

> > nterested in doing that with

> > the 4th chapter of the Chandi?

> >

> > Jai Maa!!!!!? Jai Swamiji !!!!!

> > Linda

> >

> > am listening to the discussion. I will not share much. This is

> my

> > irst time through the Chandi in Sanskrit with all proper mantras

> and

> > rayers to be included. I am somewhat in awe and feel very much a

> > eginner even though I have some familiarity with the text through

> > hanting of some of the prayers from the Chandi in Sanskrit and

> > aving read it in it's entirety for some years in English. But

> > ostly I had no guide and did not think at the time to ask anyone.

> I

> > elt inspired by Divine Mother's courage and loving protection and

> > hat seemed to be enough. Now I know that is just the tip of the

> > ceberg so to speak and study and chanting will repay me richly. To

> > articipate in satsang even though I cannot be with other devotees

> in

> > erson is indeed a priviledge. One which I prize highly. And what

> > an I say about Swamiji's and Shree Ma's efforts to make all these

> > criptures availiable to everyone who seeks. I am blessed to live

> in

> > hese times.

> > So I will start with Chapter 1 and slowly go through it, trying to

> > rasp the meaning as well as I can. May Ma bless my efforts.

> > Om Jai Ma Kali; Om Namah Shivaya!

> > umari

> >

> > Messages in this topic (3)

> >

> ____________________

> _

> > _________

> > ____________________________

> > a. Re: to Ragan and all, from Swami-Q + A

> > Posted by: " mjfisher2005 " mjfisher2005@ mjfisher2005

> > Mon Sep 22, 2008 7:50 am ((PDT))

> > I hope you do not mind my responding to this, but it raises a

> > uestion in my mind. I am very intrested in learning the fire

> > acrifice and my question is: Is the same yantra used for them all

> > r should the specific yantras for whatever Deity is being

> worshipped

> > e used for that homa? Also, can I take any namavali of 108 names

> or

> > 008 names and use those to make offerings in the fire? How would I

> > o that? My respectfull salutations and thanks to Swamiji and Shree

> > a.

> > Om Jai Ma Kali; Om namah Shivaya

> > Kumari

> > , " inspectionconnection108 "

> > inspectionconnection108@> wrote:

> >

> > Namaste Ragan and all: Swami's response to your question is below.

> >

> > > Firstly, Pranam Swami Ji and Shree Maa, Jai Maa.

> > >

> > > Its been some time since I have corresponded.

> > >

> > > If all the chandi path can not be recited as part of the 700

> verse

> > > homa is there a particular chapter which can be recited and

> > > sacrificail ahutis given.

> > >

> > > Swami Jee, I have been specifically asked to perform the devi

> > uja as

> > > part of a relative's overall Samasti Upasana as her last major

> > uja.

> > >

> > > My part is a 2 hour puja in which I have to perform a homa.

> Please

> > > advise my dearest Sami Jee and Shree Maa. I have all the

> resources

> > > but am not sure which

> > sequence in which to conduct puja. The puja

> > > host has asked that no mistakes to be made and that I am chosen

> to

> > > perform.

> > >

> > > Your advise is a blessing in my undertaking.

> > >

> > > Namaste, Jai Mata Ki

> > >

> > > Rajan Singh

> >

> >


> >

> > Watch the video How to Draw the Yantra and Enkindle the Divine

> Fire.

> > Also, purchase the Shiva Advanced Puja Book and Yajna Paddhoti. It

> > contains the sequence of offerings and mantras.

> >


> >

> >

> >

> > essages in this topic (3)

> >

> ____________________

> _

> > b. Kumari and all: fire ceremony

> > Posted by: " inspectionconnection108 " inspectionconnection108@

> > nspectionconnection108

> > Mon Sep 22, 2008 8:30 pm ((PDT))

> > Namaste Kumari and all: there is only 1 yantra used for all fire

> > orship. Please view the video which Swami suggests and purchase the

> > ext " Advanced Shiva Puja " . The video will show how to establish the

> > antra and the text has all the verses and their English

> translations,

> > nd a diagram of the yantra.

> > nce you have established the yantra, any Deity can be worshiped with

> > antras, their 1008 names, the complele text, i.e.: Chandi Path, etc.

> > love the fire, and I really support your desire to learn how to

> > reate it yourself.

> > efore I came to the Mandir, I performed a fire ceremony daily for 2

> > ears and it changed my life. I felt more connected to Maa and Swami

> > sing the fire worship than any other sadhana. It is most powerful.

> > Jai Maa Jai Swami

> > vishweshwa

> > r

> >

> > , " mjfisher2005 " <mjfisher2005@>

> > rote:

> >

> > I hope you do not mind my responding to this, but it raises a

> > question in my mind. I am very intrested in learning the fire

> > sacrifice and my question is: Is the same yantra used for them

> all

> > or should the specific yantras for whatever Deity is being

> worshipped

> > be used for that homa? Also, can I take any namavali of 108 names

> or

> > 1008 names and use those to make offerings in the fire? How would

> I

> > do that? My respectfull salutations and thanks to Swamiji and

> Shree

> > Ma.

> >

> > Om Jai Ma Kali; Om namah Shivaya

> >

> > Kumari

> >

> > , " inspectionconnection108 "

> > <inspectionconnection108@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Namaste Ragan and all: Swami's response to your question is

> below.

> > >

> > > > Firstly, Pranam Swami Ji and Shree Maa, Jai Maa.

> > > >

> > > > Its been some time since I have corresponded.

> > > >

> > > > If all the chandi path can not be recited as part of the 700

> verse

> > > > homa is there a particular chapter which can be recited and

> > > > sacrificail ahutis given.

> > > >

> > > > Swami Jee, I have been specifically asked to perform the devi

> > puja as

> > > > part of a relative's overall Samasti Upasana as her last major

> > puja.

> > > >

> > > > My part is a 2 hour puja in which I have to perform a homa.

> Please

> > > > advise my dearest Sami Jee and Shree Maa. I have all the

> resources

> > > > but am not sure which seque

> > nce in which to conduct puja. The puja

> > > > host has asked that no mistakes to be made and that I am

> chosen to

> > > > perform.

> > > >

> > > > Your advise is a blessing in my undertaking.

> > > >

> > > > Namaste, Jai Mata Ki

> > > >

> > > > Rajan Singh

> > >

> > >


> > >

> > > Watch the video How to Draw the Yantra and Enkindle the Divine

> Fire.

> > > Also, purchase the Shiva Advanced Puja Book and Yajna Paddhoti.

> It

> > > contains the sequence of offerings and mantras.

> > >

> > > JAI MAA

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> > essages in this topic (3)

> >

> ____________________

> _

> >

> ____________________

> _

> > . Walking the Path - 21 Sep.

> > Posted by: " maadevi55 " maadevi55@ maadevi55

> > Mon Sep 22, 2008 8:30 pm ((PDT))

> >

> > ords of Wisdom

> >

> > " Each time a thought slips in, self-conceit is stealing a portion of

> > our sacrifice. If you are not thinking of Chandi 100% of the time

> then

> > elf-conceit is stealing your sacrifice. " -

> > Swami Satyananda Saraswati

> >

> > Om sanatani mayavidmahe

> > Jñana praka´sayai dhimahe

> > Tanno ´sri mam pracodayat

> >

> >

> > essages in this topic (1)

> >

> ____________________

> _

> >

> ____________________

> _

> > . Walking the Path - 22 Sep.

> > Posted by: " maadevi55 " maadevi55@ maadevi55

> > Mon Sep 22, 2008 8:30 pm ((PDT))

> >

> > he debt that we owe to our gurus and teachers is discharged by

> living

> > n accordance with the wisdom that they have tau

> > ght.

> >

> > Tattva Jnana - Published by the Devi Mandir

> > Om sanatani mayavidmahe

> > Jñana praka´sayai dhimahe

> > Tanno ´sri mam pracodayat

> >

> > essages in this topic (1)

> >

> > Please visit us online at http://www.ShreeMaa.org

> > --

> ----

> > ahoo! Groups Links

> > Digest Email | Traditional

> >

> >

> > --

> ---

> >


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I am positively loving reading through the Chandi now. I do have

Swamiji's version. I am reading it now for meaning, the Sanskrit

transliteration and then the English translation just before

Navaratra, so I can do a more ritualized reading during the nine

nights in front of the Goddess. The original copy that I have was a

very straight forward translation that did not explain very much of

the nuances of the words, so I find it exciting that the story of the

Chandi, as well as being a story of the Goddess triumphing over evil

on behalf of her devotees is also a story that applies to me

personally and is in fact a drama that is going on even as I sit here

typing this message. My question for many years was " How do I

overcome certain negative traits in myself that seem to hamper

everything I do and make my life miserable? " I was told that I had

to hand them over to God, but somehow I just didn't know how. The

Chandi tells me how. The Goddess is my exemplar. I must be fierce

and unyeilding and uncompromising when it comes to these neagtive

thoughts. They have usurped the rule of the Gods. They are untrue

and distracting and disrupting and they need to be cut down. She

will help me do so, if I trust Her. They are named in the Chandi and

I know what they are. Jai Ma! May this be a victorious Navaratri

for all!



, " inspectionconnection108 "

<inspectionconnection108 wrote:


> Namaste Kumari and all: I think it is great that you have read the

> book in English. Your grasp of the ideas and flow of activity will

> really help you " get into " the chanting from Swami's text using the

> transliterations. I hope you have purchased the text from the


> bookstore.

> When I was learning the Shiva and Durga pujas, I read them in


> many many times, and it made me appreciate the depth and breath of


> texts. After I learned to chant the transliteration, I began to

> forget what I was reading. It became mechanical, yet the flow of


> sound of Sanskrit and the meter of the verses still provided me with

> much joy and peace.

> Recently I read the English again and felt a new level of

> understanding dawn and another level of my " heart " opened.

> Swami tells us that we need to understand the words we are chanting,

> as well as the deeper bhava they hold. Swami's discourses provide


> with that experience. His Chandi discourses literally stopped my


> put the Ego to sleep, and I sat listening in complete joy,



> The Swami's video classes provide that satsunga, that meeting of

> TRUTH, which dispels intellectual doubts and opens the heart to its

> universal nature.

> We are getting ready to celebrate the 9 days of Mother Divine, when

> Maa and Swami stop the creation, and go " inside " to bask in Her

> radiance and renew themselves. This time of renewal, or


> is Her blessing to us all.

> I hope that each of us can make a sankalpa to honor Her in some way

> each day of the 9 days. By remembering Her, we remember our True

> Nature, we remember that She is our Nearest and Dearest.


> Jai Maa Jai Swami


> vishweshwar





> , " mjfisher2005 " <mjfisher2005@>

> wrote:

> >

> > Victory to you as well, Linda! :-)

> >

> > To be sure, the only reason I read the Chandi in English was


> > my little copy only had Devinagari and English, no


> > And My ability to read Devinagari was limited to spelling it out

> > letter by letter with pen in hand! I actually did that with some

> > hymns that I recognize as having come from the Chandi now. I am


> > there were some mistakes in those transliterations! It is such a

> > pleasure now, to just read them straight through and I think my

> > ability to recognize individual letters is beginning to improve.

> >

> > Om Jai Ma Kali - Om Namah Shivaya!

> > Kumari

> >

> > , nierika@ wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Kumari and all ~ interesting that you should mention


> > read through the entire Chandi in English.

> > > I have always read the transliterated Sanskrit first, then the

> > English. Reading Chapter 4, I suddenly

> > > realized how much this was limiting me. It was breaking up the

> > continuity, and so I wasn't able to

> > > gain a real comprehension of the whole. So I went back and read


> > of Verse 4 in English. It immediately

> > > made a very different impression to me, in a sense, putting me

> > right there, in the aftermath of the battle and

> > > once again realizing the incredible compassion of the Divine

> > Mother, for even the negative thoughts were

> > > allowed, through her grace, to ascend to heaven. This has

struck me

> > before, but more on an intellectual

> > > level. So I believe that this time 'round, I will take a page


> > your book and read each chapter entirely

> > > in Englis first. (The difficulty has been that I am so in love


> > Sanskrit and love the way it looks and

> > > even my poor attempts to pronounce the transliterations. Yes,

it is

> > a privelege. Thank you for

> > > reminding me of that. Jai Maa !!!!  Jai Swamiji !!!!  Kumari


> > jai !  ~ Linda

> > >

> > > Kumari wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > I am listening to the discussion. I will not share much. This


> > my

> > > irst time through the Chandi in Sanskrit with all proper


> > and

> > > rayers to be included. I am somewhat in awe and feel very much


> > > eginner even though I have some familiarity with the text


> > > hanting of some of the prayers from the Chandi in

> > > Sanskrit and

> > > aving read it in it's entirety for some years in English. But

> > > ostly I had no guide and did not think at the time to ask


> > I

> > > elt inspired by Divine Mother's courage and loving protection


> > > hat seemed to be enough. Now I know that is just the tip of


> > > ceberg so to speak and study and chanting will repay me

richly. To

> > > articipate in satsang even though I cannot be with other


> > in

> > > erson is indeed a priviledge. One which I prize highly. And


> > > an I say about Swamiji's and Shree Ma's efforts to make all


> > > criptures availiable to everyone who seeks. I am blessed to


> > in

> > > hese times.

> > > So I will start with Chapter 1 and slowly go through it, trying


> > > rasp the meaning as well as I can. May Ma bless my efforts.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Tue, 23 Sep 2008 3:44 am

> > > [www.ShreeMaa.org] Digest Number 2726

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > There are 12 messages in this issue.

> > > Topics in this digest:

> > > 1. Walking the Path - 19 Sep

> > > maadevi55

> > > 2a. spiritual calendar

> > > srini_sadhu

> > > b. Re: spiritual calendar

> > > Alphanso DSouza

> > > 3a. Re: Study of Chandi Path, Chapter 4, verses 1-7

> > > srini_sadhu

> > > b. Re: Study of Chandi Path, Chapter 4, verses 1-7

> > > srini_sadhu

> > > 4. Walking the Path - 20 Sep

> > > maadevi55

> > > 5a. To Linda,comprehensibility of the Goddess and some


> > for

> > > the

> > > inspectionconnection108

> > > 6a. Re: to Linda and all - Chandi Path Chapter 4

> > > mjfisher2005

> > > 7a. Re: to Ragan and all, from Swami-Q + A

> > > mjfisher2005

> > > b. Kumari and all: fire ceremony

> > > inspectionconnection108

> > > 8. Walking the Path - 21 Sep.

> > > maadevi55

> > > 9. Walking the Path - 22 Sep.

> > > maadevi55

> > >

> > > essages

> > >

> >


> > _

> > > . Walking the Path - 19 Sep

> > > Posted by: " maadevi55 " maadevi55@ maadevi55

> > > Mon Sep 22, 2008 7:49 am ((PDT))

> > >

> > > n order to go back to the origin, we must come and go by the


> > path.

> > > Guru and the Goddess (Kasyapa Sutra 12) - Published by the Devi

> > Mandir

> > > Om sanatani mayavidmahe

> > > Jñana praka´sayai dhimahe

> > > Tanno ´sri mam pracodayat

> > >

> > > essages in this topic (1)

> > >

> >


> > _

> > >

> >


> > _

> > > a. spiritual calendar

> > > Posted by: " srini_sadhu " srini_sadhu@ srini_sadhu

> > > Mon Sep 22, 2008 7:49 am ((PDT))

> > > Namaste!

> > > Please visit

> > >


> > > for the spiritual calendar for the upcoming week.

> > > Love

> > > rini

> > >

> > > Messages in this topic (4)

> > >

> >


> > _

> > > b. Re: spiritual calendar

> > > Posted by: " Alphanso DSouza " alphanso108@ alphansojohn

> > > Mon Sep 22, 2008 8:30 pm ((PDT))

> > >

> > > Thank you Srini for the link.

> > > m Shanti Shanti Shanti20Om!Peace and blessings to all Beings!


> > Durga Ma!

> > > lphanso

> > > @: srini_sadhu@: Mon, 22 Sep 2008

> > > 1:15:02 +0000[www.ShreeMaa.org] spiritual calendar

> > >

> > >

> > > amaste!Please

> >


> > for

> > > he spiritual calendar for the upcoming week.Lovesrini

> > >

> > >

> > >


> > >

> > > essages in this topic (4)

> > >

> >


> > _

> > >

> >


> > _

> > > a. Re: Study of Chandi Path, Chapter 4, verses 1-7

> > > Posted by: " srini_sadhu " srini_sadhu@ srini_sadhu

> > > Mon Sep 22, 2008 7:50 am ((PDT))

> > > Dear Kumari,

> > > Thank you for your post!

> > > Maa and Swamiji emphasize this teaching a lot. And they


> > this

> > > eaching in many ways.

> > > Complete your karma even if there is a lot of difficulty.

> > > This has been my main teaching. When I lived in the world, I


> > let

> > > hings slide. But in the ashram the emphasis is on completing


> > your

> > > asks for the day.

> > > Love

> > > rini

> > >

> > > , " mjfisher2005 "


> > > rote:

> > >

> > > The thing that strikes me about this story is that we must


> > our

> > > dharma even though there may be pain associated with it,


> > in

> > > not completing that duty, there is even worse pain on all


> > and

> > > the joy of doing it is so much greater than the pain.

> > >

> > > Kumari

> > >

> > > , " srini_sadhu "


> > > wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Namaste!

> > > >

> > > > Om Sam

> > > Saraswatyai Namaha!

> > > >

> > > > I am happy to begin our discussion of Chapter 4 of Chandi


> > > >

> > > > At the end of Chapter 3, Divine Mother kills the Ego and

Gods and

> > > > Goddesses (that's us) are filled with delight.

> > > >

> > > > And so they sing in praise of Divine Mother.

> > > >

> > > > She is the energy of all and She is everywhere.

> > > >

> > > > She is the Goddess of Wealth in the homes of virtuous souls


> > > misery

> > > > of those perform evil.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Once after Swamiji chanted the Chandi he was telling us that


> > felt

> > > > an excruciating pain running all the way from His feet to


> > top of

> > > > His head. And do you know what His response to the pain was?

> > > >

> > > > He said, " I thanked the Goddess for giving Her darshan in


> > form

> > > of

> > > > the shooting pain " .

> > > >

> > > > And of course, he completed His recitation without getting


> > > >

> > > > This really helped me and sometimes when I feel pain I


> > myself

> > > > of this story and it helps me sit and complete the


> > > >

> > > > How can we recognize Her in all the different ways She comes


> > us?

> > > > How can we implement this lesson from Swamiji in our lives?

> > > >

> > > > I look forward to hearing your thoughts!

> > > >

> > > > respectfully,

> > > > Srini

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > essages in this topic (5)

> > >

> >


> > _

> > > b. Re: Study of Chandi Path, Chapter 4, verses 1-7

> > > Posted by: " srini_sadhu " srini_sadhu@ srini_sadhu

> > > Mon Sep

> > > 22, 2008 7:50 am ((PDT))

> > > Dear Henny,

> > > It is true that She is infinite. But no one can grasp the


> > So

> > > e all create a for that is most appealing to us and strive to


> > > ur devotion to that form. The saints say that the form can take


> > to

> > > he doorstep of Akhanda Satchidananda. The form, the murti will


> > > ou everything you need. The life of Sri Ramakrishna, for me, is


> > > xample of how His devotion to the murti of Kali gave him


> > > Even today during the Chandi I was moving (for some reason) and


> > He

> > > sked me to focus on the scripture (instead of moving). After the

> > > oma, Swamiji emphasized to me the every thought other than Her


> > > hat Self-Conceit gets a portion of the sacrifice. The goal is to

> > > ocus on God to exclusion of other thoughts.

> > > Thanks for sharing!

> > > Love

> > > rini

> > >

> > > , " jaisanatanimaa "

> > > jaisanatanimaa@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Namaste Srini and all,

> > >

> > > reading these verses, what strikes me most is the emphasis on


> > > indescribability and the incomprehensibility of Divine Mother;


> > > cannot be 'grasped' or comprehended by the mind. And yet, this


> > > what my mind tries to do: to fashion a comfortable and safe


> > out

> > > of Divine Mother which will accomodate my idea of goodness and

> > > divinity, and which in no way forms a threat to the ego. Not

> > really.

> > > So, that mind thinks: 'surely Mother would not want me to


> > > pain, I think She won't mind if I move my leg a little'. As


> > as

> > > 'I' am confortable, I

> > > don't mind reciting the verses describing the

> > > demise of the Great Ego:)

> > >

> > > To learn to accept that She will come as She will come,

> > whether 'I'

> > > like it or not, is not so easy. To acknowledge that Her ways


> > > other than 'my' ways, and that 'I' am supported by Her and not


> > > other way around,is something to be remembered constantly. In


> > it

> > > is said that She is 'faith to the truthful'; to me, this means

> > that

> > > if we are honest enough to admit that we 'don't know Her path


> > > well', She will fill our hearts with trust in Her in whatever

> > guise

> > > She may choose,

> > >

> > > with love,

> > > Henny

> > >

> > > , " srini_sadhu "


> > > wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Namaste!

> > > >

> > > > Om Sam Saraswatyai Namaha!

> > > >

> > > > I am happy to begin our discussion of Chapter 4 of Chandi


> > > >

> > > > At the end of Chapter 3, Divine Mother kills the Ego and

Gods and

> > > > Goddesses (that's us) are filled with delight.

> > > >

> > > > And so they sing in praise of Divine Mother.

> > > >

> > > > She is the energy of all and She is everywhere.

> > > >

> > > > She is the Goddess of Wealth in the homes of virtuous souls


> > > misery

> > > > of those perform evil.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Once after Swamiji chanted the Chandi he was telling us that


> > felt

> > > > an excruciating pain running all the way from His feet to


> > top of

> > > > His head. And do you know what His response to the pain was?

> > > >

> > > > He said, " I thanked the Goddess for=2

> > > 0giving Her darshan in the form

> > > of

> > > > the shooting pain " .

> > > >

> > > > And of course, he completed His recitation without getting


> > > >

> > > > This really helped me and sometimes when I feel pain I


> > myself

> > > > of this story and it helps me sit and complete the


> > > >

> > > > How can we recognize Her in all the different ways She comes


> > us?

> > > > How can we implement this lesson from Swamiji in our lives?

> > > >

> > > > I look forward to hearing your thoughts!

> > > >

> > > > respectfully,

> > > > Srini

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > essages in this topic (5)

> > >

> >


> > _

> > >

> >


> > _

> > > . Walking the Path - 20 Sep

> > > Posted by: " maadevi55 " maadevi55@ maadevi55

> > > Mon Sep 22, 2008 7:50 am ((PDT))

> > >

> > > hrough the recitation of scripture we breathe and inhale the


> > of

> > > he scripture. We exhale the scripture, and we become the

source of

> > > eace.

> > > Guru and the Goddess (Kasyapa Sutra 11) - Published by the Devi

> > Mandir

> > > Om sanatani mayavidmahe

> > > Jñana praka´sayai dhimahe

> > > Tanno ´sri mam pracodayat

> > >

> > > essages in this topic (1)

> > >

> >


> > _

> > >

> >


> > _

> > > a. To Linda,comprehensibility of the Goddess and some questions


> > the

> > > Posted by: " inspectionconnection108 "


> > > nspectionconnection108

> > > Mon Sep 22, 2008 7:50 am ((PDT))

> > > Namaste Linda and all family: Swami has created a wonder-ful

> > > l class

> > > n the entire Chandi. His complete discourse of every chapter is

> > > tored at the Mandir web site, chapter by chapter, at

> > > ww.shreemaa.org. All your questions will be answered, and

more. I

> > > at at most of the classes, and time after time I was amazed at


> > > epth of wisdom and transcendental bliss which was transmitted

> > through

> > > wami's words.

> > > emember, Swami has chanted this text for 35+ years. He knows it

> > > ackwards and forwards. He received the boon of sitting full

time at

> > > hree Maa's feet because He devoted himself heart and soul to Maa

> > > hakti, Maa Chandi, Maa Kali, Maa Lakshi, Maa Saraswati, etc.

> > > ow it is our turn.

> > >

> > > ndeed, if we all listened to these discourses, everyone will


> > > hanting the Chandi immediately. The Chandi touches upon every


> > > f our existence. It changes and modifies every level of our

> > > xistence, and leaves us in contact with Her. This text is a

> > discourse

> > > f every moment of our lives. When you read it, remember this,


> > > see " how the Generals in the Army of the Great Ego, inside you


> > > e, interact and cause so much trouble. They are: self


> > self

> > > eprecation, too much, too little, wandering too and fro, want of

> > > esolution, etc.

> > > fter you have listened to each chapter, post your comments and

> > > eelings. I guarantee that this will change your lives.

> > >

> > > ai Ma Jai Swami

> > > vishweshwar

> > >

> > >

> > > , nierika@ wrote:

> > >

> > > jaisanatanimaa wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > reading these verses, what strikes me most is the emphasis on


> > 0D indescribability and the incomprehensibility of Divine


> > > 'I' am supported by Her and not the other way around,is


> > to

> > > be remembered constantly. In vs.5 it is said that She

is 'faith to

> > > the truthful'; to me, this means thatif we are honest enough


> > admit

> > > that we 'don't know Her path very well', She will fill our


> > > with trust in Her in whatever guise She may choose...

> > >

> > > Dear jaisanatanimaa ~ I too was struck by the references to the

> > > ncomprehensibility of Divine Mother.

> > > Also, I was struck speechless (if I'd been inclined to talk),


> > > his passage (V 4): " Whose imcomparable

> > > greatness and strengh the Lord of the Universe (Vishnu?,

> > > hiva?)...is incable to extol. So I was not

> > > the only one rendered speechless. This passage from V 3, " Her

> > > ntrinsic nature is the aggregate energy of

> > > all the Gods and Seers. " Wow!

> > >

> > > Then I decided that to really understand Chapter 4, I needed


> > read

> > > hapter 3, and then quickly realized

> > > that, actually, I would have to start with the first Chapter


> > > ead through to Chapter 4. It as there, in the

> > > " Meditation, " that I found brief descriptions of the objects


> > > arries (that? had asked about in a pre-

> > > vious post. I feel certain that these objects carry deeper


> > > ut here is how they were described:

> > > sword ... of worship (one pointed attention to the goal?)

> > >

> > > discus ... of revolving time (She stands beyond time and


> > >

> > > bow ... of determination (we need to watch where we aim an

shoot o

> > > ur

> > > rrows, and She is modeling this?)

> > >

> > > pike ... of attention (similar to the sword?)

> > >

> > > iron bar?... of restraint (couldn't come up with any additional

> > > ntuitive understanding of this one)

> > >

> > > head ... of egotism (we must let ours go, or She will take it


> > us?)

> > >

> > > conch ... of vibrations (the conch comes from the water; again


> > > eference perhaps to diving deep,or

> > > of always coming from a deep level of understanding?; being


> > > nd beyond the roiling waves of

> > > the turbulant ocean of objects and relationshps?, a bit like

> > walking

> > > n water

> > >

> > > I would be very interested to read other people's

interpretation or

> > > hese objects, because they are

> > > mentioned over and over in the Chandi Path. Is there a way to


> > > his before Swamiji and ask

> > > for his interpretation?

> > >

> > > To Devi Mandir Family: I very much like the way that vish has


> > > oing through the Advanced

> > > Shiva Puja ... a verse at a time. I wonder if anyone here

would be

> > > nterested in doing that with

> > > the 4th chapter of the Chandi?

> > >

> > > Jai Maa!!!!!? Jai Swamiji !!!!!

> > > Linda

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > essages in this topic (3)

> > >

> >


> > _

> > >

> >


> > _

> > > a. Re: to Linda and all - Chandi Path Chapter 4

> > > Posted by: " mjfisher2005 " mjfisher2005@ mjfisher2005

> > > Mon Sep 22, 2008 7:50 am ((PDT))

> > > , nierika@ wrote:

> > > To Devi Mandir Family: I very much like the way that vish has


> > > oing throu

> > > gh the Advanced

> > > Shiva Puja ... a verse at a time. I wonder if anyone here

would be

> > > nterested in doing that with

> > > the 4th chapter of the Chandi?

> > >

> > > Jai Maa!!!!!? Jai Swamiji !!!!!

> > > Linda

> > >

> > > am listening to the discussion. I will not share much. This


> > my

> > > irst time through the Chandi in Sanskrit with all proper


> > and

> > > rayers to be included. I am somewhat in awe and feel very much


> > > eginner even though I have some familiarity with the text


> > > hanting of some of the prayers from the Chandi in Sanskrit and

> > > aving read it in it's entirety for some years in English. But

> > > ostly I had no guide and did not think at the time to ask


> > I

> > > elt inspired by Divine Mother's courage and loving protection


> > > hat seemed to be enough. Now I know that is just the tip of


> > > ceberg so to speak and study and chanting will repay me

richly. To

> > > articipate in satsang even though I cannot be with other


> > in

> > > erson is indeed a priviledge. One which I prize highly. And


> > > an I say about Swamiji's and Shree Ma's efforts to make all


> > > criptures availiable to everyone who seeks. I am blessed to


> > in

> > > hese times.

> > > So I will start with Chapter 1 and slowly go through it, trying


> > > rasp the meaning as well as I can. May Ma bless my efforts.

> > > Om Jai Ma Kali; Om Namah Shivaya!

> > > umari

> > >

> > > Messages in this topic (3)

> > >

> >


> > _

> > > _________

> > > ____________________________

> > > a. Re: to Ragan and all, from Swami-Q + A

> > > Posted by: " mjfisher2005 " mjfisher2005@ mjfisher2005

> > > Mon Sep 22, 2008 7:50 am ((PDT))

> > > I hope you do not mind my responding to this, but it raises a

> > > uestion in my mind. I am very intrested in learning the fire

> > > acrifice and my question is: Is the same yantra used for them


> > > r should the specific yantras for whatever Deity is being

> > worshipped

> > > e used for that homa? Also, can I take any namavali of 108


> > or

> > > 008 names and use those to make offerings in the fire? How

would I

> > > o that? My respectfull salutations and thanks to Swamiji and


> > > a.

> > > Om Jai Ma Kali; Om namah Shivaya

> > > Kumari

> > > , " inspectionconnection108 "

> > > inspectionconnection108@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Namaste Ragan and all: Swami's response to your question is


> > >

> > > > Firstly, Pranam Swami Ji and Shree Maa, Jai Maa.

> > > >

> > > > Its been some time since I have corresponded.

> > > >

> > > > If all the chandi path can not be recited as part of the 700

> > verse

> > > > homa is there a particular chapter which can be recited and

> > > > sacrificail ahutis given.

> > > >

> > > > Swami Jee, I have been specifically asked to perform the


> > > uja as

> > > > part of a relative's overall Samasti Upasana as her last


> > > uja.

> > > >

> > > > My part is a 2 hour puja in which I have to perform a homa.

> > Please

> > > > advise my dearest Sami Jee and Shree Maa. I have all the

> > resources

> > > > but am not sure which

> > > sequence in which to conduct puja. The puja

> > > > host has asked that no mistakes to be made and that I am


> > to

> > > > perform.

> > > >

> > > > Your advise is a blessing in my undertaking.

> > > >

> > > > Namaste, Jai Mata Ki

> > > >

> > > > Rajan Singh

> > >

> > >


> > >

> > > Watch the video How to Draw the Yantra and Enkindle the Divine

> > Fire.

> > > Also, purchase the Shiva Advanced Puja Book and Yajna

Paddhoti. It

> > > contains the sequence of offerings and mantras.

> > >

> > > JAI MAA

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > essages in this topic (3)

> > >

> >


> > _

> > > b. Kumari and all: fire ceremony

> > > Posted by: " inspectionconnection108 "


> > > nspectionconnection108

> > > Mon Sep 22, 2008 8:30 pm ((PDT))

> > > Namaste Kumari and all: there is only 1 yantra used for all fire

> > > orship. Please view the video which Swami suggests and

purchase the

> > > ext " Advanced Shiva Puja " . The video will show how to

establish the

> > > antra and the text has all the verses and their English

> > translations,

> > > nd a diagram of the yantra.

> > > nce you have established the yantra, any Deity can be worshiped


> > > antras, their 1008 names, the complele text, i.e.: Chandi Path,


> > > love the fire, and I really support your desire to learn how to

> > > reate it yourself.

> > > efore I came to the Mandir, I performed a fire ceremony daily

for 2

> > > ears and it changed my life. I felt more connected to Maa and


> > > sing the fire worship than any other sadhana. It is most


> > > Jai Maa Jai Swami

> > > vishweshwa

> > > r

> > >

> > > , " mjfisher2005 "


> > > rote:

> > >

> > > I hope you do not mind my responding to this, but it raises a

> > > question in my mind. I am very intrested in learning the fire

> > > sacrifice and my question is: Is the same yantra used for


> > all

> > > or should the specific yantras for whatever Deity is being

> > worshipped

> > > be used for that homa? Also, can I take any namavali of 108


> > or

> > > 1008 names and use those to make offerings in the fire? How


> > I

> > > do that? My respectfull salutations and thanks to Swamiji and

> > Shree

> > > Ma.

> > >

> > > Om Jai Ma Kali; Om namah Shivaya

> > >

> > > Kumari

> > >

> > > , " inspectionconnection108 "

> > > <inspectionconnection108@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Namaste Ragan and all: Swami's response to your question is

> > below.

> > > >

> > > > > Firstly, Pranam Swami Ji and Shree Maa, Jai Maa.

> > > > >

> > > > > Its been some time since I have corresponded.

> > > > >

> > > > > If all the chandi path can not be recited as part of the


> > verse

> > > > > homa is there a particular chapter which can be recited and

> > > > > sacrificail ahutis given.

> > > > >

> > > > > Swami Jee, I have been specifically asked to perform the


> > > puja as

> > > > > part of a relative's overall Samasti Upasana as her last


> > > puja.

> > > > >

> > > > > My part is a 2 hour puja in which I have to perform a


> > Please

> > > > > advise my dearest Sami Jee and Shree Maa. I have all the

> > resources

> > > > > but am not sure which seque

> > > nce in which to conduct puja. The puja

> > > > > host has asked that no mistakes to be made and that I am

> > chosen to

> > > > > perform.

> > > > >

> > > > > Your advise is a blessing in my undertaking.

> > > > >

> > > > > Namaste, Jai Mata Ki

> > > > >

> > > > > Rajan Singh

> > > >

> > > >


> > > >

> > > > Watch the video How to Draw the Yantra and Enkindle the


> > Fire.

> > > > Also, purchase the Shiva Advanced Puja Book and Yajna


> > It

> > > > contains the sequence of offerings and mantras.

> > > >

> > > > JAI MAA

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > essages in this topic (3)

> > >

> >


> > _

> > >

> >


> > _

> > > . Walking the Path - 21 Sep.

> > > Posted by: " maadevi55 " maadevi55@ maadevi55

> > > Mon Sep 22, 2008 8:30 pm ((PDT))

> > >

> > > ords of Wisdom

> > >

> > > " Each time a thought slips in, self-conceit is stealing a

portion of

> > > our sacrifice. If you are not thinking of Chandi 100% of the


> > then

> > > elf-conceit is stealing your sacrifice. " -

> > > Swami Satyananda Saraswati

> > >

> > > Om sanatani mayavidmahe

> > > Jñana praka´sayai dhimahe

> > > Tanno ´sri mam pracodayat

> > >

> > >

> > > essages in this topic (1)

> > >

> >


> > _

> > >

> >


> > _

> > > . Walking the Path - 22 Sep.

> > > Posted by: " maadevi55 " maadevi55@ maadevi55

> > > Mon Sep 22, 2008 8:30 pm ((PDT))

> > >

> > > he debt that we owe to our gurus and teachers is discharged by

> > living

> > > n accordance with the wisdom that they have tau

> > > ght.

> > >

> > > Tattva Jnana - Published by the Devi Mandir

> > > Om sanatani mayavidmahe

> > > Jñana praka´sayai dhimahe

> > > Tanno ´sri mam pracodayat

> > >

> > > essages in this topic (1)

> > >

> > > Please visit us online at http://www.ShreeMaa.org

> > > -------------------------------


> > ----

> > > ahoo! Groups Links

> > > Digest Email | Traditional

> > >

> > >

> > > -------------------------------


> > ---

> > >

> >


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