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to vish about using yantra during fire ceremony

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Dear vish ~ thank you for your inspiring me with the story of how you have been doing the fire ceremony.

I have the "Advanced Shiva Puja," and will purchase the video as soon as I get home. When should

we get started? Is there a schedule for how we will chant the prefaces and the chapters?


Also I am wondering if it is okay to use the copper homas (? container to use in spaces where you can't build a wooded homa)? Question marks mean I'm not sure I'm using the right word. And what else will we

need, e.g., ghee, rice, and other items to pour on the fire. I hope my hubby doesn't go nuts. He already thinks I'm a bit looney, which works well for both of us. : ) (This is, of course, in a friendly way; not a mean way.) And then if you use a copper homa, should you make the yantra on the floor underthe copper container, or inside the container. I can't thank you enough for how you respond to and answer questions that I and other devotees post. (And when does one go from being a devotee tobeing a sadhu?) vish ki jai !!! ~ Linda


vish wrote:

Namaste Kumari and all: there is only 1 yantra used for all fireworship. Please view the video which Swami suggests and purchase thetext "Advanced Shiva Puja". The video will show how to establish theyantra and the text has all the verses and their English translations,and a diagram of the yantra.Once you have established the yantra, any Deity can be worshiped withmantras, their 1008 names, the complele text, i.e.: Chandi Path, etc.I love the fire, and I really support your desire to learn how tocreate it yourself. Before I came to the Mandir, I performed a fire ceremony daily for 2years and it changed my life. I felt more connected to Maa and Swamiusing the fire worship than any other sadhana. It is most powerful.


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