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to vish and all about karmaque

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Dear vish and all ~ as always many thanks for your sharing. The one time I was blessed to be a a homa (somewhere in Colorado; bank of some small river), when it came time to throw the rice into the river, I didn't even have any rice. I had never been to anything like that and so was like a child with a book who is unable to read. But as you said, the Guru and the Goddess (Maa and Swamiji) had it all taken care of and passed around plates of rice for those who, like me, didn't have their own.


Even though I didn't entirely understand what was happening, I was so happy. I heard the names of the Gods and Goddesses and my heart opened up with devotion (I think this was the inviting part; didn't know it at the

time). And then they explained about the karmaque (karma barbeque). Oh, I was joyous to let go of everything I could possibly think of and even what I didn't have the ability to remember. It was one of the most important experiences of my life.



vish wrote:

....With each offering of rice,with each mantra, we have the chance to throw our thoughts and karmainto the Divine Fire. Maa calls it a karma barbecue. The fire takesthe karma, burns it, and we are free of it.Sounds too amazing, to be sure, but Maa and Swami remind us that thissadhana has been performed for thousands of years, and many greatsouls have become purified by the fire of Mother's Grace. The attitude to have: sit down and pray to Mother to take yourkarmas, and the Great Ego, and all of His Generals in His Army, andlet go. Swami tell us to focus on the things we can control-keepingour knees on the ground, our back straight. The mind will come andgo, we can't control it. We can't erven surrender. Surrender what? the Ego, How will He give up? How can we force Him out? We can't. He is too strong. But wait, there is a cure for this great disease. We know, He won theboon to only be defeated by She, the Great Mother of All. And Shecomes when we call with great sincerity, and devotion...Looking for simple solutions to your real-life financial challenges? Check out WalletPop for the latest news and information, tips and calculators.

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