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to gauri about beginning Navaratri

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Dear gauri ~ many thanks for your post, the reminder (reminders always help for me) and for the question to contemplate. Hopefully, during these 9 days, the Ego will surrender it's grip a bit, but I will be on the lookout for whenever and wherever it creeps in. Jai MAA !!!!! ~ Linda



gauri wrote:

Ashwinn Navaratri will commence officially on Monday the 29th, thefirst day of the bright lunar fortnight. This will be a veryauspicious time to delve deep within and listen to Divine Mother'svoice as it guides us forward and at the same time deeper. Spiritualpractice -- be it meditation, japa, puja, homa, or a combinationthereof -- is said to be enhanced during these nine days.It is a time for contemplation of our souls. A time to find that innervoice that comes from True Knowledge and True Devotion.This is an excellent time to think about a burning question: how do weknow when that voice that we hear is really the Soul expressing itstrue nature and when is it the Ego morphing yet again to tighten its grip?Let us know what you think.Looking for simple solutions to your real-life financial challenges? Check out WalletPop for the latest news and information, tips and calculators.

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