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Learning from Chapter 3

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Dear Devi Mandir Family ~ Chapter 3 of the Chandi was like watching an action drama ... even better ... the Supreme Goddess on her magnificent Lion fighting and defeating the generals and then going one on one with the Great Ego. What did I learn?


1. Some thoughts we might consider harmless actually are part of the Ego's great army. And are any thoughts okay? How do we distinguish, discriminate? Clearly the generals, Devoid of Clear Understanding and Fickleness are negative thoughts. But, even though they have sometimes caused me great pain (like the businessman and the king) I have considered "memories," in and of themselves to simply be part of being human. Do we distinguish memories, or do we seek to annihilate them all?


2. As tricky and sneaky as the army of thoughts are the Great Ego is even more tricky because that one will change form from one breath to the next, just to fool us, and we must be single minded and focused with devotion for the Remover of Difficulties if we are to discriminate and not be fooled by the changing forms ... a buffalo, an elephant, half of a body ... had She not stabbed him in the throat, I have no doubt that the form would have kept changing. I need to be much more one pointed if I am to navigate across the ocean of objects and relationships.


3. Even when She "assumed anger," after the Buffalo Ego caused mountains to rain upon Her from the Sky, She acted as one in complete focus for the goal, and even in ecstasy. While I should not focus on ecstasy as a goal, to have the Great Mother's single pointed concentration would be a great boon and one I certainly need Her help with.


4. This is the first time I have been able to really participate in a group sankalpa, and though it's not easy (well, I don't think it's supposed to be easy), I am grateful for each Chapter I read and for each nugget of inspiration that comes my way. Equally, I am transfixed by the "story." Since, for untold lengths of time, this and other cosmic revelations, were part of an oral tradition, before they were eventually written down. The oral tradition must keep it's "audience" transfixed and interested enough to remember and follow the precepts. Then, as Swamiji has said, the great scriptures are re-translated through subsequent generations. I feel very fortunate to have Swamiji's interpretations.


Finally, I am so very grateful to be part of this group and the sankalpa.

Jai MAA !!!! Jai SWAMIJI !!!!

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