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Chapter 3 and Chandi thoughts and thanks

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Namaste all!


1. At one point where Mahisasura attacks Divine Mother he advances

to kill her lion, Dharma and Mother is outraged that her vehicle is

attacked. Cannily The Great Ego changes his form into that of a

lion, perhaps to see if he can outwit Mother and make her confused.

Of course, she is not and attacks him anyway. This only shows all

the lengths he will go to to confuse and blindside us, appearing as

though he was real concern for our loved ones, when it is only

attachment. We must be able to see through his disguises however

they may appear.


2. The first asura to to lead the armies is Devoid of Clear

Understanding. If our understanding is confused and we have not been

able to sit down and use our reason to work out why we are in the

tight spots we are in or why our spiritual practice is not proceeding

the way it should all our other problems will only worsen.


3. When The Great Ego is dispatched all the other asuras run away in

a panic. He is the one who has been holding on to all the other

thoughts, keeping them organized, not letting go of them, making it

impossible to reduce attachment. However, they are only subdued,

they will try again another day.


I think it is wonderful to be in on this study of the Chandi at this

holy time of year. It is much more than what I was expecting. I

knew I would be very happy to be able to read the Chandi in Sanskrit

and have a clear translation to follow, but I did not know that I

would have the good fortune to be a part of a satsang concerning this

book and a sankalpa for Navaratri! I am happy to share my thoughts

and love reading everyone elses to give me other perspectives.


I don't have much time for anything but sharing my thoughts. I am

doing the sankalpa in the morning and puja to each of the Goddesses

as they come up Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswati each evening for the

nine nights and I have other duties. Peace to you all.


Victory to the Goddess! I bow to you all. I bow to Swamiji. I bow

to Shree Maa.



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