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to vish about the Presence of Maa

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Dear vish ~ thank you so much for sharing this. I have read that it is the "mark" of a great soul, avatar, saint ... whatever term one wants to use ... that they bi-locate, which means they can be in more than once place at a time. And since so many are in such distress, this is really great. Perhaps I have not felt worthy to call Maa, but now I will ... fall on my knees and reach out to Her and call to Her. Sometimes I do have the sense that She, or sometimes Swamiji, hear me, or know what is going on with me, and sometimes I get a message, like the time recently when I "heard" Swamiji say I would find my Chandi books. What a relief. And I was beside myself and crying out to Maa and Swamiji. Good to hear from you again ~ Linda



vish wrote:

....But I did not feel very connected to the Chandi until today when Ibegan to read Shree Maa's autobiography, "Living with the Soul".In that book, Maa's tells us over and over of Her exploits as Chandi,in modern times. She tells how devotees around the world call onDivine Mother, cry for Her with Pure Devotion, and She goes to them.Sometimes, as Durga, sometimes as Kali, sometimes as Shree Maa, but,wherever they are, She goes to them. Whether She travels to them withan extra body, or comes to them in meditation, or in a dream, Shetells us that She hears and responds. She takes away fears, removesconfusions, heals the sick in body and spirit, and grants great joyand bliss. She knows the needs of every devotee, and creates dramas and lilaswhich bring their fears and stress to the surface, so that She, like askilled surgeon, can cut out the diseased part, and leave the devoteewhole and blissful.Thus, while the Chandi Path was written long ago, in a differentlanguage, Maa Chandi lives today in the form of Shree Maa, and whetherwe call Her in English, or Spanish, or Greek, or whatever languagecomes from our hearts, She will come, and She will heal us.This is not a miracle, or supernatural, or mystical, this is Real, andShe is Alive and Active this very moment.So, call on Her, before, during, and after you read the Chandi, andask Her to heal you. She will.Looking for simple solutions to your real-life financial challenges? Check out WalletPop for the latest news and information, tips and calculators.

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