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to vish about Chandi lessons and reminders

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Dear vish,


And how! I second it all. One thing that really struck me reciting the Chandi this time was how the Great Ego kept coming and coming and fighting and fighting. He disguised himself, he dodged, he parried, and each time Chandi Ma was still right there, ever on the alert, to take up arms for us and defeat this crafty Ego.

(I wanted to say, "defeat him," then I thought, well no, that's not right because the Ego could take any reform, but then I thought, "but ... but, in the Chandi, all the thoughts that had names were referred to as male ... hmmmm, don't know what to make of that.)


Any how, I am surely glad to turn all mine over to Mother, but still, yesterday, Ego got the better of me when I found out that my retirement account lost another 12,000 in less than a month. Insecurity, Fear and Desperation were the Asuras that grabbed me by the hair yesterday, and, even with all this reciting, I forgot to call on Mother ... I was spinning into a whirlwind of angst, and then, light as a breeze, Mother stepped in. "Silly child ... give it all to me, the plus/minus of money and I will eat your fear and despair. And I did, and She did. Chandi Ma Ki Jai (P.S. when I had come back to my senses I realized that this is happening to everyone; I am not being singled out ... it is what it is; don't take it personally, which is, of course, exactly how I took it.




vish wrote:

Namaste all family: Victory to Chandi, Chandi Maa Kai Jai: may Shetear apart all my thoughts, and leave me thoughtless, One with Her,living my true nature. How liberating it is to REALLY KNOW that Sheis everything: the "good, bad, happy, sad,", that She controls allactions. Even the thought that "i" am the doer, and that the egoreally exists, are Her thoughts. And those thoughts are asunsubstantial as dust in the wind.What a humbling and shattering lesson to our ego. And that is the point.These are the thought i have regarding the 13 chapters. New MapQuest Local shows what's happening at your destination. Dining, Movies, Events, News more. Try it out!

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