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to maadevi about Shree Maa singing and kitchens

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dear maadevi ~ Maa's singing, yes ... is too beautiful almost to hold in this small body. But then, as I said to vish, Maa's singing is one of the powerful ways to knock the boulder blocking my heart cave away and letting Maa and Swamiji and Love flow back in. I do love the Kali song.


I remember many years ago, before I had ever heard of Maa and Swamiji, my sister came over to visit. She was practically beside herself with excitement, waving a cassette tape in her hand. (That it was a cassette and not a cd shows how long ago this took place, but I remember it like yesterday.) She said, "you have to hear this, oh, it is so beautiful, Shree Maa singing. And I'm thinking, okay who is this Shree Maa. Then she played the tape. And I could understand that, although my sister had not yet met Maa and Swamiji in physical form, she had nearly instantaneously turned her life over to them.


Many of my good memories of my life are things that occurred in the kitchen ~ the kitchens of my two grandmothers, my many kitchens, the kitchens of other family members and of friends. Thank you maadevi for sharing your experience and reminding me of my own. Jai Maa !!!! ~ Linda



maadevi wrote:

Another aspect of the discipline where I notice the positivetransformation in my life is singing – singing Maas songs andfollowing her chants. Have you ever listened to Maa chanting the 1000names of Kali, the Strotram starts with Maa chanting "smasanakalika kali, bradrakali kapalini guyakali mahakali, kurukullavirodhini". Atfirst the sound seems to shock your very being but then it is replaced asea of peace and tranquillity.Signing was always a joy, but the love and devotion that goes intoMaa's singing has heightened that joy. One of my favourite parts ofNavaratri is the early morning singing in the temple, this sets the pacefor the start of the day by awakening Mother with devotional singing.Maa' s signing is my constant companion. At home, especially whendoing the chores, as the bhajans take the mind away and makes the worklight and enjoyable. At the end it is wonderful to have the privilegeof offering a clean everything to Mother.New MapQuest Local shows what's happening at your destination. Dining, Movies, Events, News more. Try it out!

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