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to maadevi about three boons from Maa

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dear maadevi ~ I have read about Maa's first meeting with Swamiji and how She came to the ashram where he was doing constant sadhana...and he sent Her away. She went, but then came back, and Swamiji realized who She was and what he had done so he let Her and all her devotees in to the ashram, and then sometime after that Swamiji went to Mother to stay with Her always.


I may be remembering some of the details wrong, but this is the story in T"he Guru and The Goddess." Now you have given another piece of the story, told from Shree Maa's point of view, and it's so beautiful, it brings tears to my eyes. How can I not believe that She is my Mother also. This is so beautiful and it shows how, if we call with utmost sincerity and belief, She will be there for us also. And I loved the part in your rendition where She said She was always giving to us three things: Pure Love, Inspiration and Appreciation. And then She said we needed to give these things to ourselves. I have heard Mother say similar things, and always it makes me cry because I feel so unworthy, how could She possibly mean that I should offer these things to myself. I remember Her telling us that, when we get up in the morning, we should look in the mirror and say "I love you." I can hardly ever do this, it is so hard and it makes me cry because who is this child that she should be worthy of this love.


What boon would I ask of Maa? That I would understand and also really feel Her Presence is always with me, in my heart, and that I would, in the altar of my heart always offer to Her Pure Love, Inspiration, Appreciation, and one more ... Pure Devotion.

Jai Maa ~ Linda



maadevi posted and wrote:

This story is told by Maa of Her meeting with Swamiji."When Swamiji came I was in Assam. You know Assam, state. I was insamadhi the whole day. And next day I came back in the morning at nineo’clock or nine-thirty and Swamiji was sitting here, and lots ofmy children was crying. They always thought that if I am in twenty-fourhour meditation, Mother will leave body. They always thought Mother willnot come back. Therefore, the whole night, the whole day their chantingfor me, Mother should come back. And that feeling was really beautiful.And so when I came back, I was feeling somebody's pulling me down anddown. And that experience was really beautiful. And Swamiji was sittinghere, and I wake up, I open my eyes, and I told Swamiji, "What do youwant from me?" And He told me, "I want boon from you?" Swamiji told me,I want boon from you. So I said, "You want boon, Ok, I'll give youboon." And He said, "No, I want word, that whatever I want, You willgive me that boon." He told me that.So I closed my eyes, and after a half an hour again I came back. And Isaid, "What boon do you want?" And He told me, "You have to stay in thisworld and protect this world." And He was crying, everyone was crying.It took time to give that word. I told Swami, "Ok, I'm promising you, Iwill help."It is the greatest example of pure love that i have ever heard of. Thisis not the love which praises today and damns tomorrow, this love is forall times, this love is true, this love is eternal. This is the lovewhich this child is seeking as i walk slowly on this path to reunitingwith the Divine. Maa would have felt Swamiji's purity of intention andpure devotion. Maa once said to me "i do not know about others, but iknow you speak truth to me, it is my pray one day to hear her say,maadevi, I know your love is true.Once during an interview Maa was asked - "So, when you werespreading your message to the people. If there was one thing that youcould have everyone understand what would that be?"Beloved Maa responded – "I always give my Pure Love. I alwayssay to my children, you know, I'm giving three things. Pure Love,Inspiration and Appreciation. These three things give yourself".Please share your thoughts.Play online games for FREE at Games.com! All of your favorites, no registration required and great graphics – check it out!

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