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to kanna about mantra

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Hi kana ~ thank you for posting this. Is it a mantra, because I would like to use it as such. In that case would it go like this:


Vedoktam Ratri Suktan

Tantroktam Ratri Suktam


with the meaning to the words as given below.


Please forgive if I'm acting the overly cautious, but I don't want to recite anything the wrong way.

Jai Maa , Jai Swamiji

~ Linda



kana wrote:

There are 5 messages in this issue.Topics in this digest:1a. The 3rd day of November is a very special day... Joan Fisher2. Re: about my birthday nierika3. Evening with Chandi Maa ; Chandi Video Class- atha vedoktam & tant kanna krishnan4. Re: to vish about being in the Presence nierika5a. To Renuka and all: about doing it "right," and the Chandi mantra inspectionconnection108Messages______________________1a. The 3rd day of November is a very special day... Posted by: "Joan Fisher" mjfisher2005 mjfisher2005 Tue Nov 4, 2008 9:18 am ((PST))Happy Birthday Linda! I hope you had a great day! May Shiva take away your troubles and may Divine Mother keep you free of that Asura Mistrust (He bothers me a lot, too!)Om Jai Ma Kali! Om Namah Shivaya!Kumari Messages in this topic (2)__________2. Re: about my birthday Posted by: "nierika" nierika skyedaughter Tue Nov 4, 2008 9:18 am ((PST))Dear Devi Mandir Family ~ it is hard to describe what I felt reading this, but I had a sense of release and joy. Thank you for the best birthday present of all ~ LindaDevi Mandir Birthday Elf wrote:...Dear Linda, happy birthday! Thank you for sharing your love and wisdom so generously with all your friends and family at the Devi Mandir Group. Please accept this Seed of Wisdom from the Devi Mandir Garden of Bliss as our birthday gift to you and as a token of our love and appreciation:...**************Plan your next getaway with AOL Travel. Check out Today's Hot 5 Travel Deals! (http://pr.atwola.com/promoclk/100000075x1212416248x1200771803/aol?redir=http://travel.aol.com/discount-travel?ncid=emlcntustrav00000001)Messages in this topic (1)__________3. Evening with Chandi Maa ; Chandi Video Class- atha vedoktam & tant Posted by: "kanna krishnan" kanna_krishnan2002 kanna_krishnan2002 Tue Nov 4, 2008 9:19 am ((PST))Thus Spake Swamiji ;Vedoktam Ratri SuktamIn everything we do .............is design to bring us to the LIGHT !Tantroktam Ratri SuktamWe praise Goddess of Darkness because She left ...............and what She left behind ,Her sister the Light !!Jai Maa !! Messages in this topic (1)__________4. Re: to vish about being in the Presence Posted by: "nierika" nierika skyedaughter Tue Nov 4, 2008 9:19 am ((PST))Dear vish ~ your words are a great comfort to me, and I have the utmost belief that they're true. Seeing Maa and Swamiji the two times I did, I had the bhav of feeling in the Presence of Divinity. With Maa, it was soft like a beautiful feather, and with Swamiji, it was like a a bell, ringing loud and true. They are the essence of Divine Feminine (the Goddess) and the Divine Masculine (the God), and the way in which they complement each other shines as the Divine Unity of Shiva and Shakti. I can't say more, even though there would be more that could be said. My own Ego General comes in the form of physical pain and other symptoms, and takes center stage because of them. But even in this case, I feel that when I don't give credence to that big Ego, he melts away like the wicked witch in the Wizard of Oz. And then what I am left with is a sense of being in Divine Presence, and my unsettled feelings give way to that Light. Somehow, I feel I am not saying this very well, but it is very true. Thank you for your so articulate and heartfelt words that do say how I feel. Jai Maa , Jai SwamijiLinda vish wrote:...Every devotee of the Devi Mandir has their own story of pain andsuffering, and how they called and cried and prayed to Maa, and howShe came to them and opened their heart and quieted their mind, andbrought them peace. I realize that the forces of the ego seem so strong and mighty andunbeatable, but, MOTHER IS STRONGER AND MOTHER WILL WIN THE BATTLE.I am not a philosopher, nor do I have a huge intellect, but, I havebeen with Shree Maa and Swami for 11 years, and I have observed, timeand time again, their mastery of time and space, and their ability toperform superhuman acts of mercy and Grace, which could only comebecause that they have realized that Divine State of Oneness with God.The Hindu scriptures teach us that Divinity can manifest, and theytell us how an enlightened one would act, and how they can help thisworld. **************Plan your next getaway with AOL Travel. Check out Today's Hot 5 Travel Deals! (http://pr.atwola.com/promoclk/100000075x1212416248x1200771803/aol?redir=http://travel.aol.com/discount-travel?ncid=emlcntustrav00000001)Messages in this topic (1)__________5a. To Renuka and all: about doing it "right," and the Chandi mantra Posted by: "inspectionconnection108" inspectionconnection108 inspectionconnection108 Tue Nov 4, 2008 9:19 am ((PST))Namaste Renuka: Swami indicated in his response to you about theChandi mantra that it begins with OM. He also said that Chandi isyour Mother and She loves you and will accept whatever you offer. There is no "right or wrong".In the same way, when you were a young child and just beginning tospeak, and you began to talk to your Mother, you did not always speakclearly, but she held you in her arms and told you how much she lovedyou. She guided you, and gave you unconditional love.There is no harm doing the mantra without OM at the beginning, butSwami has indicated it is best to use OM.I realize it is difficult when one begins a relationship with Maa andSwami by e mail, but know that they are with you in your heart. Justclose your eyes and pray to them for help and guidance as you chantthe Chandi mantra. I think of Shree Maa as Chandi, so when I am chanting this mantra, Ipicture Her in my heart or third eye. Thus, my relationship with Hergrows more intimate when I chant this mantra. You can picture Maa orwhatever deity you feel closest to when you repeat the mantra. This is just a suggestion, it is not a requirement. Do what feelsright to you, and always begin your practice by asking Her for Herhelp and guidance, and when you finish, ask Her forgiveness of anymistakes you may have made.The most important thing is that you chant Her mantra. Do it dailyand you will see results.God BlessJai Ma Jai Swamivishweshwar , devi <student61754 wrote:>> Om aim hrim klim camundayai vicce> > Jai Maa,> > Devi> > --- On Sun, 11/2/08, nierika <nierika wrote:> nierika <nierika> [www.ShreeMaa.org] Re:to glassfairy about doing it "right,"and the Chandi mantra> > Sunday, November 2, 2008, 5:56 AM> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Dear glassfairy ~ I don't know the answer to your second question,though > since Swamiji said to do the om at the beginning of the Chandimantra, I'm sure > it's okay to just start doing it and to not worry about having notdone it in > the past. > > Last night I made a sankalpa to do one session from the Chandi class, > from the website where there are videos of Swamiji's live classes.Besides > it being wonderful just to see Swamiji, and Maa sitting a bit in thebackground > and adding comments here and there, one thing really jumped out atme. Swamiji > said in a very clear way not to worry -- not to worry if we arechanting it > right, not to worry that we are doing something imperfectly -- not to > worry, just to do it. I was so happy he said this because I am aworrier and one > of my worries is always, "am I doing it right." > > Also, can anybody tell me what the Chandi mantra is? I didn't knowthere > was a Chandi mantra, unless it is the Durga mantra. There are manymantras in > the Chandi; is there a particular one that Swamiji has suggested wedo? Many > thanks to glassfairy and to all ~ Linda> > > glassfairy wrote:> oh > no...i started without om....will there be any side effect? can i> continue > without om? > > > > Plan your next getaway with AOL Travel. Check out Today's Hot 5Travel Deals!>Messages in this topic (3)Please visit us online at http://www.ShreeMaa.org------

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