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to vish about singing

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Dear vish ~ from your heart and mind straight into mine. I know you mean this to be for the whole group, but, in some ways, I feel like it is a message from Maa, through you, to me.


I have sung all my life. From my late teens on, up until the last couple of years, I have written songs and performed them so I could share what came through me. Two years ago, I lost my voice...literally ... not my speaking voice, but my singing voice. I no longer sounded "good" (i.e., pretty) to myself; I sounded like a frog. So I hung up my guitar and stopped singing.


But the longing to sing never stopped, and I hum or sing quietly along with bhajans. My newest favorite is a beautiful chant of the Asa To Ma prayer. I feel that Maa has said, through you, don't mind however your voice sounds Linda, just sing...singing has always been your pathway to the Divine. Don't stop now; now sing even more. And so I will. Than you from the bottom of my heart and with all my soul. Jai Maa , Jai Swamiji

Jai vish ~ Ldain




vish wrote:

Namaste: Is there any limit to the songs we can sing to praise theGlory of God? No, just sing, sing, sing, sing all day and all night.Sing to the Glory of God and to your own immortal soul, sing untilyou become filled with the bhava of Ramakrishna, or whatever form ofGod most dear to your heart.Sing in English, or Sanskrit, or your Mother tongue, God speaks alllanguages. Sing from your heart, whether on key or off, God willbless you with Grace.When Maa sings at the Mandir, in Bengali or English, She sings aboutwhatever Deity moves Her, first a song about Shiva, then Ramakrishna,then Durga, on and on, invoking the bhava of each aspect of the One God.When you are done singing, there are closing prayers at the end of theCosmic text which complete a kirtan session very nicely, but you canchoose other mantras, including those at the end of the Chandi text,Shiva text, as well.Enjoy and may God bless us all with Pure Devotion, for that is thehighest benefit from singing with all of our hearts.Get the Moviefone Toolbar. Showtimes, theaters, movie news more!

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Dear vish ~ this makes yet another "message" to me about my creativity. Since "loosing" my voice several years ago (ENT said it was due to my Fibromyalgis), I have had so much loss and sadness that I can no longer sing and perform my (original) music anymore. This has been huge to me because I felt that my music was/is a gift from God, and that whenever I sang, whether publicly during a performance, in a group, or in my home while practicing, I was singing God's praises. I have picked my guitar only once in the past year and more, and I could barely lift it.


Your post, like srini's, gives me a wonderful message to not give up. Even if I sound like a frog, will God love the gift of me singing the songs that (S)He has inspired me to create. I think the Goddess srini spoke of would want me to sing. Would Maa want me to sing? The part about Maa suggesting to everyone to open their throats brought tears to my eyes. So I will begin again, if only singing for God/dess alone; it was always about God/dess in any case and needs no other audience. Thank you vish. Jai Maa !!! Jai Swamiji !!!

~ Linda P. S. where on the website are the Christmas songs (or where will they be)? Also, does anyone know if the Devi Mandir Songbook will ever be put back for sale in the bookstore? It was there for awhile, and then it was gone.



vish wrote:

We had a blast singing theChristmas songs. On Saturday night they were recorded and I thinkthey are posted on the Mandir web site. If not, they will be soon. Maa wrote 2 new songs for this Christmas, and they are very beautiful.It is amazing to work with Maa as she constructs and edits a song,then leads us through the practice until we "get it". Music is a universal shakti transmitter. Whether we sing in Bengali,Sanskrit, or English, the songs make everyone high. Maa laughs andjokes and pushes us to sing beyond ourselves, to "open our voices", asshe puts it. When we get to the point that we are all singing as one soul, Maa isoverjoyed, and at the end of each song, she thanks us. I hope you all can join us Christmas eve and you will really feel thejoy which comes through us all.One site keeps you connected to all your email: AOL Mail, Gmail, and Mail. Try it now.

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Dear vish ~ my eyes are still streaming tears of joy, healing tears, as I have read your words below. What a gift you, and also srini in her post, have given to me. I could not have wished for a better Christmas present than this. I will pick up my guitar and sing, and know it as an offereing to Maa and Swamiji, and to be grateful for my voice, however it may sound. Thank you once again, vish ~ Linda

Jai Maa Jai Swamiji



vish wrote:

Namaste: Sing, sing, sing your heart out. Who cares how you sound. I am not very good at all, yet I sing in the Mandir chorus and have agreat time. Anyway, as Maa tells us, it is not about the "sound", butthe "heart" behind the sound which makes all the difference. I amcertain that your heart is full of love and that will flow out of youlike a great river. Maa teaches that singing is a great sadhana because it opens theheart. So sing, sing, sing, and sing some more, and whatever troublesthe body will be forgotten as you sing. And afterwards, as you float on the joy from singing, your body willfeel the energy and light which comes from a full heart. Yes, music is a gift from God, so we give back whatever we are capableof, and with a full heart, be thankful for the chance to spread the joy.One site keeps you connected to all your email: AOL Mail, Gmail, and Mail. Try it now.

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