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KUMARI AND ALL: learning Shva puja and your beloved

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Namaste Kumari and all family: You touch upon several different, yet

inter-related topics. Let's review one at a time:

1. learning Shiva puja: there is a Beginner Shiva puja text, and a CD

with Swami chanting all the mantras, which contains all the core

practices, as well as His 108 names, and aarti. It is a great place

to begin one's practice. It takes about 30 minutes to perform puja

and aarti, once one learns the mantras. It is easy to memorize too,

because it uses shorter mantras for the offerings and the mantras of

His meditation are much shorter. Once one familiarizes oneself with

the basic sections and their meanings, one can build upon those

building blocks, and add sections and mantras from the Advanced Shiva

Puja text. For example, the offering mantras for a beginner: milk,

yogurt, water, sugar water, etc., are much shorter. When one is

ready, insert the longer mantras from the Advanced text. Same for the

meditation of Shiva. Then one can add entire sections, building a

longer and longer puja. For example, add Shiva Kavach, then add

" establishing the pot " , etc.

Start simple, become so familiar with the puja that it flows, and one

can really establish a relationship with Him, and not with the book.

At the same time, work to lengthen your asan, your position while

performing puja. Sit in the lotus, or 1/2 lotus, with back erect. Do

not break your asan, keeping knees and rear end on the floor during

the entire puja. Then, when you can sit in this asan perfectly,

extend the lenght of time, 5 minutes a month. As you increase the

time you sit in an asan, increase the time you perform puja.

In this model, you are training mind and body together. Both must be

disciplined in order to achieve maximum results.

2. your relationship with your beloved: With all respect to you and

your beloved, you write about him as if he is a stranger: someone you

love from afar, someone you would like to know better, but are afraid

to speak your mind and heart to. In " BEFORE BECOMING THIS " , Maa and

Swami teach that both parties must discuss and create mutually agreed

upon goals so that there is a unity of purpose, so that both your

energies, your entire being, is focused in unison, to strive towards

common goals. It seems premature to think about literally worshiping

his feet when you are unsure if he even feels the same way about

spirituality as you.

There is much to talk about with your beloved before you discuss

performing puja to him. Consider giving him a copy of BEFORE BECOMING

THIS, and then begin discussing it with him, one chapter at a time.

If he is comfortable with those ideas, introduce him to the Mandir web

site, and show him a video of Maa singing, and Swami teaching a class

on Shiva puja. Be gentle and kind, and give him every chance to

question and understand these ideas and concepts which mean so much to

you. Do not rush him. Allow him the space to integrate these ideas

into his world view, and constantly tell him you love him as he is,

not how you wish him to be.

See Shiva in him now, as he is. And love him and support him, and

nuture him as Mother Divine supports Shiva.

That will be your puja. Puja is a way of life, not just sitting and

doing mantras in front of an image of Shiva, or a lingum, on an altar.

Puja is a focused act, with the intention of becoming closer and

closer to the object of attention. You wish to become one with your

beloved, then, you must learn all about him, his likes and dislikes,

and his goals and aspirations, then, work to help him manifest them.

That is your puja, that is the puja of a devoted wife for her husband.

If you share the same goals and aspirations, then he will want to

return the loving energy you show him. He will want to make you

happy, and satisfy your needs and desires. He will want to perform

puja to you in the same manner which you do to him.

And, maybe one day, you will both perform puja to each other's feet.

This will happen when you have total harmony of purpose, and you long

to really express your deepest love and respect for each other, and

help each other manifest your true divinity.

Have high hopes, and share them with your beloved. And really listen

and respect his highest goals.

A marriage is a lifelong journey. Every step together brings growth

and knowledge and opens the heart. If you share the same goals and

aspirations, then you can truly have a " Marriage Made in Heaven " .

Isn't that a goal worth manifesting?


Please understand, I have been married 30+ years, and did not have the

benefit of this knowledge when me were first married. We made many

misteps, and took many detours along our path, but once we met Maa and

Swami, and they guided us talking about our needs and goals, only then

did we really begin to grow as a team, and begin to understand that we

are really one soul, never to be parted.

Pray to Maa and Swami, Mother Divine and Lord Shiva, for guidance, and

they will surely respond. Look into the eyes of your beloved, and

look for Shiva, surely you will find Him there.


Jai Maa Jai Swami







, " mjfisher2005 " <mjfisher2005



> Dear Vish:


> Thank you for your support. This is a big task (learning the Shiva

> Puja), but my desire to do so is strong. Ma Kali and Mahadeva are

> very important to me. They are the pattern of male/female

> relationships as well as the pattern of the universe and what lies

> beyond. This is what attracts me to Swamiji and Shree Maa as well,

> they are exemplifying this pattern on a high level as well. I hope I

> am up to the task.


> One thing concerns me, though. I have offered puja to my beloved's

> picture but not to him directly. I am afraid when it comes time to

> introduce this idea to him, that if I do worship him it will increase

> his ego. Also, then should I expect him to worship me in a similar

> manner as Divine Mother? Would that help to balance things out? I

> would love to practice sadhana with him, but I respect him enough as

> an individual to not get my hopes up too high.


> Om Jai Ma Kali! Om Namaha Shivaya!

> Kumari


> , " inspectionconnection108 "

> <inspectionconnection108@> wrote:

> >

> > Namaste Kumari and all: what a great goal. The worship of Shiva is

> > wonderful and fulfilling. In Maa and Swami's book, BEFORE BECOMING

> > THIS, they state that performing Shiva puja makes one more resolute,

> > and strong, and able to fulfill sankalpas because Shiva is Lord of

> > Sankalpa. It also helps one to see the intrinsic nature of creation

> > rather than just the surface transient nature of relative existence.

> > When one worships one's husband as Lord Shiva, literally performing

> > puja to his feet, one enlivens those qualities in him and helps one

> to

> > see those qualities in him.

> > I have been doing Shiva puja daily for 10 years, and it has changed

> my

> > life. Maa suggested to me that memorizing parts of the puja, such

> as

> > the offerings, is a great way to strengthen one's practice and

> obtain

> > greater devotion.

> > As She and Swami state: it is better to look into the eyes of one's

> > beloved while worshiping them, instead of looking down at the book,

> > then up to their eyes, and back and forth, as one reads the

> mantras.

> > If one has them memorized, then one can stay focused on the eyes of

> > your beloved, and devotion and love will grow.

> > May Shiva and Maa and Swami bless you will pure devotion as you dive

> > deeply in Shiva, the Consciousness of Infinite Goodness.

> >

> > Jai Maa jai Swami

> >

> > vishweshwar

> >

> >

> >

> > , " mjfisher2005 " <mjfisher2005@>

> > wrote:

> > >

> > > I have no doubt that the sadhana being practiced now in India is

> having

> > > positive and wonderful effects. I have commenced reading the

> Kashyapa

> > > Sutras from the Guru and the Goddess and I cannot even say how

> deeply

> > > and profoundly this is effecting me. My relationships with my

> family

> > > and my fiance are only getting better. I have made mention to my

> > > fiance that I consider us both to be expressions of Divine force

> and

> > > this seemed to please him very much. So there is a sacramental

> > > dimension to our relationship which I will tend and watch grow

> with

> > > happiness. I am also taking up the study of the Advanced Shiva

> Puja

> > > section by section, reading aloud first each verse in Sanskrit

> and then

> > > English, then a whole section in Sanskrit and then in English,

> English

> > > only and then Sanskrit only. My goal is to have enough

> familiarity

> > > with the puja to be able to offer complete worship to Shiva at

> > > MahaShiva Ratri next year. I ask for Swamiji's and Shree Maa's

> blessing

> > > that I may be able to attain this goal. Even if I cannot, the

> good

> > > effects from chanting and studying will stay with me, I am sure.

> So,

> > > in my small way I am trying to reflect the sadhana going on in

> India.

> > >

> > > Om Jai Kali Ma! Om namah Shivaya!

> > > Kumari

> > >

> > > , " inspectionconnection108 "

> > > <inspectionconnection108@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Namaste all family: this is a most powerful time in our

> world. Maa

> > > > and Swami and our family in India are deep in sadhana. We at

> the

> > > > Mandir in Napa, California feel the effects of their sadhana

> and are

> > > > trying to do as much sadhana as possible to be in harmony with

> Maa and

> > > > Swami. FEEL THE MAGIC, close your eyes and sink into the love

> and

> > > > sweetness of Your Self.

> > > > The world needs this wave of love to envelop all and everyone.

> So,

> > > > let's give our best and pray for peace in this Universe, and the

> > > > balance of too much and too little.

> > > >

> > > > Jai Maa Jai Swami

> > > >

> > > > vishweshwar

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Namaste Vish:


Thank you for answering me. It is refreshing to have someone answer

me at length. I appreciate your serious response and the thought you

put behind it.


1. You have actually answered a question I had before I asked it.

What a wonderful coincidence if coincidence it is. I have the

beginner Shiva puja text. I feel as though I am gaining familiarity

with it, although I am not quite there yet. I do Shiva puja at least

once a week along with other pujas that I do regularly. Very, very

simply at this point, almost completely learning on my own, with only

the text to guide me.


The cd with Swamiji chanting the puja would be very helpful to me at

this point. That was my question. " How do I know I am pronouncing

the mantras and intoning them correctly? " I hate to do a less than

competent job of it. I will certainly place an order for the Shiva

Puja cd at once.


My body will not allow me to sit in a lotus pose at this point. But

I will practice sitting on the floor so that I will have a firm

seat. I will do as much as I can and may the Lord and Lady be

forgiving of my weakness.


At this point I am narrowing my focus to Shiva. Divne Mother is

always included in that attitude, but I do believe as you have

mentioned that I need the firm determination of Mahadev in my life,

to be strong in vows. This means the overhauling of my life and I am

in the process of doing that. I believe this will make me ready for

the highest love that I can express and receive. This is vital,

because I have failed before and only the will to love will correct

the faults in me that caused my past relationships to fail.


2. Very slowly I am introducing the concepts of sadhana to my

beloved. I do not need to justify my relationship to you, with all

due respect. But your points are taken. There are several reasons

why I am going slowly with introducing him to the concepts of my

religious path. But introducing him, I am. He is well aware of

my " interest " in India and it's spritual paths. I have told him of

key concepts and spoken to him of the mythology. He has seen my

shrine and I have not hesitated to practice my pujas and meditation

when I am with him. He has agreed to have a homa fire sacrifice for

our wedding as well as a civic ceremony. He treats my beliefs with

respect and he has an inkling of what a divine relationship between

us could be. He knows about Swamiji and Shree Maa and I believe he

has visited the web site. Further than that I cannot go at this

point. We do live physically far away from each other - your

intuition must be functioning 100%, dear Vish - it is in the living

as a couple that these things will play out. But I will always see

him as Shiva in my heart, no matter what happens.


I will continue to pray for guidance and continue the hard work of

overhauling my life. I have utmost respect for Swamiji and Shree

Maa, they are my examples that I can hardly hope to aspire to.


Om Jai Kali Ma! Om Namah Shivaya!



, " inspectionconnection108 "

<inspectionconnection108 wrote:


> Namaste Kumari and all family: You touch upon several different,


> inter-related topics. Let's review one at a time:

> 1. learning Shiva puja: there is a Beginner Shiva puja text, and a


> with Swami chanting all the mantras, which contains all the core

> practices, as well as His 108 names, and aarti. It is a great place

> to begin one's practice. It takes about 30 minutes to perform puja

> and aarti, once one learns the mantras. It is easy to memorize too,

> because it uses shorter mantras for the offerings and the mantras of

> His meditation are much shorter. Once one familiarizes oneself with

> the basic sections and their meanings, one can build upon those

> building blocks, and add sections and mantras from the Advanced


> Puja text. For example, the offering mantras for a beginner: milk,

> yogurt, water, sugar water, etc., are much shorter. When one is

> ready, insert the longer mantras from the Advanced text. Same for


> meditation of Shiva. Then one can add entire sections, building a

> longer and longer puja. For example, add Shiva Kavach, then add

> " establishing the pot " , etc.

> Start simple, become so familiar with the puja that it flows, and


> can really establish a relationship with Him, and not with the


> At the same time, work to lengthen your asan, your position while

> performing puja. Sit in the lotus, or 1/2 lotus, with back erect.


> not break your asan, keeping knees and rear end on the floor during

> the entire puja. Then, when you can sit in this asan perfectly,

> extend the lenght of time, 5 minutes a month. As you increase the

> time you sit in an asan, increase the time you perform puja.

> In this model, you are training mind and body together. Both must


> disciplined in order to achieve maximum results.

> 2. your relationship with your beloved: With all respect to you and

> your beloved, you write about him as if he is a stranger: someone


> love from afar, someone you would like to know better, but are


> to speak your mind and heart to. In " BEFORE BECOMING THIS " , Maa and

> Swami teach that both parties must discuss and create mutually


> upon goals so that there is a unity of purpose, so that both your

> energies, your entire being, is focused in unison, to strive towards

> common goals. It seems premature to think about literally


> his feet when you are unsure if he even feels the same way about

> spirituality as you.

> There is much to talk about with your beloved before you discuss

> performing puja to him. Consider giving him a copy of BEFORE


> THIS, and then begin discussing it with him, one chapter at a time.

> If he is comfortable with those ideas, introduce him to the Mandir


> site, and show him a video of Maa singing, and Swami teaching a


> on Shiva puja. Be gentle and kind, and give him every chance to

> question and understand these ideas and concepts which mean so much


> you. Do not rush him. Allow him the space to integrate these ideas

> into his world view, and constantly tell him you love him as he is,

> not how you wish him to be.

> See Shiva in him now, as he is. And love him and support him, and

> nuture him as Mother Divine supports Shiva.

> That will be your puja. Puja is a way of life, not just sitting and

> doing mantras in front of an image of Shiva, or a lingum, on an


> Puja is a focused act, with the intention of becoming closer and

> closer to the object of attention. You wish to become one with your

> beloved, then, you must learn all about him, his likes and dislikes,

> and his goals and aspirations, then, work to help him manifest


> That is your puja, that is the puja of a devoted wife for her


> If you share the same goals and aspirations, then he will want to

> return the loving energy you show him. He will want to make you

> happy, and satisfy your needs and desires. He will want to perform

> puja to you in the same manner which you do to him.

> And, maybe one day, you will both perform puja to each other's feet.

> This will happen when you have total harmony of purpose, and you


> to really express your deepest love and respect for each other, and

> help each other manifest your true divinity.

> Have high hopes, and share them with your beloved. And really


> and respect his highest goals.

> A marriage is a lifelong journey. Every step together brings growth

> and knowledge and opens the heart. If you share the same goals and

> aspirations, then you can truly have a " Marriage Made in Heaven " .

> Isn't that a goal worth manifesting?


> Please understand, I have been married 30+ years, and did not have


> benefit of this knowledge when me were first married. We made many

> misteps, and took many detours along our path, but once we met Maa


> Swami, and they guided us talking about our needs and goals, only


> did we really begin to grow as a team, and begin to understand that


> are really one soul, never to be parted.

> Pray to Maa and Swami, Mother Divine and Lord Shiva, for guidance,


> they will surely respond. Look into the eyes of your beloved, and

> look for Shiva, surely you will find Him there.


> Jai Maa Jai Swami


> vishweshwar





> , " mjfisher2005 " <mjfisher2005@>

> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Vish:

> >

> > Thank you for your support. This is a big task (learning the


> > Puja), but my desire to do so is strong. Ma Kali and Mahadeva


> > very important to me. They are the pattern of male/female

> > relationships as well as the pattern of the universe and what


> > beyond. This is what attracts me to Swamiji and Shree Maa as


> > they are exemplifying this pattern on a high level as well. I

hope I

> > am up to the task.

> >

> > One thing concerns me, though. I have offered puja to my


> > picture but not to him directly. I am afraid when it comes time


> > introduce this idea to him, that if I do worship him it will


> > his ego. Also, then should I expect him to worship me in a


> > manner as Divine Mother? Would that help to balance things

out? I

> > would love to practice sadhana with him, but I respect him enough


> > an individual to not get my hopes up too high.

> >

> > Om Jai Ma Kali! Om Namaha Shivaya!

> > Kumari

> >

> > , " inspectionconnection108 "

> > <inspectionconnection108@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Namaste Kumari and all: what a great goal. The worship of

Shiva is

> > > wonderful and fulfilling. In Maa and Swami's book, BEFORE


> > > THIS, they state that performing Shiva puja makes one more


> > > and strong, and able to fulfill sankalpas because Shiva is Lord


> > > Sankalpa. It also helps one to see the intrinsic nature of


> > > rather than just the surface transient nature of relative


> > > When one worships one's husband as Lord Shiva, literally


> > > puja to his feet, one enlivens those qualities in him and helps


> > to

> > > see those qualities in him.

> > > I have been doing Shiva puja daily for 10 years, and it has


> > my

> > > life. Maa suggested to me that memorizing parts of the puja,


> > as

> > > the offerings, is a great way to strengthen one's practice and

> > obtain

> > > greater devotion.

> > > As She and Swami state: it is better to look into the eyes of


> > > beloved while worshiping them, instead of looking down at the


> > > then up to their eyes, and back and forth, as one reads the

> > mantras.

> > > If one has them memorized, then one can stay focused on the

eyes of

> > > your beloved, and devotion and love will grow.

> > > May Shiva and Maa and Swami bless you will pure devotion as you


> > > deeply in Shiva, the Consciousness of Infinite Goodness.

> > >

> > > Jai Maa jai Swami

> > >

> > > vishweshwar

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > , " mjfisher2005 "


> > > wrote:

> > > >

> > > > I have no doubt that the sadhana being practiced now in India


> > having

> > > > positive and wonderful effects. I have commenced reading the

> > Kashyapa

> > > > Sutras from the Guru and the Goddess and I cannot even say


> > deeply

> > > > and profoundly this is effecting me. My relationships with


> > family

> > > > and my fiance are only getting better. I have made mention

to my

> > > > fiance that I consider us both to be expressions of Divine


> > and

> > > > this seemed to please him very much. So there is a


> > > > dimension to our relationship which I will tend and watch


> > with

> > > > happiness. I am also taking up the study of the Advanced


> > Puja

> > > > section by section, reading aloud first each verse in


> > and then

> > > > English, then a whole section in Sanskrit and then in


> > English

> > > > only and then Sanskrit only. My goal is to have enough

> > familiarity

> > > > with the puja to be able to offer complete worship to Shiva


> > > > MahaShiva Ratri next year. I ask for Swamiji's and Shree


> > blessing

> > > > that I may be able to attain this goal. Even if I cannot,


> > good

> > > > effects from chanting and studying will stay with me, I am


> > So,

> > > > in my small way I am trying to reflect the sadhana going on


> > India.

> > > >

> > > > Om Jai Kali Ma! Om namah Shivaya!

> > > > Kumari

> > > >

> > > > , " inspectionconnection108 "

> > > > <inspectionconnection108@> wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > Namaste all family: this is a most powerful time in our

> > world. Maa

> > > > > and Swami and our family in India are deep in sadhana. We


> > the

> > > > > Mandir in Napa, California feel the effects of their


> > and are

> > > > > trying to do as much sadhana as possible to be in harmony


> > Maa and

> > > > > Swami. FEEL THE MAGIC, close your eyes and sink into the


> > and

> > > > > sweetness of Your Self.

> > > > > The world needs this wave of love to envelop all and


> > So,

> > > > > let's give our best and pray for peace in this Universe,

and the

> > > > > balance of too much and too little.

> > > > >

> > > > > Jai Maa Jai Swami

> > > > >

> > > > > vishweshwar

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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