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New to the group (introduction + general question)

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I have just joined the Devi Mandir list, following the kind advice of

Swamiji (who suggested I direct some of my questions to the list). It is

not my intention to clog everyone's mailbox with personal matters, but I

understand the purpose of this group is for people 'to exchange spiritual

knowledge'. I am seriously interested in Sanatana Dharma and am seeking

for some genuine guidance/advice.


A little background first. I am European (I live in England), but have

started exploring the Indian tradition some three years ago. Since then, I

have been praying to the Devi (my ishtadevata), while trying to learn

Sanskrit and reading as much as I could. I have come upon a lot of

conflicting information though, and now am plagued with doubts.


When I started praying to the Devi, I figured it might be easiest to do

japa to cultivate bhakti (an accessible path in this yuga, right?). So I

needed a mantra. After reading various mantras, I figured that 'safest'

one I could use was 'OM SHRI MATRE NAMAH'. I understand this is the Shakta

mahamantra and is open to all. Is this correct?


I have recently visited a large ashram in Europe with a large mandir to

Shri Lalita (won't specify where), seeking further guidance. There I was

told that while mahamantras are theoretically open to all, they were not

going to give me any or encourage me to use them.


I understand - and was told - that without initiation I cannot do proper

puja (which requires pranapratishstha), recite mantras or chant texts like

the Sri Lalita Sahasranama.


I respect the value of orthodoxy, and don't want to do anything wrong. I

also realise I have no qualifications whatsoever. I do, however, wish to

pray to the Devi. What should I do?


I would be happy to get in touch with other devotees who think they might

help me out, or point me in the right direction. Please feel free to write

to me if you wish.


I hope my request does not come across as inappropriate or invasive.


Thank you to Swamiji and Shree Maa for all their wonderful and inspiring

work -

Best regards to you all,



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Namaste Sergio,


There is one religion, though it takes on an infinite myriad of forms and

names that men/women give it. The very word denotes what it is--to relink.

In Sanskrit, the word for this is Yoga--Union.


Respect other's opinions, but follow your Heart and Intuition as to what is

right for you. Figure out what is right for you and do that. Don't worry

about what others do and say.


If your desire is to reconnect with your Innermost Being, the Goddess, or

whatever you deem to call HER, only to praise HER, to delight in HER, to

fall evermore in Love with HER, then anything you do is fine.


Chanting the first mantra of the Sri Lalitha Sahasranama as your mantra is

CERTAINLY FINE! It is a GREAT MAHA MANTRA. Also chanting the entire Sri

Lalitha Sahasranama is also TOTALLY FINE!!! PLEASE DO IT! DO IT ALL DAY IF

YOU CAN...EVERYDAY!!! DO IT AS MUCH AS YOU CAN!!! No harm will come to you



SHE will let you know what to do next. SHE will send you the appropriate

Guru, at the appropriate time, to initiate you into the appropriate

mantra(s) for you.


So don't worry and don't fear. Just strive ahead in LOVE. Be a LOVE









" Sergio Knipe " <sergio.knipe


Friday, November 21, 2008 7:42 AM

[www.ShreeMaa.org] New to the group (introduction + general




> Namaste.


> I have just joined the Devi Mandir list, following the kind advice of

> Swamiji (who suggested I direct some of my questions to the list). It is

> not my intention to clog everyone's mailbox with personal matters, but I

> understand the purpose of this group is for people 'to exchange spiritual

> knowledge'. I am seriously interested in Sanatana Dharma and am seeking

> for some genuine guidance/advice.


> A little background first. I am European (I live in England), but have

> started exploring the Indian tradition some three years ago. Since then, I

> have been praying to the Devi (my ishtadevata), while trying to learn

> Sanskrit and reading as much as I could. I have come upon a lot of

> conflicting information though, and now am plagued with doubts.


> When I started praying to the Devi, I figured it might be easiest to do

> japa to cultivate bhakti (an accessible path in this yuga, right?). So I

> needed a mantra. After reading various mantras, I figured that 'safest'

> one I could use was 'OM SHRI MATRE NAMAH'. I understand this is the Shakta

> mahamantra and is open to all. Is this correct?


> I have recently visited a large ashram in Europe with a large mandir to

> Shri Lalita (won't specify where), seeking further guidance. There I was

> told that while mahamantras are theoretically open to all, they were not

> going to give me any or encourage me to use them.


> I understand - and was told - that without initiation I cannot do proper

> puja (which requires pranapratishstha), recite mantras or chant texts like

> the Sri Lalita Sahasranama.


> I respect the value of orthodoxy, and don't want to do anything wrong. I

> also realise I have no qualifications whatsoever. I do, however, wish to

> pray to the Devi. What should I do?


> I would be happy to get in touch with other devotees who think they might

> help me out, or point me in the right direction. Please feel free to write

> to me if you wish.


> I hope my request does not come across as inappropriate or invasive.


> Thank you to Swamiji and Shree Maa for all their wonderful and inspiring

> work -

> Best regards to you all,


> Sergio





> ---


> Please visit us online at http://www.ShreeMaa.org

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Namaste Sergio,


first of all I'd like to extend a warm welcome to you!


Even though I am no mantra expert or anything, I'd like to put in my

two cents because I have struggled (and in many ways am still

struggling) with similar questions. Sometimes worries about 'doing it

wrong' can keep one from doing anything at all, I have found. So I

thought I'd offer you some encouragement and tell you you are not

alone on this journey.


In my experience, it is not always easy to leave behind everything

you think you know and set out to explore unknown paths. It can be

very intimidating and discouraging when in the course of exploration

one meets those who seem to see it as their task to protect their

part of the woods and keep strangers out. Fortunately, you have now

come to a place that is very different!


Shree Maa and Swamiji teach that sincere devotion is the most

important gift we can offer Divine Mother, and they often remind us

that we should not get stuck in worries about getting the right stuff

for puja or what fingers to use for japa etc., but just do it! To a

question from a devotee about whether initiation was necessary before

starting mantra practice, Swamiji said that even though initation is

preferable, this is not always possible, so the devotee should just

go ahead and 'initiation will follow when and if necessary.'(I think

you can find this in the faq section on the website).

It is my sincere conviction that we need no special qualifications to

express our love to Divine Mother. Or rather, we already have all the

qualifications we need because She herself gave us a loving heart and

the desire to get to know Her. Don't let worries stand in the way of

your answering Her call in your heart of hearts; start simple, and

then, if you wish, you can always learn how to do more complicated

things according to tradition later as you refine your practice

(Swamiji ia a master of refinement and you can learn many things from

watching the video classes).

I am sure others here present will offer you more knowledgeable

advice than I can and if you stick around I think you'll find many

questions answered (and new ones will arise:)). But most of all,

trust your Divine Mother, who never forsakes Her children and is

always patiently guiding them home,


with love,







-- In , " Sergio Knipe " <sergio.knipe



> Namaste.


> I have just joined the Devi Mandir list, following the kind advice


> Swamiji (who suggested I direct some of my questions to the list).

It is

> not my intention to clog everyone's mailbox with personal matters,

but I

> understand the purpose of this group is for people 'to exchange


> knowledge'. I am seriously interested in Sanatana Dharma and am


> for some genuine guidance/advice.


> A little background first. I am European (I live in England), but


> started exploring the Indian tradition some three years ago. Since

then, I

> have been praying to the Devi (my ishtadevata), while trying to


> Sanskrit and reading as much as I could. I have come upon a lot of

> conflicting information though, and now am plagued with doubts.


> When I started praying to the Devi, I figured it might be easiest

to do

> japa to cultivate bhakti (an accessible path in this yuga, right?).

So I

> needed a mantra. After reading various mantras, I figured that


> one I could use was 'OM SHRI MATRE NAMAH'. I understand this is the


> mahamantra and is open to all. Is this correct?


> I have recently visited a large ashram in Europe with a large

mandir to

> Shri Lalita (won't specify where), seeking further guidance. There

I was

> told that while mahamantras are theoretically open to all, they

were not

> going to give me any or encourage me to use them.


> I understand - and was told - that without initiation I cannot do


> puja (which requires pranapratishstha), recite mantras or chant

texts like

> the Sri Lalita Sahasranama.


> I respect the value of orthodoxy, and don't want to do anything

wrong. I

> also realise I have no qualifications whatsoever. I do, however,

wish to

> pray to the Devi. What should I do?


> I would be happy to get in touch with other devotees who think they


> help me out, or point me in the right direction. Please feel free

to write

> to me if you wish.


> I hope my request does not come across as inappropriate or invasive.


> Thank you to Swamiji and Shree Maa for all their wonderful and


> work -

> Best regards to you all,


> Sergio


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Namaste Sergio,

You are in an extremely good place.

I from the Caribbean and started like you with a mantra, when things in my world started to change I did not understand and sought guidance from someone whom I trusted and who I felt could guide me and was told that the mantra was not for persons in this region, without question I believed – to my detriment - what I was told. I did not use my discrimination.

They are many stories of these happenings to others but thank God our devotion and sincerity has led us to Beloved Shree Maa and Swamiji. These Pure and Selfless Beings go way beyond to impart knowledge and ensure that it is understood. They teach by living the example of what they preach.

It is a joy to welcome you. Please share your questions and your concerns.

Jai Maa Jai Swamiji

Kali , "Sergio Knipe" <sergio.knipe wrote:>> Namaste.> > I have just joined the Devi Mandir list, following the kind advice of> Swamiji (who suggested I direct some of my questions to the list). It is> not my intention to clog everyone's mailbox with personal matters, but I> understand the purpose of this group is for people 'to exchange spiritual> knowledge'. I am seriously interested in Sanatana Dharma and am seeking> for some genuine guidance/advice.> > A little background first. I am European (I live in England), but have> started exploring the Indian tradition some three years ago. Since then, I> have been praying to the Devi (my ishtadevata), while trying to learn> Sanskrit and reading as much as I could. I have come upon a lot of> conflicting information though, and now am plagued with doubts.> > When I started praying to the Devi, I figured it might be easiest to do> japa to cultivate bhakti (an accessible path in this yuga, right?). So I> needed a mantra. After reading various mantras, I figured that 'safest'> one I could use was 'OM SHRI MATRE NAMAH'. I understand this is the Shakta> mahamantra and is open to all. Is this correct?> > I have recently visited a large ashram in Europe with a large mandir to> Shri Lalita (won't specify where), seeking further guidance. There I was> told that while mahamantras are theoretically open to all, they were not> going to give me any or encourage me to use them.> > I understand - and was told - that without initiation I cannot do proper> puja (which requires pranapratishstha), recite mantras or chant texts like> the Sri Lalita Sahasranama.> > I respect the value of orthodoxy, and don't want to do anything wrong. I> also realise I have no qualifications whatsoever. I do, however, wish to> pray to the Devi. What should I do?> > I would be happy to get in touch with other devotees who think they might> help me out, or point me in the right direction. Please feel free to write> to me if you wish.> > I hope my request does not come across as inappropriate or invasive.> > Thank you to Swamiji and Shree Maa for all their wonderful and inspiring> work -> Best regards to you all,> > Sergio>

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  • 2 weeks later...

Namaste Sergio,


As you must have deduced from the responses to your queries, members

of this group have diverse views and various 'levels' of spiritual

knowledge and even different levels of interest (some are real

devotees, others are interested or just passing by) in the Devi

Mandir, who is the moderator of the group. The moderator is very

generous in allowing a variety of views to be presented and it is

probably to the credit of the moderator that despite the diversity I

have never seen an offensive remark.


Your remarks are fairly typical of one who comes from a background

where a religion is fairly well defined with a Prophet and His Book

and defined methods of worship. But Hindus have several books and its

not easy to go through them all and some may even seem contradictory

at first. BUT...as you go deeper you realise that the contradictions

are in your mind. It allows you to choose very personal ways of

evoking your spirituality to find your life's goals. In fact there are

as many ways as living creatures on earth and may be more than we know.


Well, please do not forget that this is my perception of Hinduism, (

the correct name being 'Sanatan Dharma') and the Devi Mandir may or

may not share the same views.(DO You dear Moderator?)


And so I would suggest that you find the explanations given by Swami

Satyananda Saraswati (Saraswati is a title that is not easily earned

and is the equivalent of a doctorate on the Shastras -or various

documents and books on the Sanata Dharma) on the website:

www.shreemaa.org on the Sanatan Dharma. In fact, we who were in

Benares on their recent trip, had this wonderful opportunity to hear

Swamiji's explanations and to ask questions regarding the Sanatan Dharma.


It isn't just about worship but an all inclusive philosophy of life,

with handbooks for tuning your body, mind and spirit into harmony

first and further into spiritual exaltation. Now those who have been

able to do this (it isn't easy believe me) are not prepared to share

it easily with others (not just copyright and monopolies, not just

exclusive Nuclear Clubs, there are many dimensions with as many

contemporary parallels - so don't feel put off by the rejection of

just one society.) As the books on Shree Maa and Swamiji's life

(available at the Devi Mandir bookshop - Living with a Saint, Sahib

Sadhu and The Guru and the Goddess) will tell you, there are no ready

made formulas but various guidelines. You have to find your own Goal.


And most of us would be better off with a Guru, the right Teacher.


Believe me, you are lucky (just as we are) that we have here a

'Saraswati' who is so open to sharing knowledge and who is inspired by

the Divine Mother. And we are inspired by their simplicity,

transparency, high ethical standards, total absence of egotism and

other negative traits attained with knowledge, love and devotion....

and thousands of other traits that I could write for you in a separate

post if you wish.


God Bless Them.


And that is why I always write

Jai Maa and Jai Swamiji in my posts.

Victory to the Divine Gurus. Victory to the Devi Mandir.

May Peace be on earth.





, " Sergio Knipe " <sergio.knipe



> Namaste.


> I have just joined the Devi Mandir list, following the kind advice of

> Swamiji (who suggested I direct some of my questions to the list). It is

> not my intention to clog everyone's mailbox with personal matters, but I

> understand the purpose of this group is for people 'to exchange


> knowledge'. I am seriously interested in Sanatana Dharma and am seeking

> for some genuine guidance/advice.


> A little background first. I am European (I live in England), but have

> started exploring the Indian tradition some three years ago. Since

then, I

> have been praying to the Devi (my ishtadevata), while trying to learn

> Sanskrit and reading as much as I could. I have come upon a lot of

> conflicting information though, and now am plagued with doubts.


> When I started praying to the Devi, I figured it might be easiest to do

> japa to cultivate bhakti (an accessible path in this yuga, right?). So I

> needed a mantra. After reading various mantras, I figured that 'safest'

> one I could use was 'OM SHRI MATRE NAMAH'. I understand this is the


> mahamantra and is open to all. Is this correct?


> I have recently visited a large ashram in Europe with a large mandir to

> Shri Lalita (won't specify where), seeking further guidance. There I was

> told that while mahamantras are theoretically open to all, they were not

> going to give me any or encourage me to use them.


> I understand - and was told - that without initiation I cannot do proper

> puja (which requires pranapratishstha), recite mantras or chant

texts like

> the Sri Lalita Sahasranama.


> I respect the value of orthodoxy, and don't want to do anything wrong. I

> also realise I have no qualifications whatsoever. I do, however, wish to

> pray to the Devi. What should I do?


> I would be happy to get in touch with other devotees who think they


> help me out, or point me in the right direction. Please feel free to


> to me if you wish.


> I hope my request does not come across as inappropriate or invasive.


> Thank you to Swamiji and Shree Maa for all their wonderful and inspiring

> work -

> Best regards to you all,


> Sergio


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Hi Sergio

I live in Wales and I am just getting interested in Indian traditions

I have just spent the last 3 days on the website. Are there ways that

we can study, support Shree Ma from where we are rather than going to

the States or India as well as doing the daily mantras?




, " misra_manjusha "

<misra_manjusha wrote:


> Namaste Sergio,


> As you must have deduced from the responses to your queries, members

> of this group have diverse views and various 'levels' of spiritual

> knowledge and even different levels of interest (some are real

> devotees, others are interested or just passing by) in the Devi

> Mandir, who is the moderator of the group. The moderator is very

> generous in allowing a variety of views to be presented and it is

> probably to the credit of the moderator that despite the diversity I

> have never seen an offensive remark.


> Your remarks are fairly typical of one who comes from a background

> where a religion is fairly well defined with a Prophet and His Book

> and defined methods of worship. But Hindus have several books and its

> not easy to go through them all and some may even seem contradictory

> at first. BUT...as you go deeper you realise that the contradictions

> are in your mind. It allows you to choose very personal ways of

> evoking your spirituality to find your life's goals. In fact there are

> as many ways as living creatures on earth and may be more than we know.


> Well, please do not forget that this is my perception of Hinduism, (

> the correct name being 'Sanatan Dharma') and the Devi Mandir may or

> may not share the same views.(DO You dear Moderator?)


> And so I would suggest that you find the explanations given by Swami

> Satyananda Saraswati (Saraswati is a title that is not easily earned

> and is the equivalent of a doctorate on the Shastras -or various

> documents and books on the Sanata Dharma) on the website:

> www.shreemaa.org on the Sanatan Dharma. In fact, we who were in

> Benares on their recent trip, had this wonderful opportunity to hear

> Swamiji's explanations and to ask questions regarding the Sanatan



> It isn't just about worship but an all inclusive philosophy of life,

> with handbooks for tuning your body, mind and spirit into harmony

> first and further into spiritual exaltation. Now those who have been

> able to do this (it isn't easy believe me) are not prepared to share

> it easily with others (not just copyright and monopolies, not just

> exclusive Nuclear Clubs, there are many dimensions with as many

> contemporary parallels - so don't feel put off by the rejection of

> just one society.) As the books on Shree Maa and Swamiji's life

> (available at the Devi Mandir bookshop - Living with a Saint, Sahib

> Sadhu and The Guru and the Goddess) will tell you, there are no ready

> made formulas but various guidelines. You have to find your own Goal.


> And most of us would be better off with a Guru, the right Teacher.


> Believe me, you are lucky (just as we are) that we have here a

> 'Saraswati' who is so open to sharing knowledge and who is inspired by

> the Divine Mother. And we are inspired by their simplicity,

> transparency, high ethical standards, total absence of egotism and

> other negative traits attained with knowledge, love and devotion....

> and thousands of other traits that I could write for you in a separate

> post if you wish.


> God Bless Them.


> And that is why I always write

> Jai Maa and Jai Swamiji in my posts.

> Victory to the Divine Gurus. Victory to the Devi Mandir.

> May Peace be on earth.


> Manjushri



> , " Sergio Knipe " <sergio.knipe@>

> wrote:

> >

> > Namaste.

> >

> > I have just joined the Devi Mandir list, following the kind advice of

> > Swamiji (who suggested I direct some of my questions to the list).

It is

> > not my intention to clog everyone's mailbox with personal matters,

but I

> > understand the purpose of this group is for people 'to exchange

> spiritual

> > knowledge'. I am seriously interested in Sanatana Dharma and am


> > for some genuine guidance/advice.

> >

> > A little background first. I am European (I live in England), but have

> > started exploring the Indian tradition some three years ago. Since

> then, I

> > have been praying to the Devi (my ishtadevata), while trying to learn

> > Sanskrit and reading as much as I could. I have come upon a lot of

> > conflicting information though, and now am plagued with doubts.

> >

> > When I started praying to the Devi, I figured it might be easiest

to do

> > japa to cultivate bhakti (an accessible path in this yuga,

right?). So I

> > needed a mantra. After reading various mantras, I figured that


> > one I could use was 'OM SHRI MATRE NAMAH'. I understand this is the

> Shakta

> > mahamantra and is open to all. Is this correct?

> >

> > I have recently visited a large ashram in Europe with a large

mandir to

> > Shri Lalita (won't specify where), seeking further guidance. There

I was

> > told that while mahamantras are theoretically open to all, they

were not

> > going to give me any or encourage me to use them.

> >

> > I understand - and was told - that without initiation I cannot do


> > puja (which requires pranapratishstha), recite mantras or chant

> texts like

> > the Sri Lalita Sahasranama.

> >

> > I respect the value of orthodoxy, and don't want to do anything

wrong. I

> > also realise I have no qualifications whatsoever. I do, however,

wish to

> > pray to the Devi. What should I do?

> >

> > I would be happy to get in touch with other devotees who think they

> might

> > help me out, or point me in the right direction. Please feel free to

> write

> > to me if you wish.

> >

> > I hope my request does not come across as inappropriate or invasive.

> >

> > Thank you to Swamiji and Shree Maa for all their wonderful and


> > work -

> > Best regards to you all,

> >

> > Sergio

> >


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Namaste Danielle,May I respond to your question, and share my experience with you? Yes certainly you can study Indian Traditions from Shree Maa and Swami Satyananda Saraswati without actually having to go to the States or India!As you must have found on their website there are several audio and video recordings on their teachings and explanations.You could buy their books. You could even ask questions from swamiji himself. Reading the explanations of mantras (Durga Pathah, Rudrastadhyayi, Shiva Puja, Sunderkand) as translated by Swamiji will open windows for you about the Hindu tradition.You should also search for other sites on Hinduism and compare for yourself the information provided...This is what I did... until I saw on their website that they were visiting Benares and decided to go there to meet them!The possibilities are endless... the choice is yours!Best WishesManjushri , "Danielle" <ceridwen66uk wrote:>> Hi Sergio> I live in Wales and I am just getting interested in Indian traditions> I have just spent the last 3 days on the website. Are there ways that> we can study, support Shree Ma from where we are rather than going to> the States or India as well as doing the daily mantras?> Namaste> Danielle> > -

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