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to Sankar about birds eye view of trip

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Dear Sankar ~ thank you so much by sharing your "blow by blow" account of your experiences with Maa and Swamiji and the devotees on the trip. I enjoyed all of it, and was also very inspired by your account. Without these "birds eye" views provided by devotees, so many of us would not feel so close to what is going on when we can't be there to participate. So you have embraced your experiences and passed them along to us. Of course, I had to look up the Sundara Kund in the bookstore, and was joyous to find it, so that will be my next purchase from the bookstore. Your wonderful weaving of the very sacred experiences with things like the wild rikshaw rides was such a wonderful balance of detail that made me feel as though I were there by proxy. Again, my deepest thanks to you for sharing your experiences. Jai Maa , Jai Swamiji

~ Linda



Sankar wrote:

....I reached Banares on 7th November and yesterday (20/11/2008)took leave of Shree Maa and Swamiji at Mira Mandir, Kolkata. ... I would like to share my experiences with thefamily. I am living and reliving those experiences again.First of all this retreat was unique in the sense that we are anInternet spiritual family. Many of the participants had not met ShreeMaa and Swamiji before and knew Devi Mandir only from the web site andthe . Of course all of us were familiar with the teachingsof Shree Maa and Swamiji.I will ramble on and try to give a blow by blow account of the timewhen I felt I was on top of the world....I missed the morning programme at the Annapurna Mandir due to my train schedule. In the evening we had Sundara Kand recitation at DeviMandir, Banares. I had never read this text before though I wasfamiliar with Tulsidass's poems having learnt some of them in school....It is a beautiful poem and it was thrilling to hear itbeing sung.Then Shree Maa started singing and we forgot the world. I havelistened to her CDs countless times. Heard her in person for the firsttime in March in Banares. We were transported to a world of our own.I met my fellow travelers like Ambika, Parvati, Tapasi and others withwhom I was to share this wonderful Spiritual journey for the next twoweeks.One site has it all. Your email accounts, your social networks, and the things you love. Try the new AOL.com today!

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