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A few more questions

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Dear friends,


I am v. impressed by the warmth of your replies! It's nice to find people

willing to share their own experience.


I do have further questions I would like to raise. Again, I & #8217;m not

sure whether similar questions have already been raised in the past; if

so, I don & #8217;t mind if you wish to ignore my queries or get back to me

personally (rather than via the whole list). Anyhow, here goes:


1)I know Shree Maa and Swamiji place a lot of emphasis on the recitation

of the Chandi Path. My Sanskrit is not brilliant at the moment, and it

would be difficult for me to recite the whole text decently, while also

grasping the meaning of what I am saying. For the past couple years, I

have been reciting a few times a day the Saptashloki Durga, which I

understand is a & #8216;condensed & #8217; version of the Chandi. I was

wondering whether this is a suitable practice, or whether it might be best

for me to start from the recitation of something else. Also, I was

wondering about the Devi Kavacham: is this open to all?


2)Some time ago, I ordered the booklet for the simple Durga puja. I have

never used it so far, because it still seemed a little hard for me. I

would now like to give it a try, but I have one significant doubt: is the

ceremony of pranapratistha not a prerequisite to perform puja? If so, I

would not be ready for it (having a living deity in your house entails

quite a bit of responsibility, I would imagine!).


3)Finally, assuming a person were to start the puja, could she regard (and

invoke) Swamiji and Shree Maa as her gurus, even if she has never met them

in person and has never been acknowledged by them as a disciple? Or would

it be better to skip the part about the guru in the puja? (Or take the

deity as the guru? & #8230;)


I thank you in advance for any replies.



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My understanding of the prana prasthita is that the Deity is first

conceived of within the devotee's heart and then " transferred " to the

image. There are specific ceremonies to transfer the presence back

into the heart are there not? Also, Mother graciously receives what

we are able to give. It is good to be regular in practice, but I

believe Mother understands when circumstances come up where we cannot

offer regular worship. For example I am going to have to pack up

most of my shrine before I move. My murti of Ma Kali is now not

being worshipped and I will transfer Her to my new home, where, once

I move there I will again worship Her. This is unavoidable, but I am

doing the best I can. I am stil meditating and worshipping, but I

cannot use the image I have been using. But, this is a lesson to

me. It helps me to simplify my practice in some ways and to broaden

it out to new practices and also to realize Mother is with me,

whether the image is there or not. Maybe others can clarify this

with more information than I can.


Om Jai Kali Ma! Om Namah Shivaya!



, " Sergio Knipe " <sergio.knipe



> Dear friends,


> I am v. impressed by the warmth of your replies! It's nice to find


> willing to share their own experience.


> I do have further questions I would like to raise. Again, I & #8217;m


> sure whether similar questions have already been raised in the

past; if

> so, I don & #8217;t mind if you wish to ignore my queries or get back

to me

> personally (rather than via the whole list). Anyhow, here goes:


> 1)I know Shree Maa and Swamiji place a lot of emphasis on the


> of the Chandi Path. My Sanskrit is not brilliant at the moment, and


> would be difficult for me to recite the whole text decently, while


> grasping the meaning of what I am saying. For the past couple

years, I

> have been reciting a few times a day the Saptashloki Durga, which I

> understand is a & #8216;condensed & #8217; version of the Chandi. I was

> wondering whether this is a suitable practice, or whether it might

be best

> for me to start from the recitation of something else. Also, I was

> wondering about the Devi Kavacham: is this open to all?


> 2)Some time ago, I ordered the booklet for the simple Durga puja. I


> never used it so far, because it still seemed a little hard for me.


> would now like to give it a try, but I have one significant doubt:

is the

> ceremony of pranapratistha not a prerequisite to perform puja? If

so, I

> would not be ready for it (having a living deity in your house


> quite a bit of responsibility, I would imagine!).


> 3)Finally, assuming a person were to start the puja, could she

regard (and

> invoke) Swamiji and Shree Maa as her gurus, even if she has never

met them

> in person and has never been acknowledged by them as a disciple? Or


> it be better to skip the part about the guru in the puja? (Or take


> deity as the guru? & #8230;)


> I thank you in advance for any replies.


> Sergio


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Hope you will find this helpful.Do continue to ask questions.Love Devi1. Chandi Path -This text can be broken up and done over a 9 day period - OR There are several different ways we have done in group that can be explained. The main thing to keep in mind is no way is wrong there are just many different suggested ways it can be

done. On Sundays we all do it together on web. This is what I started out doing. When starting out I read from beginning to page 84 the started adding onto that section at a time and closing as directed. If you wish to do this just let group know and the suggestions will come. But in the

end you are the one that will choose what is best for you. This is your practice. As far as learning the sanskrit that just takes time. I started with Kali puja and She lead me to Maa and Swami ji who suggested I start with Durga or Siva beginner puja. Because I was in need of a guru Siva was my choice as He IS THE

GURU. As I began to get better I added on other pujas. THEN I started Chandi Path. Everyone is different so you deside what is best for you. As for reciting without understanding we generally start all new text by reading it in english till we get the gist of what is being said then we start reciting in

sanskrit. As for the Saptashloke Durga personally that is great. Like was said before this is your practice. If you want to start with Durga or Siva puja to begin working you can keep doing Saptashloke Durga if you like. It is what you feel you can do or you feel lead to do. As for the Devi Kavacham it and all text are suitable for

anyone to do. I started with Siva Kavacham added to my beginner puja after 108 names. When you are ready to do these you will know. You will get many more emails on all this so enjoy. They will be filled with much useful information. And you will find that you will have many ways to choose

from. Just practice in love and you will be in love.2.Swami ji has writen a Beginner Durga puja that is very easy. Would suggest you check it out. It is not expensive. Yes you can leave out prana (pot) if you like. Personally I found it to be the most enlightening part along with the nayas'. This is where you begin to realize Divinity in all things. But to start off I

did not do it. Just start off simple and add on from there. As for responsibility yes it is. But we are responsible for everything already so to be responsible for our Divinity only is natural. It is not big at all. You do puja in morning, at that time you offer their needs and you do your prays at noon and evening you worship and close. When there

is work and family it is an added love. They experience this love and devotion by seeing you do it. Then in time you become it and that is what it's all about. Just remember baby steps and don't bit off more that you can chew. When you are ready and able you will add on as you are lead. One step

at a time.3. Swamiji and Maa are our Guru's only by our choice. You do as you choose. Ask Maa into your heart and hold her there. She will guide you in all you do. The real trick is in listening and then in actually following through with instructions we recieve. Swamiji will amaze you by answering your questions before you even ask them. Just hold them in your heart & feel there

love & you will have heaven itself in you. And before you know it you'll be walking in it. Always remember the Gurus.Love is all there is.DeviHelpful links:http://www.shreemaa.org/drupal/ (There site check out)http://www.shreemaa.org/drupal/node/1521 (Chandi path Class)http://www.shreemaa.org/drupal/node/1003 (Chandi by Shree Maa)http://www.shreemaa.org/drupal/node/1179 (beginner Durga by Shree Maa)http://www.shreemaa.org/drupal/node/1013 (beginner Siva

Puja)http://www.shreemaa.org/drupal/?q=taxonomy_menu/58/156 (Audio list)http://www.shreemaa.org/drupal/?q=taxonomy_menu/58/157 (Video list)Devi--- On Mon, 11/24/08, Sergio Knipe <sergio.knipe wrote:Sergio Knipe <sergio.knipeRe: [www.ShreeMaa.org] A few more questions Date: Monday, November 24, 2008, 7:34 AMDear friends,I am v. impressed by the warmth of your replies! It's nice to find peoplewilling to share their own experience.I do have further questions I would like to raise. Again, I & #8217;m notsure whether similar questions have already been raised in the past; ifso, I don & #8217;t mind if you wish to ignore my queries or get back to

mepersonally (rather than via the whole list). Anyhow, here goes:1)I know Shree Maa and Swamiji place a lot of emphasis on the recitationof the Chandi Path. My Sanskrit is not brilliant at the moment, and itwould be difficult for me to recite the whole text decently, while alsograsping the meaning of what I am saying. For the past couple years, Ihave been reciting a few times a day the Saptashloki Durga, which Iunderstand is a & #8216;condensed & #8217; version of the Chandi. I waswondering whether this is a suitable practice, or whether it might be bestfor me to start from the recitation of something else. Also, I waswondering about the Devi Kavacham: is this open to all?2)Some time ago, I ordered the booklet for the simple Durga puja. I havenever used it so far, because it still seemed a little hard for me. Iwould now like to give it a try, but I have one significant doubt: is

theceremony of pranapratistha not a prerequisite to perform puja? If so, Iwould not be ready for it (having a living deity in your house entailsquite a bit of responsibility, I would imagine!).3)Finally, assuming a person were to start the puja, could she regard (andinvoke) Swamiji and Shree Maa as her gurus, even if she has never met themin person and has never been acknowledged by them as a disciple? Or wouldit be better to skip the part about the guru in the puja? (Or take thedeity as the guru? & #8230;)I thank you in advance for any replies.Sergio---Please visit us online at http://www.ShreeMaa.org

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Dear Sergio,


just a few thoughts from a travelling companion:

don't be concerned about the brilliance of your Sanskrit: the

wonderful thing is that it will get better all by itself if you

recite regularly. Even if you do not study formally, regular

recitation will breed a familiarity with the words and sentence

patterns and if you feel inclined to consult a dictionary or a

grammar now and then, this will help your understanding but you don't

need to become a Sanskrit scholar (unless you'd like to, of course).

You can even start reciting in English to become familiar with the

meaning and then add the Sanskrit later, or vice versa, you are free

to do so. Repetition breeds familiarity with the meaning as given in

Swamiji's translation. But also, I remember Swamiji has said that it

is really about the intuitive meaning of the words, and I believe

Chandi Maa will teach you Herself if you devote yourself to

recitation, and the text will take on a special meaning for you.

If you have a copy of Swamiji's translation, which has the

sevenhundred verses and the various 'limbs' etc. , there are (at

least) two ways to go about it: since you already know the

Saptashloki Durga well, you could build from there, for instance by

adding the Kavacam (to my knowledge, there is no reason on earth why

you should not and every reason why you should, because it is the

Armor of the Goddess, which will protect you), and add parts of the

book over time. Or...you can be bold and attempt a recitation of the

book from cover to cover at least once. This way, you get drenched in

Sanskrit (no matter how you pronounce it or what you do or don't

understand), which is quite an exhilarating experience and I found

that if you have done it once you will want to do it again.

Anyway, what I am trying to say is that if you feel inclined to start

practicing the Chandi Path, there is no reason not to: go ahead and


about the prana pratishta: you already have a living deity in your

house; right there in your heart, living as YOU. So there is no

escaping the responsibility, I'm afraid:). But as far as beginner's

puja is concerned, the prana pratishta is not included. I think

Swamiji has said somewhere that this is 'to keep it simple'. In the

more advance puja's, prana pratishta is included, so there is always

room for expansion. As far as I understand, if you worship God with

devotion and sincerity to the best of your current ability, all is




with love,




Mandir , " Sergio Knipe " <sergio.knipe wrote:


> Dear friends,


> I am v. impressed by the warmth of your replies! It's nice to find


> willing to share their own experience.


> I do have further questions I would like to raise. Again, I & #8217;m


> sure whether similar questions have already been raised in the

past; if

> so, I don & #8217;t mind if you wish to ignore my queries or get back

to me

> personally (rather than via the whole list). Anyhow, here goes:


> 1)I know Shree Maa and Swamiji place a lot of emphasis on the


> of the Chandi Path. My Sanskrit is not brilliant at the moment, and


> would be difficult for me to recite the whole text decently, while


> grasping the meaning of what I am saying. For the past couple

years, I

> have been reciting a few times a day the Saptashloki Durga, which I

> understand is a & #8216;condensed & #8217; version of the Chandi. I was

> wondering whether this is a suitable practice, or whether it might

be best

> for me to start from the recitation of something else. Also, I was

> wondering about the Devi Kavacham: is this open to all?


> 2)Some time ago, I ordered the booklet for the simple Durga puja. I


> never used it so far, because it still seemed a little hard for me.


> would now like to give it a try, but I have one significant doubt:

is the

> ceremony of pranapratistha not a prerequisite to perform puja? If

so, I

> would not be ready for it (having a living deity in your house


> quite a bit of responsibility, I would imagine!).


> 3)Finally, assuming a person were to start the puja, could she

regard (and

> invoke) Swamiji and Shree Maa as her gurus, even if she has never

met them

> in person and has never been acknowledged by them as a disciple? Or


> it be better to skip the part about the guru in the puja? (Or take


> deity as the guru? & #8230;)


> I thank you in advance for any replies.


> Sergio


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