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to vish about finding the guru

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Dear vish ~ these words are gold of the spirit, sprinkling down like gentle rain into my body and spirit. I have always wondered this. My sister, MaryBeth (MB) thinks of Maa and Swamiji as her Gurus, yet she has not only seen them when they were on tour before the 3 year sankalpa; she has also spent time at the Mandir; MB has been bold, just going up to the and talking to them. Maa even gave her the advice about her hubby, and gave her the name Moyi. I thought I would never be able to have a relationship like this, but Swamiji's words show me that I can. This is HUGH.


I'm going to remind my sister gently to give her troubles to Maa and Swamiji, to lay them at the feet of Durga. She is going through a frightening period, being too sick to do very much (like me; we both have the same illnesses); her husband, who is 56, got laid off and fears he will not be able to find work at his age, and they could lose their house. I have put them on the prayer list; I think, anyway, I will check again to be sure.


When I went to the retreat in Issaqua, WA, at the end of their last US tour, Swamiji said several times, in that big, smiling and open way he has, (paraphrase) "to find the perfect master, you must be the perfect disciple." I know my practice could be more regular, despite my illnesses. I am lazy. At least I have my altar up...not sure about sitting on the floor, but I'm going to do it, if only for 5 minutes. I also remember Swami saying (paraphrase): even if you can sit for only five minutes, do it; then, after a few days, lengthen the time. He said if we only added 5 extra minutes a month, eventually we would reach the goal. He has been here for me, answered my questions, and along with his and Shree Maa's messages to the Digest Group, and all the tools (and he astounds me because he just keep adding more tools, more ways to approach the Guru and the Goddess. I feel very small in light of this immensity of love and devotion on the part of Maa and Swamiji, and I feel incredibly gifted that I was indeed able to actually spend some time with them.

Jai Maa , Jai Swamiji


vish wrote:

Namaste all family: I spoke to Swami about initiation. I asked him toexplain a statement he has made many times: "the disciple must "takeInitiation", the Master does not give it."His explanation was short and to the point. I paraphrase: the Masterhas knowledge, the student becomes inspired and wishes to learn it.The Master gives him the means to go forward and stands ready to helpwhen the devotee needs it. The devotee must make their intention knownand demonstrate their sincerity by doing the work: learning, studying,practicing, and questioning....Search your heart, if you feel that Maa and Swami have something youneed, then dive in. They are here on this Earth to give each of usthe most precious gifts of all: their attention, wisdom, and purelove. We just have to "take it".In closing, Maa has told me many times: "I cannot help someone unlessthey are doing the sadhana as I do it, and I can only help them ifthey ask. I cannot enter unless I am invited."Pray to Her and / or Swami for guidance, and listen in your heart fortheir answer.Life should be easier. So should your homepage. Try the NEW AOL.com.

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