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to vish about fear and Shiva

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Dear vish ~ I am always thanking you ... you share much to be thankful for -- Maa's and Swamiji's words, their writings, and even their bhav. This struck me where I live what you wrote about Shiva removing all fear. I am afraid most of the time. I grew up afraid, and I learned to be afraid, and even after years of therapy, sometimes the fear still grips me. Memorizing the Shiva Beginner Puja is such a wonderful idea, so, besides our new 2009 sankalpa, I am making a sankalpa to sit everyday at my altar, and memorize the Shiva Puja. It may take me all year because my memory is poor, but as I do this process, I am going to be giving all my fear to Shiva.

Jai Maa !!! Jai Swamiji~!!!

~ Linda



In a message dated 12/4/2008 12:44:43 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:

Namaste all: I too used to be concerned about what I was able to offerLord Shiva. If I do not have the correct flowers, or beautiful ripefruit, or a candle or incense, will He be mad? Will the worship"work"? Will I receive the fruits of the worship?Then I found enlightenment in Swami's words in His book: BEFOREBECOMING THIS.He is describing the reasons we worship Shiva, and the fruits ofworship. Please let His words into your hearts:"Shiva takes away all fear. The transitory nature of existence makesus feel insecure. We want things to stay the way they are. Until weaccept the will of Shiva, there will be fear........I realized that Shiva willaccept whatever I have to offer in the spirit of surrender, devotion,and love. Now, I am free to perform His puja, His worship, while on aplane, in a car, or wherever I find myself when it is time forworship. Since I have memorized the Beginner's Shiva Puja, I can sitwith eyes closed, and worship anywhere, for He is Everywhere,Everything, He is Me, I am Him. ...sitting with eyes closed, reciting Hismantras of worship, by His Grace, I can have the same beautifulexperiences.Make your life easier with all your friends, email, and favorite sites in one place. Try it now.

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