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to Eric about helping suffering souls

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Dear Eric ~ I think all you mentioned, and more, could be offered for these suffering souls. Another, more specific way would be to add them to the Prayer List. Since you don't know their names, you could put something general like: the souls suffering in the building next to where I live. There are always ways to make a general statement like this to add to the Prayer List, and then, just think, everyone participating in the Prayer Group would also be praying for these people. And one way or another, it has to help. Even if you see no external changes, changes will be happening on the inside. This is just my humble offering to your question. Jai Maa , Jai Swamiji

~ Linda



Eric wrote:

....The second question is this, the building next to me is full of crack and heroine addicts, alchoholics, as well as prostitutes who are in a state of deep suffering: I hear their screams day and night, I see them being arrested by the police, and I am wondering how I can offer my puja or peace sankalpa on their behalf (after cleaning thoroughly), and if this can help them and if so how I would do it, do I just put in their address since I dont know their names, can the puja or offering my sankalpa of the mantra Shree Maa has given us benefit these people too? I am moved to tears by their suffering, and I think Im living here for a reason, what if anything can I do to help?Make your life easier with all your friends, email, and favorite sites in one place. Try it now.

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