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to vish about prayer for peace

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Dear vish ~ this really inspired me in a deep place. The thought that I could, for a moment any time during the day or night, bring my attention to and in a prayer for peace ... in a sense it is saying that any of us can bring that attention to the fore and be an instrument of peace. Words aren't really enough to adequately describe how I feel about this, but just after reading it, I did it, only for a minute or so, and my whole sense of this day, at 6 am in the morning, is changed. Thank you, vish. Jai Maa , Jai Swamiji

~ Linda



In a message dated 12/14/2008 12:33:07 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:

....Maa and Swami tellus that prayers and mantras for peace, a kind word, a heartfelt "thankyou", and "I love You", have tremendous power to heal and bring peace.So, let's begin right now, right this moment, wherever you are whenyou read this, close your eyes and pray for peace. You can invokepure love, God's pure light, divine compassion, and all the Gods andGoddesses: and pray for peace. In that simple prayer, we join with the Pure Energy, the DivineEssence, of Maa and Swami and all the realized beings, and together wesend out love and peace to every being, everywhere.Do we want to strengthen our prayers? Of course we do. So Maa andSwami offer us puja, japa, etc., to purify ourselves so that we canremember our Divinity, and begin to live more ideal peaceful, balancedlives.Maa and Swami pray that each of us achieve our highest ideal ofperfection and live in this world as peaceful beings. Thanks to Maa and Swami for being here on Earth. And thanks to you, myDivine Family, for your compassion and commitment for Universal Peace.Make your life easier with all your friends, email, and favorite sites in one place. Try it now.

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