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to Kamala about the Presence of Maa

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Dear Kamala ~ your account brought tears to my eyes ... what a gift -- to live so close to Maa, to be so near Her, that She picks up the phone when you are in a time of great need. She shows all of us, through you, that She is here for us anytime we need Her. Omnipresence and Omniscience are two of the states that, in Indian tradition, characterize a true Guru, Saint, Master ~ by any name. Maa has shown both. I will try to be more trusting when I am in the throes of what my brother-in-law termed "a great struggle." Maa can show the way out of the struggle; indeed, that there really is no struggle, except in the ego mind. Thank you so much for this sharing. Jai Maa !!!!!

~ Linda



In a message dated 12/16/2008 12:43:23 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:

Very quietly Maa asked, "Kamala, why am I (she)feeling so bad"? Immediately I started crying, feeling guilty that Iwas causing the Guru to feel pain. Then she said, "Don't you knowthat I'm always with you"? "What is wrong; have the asuras got you"? I answered, "Oh is that what it is"? Maa was showing so muchcompassion, by referring to my own thoughts as "those asuras", asthough IT was something outside of myself. All of a sudden through that question She posed to me, directlyto my Soul, Maa conveyed the truth that all of "those crazy thoughts"were not me, they were only what was happening to me or around me. And, that at any moment when I was ready, I could disconnect with andgive up those thoughts and feelings. there was no longer any need toruminate and suffer. I was shown the way, and felt free for the first time in mylife! Thank you, Maa and Swamiji; you hold the Lamp shedding the lightof wisdom on the steep path for all of us making this journey.Make your life easier with all your friends, email, and favorite sites in one place. Try it now.

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