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Dealing with Doubt

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Namaste Dear Family,

My question today is how do to deal with doubt. Sometimes lifes's

burdens seem very heavy, there seems to be no light at the end of the

dark night, one is depressed and weary. And with that comes doubt - Am

I on the right path? Will this path truly lead me to the Truth? Are

there any markers, any proof that I can hold on to? Is (S)He really

there? Are my problems which seem so overwhelming to me of any

importance to the Divine?

I would truly appreciate your thoughts on this. Have you ever felt that

way and how do you deal with it? Have you asked these questions and

were they answered?



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Blessed Family and Loved Child of God, Papia!


It is with great joy that I see this question, because my entire

universe is revolving around the pesky planet of doubt as we speak...


Let me share a true story...this is long, but I would not be so

completely amazed if I were not actually living it...


Four months ago, I left a secure job with benefits to take on a

position with a prominent US Senate campaign here in MN. I loved,

loved, LOVED working for the campaign and God nudged me to do that

which brought me profound joy. I took a leap of faith and had just the

most unbelievable experience! The election is over, and I am now

unemployed. God wants me to write, which also brings me great joy. My

worldly self tells me, " No! I need to find a job. "


God says, " No, I want you to write. I will take care of you. No

job. Please trust Me. "


Let me tell you...I have three children, and a house, and all the

worldly obligations that belong with them. I plead with the

Divine, " Is this what you really want me to do? " I still have no job,

and God is taking care of me. Here is what God asks....


Am I Keeping Faith in my heart? Within all this doubt and financial

stress, am I still finding joy in All That Is God's? Keep the fire



When God says, " Trust Me. " That God is taking care of you...do you

believe it...profoundly...to the core of your deepest self? Trust that

no matter what, God is taking care of you. You cannot see the end, but

ask God to hold your hand along the way (I do several times daily). Let

go and let God. This isn't our walk anyway...it is God's through us.

At least make it a happy one.


Money is tight, don't get me wrong, but every time, EVERY time, I start

to doubt and panic.., " AH! Where is the money coming from? I need to

find a job! " God continues to tell me, " My child, I'm taking care of

you you. Look for miracles. Trust Me. Believe Me. Keep Faith (the

Light of Joy) burning. No job. " And money to pay the bills, to buy my

children present just appears, without my asking. Just like God



The one true path is joy, knowing deeply that you are walking in God's

divine love. When you are walking down the path - no matter what this

world is tossing at you - you are joyful, appreciating All That Is

God's, and God is taking care of you, and you need to deeply trust

that. Doubt, stress, frustration, makes us stuck and disconnects us

from that joy. Hug your children, pet the dog. Do something nice for

someone. Engulf yourself in your passion. Get the energy flowing

again. God wants to see us laugh and play nice...(dearest Linda...you

are so right)!


with great love to all of you, I wish you peace, people!






, " roy.papia " <roy.papia wrote:


> Namaste Dear Family,

> My question today is how do to deal with doubt. Sometimes lifes's

> burdens seem very heavy, there seems to be no light at the end of the

> dark night, one is depressed and weary. And with that comes doubt -


> I on the right path? Will this path truly lead me to the Truth? Are

> there any markers, any proof that I can hold on to? Is (S)He really

> there? Are my problems which seem so overwhelming to me of any

> importance to the Divine?

> I would truly appreciate your thoughts on this. Have you ever felt


> way and how do you deal with it? Have you asked these questions and

> were they answered?

> Love

> Papia


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