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to Sal about holding God's hand

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Dear Sal ~ this morning was difficult. I woke with doubt, sadness, engulfed in physical pain. Reading your post was "just what the doctor (God) ordered. Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing, and also for the gentle reminder that I really do know that God is walking with/through me. What a Divine story, and truly it is a very clear example of let go and let God, and look for the miracles. In the simple act of realizing God holds my hand, everything is possible. Also, very nice to "see" you again. Jai Maa Jai Swamiji

~ Linda



Sal wrote:

....When God says, "Trust Me." That God is taking care of you...do you believe it...profoundly...to the core of your deepest self? Trust that no matter what, God is taking care of you. You cannot see the end, but ask God to hold your hand along the way (I do several times daily). Let go and let God. This isn't our walk anyway...it is God's through us. At least make it a happy one.Money is tight, don't get me wrong, but every time, EVERY time, I start to doubt and panic.., "AH! Where is the money coming from? I need to find a job!" God continues to tell me, "My child, I'm taking care of you you. Look for miracles. Trust Me. Believe Me. Keep Faith (the Light of Joy) burning. No job." And money to pay the bills, to buy my children present just appears, without my asking. Just like God promised.The one true path is joy, knowing deeply that you are walking in God's divine love. When you are walking down the path - no matter what this world is tossing at you - you are joyful, appreciating All That Is God's, and God is taking care of you, and you need to deeply trust that. Doubt, stress, frustration, makes us stuck and disconnects us from that joy. Hug your children, pet the dog. Do something nice for someone. Engulf yourself in your passion. Get the energy flowing again. God wants to see us laugh and play nice...(dearest Linda...you are so right)!One site keeps you connected to all your email: AOL Mail, Gmail, and Mail. Try it now.

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