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to Kali and all about the essential ingredient

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To Kali and All Devi Mandir Family ~ I have often felt that I fall short behind just about everyone in this dear family. Recently vish suggested that I visit the Devi Mandir website and read "What We Do," which can be found on the left side about mid way down.


Here is a brief passage from "What We Do," and I hope everyone will read it, even if you've already read it. On this day, when we celebrate the birth of Jesus, vish has told us that Maa and Swamiji are carrying His mission forth into the world. I believe this short passage exemplifies the embracing of that mission and it is directed to all of us.


"Sanatana Dharma (The Eternal Ideal of Perfection) teaches us that the peace is within us. Shree Maa and Swamiji as Gurus of this temple can help us find this peace. Sanatana Dharma is a way of living each moment of our lives in fulfillment of the highest ideal of perfection. The essential ingredient is attention, attention to any task at hand. Discriminating attention, where the consequence is evaluated before we act or react to circumstances. Efficient evaluation leads to a focus on the central purpose of our existence, to know and realize that we are divine beings, privileged to have the capacity to worship the divine in us and around us. This absorbed attention when applied to daily life becomes the seed that can bloom into concentration, in turn leading to meditation and at its pinnacle in samadhi."


Jai Jai Maa , Jai Jai Swamiji , Jai Jai Jesus , Devi Mandir Family Ki Jai

~ Linda



Kali wrote:

....My first worship of the day is set at a particular time as it is earlymorning , this is not now the case for the evening worship. I mustadmit though that if for some reason I am unable to complete or performsadhana, I do feel very guilty and oft times frustrated but am learningto offer them both at Mother's Feet for transporting to heaven.One site keeps you connected to all your email: AOL Mail, Gmail, and Mail. Try it now.

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