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To Ruchi, Kumari, and all: Shree Maa's Teachings

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Namaste all: Kumari captured the essence of Maa's teachings as I

relate to them. All of us face these issues every day and we can all

relate to your dilimma Ruchi.

The key princilples here are: faith, trust, and surrender to Divine

Will while acting in accord with the highest principles we are capable

of at any moment.

We have a body, we have responsibilities, we have physical and

material needs and we cannot be a burden on anyone. So we perform

sadhana to increase our capacity: our capacity to surrender, to have

more faith, to have greater devotion, to be more conscious while we

act; and then we move into the world to perform our karma to fulfill

our dharma.

Everyone who has a body, including Maa and Swami, have to deal with

the ever-changing challenges of relative existence. Remember Arjuna,

from the Gita, facing the biggest battle of his life? He trained to

fight and to lead warriors into battle. Yet when the time came to

fight, he was torn with conflicting emotions. Lord Krishna was his

adviser, his Guru. And even when the Lord revealed Himself to Arjuna,

still Arjuna was doubtful.

But Krishna taught one eternal lesson to help him overcome his

dilimma: Be established in Being, then perform action.

Krishna was teaching Arjuna of the value of meditation and spiritual

practices to help one realize one's true nature. Once we know

ourselves to be Divine, Eternal, Unbounded, and Blissful Beings, then

we can live in the world without being so swayed and overshadowed by it.

Ramakrishna said: Live like a mudfish. While he is always covered in

mud, the mud does not stick to him.


That is the only way to remain steadfast in the face of life's

struggles and be truly surrendered and in tune to Maa's Will.


Jai Maa Jai Swami









, Joan Fisher <mjfisher2005 wrote:


> I can tell you what I would do in that situation.  If there is

something I really want or a situation I want changed that is causing

me great distress, I will ask Ma to change it or to help me.  I know

however that Ma's plans may be something different for me, so I allow

Her to be in charge.  If there is something I need to do, that I don't

want to do, I ask Ma to give me willingness to make the attempt and do

it as thoroughly as I can.  I have to remember, although this is

difficult, that Ma will give me what I need and will take care of me. 

This is karma yoga - to work without expectation of results and this

is bhakti yoga - to make your Ishta Devata the center of your life.


> Is materialism compatible with spirituality?  If we are fullfilling

the 4 aims of life then, yes, artha, aquiring wealth is necessary. 

That is one of the 4 aims - dharma, artha, kama, moksha.  We need

wealth in order to support ourselves and to not be a burden to others

and to maintain our spiritual life.  When it becomes something that is

an obsession, then it has usurped the spiritual part of human life.


> Re: Shree Maa's Teachings -- To Ruchi

> Posted by: " ruchibabbar " ruchibabbar   ruchibabbar

> Tue Jan 20, 2009 8:10 pm (PST)

> Thank you so much for your reply. But this also leads to another

> question I have. When we are in situations which we perceive as

> unfavourable, we make efforts to get out of them, change them. For

> example if a person thinks: I am not making enough money or I am not

> happy with my job or my career choices, he/she strives to change

> these situations to be happier. Sometimes they are successful and

> many times not. Where is the boundary line between actually sitting

> out a unfavourable situation vs. trying to change it ? Most of the

> times even after making a reasonable effort to ask only for devotion

> I end up praying and asking maa to change things for me.


> In my own personal life a struggle a lot with these issues. I want to

> be successful in life as well to be successsful in getting her

> attention. Materialism and spirituality both. Does anybody think

> these two objectives can be simultaneously acheived.


> Thanks,

> ruchi


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