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to vish about Shiva Puja and Shivaratri

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Dear vish ~ well, first, I am writing probably 3 days after this was posted. I have been without internet during our recent move. So, it's good to be back. I'm glad you reminded me of this. Reading the words, I can hear Swamiji saying them. I wasn't able to attend the class, but I have been going through them, one by one. Because I am already in a process of changing, these words had much meaning to me.


Even though we were only moving to a different apartment in the same building (right down the hall from our old one, in fact), my body and my emotions were responding as if this were a major move ... not really required by the circumstances, but it did give me a chance to observe how, once the body/emotions/mind have learned to respond to something, they may do it again, even at a greater level.


I also especially liked what you wrote about the influence of the Shiva Puja on women and men. I don't remember reading that so maybe it was something added by Swamiji during the class, but it struck a deep chord. Of course, I want to achieve all that he speaks about, and so not only in speaking, Swamiji has given me the very tool. Thanks for the reminder, vish. In the move, I fell a bit off the bandwagon. I'm glad Sivaratri gives us a special time to remember. Jai Maa!!!! Jai Swamiji !!!! Shiva Ki Jai !!!!

~ Linda



vish wrote:

Namaste all family: Since Sunday is Shivaratri, let us remember thereasons we meditate and perform puja to Shiva, the Consciousness ofInfinite Goodness.The following are quotes taken from the book Maa and Swami wrotecalled: BEFORE BECOMING THIS. Page 286"By worshiping Shiva we cultivate the qualities of infiniteconsciousness, detachment, and freedom from bondage to the materialworld. Shiva is the Lord who causes transformation. He makes changeshappen. Before we can construct a new edifice, we must excavate andclear the land. Shiva is the Lord of Excavation. He makes changeshappen by clearing the old and making way for the new... A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy steps!

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