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to vish about Shiva as the Lord of Change

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Dear vish ~ your words are inspiring as always, as is your example. I was not aware, or had perhaps forgotten that Shiva if the Lord of Change. That really helps me, as we are still involved in the logistics of moving from one apartment to another, smaller one. And now we are surrounded by boxes and it all seems overwhelming. One positive outcome is that I was able to pare down. Every time I have moved I have pared down.It is like a holy time to rid myself of things I no longer need or use or want. I get to donate them to a thrift store and so feel happy that some others might get enjoyment.


I loved your account of standing in front of Napashwar, in the woods, during Shivatratri. For some reason I feel a special relationship with this Shiva Lingum. One of my thoughts is to one day have the blessing to stand, kneel and celebrate Shiva in this form. Even if it doesn't happen, through your "story," I feel the connection. If only we could remember that we are on this "stage" of life, enacting dramas and roles that Shiva put us here for, as well as the goal of seeing through the drams, life would be a bit easier, I think.


I am going to hold this image of you and your "aha" moment in my heart as I finish up the move and begin to unpack and settle in. I will have to ask Shiva for patience because it is going to be awhile to get through all the boxes and put things in their appointed places. On the other hand, I have always regarded my home as a "sacred space," so unpacking and putting my devotional things in place (and for me, these include things like mildweed pods, brances of leaves, dried flowers as well as murtis and pictures and all the humdrum stuff like dishes). It is all sacred to me.


So I will keep Shiva close to my heart ~ I have been spontaneously saying japa during this process, so I guess, somewhere in my being, I did know of Shiva's role in the process of change. Thank you for bringing this awareness even more to the fore and for helping me remember that it is a process. Jai Maa !!!! Jai Swamiji !!!!

~ Linda


vish wrote:

Namaste Linda and all: Glad you are settled in your new home. Changeis hard, but Shiva is the Lord of Change, so keep his name going allthe time in your head and heart and I know he will help you....

I remember standing in front of Napashwar late at night in the rainduring Shivaratri. Just me and Napashwar, this huge stone Shivalingum in the woods of the Mandir. As I stood there, completelystill, "i" watched a thought come into "my" mind. The thought said to"Shiva", "i know you created this body, and I know you created thismind, and filled it will all kinds of thoughts about "who am "i", andwhy am "i" here. You even created this Earth so your body could have aplace to live out your desires and dramas. So why do "i" have to worry or be concerned? For this is all yourplay, "i" am nothing, just another thought in the script youconceived, wrote, and directed for your enjoyment. So just BE. Nothing more is required of "me", NOTHING.In this harmonious state "i" stood in the rain. Nothing needed to bedone, or said, or thought. ...It is all Shiva's Will, nothing more, nothing less. Surrender to Him,don't resist, let the changes occur. As Ramakrishna said: "...belike a mudfish who lives at the bottom of the lake, covered with mud,yet, he is never dirty."I pray that we all be mudfish. A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy steps!

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