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Story of Holi :)

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Namaste dear Linda and Dan and all others in Holi-mood :)


Once there was a wicked king whose name was Hiranyakashapu. He had conquered the

entire world and believed himself to be the greatest - He told everybody to pray

to him and him alone -- for in his mind he was God!


This wicked king had a young son named Prahlad. When Prahlad was in his mother's

womb - by some magical twist of fate, his mother was in the ashram of a very

great Sage (Narad Muni) and all Prahlad heard in his mother's womb were praises

of Lord Vishnu. So when Prahlad was born, he was already a pure and true devotee

of Vishnu.


From his young age, he would chant the names of Vishnu and all his games with

his little play mates were centered around Lord Vishnu and his beautiful past



Now, Prahlad's father heard all this and was VERY upset. He tried to persuade

his son that he should stop and desist - from praying to Vishnu. But that was to

no avail.


The king got sooooo mad -- that he actually had his son thrown from a mountain

cliff to be killed -- but Lord Vishnu miraculously saved Prahlad.


The king had a sister by name of Holika. She had a boon from the fire God (Agni)

that fire would not burn her. So she told her brother " Don't worry, i will take

my nephew in my lap and jump in the fire. My nephew will die. "


She picked up little boy Prahlad who was chanting God's name with faith and a

pure heart. She sat in the fire and the fire burnt her and saved Prahlad -- How

come? Lord Vishnu saved Prahlad and the fire God told Holika " I gave you the

boon for your safety not for you to harm others. "


So we learn two things: (a) Have faith in God. He will always take care of us

(like he did Prahlad)!

(b) Whatever boons or gifts are granted to us - last as long as we use them for

helping and not for harming.


So...we celebrate Holi in memory of Holika and Prahlad. In many places, a

bonfire is burnt on Holi night remembering the victory of pure faith and

goodness over selfishness and meanness :)


Om! Om! Om! :)



, nierika wrote:


> Dear ramya ~ I'd love to hear the story. : ) Jai Maa Jai Swamiji

> ~ Linda



> ramya wrote:


> Actually the scriptural story about the origin of Holi has the message that

> with faith in God - everything is possible! Swamiji tells us this story in

> Swami Puranas! It is about an asura Hiranyakashapu and his son Prahalad - a

> beautiful young devotee of our Lotus-Eyed Lord (Vishnu).


> If anybody wants to hear story again, please say so! :)



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