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Observing in Love

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Namaste and Pranam Dear Henny Maa,Thank you for continueing this subject. It's fascinating and so full of Love. Your Questions were:1. To love even those that are mean and cruel to us cannot not mean giving them permission for abuse, can it? You know the answer to this my dear that is obvious.But to add:Doing Chandi is one of the greatest ways to understand this fully. When we realize that we are all one then we can begin to love every part of being. In prayer/meditation a greater understanding of this will arise.Mother knows the best way to convey this to each of us.In my own experiences this has been a great battle until releasing it into Mothers hands. Then and only then did any slip of understanding begin to arise. Mother is so faithful

to answer our questions.Simply meditate on it. Hold it in your mind and you WILL see that all the answers will come in time.Try to remember what Christ said as he was being crucified."FATHER FORGIVE THEM FOR THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO"This is pure love in the mists of pain and anguish.When thinking of someone that is constantly hurting you on purpose and for no apparent reason, it is helpful to see them through the eyes of God.We are all his children and in any family there are many different. children at different. places on the wheel of life in understanding. It helps to see them as little ones that are taking their first steps out on the wheel or perhaps they have been around many times and the cruelties done to them have damaged them are causing their reations. For what ever reason, they ARE STILL, part of us. We need to seek understanding. It takes time.Be patient and just be with it, the

answers will come.2. If we were to act with pure love in such circumstances, what would we do?Remember how the GURU has handle such things, Christ on the cross is a good example. Keep asking yourself this question. Ask it in many scenarios and play it out in your mind how this Guru would respond.Go into meditation and ask Maa how she would handle it and she WILL come and tell you. Ramakrisna loves visiting his disciples and telling us how he would deal with things. Your own loving Guru hubby would be a good person to talk to about it. Your dear friends would be others to bring up the subject with. So many times we get with friends and talk about useless things this would be a GREAT subject to talk about over tea.We are all traveling this path with questions and we are so lucky to live in this time period now with computers so we can share.3. Could we say that pure love is not dependent on conditions(yes),

but that it manifests differently in different circumstances?ANYTHING is possible. Each situation would require something of it's own necessity. You could say that because no two situations are going to be exactly the same so you're way of handling them will be different.But love is love. Just LOVE. They say God is love so if that is true then all things are love. The constansy would be in the loving, in what ever way we can, no matter what the conditions.Say your child grows up and kills some one you still love you're child you just dislike the action taken. When your child makes a BIG mistake you love it anyway! Why would it be any different with any other part of you. The understanding comes with the REALIZATION of being one. Picture yourself as a drop of water and you plop into the ocean.As you crash upon the sands and roll back into the water see each drop as someone or something else. Then think if I am

here in this ocean who am I, the ocean or the drop. And where then does my drop end and yours begin. An interesting exercise is thinking about this as you fall asleep. Ask mother to show you how we are all connected so that you can truly love. She will! Then just rest and fall asleep seeing the great ocean rolling and crashing and turning into itself and rolling out again joining with the land and rolling out again and again. See what you, as a drop of this ocean become, see where you go.Feel it, be it. Become one with the ocean then realize that YOU ARE the OCEAN. You are every thing. You evaporate into the air and form into a cloud then fall to the earth the find yourself inside a tree rushing up and out to the leaves. As you fall to the ground as a leaf you are consumed by a deer. Then just follow where you will and BE. We are all connected in this churning ocean of life aren't we! Then

just stand back and become the observer and enjoy.See how it all plays out.4. And that sometimes pure love expresses itself in ways that would not necessarily be perceived as 'loving' by the recipient? We can say it but it does not make it true. WE may think or lie to ourselves so we can say thing like "well because i love you I'm going to be truthful here YOU'RE____________ but so many times ego can trick us. WE have to be careful because we are still growing and becoming aware. Chandi again will help us with this. Some parents may use that statement above as an excuse to spank, for example, when true love could find a better way. True love TRUE PURE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE is felt. A child can do wrong and the GURU walk into the room and lovingly smile (doing or saying nothing) and cause the student to drop to their feet in tears because without saying a word love has touched them and they realize

the wrong as an experience and the love as the Guru.As Babs, we ourselves WILL, WE WILLLLLL make mistakes in this learning of Love. The biggest one being in trying to learn it instead of be it. Trying to think it out instead of feel it. IT WILL ALL come in time. The Guru can walk into a battle and bring peace. With no misunderstanding. The Guru brings true love into our mists.Jai Chandi MaaJai Guru JaiLooking forward to hearing more.What a blessing to hear everyones experiences. Full of lessons for sure.Great Joy and Love,PRANAMDevi--- On Sat, 3/21/09, jaisanatanimaa <jaisanatanimaa wrote:jaisanatanimaa <jaisanatanimaaRe: [www.ShreeMaa.org] Shree Maa's Story and Pure love :)To:

Date: Saturday, March 21, 2009, 3:46 AM


You've said it all, Devi Maa, thank you for your beautiful words of wisdom.

Having read your post, I had a question:

to love even those that are mean and cruel to us cannot not mean giving them permission for abuse, can it? If we were to act with pure love in such circumstances, what would we do? Could we say that pure love is not dependent on conditions, but that it manifests differently in different circumstances? And that sometimes pure love expresses itself in ways that would not necessarily be perceived as 'loving' by the recipient?

Thinking along those lines I thought: would not the Chandi be a perfect 'Course in Pure Love'? Having often wondered what the 'Glory of the Goddess' actually means, I know feel that it is Her pure love that is Her Glory, and Her victory is the victory of pure love over all that is mean and cruel. If we would learn about pure love, everything we need to know has been given to us in the Chandi. I remember Shree Maa said in one of the books 'the Chandi is my life' and I begin to understand a little what this means. Jai Maa!


May we all grow in the realization that we are all one in pure love, may all obstacles to this realization be removed, may we always be grateful for the perfect example and may we never forget examples are to be followed,


with love,



, devi <student61754@ ...> wrote:


> Pure love has no agenda, requirements, needs, reasons, it just is.

> Mother is the perfect example of pure love.

> To love even those that are mean and cruel to us for no apparent reason would be a pure love.

> Anyone can love someone that is nice to them or that loves them in return.

> But the love that is pure can love all and expect nothing in return.

> It doesn't even require being known that it loves.

> It is just pure love.


> Devi


> --- On Thu, 3/19/09, n_ramya108 <n_ramya108@ ...> wrote:


> n_ramya108 <n_ramya108@ ...>

> [www.ShreeMaa. org] Shree Maa's Story and Pure love :)


> Thursday, March 19, 2009, 7:14 PM













> Dear Beloved Kumari, Lalitha, Neeraj, Linda, Dr. Sandeep, Usha, Kamalaji, Henny...and Everybody :)




> Thanks for listening to Maa's beautiful story. I told Maa that everybody enjoyed Her story so very much.




> i had a doubt as i was writing and thinking about the story and i was wondering if i could share with you -- and if we can get an understanding together.




> What exactly is pure love? Is it the same as unconditional love?




> Can you please write what is your understanding. After we discuss and churn (as Shree Maa says!), we can ask Shree Maa and Swamiji also!




> So please do take a moment to share your thoughts/examples of "What is pure love?"




> Thank you and waiting to hear from you!




> Om! Jai Maa! :)


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Namaste Devi,


I bow to you, thank you for taking the time to write such a beautiful and

thougtful reply. You touched my heart and silenced the mind with this

demonstration of love.


One thing I would like to add is that when I wrote that perhaps pure love

expresses itself in ways that are not perceived as 'loving' by the recipients I

was thinking of thoughts having their heads chopped of by Divine Mother or

Self-Deprecation crying 'Stop' when She pierced his heart! To be in the presence

of pure love and to see our own behaviour in that light can be painful and it

can even make us blame the light for what is revealed. When we go into

meditation and Mother comes and tells us what She would do it may not be what we

would like to hear. May Divine Mother forgive me for doubting and fighting Her.


I agree with you that once those who are still growing start to do to others

painful things 'with only their best interest at heart' they are on very thin

ice indeed. May Divine Mother stop us when we are thus tempted.


dear sister, thank you again for churning with me,


with love,







, devi <student61754 wrote:


> Namaste and Pranam Dear Henny Maa,

> Thank you for continueing this subject.  It's fascinating and so full of Love.

Your Questions were:

> 1. To love even those that are mean and cruel to us cannot not mean giving

them permission for abuse, can it?

> You know the answer to this my dear that is obvious.

> But to add:

> Doing Chandi is one of the greatest ways to understand this fully. When we

realize that we are all one then we can begin to love every part of being.

> In prayer/meditation a greater understanding of this will arise.

> Mother knows the best way to convey this to each of us.

> In my own experiences this has been a great battle until releasing it into

Mothers hands.  Then and only then did any slip of understanding begin to


> Mother is so faithful to answer our questions.

> Simply meditate on it. Hold it in your mind and you WILL see that all the

answers will come in time.

> Try to remember what Christ said as he was being crucified.


> This is pure love in the mists of pain and anguish.

> When thinking of someone that is constantly hurting you on purpose and for no

apparent reason, it is helpful to see them through the eyes of God.

> We are all his children and in any family there are many different. children

at different. places on the wheel of life in understanding.  It helps to see

them as little ones that are taking their first steps out on the wheel or

perhaps they have been around many times and the cruelties done to them have

damaged them are causing their reations.   For what ever reason, they ARE STILL,

part of us.  We need to seek understanding.  It takes time.

> Be patient and just be with it, the answers will come.


> 2. If we were to act with pure love in such circumstances, what would we do?

> Remember how the GURU has handle such things, Christ on the cross is a good

example. Keep asking yourself this question. Ask it in many scenarios and play

it out in your mind how this Guru would respond.

> Go into meditation and ask Maa how she would handle it and she WILL come and

tell you.  Ramakrisna loves visiting his disciples and telling us how he would

deal with things. Your own loving Guru hubby would be a good person to talk to

about it. Your dear friends would be others to bring up the subject with. So

many times we get with friends and talk about useless things this would be a

GREAT subject to talk about over tea.

> We are all traveling this path with questions and we are so lucky to live in

this time period now with computers so we can share.


> 3. Could we say that pure love is not dependent on conditions(yes), but that

it manifests differently in different circumstances?

> ANYTHING is possible. Each situation would require something of it's own

necessity. You could say that because no two situations are going to be exactly

the same so you're way of handling them will be different.

> But love is love.  Just LOVE.  They say God is love so if that is true then

all things are love.  The constansy would be in the loving, in what ever way we

can, no matter what the conditions.

> Say your child grows up and kills some one you still love you're child you

just dislike the action taken. When your child makes a BIG mistake you love it

anyway! Why would it be any different with any other part of you. The

understanding comes with the REALIZATION of being one.


> Picture yourself as a drop of water and you plop into the ocean.

> As you crash upon the sands and roll back into the water see each drop as

someone or something else. Then think if I am here in this ocean who am I, the

ocean or the drop. And where then does my drop end and yours begin. 

> An interesting exercise is thinking about this as you fall asleep.  Ask mother

to show you how we are all connected so that you can truly love. She will!  Then

just rest and fall asleep seeing the great ocean rolling and crashing and

turning into itself and rolling out again joining with the land and rolling out

again and again.  See what you, as a drop of this ocean become, see where you


> Feel it, be it.  Become one with the ocean then realize that YOU ARE the

OCEAN. You are every thing. You evaporate into the air and form into a cloud

then fall to the earth the find yourself inside a tree rushing up and out to the

leaves. As you fall to the ground as a leaf you are consumed by a deer. Then

just follow where you will and BE.

> We are all connected in this churning ocean of life aren't we! 

> Then just stand back and become the observer and enjoy.

> See how it all plays out.


> 4. And that sometimes pure love expresses itself in ways that would not

necessarily be perceived as 'loving' by the recipient?  We can say it but it

does not make it true. WE may think or lie to ourselves so we can say thing like

" well because i love you I'm going to be truthful here YOU'RE____________ but so

many times ego can trick us.

> WE have to be careful because we are still growing and becoming aware. Chandi

again will help us with this.  

> Some parents may use that statement above as an excuse to spank, for example,

when true love could find a better way. 


> A child can do wrong and the GURU walk into the room and lovingly smile (doing

or saying nothing) and cause the student to drop to their feet in tears because

without saying a word love has touched them and they realize the wrong as an

experience and the love as the Guru.

> As Babs, we ourselves WILL, WE WILLLLLL make mistakes in this learning of

Love.  The biggest one being in trying to learn it instead of be it. Trying to

think it out instead of feel it.  IT WILL ALL come in time. 

> The Guru can walk into a battle and bring peace.

> With no misunderstanding.

> The Guru brings true love into our mists.

> Jai Chandi Maa

> Jai Guru Jai

> Looking forward to hearing more.

> What a blessing to hear everyones experiences.

> Full of lessons for sure.

> Great Joy and Love,


> Devi


> --- On Sat, 3/21/09, jaisanatanimaa <jaisanatanimaa wrote:


> jaisanatanimaa <jaisanatanimaa

> Re: [www.ShreeMaa.org] Shree Maa's Story and Pure love :)


> Saturday, March 21, 2009, 3:46 AM







You've said it all, Devi Maa, thank you for your beautiful words

of wisdom.


> Having read your post, I had a question:


> to love even those that are mean and cruel to us cannot not mean giving them

permission for abuse, can it? If we were to act with pure love in such

circumstances, what would we do? Could we say that pure love is not dependent on

conditions, but that it manifests differently in different circumstances? And

that sometimes pure love expresses itself in ways that would not necessarily be

perceived as 'loving' by the recipient?


> Thinking along those lines I thought: would not the Chandi be a perfect

'Course in Pure Love'? Having often wondered what the 'Glory of the Goddess'

actually means, I know feel that it is Her pure love that is Her Glory, and Her

victory is the victory of pure love over all that is mean and cruel. If we would

learn about pure love, everything we need to know has been given to us in the

Chandi. I remember Shree Maa said in one of the books 'the Chandi is my life'

and I begin to understand a little what this means. Jai Maa!




> May we all grow in the realization that we are all one in pure love, may all

obstacles to this realization be removed, may we always be grateful for the

perfect example and may we never forget examples are to be followed,




> with love,


> Henny




> , devi <student61754@ ...> wrote:


> >


> > Pure  love has no agenda, requirements, needs, reasons, it just is.


> > Mother is the perfect example of pure love.


> > To love even those that are mean and cruel to us for no apparent reason

would be a pure love.


> > Anyone can love someone that is nice to them or that loves them in return.


> > But the love that is pure can love all and expect nothing in return.


> > It doesn't even require being known that it loves.


> > It is just pure love.


> >


> > Devi


> >


> > --- On Thu, 3/19/09, n_ramya108 <n_ramya108@ ...> wrote:


> >


> > n_ramya108 <n_ramya108@ ...>


> > [www.ShreeMaa. org] Shree Maa's Story and Pure love :)


> >


> > Thursday, March 19, 2009, 7:14 PM


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> > Dear Beloved Kumari, Lalitha, Neeraj, Linda, Dr. Sandeep, Usha,

Kamalaji, Henny...and Everybody :)


> >


> >


> >


> > Thanks for listening to Maa's beautiful story. I told Maa that everybody

enjoyed Her story so very much.


> >


> >


> >


> > i had a doubt as i was writing and thinking about the story and i was

wondering if i could share with you -- and if we can get an understanding



> >


> >


> >


> > What exactly is pure love? Is it the same as unconditional love?


> >


> >


> >


> > Can you please write what is your understanding. After we discuss and churn

(as Shree Maa says!), we can ask Shree Maa and Swamiji also!


> >


> >


> >


> > So please do take a moment to share your thoughts/examples of " What is pure

love? "


> >


> >


> >


> > Thank you and waiting to hear from you!


> >


> >


> >


> > Om! Jai Maa! :)


> >


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