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Living with our soul : Shree Maa's teaching

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Beloved Family


Shree Maa once said that in silence we can feel our soul - make connection with

Atman. She said that in Her earlier years She never spoke much. When She came to

America also, She was very quiet - many old devotees tell us that. Maa said that

in that silence we can feel the connection with our soul.


How do you feel the connection with your soul?


With what practice in what situations? W


hat has helped you and what prevents and interupts that connection?


Can you please share your inspiration and help us all go deeper and closer

within - and without!


Thank you! Awaiting your thoughts and inspiration!


Jai Maa!


ramya :)

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i feel it when i meditate the way it was suggested to me by a saint. i feel it when i think of that saint. i feel it when i deeply am calling god in silence.


i cannot thank shree maa enough for what she has given me. i was dead and now i am feeling happiness.


krishna--- On Mon, 4/13/09, n_ramya108 <n_ramya108 wrote:

n_ramya108 <n_ramya108[www.ShreeMaa.org] Living with our soul : Shree Maa's teaching Date: Monday, April 13, 2009, 6:12 PM



Beloved FamilyShree Maa once said that in silence we can feel our soul - make connection with Atman. She said that in Her earlier years She never spoke much. When She came to America also, She was very quiet - many old devotees tell us that. Maa said that in that silence we can feel the connection with our soul.How do you feel the connection with your soul? With what practice in what situations? What has helped you and what prevents and interupts that connection? Can you please share your inspiration and help us all go deeper and closer within - and without!Thank you! Awaiting your thoughts and inspiration!Jai Maa!ramya :)

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Namaste Ramya and Devi Mandir family,


I am intrigued by these questions but also baffled (have been for a long



Since practicing prayer and meditation I have come to appreciate silence

as a focused attention on the heart and on what lies beyond our thoughts.

When this condition of inner awareness occurs, by concious excercise or

chance, I am often struck by a profound feeling of objectless love, which

hits me like a wave, usually spreading from my solar plexus. Sometimes I

think of this as a taste of the ocean of bliss that underlies all reality,

emanating from the Lotus Feet of the blessed Mother (saundharya lahari,

ananda lahari).


But even if mine were a completely exaggerated perspective, and if these

feelings brought about by silence had little to do with the soul proper

(being the result of simple chemical changes in the brain), they would be

no less amazing for me. (Love without an object! A free and natural



So the whole process baffles me because although I know that many many

people experience the same things, I have found no one to really explain

to me why they happen and what to do about it. Is this objectless love a

taste of bhakti and a connection with the soul or is it just an illusion?

(The mind afterall is a real trickster...)


As ever confused,




> Beloved Family


> Shree Maa once said that in silence we can feel our soul - make connection

> with Atman. She said that in Her earlier years She never spoke much. When

> She came to America also, She was very quiet - many old devotees tell us

> that. Maa said that in that silence we can feel the connection with our

> soul.


> How do you feel the connection with your soul?


> With what practice in what situations? W


> hat has helped you and what prevents and interupts that connection?


> Can you please share your inspiration and help us all go deeper and closer

> within - and without!


> Thank you! Awaiting your thoughts and inspiration!


> Jai Maa!


> ramya :)



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Namaste AllWhat helps me to connect is my daily spiritual practice, when I do japa and then meditate.  The japa helps to calm my mind so that there are less thoughts interrupting my meditation.  I ask every day for help to remember to connect during the rest of the day; for me that is the main problem - when I get up from my sadhana, I soon forget the Divine and get immersed in front brain stuff.

I would welcome any help for practising the presence of the Divine in every moment..... please.  I also dedicate every thought, word, feeling and action to the Divine every morning and surrender the fruits of every thought, word, feeling and action to the Divine every evening.  At least that way there are a some more times when I connect!

Jai MaaaJill

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When illness, pain, sorrow, depression, loneliness and the like disturb the silence/union/peace, it releases the mind from its chatter to RE-mind it that this too will past. Turn away from it in your thoughts and recite mantra with as much concentration as can be given it in situation. --- On Mon, 4/13/09, n_ramya108 <n_ramya108 wrote:n_ramya108 <n_ramya108[www.ShreeMaa.org] Living with our soul : Shree Maa's teaching Date: Monday, April 13, 2009, 9:12 PM


Beloved Family


Shree Maa once said that in silence we can feel our soul - make connection with Atman. She said that in Her earlier years She never spoke much. When She came to America also, She was very quiet - many old devotees tell us that. Maa said that in that silence we can feel the connection with our soul.


How do you feel the connection with your soul?


With what practice in what situations? W


hat has helped you and what prevents and interupts that connection?


Can you please share your inspiration and help us all go deeper and closer within - and without!


Thank you! Awaiting your thoughts and inspiration!


Jai Maa!


ramya :)

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Namaste Ramya,


The connection to the soul for me is felt in a moment of deepest

devotion and surrender, i wish it would could be longer. There is no

specific time or practice, a time that comes quickly to mind is during

the recent celebration for Lord Ram, during the Sundar Kundar, when the

samputs " ram sri ram " and the other commencing with OMmmm was being

sung. It happens also with japa, online chandi and other worship

performed daily depending on the intensity of devotion.


Two of Maa's cds are used during worship always - Darknight Mother and

the one with the peacock on the cover (name slips me right now). I am

trying to download the Bengali Chandi for although not knowing the

language, it wakes up the soul very quickly.


What is disrupting for me is in my office some persons play their radios

all day so after a beautiful morning worship accompanied by japa along

the way to work, there is a window of about 15 minutes before the radios

are turned on, i have had to ask my friend beside me so many time to

turn the volume down, i find that certain songs play in the

consciousness longer than others and can pop into the mind other day to

day things and thoughts come but this child is learning to offer them to

Mother for sending to heaven.


Thanks for the questions and the opportunity.







, " n_ramya108 " <n_ramya108 wrote:


> Beloved Family


> Shree Maa once said that in silence we can feel our soul - make

connection with Atman. She said that in Her earlier years She never

spoke much. When She came to America also, She was very quiet - many old

devotees tell us that. Maa said that in that silence we can feel the

connection with our soul.


> How do you feel the connection with your soul?


> With what practice in what situations? W


> hat has helped you and what prevents and interupts that connection?


> Can you please share your inspiration and help us all go deeper and

closer within - and without!


> Thank you! Awaiting your thoughts and inspiration!


> Jai Maa!


> ramya :)


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Soul = Space.


The power inherent in the soul is properties of this space that is the substratum on which everything exists - matter or energy or anything else or you or I or those concepts. When Shree Maa says silence, I understand it to be the silence of the mind and you experience the soul when you unite this silence of the mind to the space itself. That means, when your eyes are closed in meditation, you literally see emptiness inside... just space. There are no imaginations of space or a concept called soul, but just space itself. I see this as connection to the soul because the only way to connect to the soul through right understanding is by becoming the soul.


Devotion, without right knowledge, still keeps in me the thought that I am connected to the soul. In that case, soul becomes object rather than subject and there is no connectivity.









--- On Mon, 4/13/09, n_ramya108 <n_ramya108 wrote:

n_ramya108 <n_ramya108[www.ShreeMaa.org] Living with our soul : Shree Maa's teaching Date: Monday, April 13, 2009, 6:12 PM



Beloved FamilyShree Maa once said that in silence we can feel our soul - make connection with Atman. She said that in Her earlier years She never spoke much. When She came to America also, She was very quiet - many old devotees tell us that. Maa said that in that silence we can feel the connection with our soul.How do you feel the connection with your soul? With what practice in what situations? What has helped you and what prevents and interupts that connection? Can you please share your inspiration and help us all go deeper and closer within - and without!Thank you! Awaiting your thoughts and inspiration!Jai Maa!ramya :)

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Thank you for the opportunity to contemplate this question.


The first thing that came up for me is, Maa and Swami's teachings help me to

connect with Soul.


There is one teaching from Swami that is very potent for me, and that is (these

were not his exact words, but how I received them) " Nobody and no thing has the

capacity to interfere with your relationship with Divine Mother " .


And another, to go along with that, is that the Divine is in every atom of



I start my day connecting as deeply as I am able with Divine Mother's Love.

Then as I go through my day I focus on experiencing each person, circumstance,

interaction, as forms of Divine Mother's Love. When I am pulled out of that, as

I inevitably am, I take refuge in Swami's teaching that no one and nobody has

the capacity to interfere with my relationship with Her.


Also, prayer, meditation, singing to God/Goddess, being with little children,

being in nature, listening to many forms of music, worship, reading the inspired

writings of so many teachers, helping people and YES to silence!


Thank you, Divine Mother, for this rich and beautiful world of connections with





, " n_ramya108 " <n_ramya108 wrote:


> Beloved Family


> Shree Maa once said that in silence we can feel our soul - make connection

with Atman. She said that in Her earlier years She never spoke much. When She

came to America also, She was very quiet - many old devotees tell us that. Maa

said that in that silence we can feel the connection with our soul.


> How do you feel the connection with your soul?


> With what practice in what situations? W


> hat has helped you and what prevents and interupts that connection?


> Can you please share your inspiration and help us all go deeper and closer

within - and without!


> Thank you! Awaiting your thoughts and inspiration!


> Jai Maa!


> ramya :)


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Namaste all family: I have discovered that when Maa and Swami are performing

more sadhana, i.e. during the 9 days of Navaratri, I had much deeper and more

profound pujas and meditation. It seemed as if the Self was so much more

accessible and lively during sadhana and daily life. I would perform Shiva puja

at the Shiva lingum, Napashwar, in the woods at the Mandir, then sit and

meditate for several hours each day during Navaratri. Then I would return to my

home and just float through the day. Nothing seemed to bother me. My heart and

mind were bathed and soothed by the constant gentle mantra, Om Namah Shiva.

I wonder how many others feel this way? Please share your experiences. It

seems that the connection to Maa and Swami is growing stronger. Does it feel

that way to others?

I asked Swami if we could extend Navaratri, or create another situation where

everyone would perform longer and deeper sadhana, in harmony with them, in

order to prolong and deepen this experience. If others are feeling this way,

let's let Maa and Swami know so they can consider this request.

The world is in such flux, and so many hearts are crying for peace, And through

God's Grace, it seems that we have this incredible opportunity to help.


Lova and Jai Maa







, " n_ramya108 " <n_ramya108 wrote:


> Beloved Family


> Shree Maa once said that in silence we can feel our soul - make connection

with Atman. She said that in Her earlier years She never spoke much. When She

came to America also, She was very quiet - many old devotees tell us that. Maa

said that in that silence we can feel the connection with our soul.


> How do you feel the connection with your soul?


> With what practice in what situations? W


> hat has helped you and what prevents and interupts that connection?


> Can you please share your inspiration and help us all go deeper and closer

within - and without!


> Thank you! Awaiting your thoughts and inspiration!


> Jai Maa!


> ramya :)


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Today my very heartfelt pondering was over this contradiction: Why, if I am doing puja, japa and at least trying to meditate every day, why do I keep falling back into my bad habits, my anger and self-defeating behaviour?


I was doing puja to Vishnu, so i opened up Swamiji and Shree Maa's translation of the Bhagavad Gita and it fell open to Chapter 3.


Arjuna said: Then why does man move to unite with sin? By what force is he driven, even against his will?


The Respected Supreme Divinity said: Desire and anger arise from Nature's quality of passion. They are insatiable and terribly wicked. Know them as enemies.


(They are my asuras, what more can I say? They are deep and seemingly unending at times. I feel like I am dancing on hot coals when they come forward. They are my enemies, indeed)


As fire is covered by smoke, the highest Ideal is covered by imperfection, the fetus hidden in the womb, just so is Wisdom hidden by these enemies.


The wisdom of the wise is hidden by these eternal enemies in the form of selfish desires which are insatiable like fire, O Son Of Who Takes Away the Deficiency of Others.


(I know this, Gods I know this, and yet I still seem powerless to remove these coverings.)


The answer is actually in the previous chapter (chapter 2, verse 30)


With full renunciation, fix your consciousness in spiritual knowledge performing all actions for Me. Becoming free from desire, free from attachment, fight this disease of darkness.



This is a fight to the death, as Kali, Durga and Chandi demonstrate amply. But my role is to accept myself as I am and continue to be aware of those self defeating asuras and try to not totally buy into their dark ways, without adding fuel to their fire of anger, fear and attachment/aversion. I offer my spiritual, enlightening actions to Deity as well as my dark moments equally in hopes of attaining the superior position beyond both.


Pranams to Swamiji and Shree Maa.

Jai Kali Ma. Om Namah Shivaya.

Kumari--- On Wed, 4/22/09, inspectionconnection108 <inspectionconnection108 wrote:

inspectionconnection108 <inspectionconnection108[www.ShreeMaa.org] Re: Living with our soul : Shree Maa's teaching Date: Wednesday, April 22, 2009, 1:18 AM



Namaste all family: I have discovered that when Maa and Swami are performing more sadhana, i.e. during the 9 days of Navaratri, I had much deeper and more profound pujas and meditation. It seemed as if the Self was so much more accessible and lively during sadhana and daily life. I would perform Shiva puja at the Shiva lingum, Napashwar, in the woods at the Mandir, then sit and meditate for several hours each day during Navaratri. Then I would return to my home and just float through the day. Nothing seemed to bother me. My heart and mind were bathed and soothed by the constant gentle mantra, Om Namah Shiva. I wonder how many others feel this way? Please share your experiences. It seems that the connection to Maa and Swami is growing stronger. Does it feel that way to others?I asked Swami if we could extend Navaratri, or create another situation where everyone would perform longer and deeper sadhana, in harmony with them, in order to prolong

and deepen this experience. If others are feeling this way, let's let Maa and Swami know so they can consider this request.The world is in such flux, and so many hearts are crying for peace, And through God's Grace, it seems that we have this incredible opportunity to help.Lova and Jai Maavishweshwar, "n_ramya108" <n_ramya108@ ...> wrote:>> Beloved Family> > Shree Maa once said that in silence we can feel our soul - make connection with Atman. She said that in Her earlier years She never spoke much. When She came to America also, She was very quiet - many old devotees tell us that. Maa said that in that silence we can feel the connection with our soul.> > How do you feel the

connection with your soul? > > With what practice in what situations? W> > hat has helped you and what prevents and interupts that connection? > > Can you please share your inspiration and help us all go deeper and closer within - and without!> > Thank you! Awaiting your thoughts and inspiration!> > Jai Maa!> > ramya :)>

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This is the second time posting this message. I apologize if it comes through twice.Today my very heartfelt pondering was over this contradiction: Why, if I am doing puja, japa and at least trying to meditate every day, why do I keep falling back into my bad habits, my anger and self-defeating behaviour? I was doing puja to Vishnu, so i opened up Swamiji and Shree Maa's translation of the Bhagavad Gita and it fell open to Chapter 3. Arjuna said: Then why does man move to unite with sin? By what force is he driven, even against his will? The Respected Supreme Divinity said: Desire and anger arise from Nature's quality of passion. They are insatiable and terribly wicked. Know them as enemies. (They are my asuras, what more can I say? They

are deep and seemingly unending at times. I feel like I am dancing on hot coals when they come forward. They are my enemies, indeed) As fire is covered by smoke, the highest Ideal is covered by imperfection, the fetus hidden in the womb, just so is Wisdom hidden by these enemies. The wisdom of the wise is hidden by these eternal enemies in the form of selfish desires which are insatiable like fire, O Son Of Who Takes Away the Deficiency of Others. (I know this, Gods I know this, and yet I still seem powerless to remove these coverings.) The answer is actually in the previous chapter (chapter 2, verse 30) With full renunciation, fix your consciousness in spiritual knowledge performing all actions for Me. Becoming free from desire, free from attachment, fight this disease of darkness. This is a fight to the death, as Kali, Durga and Chandi demonstrate

amply. But my role is to accept myself as I am and continue to be aware of those self defeating asuras and try to not totally buy into their dark ways, without adding fuel to their fire of anger, fear and attachment/aversion. I offer my spiritual, enlightening actions to Deity as well as my dark moments equally in hopes of attaining the superior position beyond both. Pranams to Swamiji and Shree Maa. Jai Kali Ma. Om Namah Shivaya.Kumari--- On Wed, 4/22/09, inspectionconnection108 <inspectionconnection108 wrote:inspectionconnection108 <inspectionconnection108[www.ShreeMaa.org] Re: Living with our soul : Shree Maa's teaching Date: Wednesday, April 22, 2009, 1:18 AMNamaste all family: I have discovered that when Maa and Swami are performing more sadhana, i.e. during

the 9 days of Navaratri, I had much deeper and more profound pujas and meditation. It seemed as if the Self was so much more accessible and lively during sadhana and daily life. I would perform Shiva puja at the Shiva lingum, Napashwar, in the woods at the Mandir, then sit and meditate for several hours each day during Navaratri. Then I would return to my home and just float through the day. Nothing seemed to bother me. My heart and mind were bathed and soothed by the constant gentle mantra, Om Namah Shiva. I wonder how many others feel this way? Please share your experiences. It seems that the connection to Maa and Swami is growing stronger. Does it feel that way to others?I asked Swami if we could extend Navaratri, or create another situation where everyone would perform longer and deeper sadhana, in harmony with them, in order to prolong and deepen this experience. If others are feeling this way, let's let Maa and Swami know so they can

consider this request.The world is in such flux, and so many hearts are crying for peace, And through God's Grace, it seems that we have this incredible opportunity to help.Lova and Jai Maavishweshwar, "n_ramya108" <n_ramya108@ ...> wrote:>> Beloved Family> > Shree Maa once said that in silence we can feel our soul - make connection with Atman. She said that in Her earlier years She never spoke much. When She came to America also, She was very quiet - many old devotees tell us that. Maa said that in that silence we can feel the connection with our soul.> > How do you feel the connection with your soul? > > With what practice in what situations? W> > hat has helped you and what prevents and interupts that connection? > > Can you please share your inspiration and help us all go deeper and closer within -

and without!> > Thank you! Awaiting your thoughts and inspiration!> > Jai Maa!> > ramya :)>

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They say the key is Grace - that grace to reach the goal. Once that happens, transformation is bound to take place - it actually cannot be stopped.


The key to receiving that grace is to follow the Seer to the very letter... absolutely literally... total surrender. Seems hard but is more easily possible in the presence of a Realized Being.




--- On Thu, 4/23/09, Joan Fisher <mjfisher2005 wrote:

Joan Fisher <mjfisher2005[www.ShreeMaa.org] Re: Living with our soul : Shree Maa's teaching Date: Thursday, April 23, 2009, 9:05 AM







This is the second time posting this message. I apologize if it comes through twice.Today my very heartfelt pondering was over this contradiction: Why, if I am doing puja, japa and at least trying to meditate every day, why do I keep falling back into my bad habits, my anger and self-defeating behaviour? I was doing puja to Vishnu, so i opened up Swamiji and Shree Maa's translation of the Bhagavad Gita and it fell open to Chapter 3. Arjuna said: Then why does man move to unite with sin? By what force is he driven, even against his will? The Respected Supreme Divinity said: Desire and anger arise from Nature's quality of passion. They are insatiable and terribly wicked. Know them as enemies. (They are my asuras, what more can I say? They are deep and seemingly unending at times. I feel like I am dancing on hot

coals when they come forward. They are my enemies, indeed) As fire is covered by smoke, the highest Ideal is covered by imperfection, the fetus hidden in the womb, just so is Wisdom hidden by these enemies. The wisdom of the wise is hidden by these eternal enemies in the form of selfish desires which are insatiable like fire, O Son Of Who Takes Away the Deficiency of Others. (I know this, Gods I know this, and yet I still seem powerless to remove these coverings.) The answer is actually in the previous chapter (chapter 2, verse 30) With full renunciation, fix your consciousness in spiritual knowledge performing all actions for Me. Becoming free from desire, free from attachment, fight this disease of darkness. This is a fight to the death, as Kali, Durga and Chandi demonstrate amply. But my role is to accept myself as I am and continue to be aware

of those self defeating asuras and try to not totally buy into their dark ways, without adding fuel to their fire of anger, fear and attachment/aversion . I offer my spiritual, enlightening actions to Deity as well as my dark moments equally in hopes of attaining the superior position beyond both. Pranams to Swamiji and Shree Maa. Jai Kali Ma. Om Namah Shivaya.Kumari--- On Wed, 4/22/09, inspectionconnectio n108 <inspectionconnectio n108 > wrote:inspectionconnectio n108 <inspectionconnectio n108 >[www.ShreeMaa. org] Re: Living with our soul : Shree Maa's teachingWednesday, April 22, 2009, 1:18 AMNamaste all family: I have discovered that when Maa and Swami are performing more sadhana, i.e. during the 9 days of Navaratri, I had much deeper and more profound pujas

and meditation. It seemed as if the Self was so much more accessible and lively during sadhana and daily life. I would perform Shiva puja at the Shiva lingum, Napashwar, in the woods at the Mandir, then sit and meditate for several hours each day during Navaratri. Then I would return to my home and just float through the day. Nothing seemed to bother me. My heart and mind were bathed and soothed by the constant gentle mantra, Om Namah Shiva. I wonder how many others feel this way? Please share your experiences. It seems that the connection to Maa and Swami is growing stronger. Does it feel that way to others?I asked Swami if we could extend Navaratri, or create another situation where everyone would perform longer and deeper sadhana, in harmony with them, in order to prolong and deepen this experience. If others are feeling this way, let's let Maa and Swami know so they can consider this request.The world is in such flux, and so many hearts

are crying for peace, And through God's Grace, it seems that we have this incredible opportunity to help.Lova and Jai Maavishweshwar, "n_ramya108" <n_ramya108@ ...> wrote:>> Beloved Family> > Shree Maa once said that in silence we can feel our soul - make connection with Atman. She said that in Her earlier years She never spoke much. When She came to America also, She was very quiet - many old devotees tell us that. Maa said that in that silence we can feel the connection with our soul.> > How do you feel the connection with your soul? > > With what practice in what situations? W> > hat has helped you and what prevents and interupts that connection? > > Can you please share your inspiration and help us all go deeper and closer within - and without!> > Thank you! Awaiting your thoughts and

inspiration!> > Jai Maa!> > ramya :)>

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Namaste Ray


Yes, this is very true! Grace is a neccesity. But our efforts are needed as well. As you say, we must follow the lead of the Wise. Swamiji defines Kripa (grace) as do and get. We must do and then we get. The secret is we get far more than what our small efforts alone would aquire. Maa is very gracious.


Jai Swamiji and Shree Maa!

Om Jai Kali Ma! Om Namah Shivaya!

Kumari--- On Thu, 4/23/09, Ray Happy <amritanandamoyi wrote:

Ray Happy <amritanandamoyiRe: [www.ShreeMaa.org] Re: Living with our soul : Shree Maa's teaching Date: Thursday, April 23, 2009, 5:10 PM








They say the key is Grace - that grace to reach the goal. Once that happens, transformation is bound to take place - it actually cannot be stopped.


The key to receiving that grace is to follow the Seer to the very letter... absolutely literally... total surrender. Seems hard but is more easily possible in the presence of a Realized Being.




--- On Thu, 4/23/09, Joan Fisher <mjfisher2005@ > wrote:

Joan Fisher <mjfisher2005@ >[www.ShreeMaa. org] Re: Living with our soul : Shree Maa's teachingThursday, April 23, 2009, 9:05 AM







This is the second time posting this message. I apologize if it comes through twice.Today my very heartfelt pondering was over this contradiction: Why, if I am doing puja, japa and at least trying to meditate every day, why do I keep falling back into my bad habits, my anger and self-defeating behaviour? I was doing puja to Vishnu, so i opened up Swamiji and Shree Maa's translation of the Bhagavad Gita and it fell open to Chapter 3. Arjuna said: Then why does man move to unite with sin? By what force is he driven, even against his will? The Respected Supreme Divinity said: Desire and anger arise from Nature's quality of passion. They are insatiable and terribly wicked. Know them as enemies. (They are my asuras, what more can I say? They are deep and seemingly unending at times. I feel like I am dancing on hot

coals when they come forward. They are my enemies, indeed) As fire is covered by smoke, the highest Ideal is covered by imperfection, the fetus hidden in the womb, just so is Wisdom hidden by these enemies. The wisdom of the wise is hidden by these eternal enemies in the form of selfish desires which are insatiable like fire, O Son Of Who Takes Away the Deficiency of Others. (I know this, Gods I know this, and yet I still seem powerless to remove these coverings.) The answer is actually in the previous chapter (chapter 2, verse 30) With full renunciation, fix your consciousness in spiritual knowledge performing all actions for Me. Becoming free from desire, free from attachment, fight this disease of darkness. This is a fight to the death, as Kali, Durga and Chandi demonstrate amply. But my role is to accept myself as I am and continue to be aware

of those self defeating asuras and try to not totally buy into their dark ways, without adding fuel to their fire of anger, fear and attachment/aversion . I offer my spiritual, enlightening actions to Deity as well as my dark moments equally in hopes of attaining the superior position beyond both. Pranams to Swamiji and Shree Maa. Jai Kali Ma. Om Namah Shivaya.Kumari--- On Wed, 4/22/09, inspectionconnectio n108 <inspectionconnectio n108 > wrote:inspectionconnectio n108 <inspectionconnectio n108 >[www.ShreeMaa. org] Re: Living with our soul : Shree Maa's teachingWednesday, April 22, 2009, 1:18 AMNamaste all family: I have discovered that when Maa and Swami are performing more sadhana, i.e. during the 9 days of Navaratri, I had much deeper and more profound pujas

and meditation. It seemed as if the Self was so much more accessible and lively during sadhana and daily life. I would perform Shiva puja at the Shiva lingum, Napashwar, in the woods at the Mandir, then sit and meditate for several hours each day during Navaratri. Then I would return to my home and just float through the day. Nothing seemed to bother me. My heart and mind were bathed and soothed by the constant gentle mantra, Om Namah Shiva. I wonder how many others feel this way? Please share your experiences. It seems that the connection to Maa and Swami is growing stronger. Does it feel that way to others?I asked Swami if we could extend Navaratri, or create another situation where everyone would perform longer and deeper sadhana, in harmony with them, in order to prolong and deepen this experience. If others are feeling this way, let's let Maa and Swami know so they can consider this request.The world is in such flux, and so many hearts

are crying for peace, And through God's Grace, it seems that we have this incredible opportunity to help.Lova and Jai Maavishweshwar, "n_ramya108" <n_ramya108@ ...> wrote:>> Beloved Family> > Shree Maa once said that in silence we can feel our soul - make connection with Atman. She said that in Her earlier years She never spoke much. When She came to America also, She was very quiet - many old devotees tell us that. Maa said that in that silence we can feel the connection with our soul.> > How do you feel the connection with your soul? > > With what practice in what situations? W> > hat has helped you and what prevents and interupts that connection? > > Can you please share your inspiration and help us all go deeper and closer within - and without!> > Thank you! Awaiting your thoughts and

inspiration!> > Jai Maa!> > ramya :)>

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Totally. :)--- On Fri, 4/24/09, Joan Fisher <mjfisher2005 wrote:

Joan Fisher <mjfisher2005Re: [www.ShreeMaa.org] Re: Living with our soul : Shree Maa's teaching Date: Friday, April 24, 2009, 7:39 AM








Namaste Ray


Yes, this is very true! Grace is a neccesity. But our efforts are needed as well. As you say, we must follow the lead of the Wise. Swamiji defines Kripa (grace) as do and get. We must do and then we get. The secret is we get far more than what our small efforts alone would aquire. Maa is very gracious.


Jai Swamiji and Shree Maa!

Om Jai Kali Ma! Om Namah Shivaya!

Kumari--- On Thu, 4/23/09, Ray Happy <amritanandamoyi@ > wrote:

Ray Happy <amritanandamoyi@ >Re: [www.ShreeMaa. org] Re: Living with our soul : Shree Maa's teachingThursday, April 23, 2009, 5:10 PM








They say the key is Grace - that grace to reach the goal. Once that happens, transformation is bound to take place - it actually cannot be stopped.


The key to receiving that grace is to follow the Seer to the very letter... absolutely literally... total surrender. Seems hard but is more easily possible in the presence of a Realized Being.




--- On Thu, 4/23/09, Joan Fisher <mjfisher2005@ > wrote:

Joan Fisher <mjfisher2005@ >[www.ShreeMaa. org] Re: Living with our soul : Shree Maa's teachingThursday, April 23, 2009, 9:05 AM







This is the second time posting this message. I apologize if it comes through twice.Today my very heartfelt pondering was over this contradiction: Why, if I am doing puja, japa and at least trying to meditate every day, why do I keep falling back into my bad habits, my anger and self-defeating behaviour? I was doing puja to Vishnu, so i opened up Swamiji and Shree Maa's translation of the Bhagavad Gita and it fell open to Chapter 3. Arjuna said: Then why does man move to unite with sin? By what force is he driven, even against his will? The Respected Supreme Divinity said: Desire and anger arise from Nature's quality of passion. They are insatiable and terribly wicked. Know them as enemies. (They are my asuras, what more can I say? They are deep and seemingly unending at times. I feel like I am dancing on hot

coals when they come forward. They are my enemies, indeed) As fire is covered by smoke, the highest Ideal is covered by imperfection, the fetus hidden in the womb, just so is Wisdom hidden by these enemies. The wisdom of the wise is hidden by these eternal enemies in the form of selfish desires which are insatiable like fire, O Son Of Who Takes Away the Deficiency of Others. (I know this, Gods I know this, and yet I still seem powerless to remove these coverings.) The answer is actually in the previous chapter (chapter 2, verse 30) With full renunciation, fix your consciousness in spiritual knowledge performing all actions for Me. Becoming free from desire, free from attachment, fight this disease of darkness. This is a fight to the death, as Kali, Durga and Chandi demonstrate amply. But my role is to accept myself as I am and continue to be aware

of those self defeating asuras and try to not totally buy into their dark ways, without adding fuel to their fire of anger, fear and attachment/aversion . I offer my spiritual, enlightening actions to Deity as well as my dark moments equally in hopes of attaining the superior position beyond both. Pranams to Swamiji and Shree Maa. Jai Kali Ma. Om Namah Shivaya.Kumari--- On Wed, 4/22/09, inspectionconnectio n108 <inspectionconnectio n108 > wrote:inspectionconnectio n108 <inspectionconnectio n108 >[www.ShreeMaa. org] Re: Living with our soul : Shree Maa's teachingWednesday, April 22, 2009, 1:18 AMNamaste all family: I have discovered that when Maa and Swami are performing more sadhana, i.e. during the 9 days of Navaratri, I had much deeper and more profound pujas

and meditation. It seemed as if the Self was so much more accessible and lively during sadhana and daily life. I would perform Shiva puja at the Shiva lingum, Napashwar, in the woods at the Mandir, then sit and meditate for several hours each day during Navaratri. Then I would return to my home and just float through the day. Nothing seemed to bother me. My heart and mind were bathed and soothed by the constant gentle mantra, Om Namah Shiva. I wonder how many others feel this way? Please share your experiences. It seems that the connection to Maa and Swami is growing stronger. Does it feel that way to others?I asked Swami if we could extend Navaratri, or create another situation where everyone would perform longer and deeper sadhana, in harmony with them, in order to prolong and deepen this experience. If others are feeling this way, let's let Maa and Swami know so they can consider this request.The world is in such flux, and so many hearts

are crying for peace, And through God's Grace, it seems that we have this incredible opportunity to help.Lova and Jai Maavishweshwar, "n_ramya108" <n_ramya108@ ...> wrote:>> Beloved Family> > Shree Maa once said that in silence we can feel our soul - make connection with Atman. She said that in Her earlier years She never spoke much. When She came to America also, She was very quiet - many old devotees tell us that. Maa said that in that silence we can feel the connection with our soul.> > How do you feel the connection with your soul? > > With what practice in what situations? W> > hat has helped you and what prevents and interupts that connection? > > Can you please share your inspiration and help us all go deeper and closer within - and without!> > Thank you! Awaiting your thoughts and

inspiration!> > Jai Maa!> > ramya :)>

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