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Reg. A quick question

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Dear Kishoreji,

Sri Ramakrishna used to say that God and His doings can not be understood by reasoning. To understand it one has to do Sadhana, which purifies the mind. In pure minds alone illumination comes. He advised many persistent enquirers to pray to God(Mother) sincerely to remove the doubts. He emphasised that God always listens to sincere prayer of a devotee. He has also said that such doubts are natural and one becomes completely free from doubts only after he has seen God. Entire Bhagvad Geeta is devoted to remove doubts of a Sadhaka(Arjuna) by God(in the form of Sri Krishna).



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Here is a couple of relevant quotes from Shri Ramakrishna:


Question : "Sir, what is the proof that the soul is separate from the body?"Sri Ramakrishna : "Proof? God can be seen. By practising spiritual discipline one sees God, through His grace. The rishis directly realized the Self. One cannot know the truth about God through science. Science gives us information only about things perceived by the senses, as for instance: this material mixed with that material gives such and such a result, and that material mixed with this material gives such and such a result."For this reason a man cannot comprehend spiritual things with his ordinary intelligence. To understand them he must live in the company of holy persons. You learn to feel the pulse by living with a physician."


Sri Ramakrishna : "Jnana is the realization of Self through the process of 'Neti, neti', 'Not this, not this'. One goes into samadhi through this process of elimination and realizes the Atman."But vijnana means Knowledge with a greater fullness. Some have heard of milk, some have seen milk, and some have drunk milk. He who has merely heard of it is 'ignorant'. He who has seen it is a jnani. But he who has drunk it has vijnana, that is to say, a fuller knowledge of it. After having the vision of God one talks to Him as if He were an intimate relative. That is vijnana."First of all you must discriminate, following the method of 'Neti, neti': 'He is not the five elements, nor the sense-organs, nor the mind, nor the intelligence, nor the ego. He is beyond all these cosmic principles.' You want to climb to the roof; then you must eliminate and leave behind all the steps, one by one. The steps are by no means the roof. But after reaching

the roof you find that the steps are made of the same materials — brick, lime, and brick-dust — as the roof.It is the Supreme Brahman that has become the universe and its living beings and the twenty-four cosmic principles. That which is Atman has become the five elements. You may ask why the earth is so hard, if it has come out of Atman? All is possible through the will of God. Don't you see that bone and flesh are made from blood and semen? How hard 'sea-foam' becomes!"After attaining vijnana one can live in the world as well. Then one clearly realizes that God Himself has become the universe and all living beings, that He is not outside the world."


I cannot say much better than that. And when someone truly understands God's play how will that person communicate it to others? The scriptures say over and over again that Brahman is beyond words and the mind. How can that experience be explained or communicated to another?


Jai Maa! Jai Swamiji! Jai Kali! Jai Shiva!

Kumari--- On Fri, 5/22/09, Chetan Merani <meranicv wrote:

Chetan Merani <meranicv[www.ShreeMaa.org] Reg. A quick question Date: Friday, May 22, 2009, 11:17 AM





Dear Kishoreji,

Sri Ramakrishna used to say that God and His doings can not be understood by reasoning. To understand it one has to do Sadhana, which purifies the mind. In pure minds alone illumination comes. He advised many persistent enquirers to pray to God(Mother) sincerely to remove the doubts. He emphasised that God always listens to sincere prayer of a devotee. He has also said that such doubts are natural and one becomes completely free from doubts only after he has seen God. Entire Bhagvad Geeta is devoted to remove doubts of a Sadhaka(Arjuna) by God(in the form of Sri Krishna).



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