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What are the dates for summer Navaratri?

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Could someone kindly provide the dates for this summer's Navaratri. Much Thanks.


Sita Ram,


Krishna--- On Mon, 6/22/09, devi <student61754 wrote:

devi <student61754Re: [www.ShreeMaa.org] Re: What would you do if Maa give you advice? Date: Monday, June 22, 2009, 2:12 PM







Dearest Misra,Just wanted to say I was not frozen by some of the responses I said:Have been reading some of the posts and been frozen.Meaning Frozen in thought - unable to respond without reflection.When the great ego is involved I HAVE to think carefully before responding.I hope I did not lead anyone to think other wise.I should have worded this better.Thank you for bringing it to my attention.--- On Mon, 6/22/09, misra_manjusha <misra_manjusha@ > wrote:

misra_manjusha <misra_manjusha@ >[www.ShreeMaa. org] Re: What would you do if Maa give you advice?Monday, June 22, 2009, 2:54 AM



Namaste dear wonderful family,Devi's comment `I was frozen by some of the responses' made me feel the need for reflecting further on the question and on my own response, and to give it the time and depth of thought that it deserves.My current environment (Iran) and its ongoing events remind me of Swamiji's wisdom in using caution in both selecting and following a Guru. A religious leader wielding absolute (almost) power over a nation (Iran's 99% Shia, who mostly believes in the need for a spiritual leader in the society –Imamat), has decided to make use of that power to impose his will on the people. This brings us to the question of `Following'. If we have accepted Maa as our Guru, the understanding is that we have done so after taking into account all the factors that Swamiji has explained so well and so often, always using the scriptures to support his arguments. And that acceptance is a total commitment, because we

have `tested' our Guru. And in the circumstances I would say – obviously I would follow Her advise to the best of my capability, to the letter.Why have we chosen Maa as our Guru? Because of our faith in her Divinity, which is what we ourselves aspire. We have not chosen Maa as our Guru for solving our everyday problems, making our lives smoother, gaining material wealth….in short, measuring Her with all the limitations of the scales of our mind. In our expectations of Her we use our own yardstick. The next question, therefore, is what advise are we seeking? Maa has the capacity to enable us to enlarge our frameworks, our small mindedness, to help us find our Divine Selves!!! Once we know ourselves better, we begin to use our Capacities to solve our little problems, by defining our goals better, understanding our lives and those around us better and being able to deal with the issues of ego, too little and too much and so on, better….

Swamiji has been telling us these things all the time, through the Chandi, the Shiva Puja, the Ganesh Puja, his books, his life…….telling us why he worships Maa and why his devotion never wanes. How then, would I answer the question? I would say, are you crazy? Of course I would follow Maa's advise. But before I say that I would measure myself as to how capable am I for following Maa's advise and how long would it take me to measure up to that advise. Can I recite the Mantra as she has prescribed? Can I maintain the devotion she expects? Can I leave everything else to do what she has asked me to do – regularly, every day, without feeling lazy, without finding it a burden, without thinking `How sweet of Maa, but then she can be so unreasonable' . And to take the consequences of that advise. I don't blame all that happens to me on Maa. I don't say that something terrible happened to me because I did not follow Maa's advise. I ask myself

what did I do wrong? Or what were the circumstances? How best can I overcome my circumstances? How do the circumstances bring me closer to my Goals.Faith in Maa's advise means never having to say you are sorry. Maa will take you through a journey that will eventually bring you to your Self.Jai Maa! Jai Swamiji!Manjushri, devi <student61754@ ...> wrote:>> Oh this is wonderfully helpful Vish. > Have been reading some of the posts and been frozen.> Then went back to old blogs clearing them out and found something interesting.> This is obviously an on going thing in my life as well.> Here I have just made notes of my thoughts while talking to Swamji,> sort of like a diary.> A good point here is that the answers are already given.> I know Chandi path is what I need to bite into and chew and digest every word but

excuses are what I create instead.> > Your letter is such a comfort Vish. It gives hope.> As Swamiji says: (and i paraphrase) when you fall just get up and brush yourself off and begin again.> > Guess what I have to do now is just do it.> Even the questions have become excuses that distract from doing.> So many times the answers are there but in asking there is the hope for an easy way out. Ego, laziness, we are many things. Time and practice is the answer but to get the action is the job at hand.> > Thanks again VIsh.> > Blogger Post:> > Swamiji,> How do I get past my ego?> It keeps me from asking the questions I need to ask to grow.> It causes me to desire to be seen as perfect when I am not.> How do I humble myself?> What makes me think I am so great, or is it that I think I am so little and I am trying to

hide that from others?> Help me Swamiji to understand, to ask, to grow, to be.> Is it insecurity? Wanting to be accepted? Fear of being thought of as being stupid?> How do I get past this great ego I have created?> I know! I'll make myself ask the questions. > What does it matter what others think of me?> If I can't ask I can't learn and I'll never change.> I'll continue as I am. In the dark.> Only> I can make the decision to step out of the illusion I have created.> Only I can type the quesitons and send them out asking for help. I'll> have to be brave and trust that all happens for the best.> Here goes.> > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _> > tana mamavatu, tada vaktaramavatu> > avatu mam, avatu vaktaram> > --- On Sat, 6/20/09, inspectionconnectio n108 <inspectionconnecti

on108 > wrote:> > inspectionconnectio n108 <inspectionconnecti on108 >> [www.ShreeMaa. org] Re: What would you do if Maa give you advice?> > Saturday, June 20, 2009, 3:15 AM> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Namaste Dear Kalia and all: thanks for sharing you intimate experience, and the lesson learned. I too have had similar experiences, and yet, "i" still resist. "i" think "i" know what is best, or it seems too much effort to follow her advice, or "i" simply want "my own way". Why do "i" do this? > > Understanding and following Maa's advice, regardless of how "ifeel" about it and regardless of whether it resonates with my ego, is a test of how "in-tune" with her "i" really am. >

> "In-tune" means to me: how much "i" have surrendered to her, how much faith "i" have that she is right, and "i" am not. Faith that where she is taking me is better than where "i" would go.> > So what does surrender mean? What have "i" surrendered, and to whom or what? Can "i" control how much "i" surrender, or does she control it?> > > > A short story I heard from a Master many years ago may help to clarify my thoughts on faith and surrendering.> > > > A poor man was living in an old hut. It was drafty and cold in the winter and hot in the summer. He suffered terribly and wished for better, but he had no means to improve his life. This was his home. One day a rich benevolent Prince came along, and seeing the poor man's plight, took pity on him. He offered to bring him to live in his beautiful mansion, where he could live comfortably in peace. But the old man was attached to

his hut, and fearful that he would lose it. So he stayed in the hut living the life he knew,continuing to suffer, all the while thinking over and over: "My hut, My hut, I don't want to lose my hut."> > > > Maa and the Universal Self, God, Unbounded Absolute Bliss Consciousness, Sat, Chit, Ananda-these are the source and goal of "me". As the scriptures say: "I am That, Thou are That, All This is That."> > So what do "i" fear, why do "I" resist, why do "i" think "i" know what is best? > > In the story of my life, "i" know that the benevolent Prince is always watching me, always taking care of me, always, now, and forever. And He is always giving me exactly what "i" need to move towards the Mansion of Eternal Peace and Joy. And that Peace and Joy is MY OWN NATURE, MY SELF. "i" only have to give up my hut, to gain MYSELF.> > But "i" continue to cry: "Oh, my hut, my hut."> >

> > Dear family, know that "i" am not sad, not suffering terribly, but, "i" am holding onto my hut. "i" know that Maa and Swami, the living embodiments of My Highest Ideal of Perfection, will not stop until "i" have reached the Mansion, and that no matter how hard "i" hold on, or how long it takes for "me" to relax my grip on my hut, they will wait. And they will not rest until "i" am HOME.> > > > Jai Maa Jai Swami> > > > vishweshwar> > > > -- In , "kaliananda_ saraswati" <kaliananda_ saraswati@ ...> wrote:> > >> > > > > > Dear Vish and All;> > > > > > > > > > > > At times Maa advice is so simple that one gets the feeling that She is> > > just kidding. I say this because it has happened to

me, I was having a> > > bad time with an employer years ago, where I worked for almost 4 years> > > with no holiday or holiday pay, it was an international organization and> > > exempted from the labour laws of this country. You can imagine how> > > tired the body was, the tiredness turned to anger and I sought Maa's> > > advice. She very sweetly said, "maybe he needs a sweet, give him a> > > sweet".> > > > > > > > > > > > Instead of following Maa's advice, the i-go started to debate how> > > could I just give him a sweet? What would I tell him? Etc, etc. The> > > thoughts debate continued inwardly and the anger continued to grow then> > > I felt, surely Maa was joking with me. I eventually got a job with> > > another

agency within the same organization and moved on thinking well> > > this is the opportunity to start over which I did, but each time I reach> > > a certain level I find that something happens and its back to square> > > one.> > > > > > > > > > > > I did not understand the advice or the importance of Beloved Maa's> > > words but I can say today, I wish I had the opportunity to offer the> > > sweet because my conditions of work have not been very good since then> > > and my level of responsibly (and needless to say, compensation) has> > > diminished considerably over the years.> > > > > > > > > > > > Before being married, I sought Maa's advice and received Her> > > blessing, by that time,

i had understood enough to know that if Maa had> > > said no, then that would have been my answer. My husband likes Maa very> > > much and is very respectful of Her, he always creates an atmosphere to> > > encourage my sadhana. He follows the orthodox worship and I observe him> > > worshipping very much since our union and I believe that one day he will> > > join me in sadhana. He never dwells on the negative but can find the> > > most minute good out of the worst situation.> > > > > > > > > > > > We see with worldly eyes, Maa sees with eyes of purity and divinity and> > > She never puts Her children wrong. A teaspoon of humility can prevent> > > years of pain and hardship.> > > > > > > > > >

> > Beloved Mother I pray for wisdom and understanding never again to> > > disobey Your words and though my physical being seems to in the world> > > that You would take Your home in my heart so that my soul and mind will> > > ever be with you. Please Maa do not ever let me go, instead make a> > > chakra of this union and reel it into Thee.> > > > > > > > > > > > Jai Maa> > > > > > Love,> > > > > > Kalia> > > > > > , "inspectionconnecti on108"> > > <inspectionconnecti on108@> wrote:> > > >> > > > Namaste all family: Over the years I have known Maa and Swami, I have> > > heard Maa give very

specific advice to devotees. For example, a male> > > devotee 50 years old, and single, who has raised children, and whose> > > marriage has ended, Maa has suggested that it is time to focus on the> > > final stage of life: meditation, service, and most importantly- staying> > > single- and focusing on God.> > > > The devotee appears very clear that following Maa's advice will bring> > > great benefits, yet, shortly, they find a woman, and pursue a> > > relationship. As a result, they leave Maa's presence and go back into> > > the world.> > > > I have observed this exact situation several times, and Maa has told> > > me of many other devotees who have ignored her advice on different> > > topics and left her.> > > > My question to you all is:

what would you do? and why would you do it?> > > > I pose these questions because I have been thinking deeply lately> > > about surrender to the Guru, and following the Guru's advice-even when> > > it counters my own desires.> > > > I hope we can discuss this so I can learn how other devotees deal with> > > the ego's attempts to control our lives.> > > >> > > > Jai Ma Jai Swamii> > > >> > > > vishweshwar> > > >> > >>

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Namaste Krishna


Summer Navaratri began on tues june 23. It will go on for 8 days!


Please pray to Mother Durga to remove all difficulties and obstacles - for us

and our beautiful world! Jai Maa!


ramya :)



, Elizabeth Conley <p2u2al wrote:


> Could someone kindly provide the dates for this summer's Navaratri.  Much



> Sita Ram,


> Krishna


> --- On Mon, 6/22/09, devi <student61754 wrote:



> devi <student61754

> Re: [www.ShreeMaa.org] Re: What would you do if Maa give you advice?


> Monday, June 22, 2009, 2:12 PM








Dearest Misra,

> Just wanted to say I was not frozen by some of the responses I said:

> Have been reading some of the posts and been frozen.

> Meaning Frozen in thought - unable to respond without reflection.

> When the great ego is involved I HAVE to think carefully before responding.

> I hope I did not lead anyone to think other wise.

> I should have worded this better.

> Thank you for bringing it to my attention.





> --- On Mon, 6/22/09, misra_manjusha <misra_manjusha@ > wrote:



> misra_manjusha <misra_manjusha@ >

> [www.ShreeMaa. org] Re: What would you do if Maa give you advice?


> Monday, June 22, 2009, 2:54 AM





> Namaste dear wonderful family,


> Devi's comment `I was frozen by some of the responses' made me feel the need

for reflecting further on the question and on my own response, and to give it

the time and depth of thought that it deserves.

> My current environment (Iran) and its ongoing events remind me of Swamiji's

wisdom in using caution in both selecting and following a Guru. A religious

leader wielding absolute (almost) power over a nation (Iran's 99% Shia, who

mostly believes in the need for a spiritual leader in the society †" Imamat),

has decided to make use of that power to impose his will on the people.

> This brings us to the question of `Following'. If we have accepted Maa as our

Guru, the understanding is that we have done so after taking into account all

the factors that Swamiji has explained so well and so often, always using the

scriptures to support his arguments. And that acceptance is a total commitment,

because we have `tested' our Guru. And in the circumstances I would say †"

obviously I would follow Her advise to the best of my capability, to the letter.

> Why have we chosen Maa as our Guru? Because of our faith in her Divinity,

which is what we ourselves aspire. We have not chosen Maa as our Guru for

solving our everyday problems, making our lives smoother, gaining material

wealth….in short, measuring Her with all the limitations of the scales of our

mind. In our expectations of Her we use our own yardstick.

> The next question, therefore, is what advise are we seeking? Maa has the

capacity to enable us to enlarge our frameworks, our small mindedness, to help

us find our Divine Selves!!! Once we know ourselves better, we begin to use our

Capacities to solve our little problems, by defining our goals better,

understanding our lives and those around us better and being able to deal with

the issues of ego, too little and too much and so on, better…. Swamiji has

been telling us these things all the time, through the Chandi, the Shiva Puja,

the Ganesh Puja, his books, his life…….telling us why he worships Maa and

why his devotion never wanes.

> How then, would I answer the question? I would say, are you crazy? Of course I

would follow Maa's advise.

> But before I say that I would measure myself as to how capable am I for

following Maa's advise and how long would it take me to measure up to that

advise. Can I recite the Mantra as she has prescribed? Can I maintain the

devotion she expects? Can I leave everything else to do what she has asked me to

do †" regularly, every day, without feeling lazy, without finding it a burden,

without thinking `How sweet of Maa, but then she can be so unreasonable' .

> And to take the consequences of that advise. I don't blame all that happens to

me on Maa. I don't say that something terrible happened to me because I did not

follow Maa's advise. I ask myself what did I do wrong? Or what were the

circumstances? How best can I overcome my circumstances? How do the

circumstances bring me closer to my Goals.

> Faith in Maa's advise means never having to say you are sorry. Maa will take

you through a journey that will eventually bring you to your Self.

> Jai Maa! Jai Swamiji!


> Manjushri


> , devi <student61754@ ...> wrote:

> >

> > Oh this is wonderfully helpful Vish.

> > Have been reading some of the posts and been frozen.

> > Then went back to old blogs clearing them out and found something


> > This is obviously an on going thing in my life as well.

> > Here I have just made notes of my thoughts while talking to Swamji,

> > sort of like a diary.

> > A good point here is that the answers are already given.

> > I know Chandi path is what I need to bite into and chew and digest every

word but excuses are what I create instead.

> >

> > Your letter is such a comfort Vish.  It gives hope.

> > As Swamiji says: (and i paraphrase) when you fall just get up and brush

yourself off and begin again.

> >

> > Guess what I have to do now is just do it.

> > Even the questions have become excuses that distract from doing.

> > So many times the answers are there but in asking there is the hope for an

easy way out.  Ego, laziness, we are many things.  Time and practice is the

answer but to get the action is the job at hand.

> >

> > Thanks again VIsh.

> >

> > Blogger Post:

> >

> > Swamiji,

> > How do I get past my ego?

> > It keeps me from asking the questions I need to ask to grow.

> > It causes me to desire to be seen as perfect when I am not.

> > How do I humble myself?

> > What makes me think I am so great, or is it that I think I am so little and

I am trying to hide that from others?

> > Help me Swamiji to understand, to ask, to grow, to be.

> > Is it insecurity? Wanting to be accepted? Fear of being thought of as being


> > How do I get past this great ego I have created?

> > I know! I'll make myself ask the questions.

> > What does it matter what others think of me?

> > If I can't ask I can't learn and I'll never change.

> > I'll continue as I am. In the dark.

> > Only

> > I can make the decision to step out of the illusion I have created.

> > Only I can type the quesitons and send them out asking for help. I'll

> > have to be brave and trust that all happens for the best.

> > Here goes.

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _

> >

> > tana mamavatu, tada vaktaramavatu

> >

> > avatu mam, avatu vaktaram

> >

> > --- On Sat, 6/20/09, inspectionconnectio n108 <inspectionconnecti on108@ >


> >

> > inspectionconnectio n108 <inspectionconnecti on108@ >

> > [www.ShreeMaa. org] Re: What would you do if Maa give you advice?

> >

> > Saturday, June 20, 2009, 3:15 AM

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Namaste Dear Kalia and all: thanks for sharing you intimate experience, and

the lesson learned. I too have had similar experiences, and yet, " i " still

resist. " i " think " i " know what is best, or it seems too much effort to follow

her advice, or " i " simply want " my own way " . Why do " i " do this?

> >

> > Understanding and following Maa's advice, regardless of how " i " " feel " about

it and regardless of whether it resonates with my ego, is a test of how

" in-tune " with her " i " really am.

> >

> > " In-tune " means to me: how much " i " have surrendered to her, how much faith

" i " have that she is right, and " i " am not. Faith that where she is taking me is

better than where " i " would go.

> >

> > So what does surrender mean? What have " i " surrendered, and to whom or what?

Can " i " control how much " i " surrender, or does she control it?

> >

> >

> >

> > A short story I heard from a Master many years ago may help to clarify my

thoughts on faith and surrendering.

> >

> >

> >

> > A poor man was living in an old hut. It was drafty and cold in the winter

and hot in the summer. He suffered terribly and wished for better, but he had no

means to improve his life. This was his home. One day a rich benevolent Prince

came along, and seeing the poor man's plight, took pity on him. He offered to

bring him to live in his beautiful mansion, where he could live comfortably in

peace. But the old man was attached to his hut, and fearful that he would lose

it. So he stayed in the hut living the life he knew,continuing to suffer, all

the while thinking over and over: " My hut, My hut, I don't want to lose my hut. "

> >

> >

> >

> > Maa and the Universal Self, God, Unbounded Absolute Bliss Consciousness,

Sat, Chit, Ananda-these are the source and goal of " me " . As the scriptures say:

" I am That, Thou are That, All This is That. "

> >

> > So what do " i " fear, why do " I " resist, why do " i " think " i " know what is


> >

> > In the story of my life, " i " know that the benevolent Prince is always

watching me, always taking care of me, always, now, and forever. And He is

always giving me exactly what " i " need to move towards the Mansion of Eternal

Peace and Joy. And that Peace and Joy is MY OWN NATURE, MY SELF. " i " only have

to give up my hut, to gain MYSELF.

> >

> > But " i " continue to cry: " Oh, my hut, my hut. "

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear family, know that " i " am not sad, not suffering terribly, but, " i " am

holding onto my hut. " i " know that Maa and Swami, the living embodiments of My

Highest Ideal of Perfection, will not stop until " i " have reached the Mansion,

and that no matter how hard " i " hold on, or how long it takes for " me " to relax

my grip on my hut, they will wait. And they will not rest until " i " am HOME.

> >

> >

> >

> > Jai Maa Jai Swami

> >

> >

> >

> > vishweshwar

> >

> >

> >

> > -- In , " kaliananda_ saraswati " <kaliananda_

saraswati@ ...> wrote:

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Dear Vish and All;

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > > At times Maa advice is so simple that one gets the feeling that She is

> >

> > > just kidding. I say this because it has happened to me, I was having a

> >

> > > bad time with an employer years ago, where I worked for almost 4 years

> >

> > > with no holiday or holiday pay, it was an international organization and

> >

> > > exempted from the labour laws of this country. You can imagine how

> >

> > > tired the body was, the tiredness turned to anger and I sought Maa's

> >

> > > advice. She very sweetly said, " maybe he needs a sweet, give him a

> >

> > > sweet " .

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Instead of following Maa's advice, the i-go started to debate how

> >

> > > could I just give him a sweet? What would I tell him? Etc, etc. The

> >

> > > thoughts debate continued inwardly and the anger continued to grow then

> >

> > > I felt, surely Maa was joking with me. I eventually got a job with

> >

> > > another agency within the same organization and moved on thinking well

> >

> > > this is the opportunity to start over which I did, but each time I reach

> >

> > > a certain level I find that something happens and its back to square

> >

> > > one.

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > > I did not understand the advice or the importance of Beloved Maa's

> >

> > > words but I can say today, I wish I had the opportunity to offer the

> >

> > > sweet because my conditions of work have not been very good since then

> >

> > > and my level of responsibly (and needless to say, compensation) has

> >

> > > diminished considerably over the years.

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Before being married, I sought Maa's advice and received Her

> >

> > > blessing, by that time, i had understood enough to know that if Maa had

> >

> > > said no, then that would have been my answer. My husband likes Maa very

> >

> > > much and is very respectful of Her, he always creates an atmosphere to

> >

> > > encourage my sadhana. He follows the orthodox worship and I observe him

> >

> > > worshipping very much since our union and I believe that one day he will

> >

> > > join me in sadhana. He never dwells on the negative but can find the

> >

> > > most minute good out of the worst situation.

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > > We see with worldly eyes, Maa sees with eyes of purity and divinity and

> >

> > > She never puts Her children wrong. A teaspoon of humility can prevent

> >

> > > years of pain and hardship.

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Beloved Mother I pray for wisdom and understanding never again to

> >

> > > disobey Your words and though my physical being seems to in the world

> >

> > > that You would take Your home in my heart so that my soul and mind will

> >

> > > ever be with you. Please Maa do not ever let me go, instead make a

> >

> > > chakra of this union and reel it into Thee.

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Jai Maa

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Love,

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Kalia

> >

> > >

> >

> > > , " inspectionconnecti on108 "

> >

> > > <inspectionconnecti on108@> wrote:

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > Namaste all family: Over the years I have known Maa and Swami, I have

> >

> > > heard Maa give very specific advice to devotees. For example, a male

> >

> > > devotee 50 years old, and single, who has raised children, and whose

> >

> > > marriage has ended, Maa has suggested that it is time to focus on the

> >

> > > final stage of life: meditation, service, and most importantly- staying

> >

> > > single- and focusing on God.

> >

> > > > The devotee appears very clear that following Maa's advice will bring

> >

> > > great benefits, yet, shortly, they find a woman, and pursue a

> >

> > > relationship. As a result, they leave Maa's presence and go back into

> >

> > > the world.

> >

> > > > I have observed this exact situation several times, and Maa has told

> >

> > > me of many other devotees who have ignored her advice on different

> >

> > > topics and left her.

> >

> > > > My question to you all is: what would you do? and why would you do it?

> >

> > > > I pose these questions because I have been thinking deeply lately

> >

> > > about surrender to the Guru, and following the Guru's advice-even when

> >

> > > it counters my own desires.

> >

> > > > I hope we can discuss this so I can learn how other devotees deal with

> >

> > > the ego's attempts to control our lives.

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > Jai Ma Jai Swamii

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > vishweshwar

> >

> > > >

> >

> > >

> >


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