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to Kamala about Maa's omniscience

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Dear Kamala ~ thank you for sharing your beautiful story of this time with Shree Maa. I continue to wish that someone would compile a book of devotees stories. It would be very powerful. The guru knows everything and yet provides the opportunity for us to ask and find out on our own. How amazing is that! Very ~ Linda

Jai Maa!!!! Jai Swamiji!!!!



Kamala wrote:

Reading about Manya's wondering "how much people knew about me and if they could read my mind", brought to my mind a memory of a beautiful moment with Shree Maa one very quiet Saturday afternoon. Shree Maa called me into the small trailer beside the running creek where she used to live on our Napa land. Almost immediately after entering, she asked me "how were I and my 15-year old teenage daughter getting along"? Without hesitation, I had just begun to explain my part of the difficulties, when I looked at Maa, and found myself stopping in mid-sentence. Shree Maa proceed with directness and clarity to explain the whole problem, and the simple root of this problem from her perspective of Consciousness, and the resultant way in which this was affecting my daughter. Needless to say, I was astounded! Not by the fact that Maa knew what was going on with me, but by the wisdom and compassion and understanding that was flowing from her. In this state I asked her, "Maa, why did you ask me? You know everything"! She simply responded, "I wanted to see if you would tell me the truth". What I realized that day was that my own mind and heart was not quiet and at peace. . . it was ruminating with so many thoughts and searching a solution. At the same time, when looking at Maa and especially at her eyes, I "saw" a kind of calm and quiet lake in which everything was a mirrored-reflection. I so wanted my mind to be like that! And so she became my Guru. What Shree Maa and Swami Satyananda are doing here at the Devi Mandir is making this place a Dharmic atmosphere, giving inspiration, showing by example, and sharing the age-old teachings of how to perform real sadhana and purifying austerities in order to achieve internal harmony and a mind in tune with All that is God...

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