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Preparing to worship

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Namaste Alphanso and all

Shree Maa teaches us that the Devi Mandir Temple is truly a Divine Place, full

of the Holy Vibrations resulting from the millions of mantra chanted there, and

the righteous thoughts and actions performed by all who enter. Every detail of

the Devi Mandir is designed to bring the highest vibration to the worshiper.

Even if the worshiper cannot prepare themselves to the highest degree, the

Mandir will cleanse and purify each devotee to the extent possible for them. It

is truly an amazing place to worship.

When one sits in front of the Cosmic Altar, one feels all the Deities watching

and waiting for you to open your heart and sing. It is magical. As soon as you

begin, whether aloud or silently, They immediately send waves of love and light

to you.

This is Maa and Swami's gift to us all. A priceless Holy Center of crystal

clarity and Divine Love.

And, we can tune into the web camera anytime, and focus on the altar, and feel

that same effect. Amazing.

How blessed we are.

Thanks Maa and Swami


Jai Ma Jai Swami







, Alphanso DSouza <alphanso108 wrote:



> Contrary to popular belief, Easter does not represent the " historical "

crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. In reality, the gospel tale

reflects the annual " crossification " of the sun through the vernal equinox

(Spring), at which time the sun is " resurrected, " as the day begins to become

longer than the night. Rather than being a " Christian " holiday, Easter

celebrations date back into remotest antiquity and are found around the world,

as the blossoming of spring did not escape the notice of the ancients, who

revered this life-renewing time of the year, when winter had passed and the sun

was " born again. " The " Pagan " Easter is also the Passover, and Jesus Christ

represents not only the sun but also the Passover Lamb ritually sacrificed every

year by a number of cultures, including the Egyptians, possibly as early as

4,000 years ago and continuing to this day in some places....





whom we can have a soul talk about our sufferings and troubles and ask for mercy

and forgiveness if one has done a wrong deed and be rest assured that Durga Maa

will never let you to be in distress. As hindus, we approach the temple in a

much different way, a humble way. We believe that the Deity lives in the temple,

that He comes from the inner worlds, hovers over the stone image in His golden

body of light and, as the priest invokes Him, blesses those present. Everyone is

elated. Everyone feels His holy presence, and an advanced soul may even see Him

there. So, we approach the Deity with a pure mind. We therefore prepare the body

and the mind before going to the temple. We get our aura looking just right. The

aura is the sum of vibrations that emanate out around the body. The colors of

the aura are dark or light depending on the nature of our thoughts and emotions.

We prepare our aura by chanting mantras, hymns and prayers. We prepare our body

by bathing and dressing simply and properly. Then we go to the temple, and the

Deity actually comes on the inner planes and blesses us, listens to our prayers,

clears our minds and calms our emotions.We take that holy vibration home, back

into the community, where we respect our elders and they guide us wisely.




> Peace comes first from the individual. It is unrealistic to expect peace from

our neighbors unless we are peaceful first, unless we make ourselves peaceful

through right living, right worship and right religious culture in the home. The

temple is the great psychiatrist of the Hindu religion. We are and will always

remain proud to say that we worship God and the Gods.


> OM Shanti,


> Jai Maa.

> Alphanso.









> inspectionconnection108

> Sun, 4 Apr 2010 06:49:26 +0000

> [www.ShreeMaa.org] Happy Joyous Easter






> Namaste all family

> Easter represents to me the triumph of love and righteousness over darkness

and self centered ego based reality. The stone, which covered the burial chamber

they buried Jesus after they removed Him from the cross, that symbolic stone of

stress and pain and suffering was rolled away from the heart of all humankind by

the force of Divine Love. Divine Love which flows to sooth the broken hearts of

all beings. Love removed the stone so that those who wanted to see and hear and

feel Divine Grace could enter the Sacred Cave of their own heart and experience

the Love Divine. Love Divine is always and evermore waiting for us to take the

steps towards Her, and She will respond with rising waves of Glory and Light,

flooding and soothing us with Her healing balm.

> Yes Easter is a Holy Day, a day to celebrate that victory of Divine Light and

Love. Easter is a day to remember the ever patient and ever Glorious Divine Love

which flows through every moment of our life, a ceaseless current of Bliss. We

only have to dive in.

> Why wait?

> When I was growing up and attending Christian church, there was a picture of

Jesus standing in front of a door, with His hand raised to knock on it. The door

represented our heart, and He was poised to knock and ask permissions to enter,

but He will not enter unless we allow, unless we give consent.

> That image and feeling of that picture stayed with me my entire life, and when

I met Shree Maa the Truth of that picture suddenly dawned on me.

> As Shree Maa says, She will enter into communion with us only when we ask, and

only when we demonstrate our willingness to prepare the field of our hearts.

> How do we do this? By performing puja, chanting, homa, and/or japa in the way

She taught us, and thus we align our vibrations with Her, and thus, when She

knocks, we don't have to even open the door, the door disappears and She is

there, inside, delivering us from our ego nature, and filling us with Light.

> Yea though I walk in the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil

for She is with me, Her rod and Her staff are ever before me, preparing the

table in the presence of my enemies. My cup runneth over. Surely Goodness and

Mercy will cover and enfold me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in Her

Heart, forever and ever, world without end, OM.


> Jai Maa Jai Swami Jai Jesus

> Happy and Blessed Easter


> Vishweshwar






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