Guest guest Posted July 22, 2005 Report Share Posted July 22, 2005 THE GLORY OF SHIRDI SAI Third Year of Publication Published as Bi-Weekly Issue 15 / 2005 21-07-2005 GURUPOORNIMA SPECIAL Please visit our Web site: --------- THIS ISSUE CONTAINS: 1. GURUPOORNIMA & GURU DAKSHINA 2. GURUPOORNIMA 3. SAI'S NEWS FROM TIME MACHINE 4. SAI'S BOOK WORLD 5. FOOT STEPS OF HOLY FEET 6. SAI IN DREAMS 7. QUINTESSENCE OF SRI SAIBABA'S PHILOSOPHY 8. DEVOTEES EXPERIENCES 9. SPIRITUAL GEMS FROM SAI SATCHARITRA 10. SAI WITH CHILDREN 11. ARTICLES FROM SAI DEVOTEES 12. LETTERS FROM SAI DEVOTEES 13. TELUGU SECTION 14. SANATANA DHARMA & SRI SHIRDI SAIBABA 15. SANATANA DHARMA – NEWS FROM ABROAD 16. FROM SAI ORGANISATIONS 17. EDITORIAL. -- 1. GURUPOORNIMA & GURUDAKSHINA Saibanisa Gopalarao Ravada –Saidarbar-Hyderabad-India GururBrahmaa GururVishnuhu, GururDevo Maheshwaraha, GururSakshaat Param Brahma, Tasmai Shri Gurave Namaha. " I performed evening Arati to Baba on 14-07-2005 and casually switched over to a local Television channel. The day's news Headline was a responsible public servant got involved in swindling of huge amounts of money. The news was followed by a program on AIDS effected and abandoned children, a fall out of the deteriorating moral and ethical values of the so called adults and elders in the society. Who is to be blamed and held responsible for the sufferings of those innocent children, who know nothing except the desire to be cuddled and loved? Baba has advocated that lust for other woman and money are the main hurdles in the path of a spiritual seeker and should be avoided (chapter-14, Sai Satcharita). I earnestly hope that everybody in the society will play their role properly and work towards self refinement and offer it as Gurudakshina to Sadhguru Sainath on the day of this Gurupoornima (21-07-2005). --------- 2. GURUPOORNIMA: saiers_1999 Sai Eswari-Canada Namah Sree Sai Naathaaya Mohatandra Vinaashine Gurave Buddhi Bodhaaya Bodha Maatra Swaroopine! I worship Lord Sainath, the destroyer of attachment, the Guru who preaches discrimination (sharpen the intellect) Who is a true Guru? The true meaning of Guru is " One who dispels darkness of Ignorance " . " GU " means " Darkness of Ignorance " and " RU " means " One who removes " . Another meaning for Guru is " One who reveals the Guri (target) to the disciple " . He does this by removing the darkness of ignorance. Guri here refers to the Atmic Principle present in every human being. The real Guru who can reveal the Atmic Principle is a Jnanamurthy (Embodiment of wisdom). The word Guru also means " One who is beyond Attributes and Forms " . GU stands for Gunaatheetha - One who transcends the three Gunas (Satva, Rajas and Thamas) RU stands for Rupavarjitha - One who is formless. The One who is beyond all attributes and forms is none other than the Supreme Self who is resident within each of us. Only God (Supreme) can be regarded as one who is beyond attributes and forms. Gurur Brahma, Gurur Vishnu, Gurur Devo Maheshwara, Gurur Sakshat Parabrahma, Tasmai Shri Guruve Namaha! In this sloka the Guru is compared with the Trinity of Gods -- Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwara. It means Guru is verily the Representative of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. He creates, sustains knowledge and destroys the weeds of ignorance. A sincere guru has to take on all the three functions of the Trinity - Creation (of good qualities), Sustenance (of higher nature) and Destruction (of negative qualities). In Sri Sai Satcharitra a seeker asks Baba: " Where to go? " Baba replies " High up " . The seeker then asks " How to go there? " Baba answers: " Take a guide; he will take you straight to your destination, avoiding wolves, tigers and ditches etc. on the way. If there be no guide, there is the danger of your being lost in the jungles or falling into ditches. " There are several instances where Great Avatars like Rama and Krishna, who had to submit themselves to their Gurus, Vasishtha and Sandipani respectively, for getting self- realization and that the only virtues necessary for such progress are Faith and Patience. The Guru - Shishya Parampara honours the teacher as God and promotes reverence for Vidya (knowledge). It inculcates humility in the student and respect and gratitude in him for the dispenser of knowledge. Other noble virtues like discipline, dedication, sense of duty, sacrifice and compassion also evolve with the Guru's help. He shows the Path of Enlightenment to seekers. This Jiva (human soul) transcends the three qualities, viz. Satva, Rajas and Thamas, but being deluded by Maya, he forgets his nature which is 'Existence-Knowledge-Bliss', and thinks that he is the doer and enjoyer and thus entangles himself in endless miseries and does not know the way of deliverance. The only way of deliverance is Loving Devotion towards the Guru's feet. The great Player or Actor Lord Sainath has delighted His Bhaktas and transformed them into Himself (His nature). In Baba's words, " No Sadhanas, nor Proficiency in the six Shastras, are necessary. Have faith and confidence in your Guru. Believe fully, that Guru is the sole Actor or Doer. Blessed is he who knows the greatness of his Guru and thinks him to be Hari, Hara and Brahma (Trimurti) Incarnate. " (Sri Sai Satcharitra Chap18/19). Neither the senses, nor the mind and intellect reach the Self. Modes of proof, such as Perception and Inference will not help us in the matter. It is the grace of the Guru that counts. The objects of our life such as Dharma, Artha and Kama are attainable with our effort, but the fourth object, Moksha (Liberation) can only be had with the help of the Guru. Baba further advised " Our Father (Guru) is ultimately our father (Guru) should be engraved in our heart though their are enumerable Gurus and Saints in the world " Sri Sainath also urged that bookish knowledge is worthless and added, " Let us do our prescribed duty and surrender our Body, Mind and Five Pranas ( Life ) to the Guru's feet. Guru is God, all pervading. To get this conviction, strong unbounded Faith is necessary. " (Sai Satcharitra Chap 32) There is only one Guru that is God. We have to recognize Him as our only Preceptor. He is the Preceptor of Preceptors. Realizing that God dwells within us, we must treat God as the universal Guru and the Preceptor for mankind and contemplate on Him. Having experienced that Sadguru Sainath is our Guru God, we should develop undiluted devotion with unshakable Faith in Him with utmost Patience. Let us purify our hearts to let the Divine dwell in it. Let us install God, our Sadguru, in our hearts. ! Sadguru Sainath Ki Jai! Sai Eswari-Canada ----- 3. SAI'S NEWS FROM THE TIME MACHINE: July 1941: All India Sai Samaj formed by H.H Narsima Swamiji at Madras. July 1953: Waman Rao Patil renounced the World and adopted Sanyas Ashram with a new name Shri Sai Sharana nanda. July 1976: Shri. Mota Maharaj, a great Saint of Gujarat left his mortal coils at the age of 78 years. 4. SAI'S BOOK WORLD Book: SAI IN DREAMS - E-BOOK Author's Name: SaiBanisa Publisher: Indiainabook E-mail: vijishvanya Price: $6 (Six US Dollars) pay by Credit Card / Pay Pal / Check You can obtain the copy from Web: BLURB: It is a fact that people from all walks of life and traditions believe in dreams. Obviously, dreams have a very important role to play in our day to day lives. On the spiritual plane, many devotees/disciples are guided; messages of actions and will are instructed for implementation by their Sadhgurus through dreams even after attaining Mahasamadhi (leaving the physical body). Samardha Sadhguru Shiridi Sai Baba, in one of HIS eleven assurances has prophesied while in flesh and blood that HIS mortal remains shall speak and guide the devotees from the tomb. The Three hundred and odd dreams of SAIBANSIA put before you are a testimony the fact. This Book is dedicated to one and all who believe that God is above all. --- Please Note: Those desirous of using this facility (Sai's Book World) to spread the word about their books may send ONE new copy of the book to Saidarbar, for details contact: webmaster, saidarbar & saidarbar Acknowledgement of receipt of books will be done by E-mail only. Book(s) sent to Saidarbar will be retained by Saidarbar and cannot be returned. ------ 5. FOOT STEPS OF THE HOLY FEET –8 EXPERIENCES OF SAI.BA.NI.SA WITH SHIRDI SAI In those days it was an established practice for people going out of Shiridi to seek permission and blessings from Baba and then only move out. Those of them who followed the procedure never faced any hurdles and could complete their mission successfully. Those who did not comply with this practice had to either face some or other difficulty or terminate the journey halfway through, for unknown reasons. This aspect is aptly demonstrated in chapter - 9 of Sai Satcharita. I too have undergone similar experiences and would like to narrate one of them. It was during the year 1992 March when I had to go to Nandyal, a town in Andhra Pradesh to gather more information about my son-in-law to be, upon insistence by my wife. It was set in my mind that it may not be appropriate to do so when marriage is already fixed up but my wife wanted it to be done. I prayed upon Sai for advice and opened up a page at random from Saicharitra (page 51, chapter-9) and the message was clear enough to caution me not to move out of a station in haste. After lot of deliberations finally I decided to go to Nandyal. Exactly on the festive day of 'MAHA SHIVA RATRI' I reached my would be son-in-law's residence. He was least comfortable and appeared feeling delicate on my sudden unexpected arrival without any prior notice. I had to bluff him and said that I arrived to offer my prayers at the temple of Lord Shiva at Mahanandi on this auspicious day. He was already planning to go along with his friends to Lord Narasimha Swamy Temple at Ahobilam (a nearby place) and invited me to join them. I readily agreed to the proposal and we all completed our temple rituals by 12.00 noon at Ahobilam on the same day and were returning. The return transport was not available till evening as the Bus had just then left. The nearest village was 8 km away and we had no other way except to walk in scorching heat. I was feeling exhausted and restless too. No tree, shade or place to take shelter was in site. I took to main high way in the fond hope that some private carrier may offer me a lift seeing my plight. I fully got convinced by then that all the ordeals were due to my ignoring Sai's advice and fore warning. I closed my eyes and sincerely started praying on him to forgive me for my offence and help me out. A lorry with inscriptions " SHIRDI SAI BABA LORRY SERVICE " with a photograph of Sai in blessing stopped in front of me and I got fainted. Later on I understood that people around helped me into the Lorry. Thus we reached the nearest village. The driver offered me a glass of soda and lemon to recover. I could see and feel my beloved Sai Baba with his protective gaze in the eyes of the driver. I greeted him traditionally with folded hands and with a sense of gratitude. BOW TO SAI PEACE TO ALL To be Continued…. -------- 6. SAI IN DREAMS: These are the dream sequences and messages as received by SAIBANISA from our beloved GURU LORD SAINATH OF SHIRIDI. In Anticipation that this feature will help in one's spiritual growth are hereby compiled from his personal Diary and presented to SAIBANDHUS. Translated and presented by RAGHU RAMAN SATULURY. Dated: 19-09-1993. Next day morning was Sri Vinayaka Chathurthi. As usual I asked Baba for a message. In the night's dream, I was traversing by a Train alone and reached the last station in the journey of life. Incidentally it happened to be the first station from where I started the journey. Lot of changes appeared to have taken place in its surroundings. I got down but I could not unload my luggage and other belongings. The Train was ready to move again as many people got in with out any luggage. They were all happy and cheerful. The train left the station and I was standing alone on the platform as a spectator. A saint clothed in white stood before me and addressed me thus- " I hope by now you have already noticed that those who get in to or get down this train cannot do with any belongings " . He has shown me my destination and directed me accordingly. I reached the end in that direction and there came a river. I swim through the river, entered the sea and never returned back. I got up frightened. I stood before the portrait of Sai and was praying him. I heard the voice coming out from there- Vinayaka Chathurthi is exactly the mirror image of our life. We prepare the Ganesh idol with the mud, perform the rituals and Pooja for nine days and at the end of Navrathris (after nine days), we submit it to the waters i.e. back to mud again " . The process repeats itself again and again. I thought for a moment that life cycle is well told by Baba. We come alone to go alone - an endless process. Dated: 25-09-1993. What are the things to be learnt in life? was my prayer to Baba before going to bed. Your life is like a boat. You may take the help from all your friends and relatives to make it. For it to be used, you need to put it into flowing waters. That has to be a river and in this case it takes the role of Time. Before beginning the journey, do not forget to take the blessings from a Guru. A dog gives birth to many puppies and showers it's motherly love equally on all. It does not think of their future or their luck in store. Some get placed in elite houses and enjoy all the comforts while others may end up as street dogs deprived of minimum requirements. When it comes to human beings, all children are denied equal love and sense of partiality does exist. However, I shall love all my devotees equally and look after their spiritual needs according to their merits. Life is direction less with out a Guru.Love all To be continued….. ---- 7. QUINTESSENCE OF SRI SAIBABA'S PHILOSOPHY: (By Late Sri Bharam UmamaheswaraRao) " Shashi " : shashi_31 16. What is God? Who is God? How are we to see God? f) How can we recognize that one who has seen God? The signs of one who has seen God are these: His conduct is like that of a child. He sometimes looks like an unclean spirit. He does not care for his body. He seems to make no distinction between purity and impurity because he sees God in and through everything. Such a person looks like a mad man, laughs, weeps and the next moment talking to himself, sometimes dressed like a gentleman, and sometimes naked like a child. Sometimes, he appears like one who is brought to the state of lifeless, material body. Such a man is called AVADHUTA. The name Avadhuta itself indicates the implied meaning: 'A – Means - who has no destruction 'VA - Means - the greatest among men 'Dhu - Means - he who has renounced the attachment to Vasanas of Samsara 'Tha'- Means - Tatwamasi. A person who is directly aware of the above, the implied meaning is called AVADHOOTA. Man is the compounded from of Brahman and soul. He who is aware that he is a separate entity, witnessing the body senses and their activities not involving himself in them, who is distinctly vibrant with all wisdom, who is the embedment of bliss With self-illuminating power of the Supreme Soul is AVADHOOTA.HE will not be afraid of the external effects of the hot sun, the violent and the lashing rain, unmindful of the dust smeared all over his body, one who immersed always in meditation; rid off bodily comfort, who keeps his mind unaffected by the changes of moods like happiness and pain etc; he who stands on a firm foundation beyond the clutches of ignorance and arrogance and who is fully aware that PARAMATMAN is immutable and unaffected by the forces of destruction, he who considers that the senses of sound, touch, form taste and smell are only illusions; he who knows that beyond the life lies the ultimate reality; who has conquered all his five senses; who has fortified his immutable foundation, he who harmonizes perfectly all the aspects of thoughts, word and action and who has a detached mind; he who finds solace and bliss in his own soul by meditation on the self; he who has no desire to consume tasty dishes like sweet milk and products; who has detached himself from desire, venomous feeling of revenge, unbounded pride of wealth and strength and arrogance; he who has attained indivisibility of Brahman by constant meditation and who is contended with supreme knowledge is called AVADHOOTA. Baba said, to become Avadhuta, one need not renounce the materialistic responsibilities of family life and become a Sanyasi, even if any one of the above qualities are absorbed and adopted with the firm faith, one can be Avadhuta. To be continued….. -------------- 8. DEVOTEES EXPERIENCES: geeta 7/04/2005 13:27:36 -0600 Om SaiRam Baba, as promised I am sharing my experience of your miracle with other devotees. I prayed to Baba that my daughter who was not sure of passing her statistics exam, should get a passing grade and not fail. With His blessings and grace, my daughter did not fail the exam! I thank Baba for showering His blessings on us and pray that He remains with us at all times! Thank you, Baba. Geeta Kannan U.S.A -------------------- saidaya1980 7/07/2005 08:42:32 -0600 Dear Sai Devotees, I have a very wonderful experience to share with you, this happened this year in January I was looking for jobs since quite some time, but I was unable to go for an interview because of low confidence . Finally, one day I got an interview call from one of the very biggest company, I was very happy and excited yet confused on how I would perform my interview, On my way to the interview, I prayed Sai Baba in my heart and just said " Baba can it happen that I get this job without any interview " , this was not even my actual prayer to him but I was just talking to him in my heart.. once I reached the place the interviewer was a very nice person and he asked me if I knew how to perform certain duties when I said yes to all in a very confident manner he immediately explained me how the job would be and said he will call me later as he is interviewing other people,. The same afternoon I got a call that I was selected for that job, so I was very happy but again confused if I was the right person to do the job as I felt I was not interviewed properly, then I put chits in front of Baba weather I should accept the offer and the chits said that I should accept the job, once I had joined the job I had come to know that it was very easy and nice job to do I had also placed Baba's picture on my desk to help me through out my job. Thank you a very much Baba for helping me all the time.. Om Sri Sai Nathaya Namaha A Sai Devotee ------------------------------- 9. SPIRITUAL GEMS FROM SAI SATCHARITRA Venkateswaraswamy Swarna " swamysv & swamymain Sat, 2 Jul 2005 23:05:05 -0700 (PDT) " This was a rich gentleman (unfortunately his name and whereabouts are not mentioned) who was very prosperous in his life. He had amassed a large quantity of wealth, houses, field and lands, and had many servants and dependents. " Sai Ram. His name is not important since he represents a large section of the society. " When Baba's fame reached his ears, he said to a friend of his, that he was not in want of anything, and so he would go to Shirdi and ask Baba to give him Brahma-Jnana which, if he got, would certainly make him more happy. His friend dissuaded him, saying, " it is not easy to know Brahman, and especially so for an avaricious man like you, who is always engrossed in wealth, wife and children. Who will, in your quest of Brahma-Jnana, satisfy you that won't give away even a pice in charity? " " Sai Ram. Though engrossed in materialistic pursuits, the gentleman had a seed of some merit, probably from a past birth, so that he was pulled to Shirdi by Sai and was used as an instrument for the benefit of all of us. " Not minding his friend's advice, the fellow engaged a return-journey tanga (a horse drawn cart) and came to Shirdi. " That in itself ensured that his journey into matters spiritual was a temporary transit. Like a stone thrown upwards is destined to fall back to earth, his stock of merits was small and yet sufficient to earn him the company of a Sadhguru like Sai for a few hours. " He went to the Dwarakamai, saw Sai Baba, fell at His Feet and said, " Baba, hearing that You show the Brahman to all who come over here without any delay, I have come here all the way from my distant place. I am much fatigued by the journey and if I get the Brahman from you, my troubles will be well-paid and rewarded. " Baba then replied, " Oh, My dear friend, do not be anxious, I shall immediately show you the Brahman; all My dealings are in cash and never on credit. " Sai knew the past, present and future of every one who came to him and knew the man's attachment to money. He was, as usual, indicating that He knew every nook and corner of that man's mind and his aversion to give a loan to Baba as we will see shortly. Sai Ram. " So many people come to Me, and ask for wealth, health, power, honour, position, cure of diseases and other temporal matters. Rare is the person, who comes here to Me and asks for Brahma-Jnana. There is no dearth of persons asking for wordly things, but as persons interested in spiritual matters are very rare, I think it a lucky and auspicious moment, when persons like you come and press Me for Brahma-Jnana. So I show to you with pleasure, the Brahman with all its accompaniments and complications. " Sai Ram. Most of us are unfit as yet to reach the heights of spirituality that knowledge of Brahma demands. Even if we hear about it or read about it, it is like reading about the sweet taste of sugar (without eating it), the fragrance of a flower (without actual experience of smelling) etc. When Sai was hinting at the accompaniments of Brahman, He was probably referring to Maya, which complicates our knowing the Brahman by diverting our attention, awareness and our intellect into matters mundane and sensory pleasures. " Saying this, Baba started to show him the Brahman. He made him sit there and engaged him in some other talk or affair and thus made him forget his question for the time being. Then He called a boy and told him to go to one Nandu Marwari, and get from him a hand-loan of Rs. five. The boy left and returned immediately, saying that Nandu was absent and his house was locked. Then Baba asked him to go to Bala grocer and get from him, the said loan. This time also, the boy was unsuccessful. This experiment was repeated again twice or thrice, with the same result. " Baba never told a lie, as we know. So, why was He trying to get a credit or loan when a few minutes earlier, He told that seeker of Brahma-Jnan that He deals only in cash? We will see that He was indicating the lobha (attachment to money) of that man. " Sai Baba was, as we know, the living and moving Brahman Incarnate. Then, some one may ask - " Why did He want the paltry sum of five rupees, and why did He try hard to get it on loan? Really He did not want that sum at all. He must have fully known that Nandu and Bala were absent, and he seems to have adopted this procedure as a test for the seeker of Brahman. That gentleman had a roll or bundle of currency notes in his pocket, and if he was really earnest, he would not have sat quiet and be a mere onlooker, when Baba was frantically trying to get a paltry sum of Rs. five. He knew that Baba would keep His word and repay the debt, and that the sum wanted was insignificant. Still he could not make up his mind and advance the sum. Such a man wanted from Baba the greatest thing in the world, viz., the Brahma-Jnana! Any other man, who really loved Baba, would have at once given Rs. five, instead of being a mere onlooker. It was otherwise with this man. He advanced no money nor did he sit silent, but began to be impatient, as he was in a haste to return " Sai Ram. Materialism cannot tolerate Brahma Jnan. So, the inner nature of the man was trying to run away and since he was attached to the materialism, he began to become impatient. " and implored Baba saying- " Oh Baba, please show me the Brahman soon. " Baba replied - " Oh my dear friend, did you not understand all the procedure that I went through, sitting in this place, for enabling you to see the Brahman? It is, in short this. For seeing Brahman one has to give five things, i.e. surrender five things viz. (1) Five Pranas (vital forces), (2) Five senses (five of action and five of perception), (3) mind, (4) intellect and (5) ego. This path of Brahma-Jnana of self-realization is 'as hard as to tread on the edge of a razor'. " Sai Ram. Sai took pity on the man and gave him a spiritual discourse and through the instrument of that man, to all of us. What is given above is a gist and the detailed discourse will be taken up in future issues. Sai Ram. S.V.Swamy To be Continued……. ---------------------- 10. SAI WITH CHILDREN: Smt. Madhu Gopal Ravada, Saidarbar, Hyderabad. Hello Children! I am Madhu aunty. Do you know Baba use to play with children and used to tell stories to them? I felt children visiting Saidarbar should be entertained with good stories. Baba told before He took His Maha Samadhi that He is Muralidhar and would like to play in Booty Wada (Samadhi Mandir) with His devotees. So far you have enjoyed Krishna Leelas. Baba has also established his identity with Lord Sri Rama. Now I will take you through our epic Ramayan. Tell your parents to read the Glory of Shirdi Sai – Bi-weekly E-magazine and narrate Ramayan from this magazine. FALL OF MEGHANAD: " He is a reincarnation of Lord Vishnu himself, born to punish the evil-doers. Brother! If the war breaks out, he will surely kill you and the entire dynasty will be wiped out. " Vibhishina's words echoed in Ravana's mind. His spies had also apprised him of Rama's vast and mighty army. He had been warned of impending death and destruction. Ravana was going through the past events in his mind. He was worried, but not terrified. Ravana thought that Rama was not just an ordinary human mortal, he must have some divine powers. Vast Ocean was spanned. A bridge was built on the mighty expanse of ocean. Just unbelievable and unprecented. He vanquished the most powerful demons like Tadaka, Subahu, Khara and Dushana. His one emissary monkey burnt up the golden city of Lanka, and his another emissary, Angadh, came and took away his crown. " We could just do nothing " uttered the worried Ravana concluding his chain of thoughts. He realized his end was near; but he was a valiant warrior, conqueror of the three worlds. He was not afraid, instead he decided to face the situation and fight and fight to the last. " Better to die in battle field than to live with disgrace " – Ravana uttered, and walked out of his palace. He dispatched his son, Meghanadh – Indrajeet, the conqueror of God Indra, the king of gods – with a huge army to the battle field. He had no doubt of Meghanadh's victory. Meghanadh, followed by a huge army of demons, marched into the battle field. The fight ensued and both the armies caused much harm and damage to either side. The monkeys fell upon demons and demons upon monkeys. They fought tooth and nail. The fight was fierce and bloody. To avenge the insult that Angadh has heaped upon his father by snatching his crown, Meghanadh rushed towards Angadh. Angadh gave Meghanadh a tough fight. Then Meghanadh, making himself invisible unleashed a rain of arrows that caused havoc in Rama's army. Now Meghanadh turned to Rama and Lakshmana and threw a snake- noose divine weapon at the two brothers and they fell down senseless. Pleased with his success and giving them up for dead, Meghanadh left the battle filed to tell his father the good news. To be Continued…… -------------- 11. ARTICLES FROM SAI DEVOTEES: " Sankaraiah Dubagunta " sainama SAI PROTECTED A MISSING CHILD The incident narrated below took place sixty years ago. As this throws light on how a fervent prayer results in an instant reply from Lord Sai, it is reproduced for the benefit of present day students of Saiism. SK Viswanathan treated Baba as a loving mother, a tender father, a spiritual guide and Divinity Himself. He further declared " Sai lives with His devotees, showers His Grace and protects them with such love that no mother on earth can do. " Such an ardent devotee had to undergo mental agony on account of His ten and half year old son's missing from home on 26-1-1944.All human efforts including reporting to the police were made. He was assured by Swamy Kesavaiahji " Baba Helps " , even palmists and astrologers assured that the boy would return safe. As he lost his thirteen-year-old son one and half year ago, no assurance gave him peace of mind. At last he cried out in silence to Him " If it my lot to loose this boy in accordance with my past bad karma, I will try to bear it, My Lord. But how can I bear the thought of the frinzy some who would attribute this mishap to me solely for worshipping Thee? Whether my boy is traced or not, whether you give me more suffering and agony, whatever worst may befall on me, I sought refuge at Thy Lotus feet and I shall not budge an inch, let Thy Will be done. " This sincere cry gave him great relief and he slept with a calm mind. In the early hours he had a vision in which a tall, white robed fakir beating the boy made him sit by his side and served sweets to both of them to eat. When he got up he felt he was greatly relieved. As usual he went to the office and received a telegram, which reads, " Umapathi brought home safe. " He thought whether this was a miracle or a test for him. It appears the boy went to Madras in search of his mother who was then staying in Madras. The boy was fed by somebody during journey. The police caught him as a missing boy and handed over to Children Aid society, Egmore from where he was taken home by the boy's uncle. Dear readers, his prayer was fervent with tears in his eyes and he was more worried if others attributed this mishap to Baba's worship. His decision not to leave Baba's feet under any circumstances is worth emulating by us. Let us try to realize that God is always impartial and we get nothing by accusing God. OM SAI SRI SAI JAYA JAYA SAI!! Sankaraiah.D -------------- 12. LETTERS FROM SAIDEVOTEES: ddtours 7/07/2005 06:57:31 -0600 Jai Sri Sainathji, My name is Alok from Ghaziaabad the lower city in Uttar Pradesh, India; I came to know this site through google. I was searching some information about Shirdi & I got lot of information here. I want to visit myself Shirdi now & to be part of Baba's Aarti there. Alok Tyagi ------------------------- 13. TELUGU SECTION: Please visit: -- 14. SANATANA DHARMA & SRI SHIRDI SAIBABA Saibanisa-Gopalarao Ravada—Saidarbar Hyderabad –India The original name of Hindu religion is Sanatan Dharma which means eternal religion. Indeed Hinduism is the oldest religion going back tens of thousands of years. Though it is such an ancient religion, Hinduism is also very much a 21st Century religion as God or his messengers come to Earth in every age and they convey the ancient message of the Dharma in modern context.Sri Shirdi Sai Baba encouraged HIS devotes to follow the Sanatana dharma by reading Jnaneshwari(BHAGAVATGITA),SRI BHAGAVATAM and VISHNU SAHASRANAMA -------- 15. SANATANA DHARMA – NEWS FROM ABROAD Trinidad Organization Conducts Month-Long Hindu Course for Children TRINIDAD, July 6, 2005: Art, literature and culture will be featured in a one-month vacation course for children. Organized by the Hindu Prachar Kendra, the course is open for children five years and older. Studies will be based on the Ramlilla arts, literature and culture at the Kendra's headquarters at Raghunanan Road, Enterprise. The course will be held from July 14 to August 14 from Mondays to Fridays from 9.30 a.m.-5.00 p.m. FLORIDA, UNITED STATES, 5 July, 2005: The Swaminarayan Hindu Temple in Polk County was formally consecrated last Sunday concluding five days of ceremonies. His Holiness, Acharya Maharajshree Koshalendraprasadji Maharaj, presided over the final act of consecration. The consecration of a Swaminarayan temple saw devotees from as far away as Detroit and Houston and the United Kingdom. The temple, along the New Tampa Highway, is the only Hindu temple in Florida dedicated to the worship of Lord Swaminarayan. .. State of Maryland Declares " Tirukural Week " MARYLAND, USA, July 7, 2005: A three-day international conference on Tirukural, a 2000-year-old literary and ethical treatise in Tamil starts on July 8 at Smith Auditorium, Howard Community College, Columbia Maryland in USA. Professor George Hart, who holds the position of The Tamil Chair at the University of California Berkeley, will be one of the keynote speakers, organizers said. The State of Maryland has issued a proclamation declaring 8-10 July as a " Tirukural Conference Week. The Vivekananda Centre in London has coached about 300 candidates to sit for GCSE and Advanced Level examinations in Hinduism. Candidates come from a variety of backgrounds and ages. Some manage to achieve the full 100 percent marks. This year the GCSE Hinduism examinations were held on 22nd June. The photos show revision sessions and the examination room where the Gayatri mantra is recited before the examination begins. SHREEMAD BHAGAVAT KATAHA - IN ENGLISH For the first time in UK, Shreemad Bhagavat Katha will be recited in English by Pujaya Shri Bhupendrabhai Pandya. 24 - 31 July 2005 at Harrow Leisure Centre - Christchurch Ave - Wealdstone - HARROW ------ 16. FROM SAI ORGANISATIONS: Visit for SAIDARBAR - Canberra - Australia activities. Visit for SAIDARBAR - London Activities. Visit for SAIDARBAR - Walling ford Activities -------------------------- Radhika G g_radhika 6/22/2005 12:22:58 -0700 Dear Sai Devotees, Shri Sai Samartha Vidnyan Prabhodini, Mumbai conducts exams based on Shri Sai Satcharitra written by Shri Govind Raghunath Dabholkar alias Hemadpant.This Exam is one of its kind. Every year thousands of devotees take this exam and help themselves in Spiritual progress. For more information write to panchasheelexams The exam will be held on Sunday, August 14 2005 Sai Ram -- Anil Kumar Zutshi " zutshi Tue, 19 Jul 2005 02:14:03 +0000 Saidarbar New Milford / Danbury-USA SaiRam We had a very nice Sai Satsang on 18-7-2005 Dr. Kamath started Sai Bhajans at around 4.15pm and continously sang till 6.30pm. Dr. Kamath apart from being an excellent singer, plays his harmonium as well as flute like a perfect musician. This in the company of Mr. Kamlesh's Tabla playing was a treat especially; At 6.30pm, we had the evening Aarti and after that we had Bhog. 21 adults and 5 children attended this Satsang. We had devotees from New York, New Jersey, Danbury and New Milford. Anil & Rita Zutshi ---------. Saidarbar Chennai: saidarbarchennai Thu, 30 Jun 2005 09:35:00 +0100 (BST) Saidarbar Chennai Baba opens new branch of Chennai Saidarbar in Ahsok Nagar! Dear Saibandhus, Baba has opened a new branch of Chennai Saidarbar in Ashok Nagar, Chennai on June 25 2005. The program started with Dhup Arati followed by Ashtotra Naamavali, Satcharitha Parayana, A Discussion on Dharma, Bhajans with distribution of mahanaivedya. Around 20 devotees attended the holy event. This month we are having the holy event in the following places 1. Saidarbar Triplicane Branch-- July 9 2005 2. Saidarbar Chennai Headquarters -- July 16 2005 3. Saidarbar Ashok Nagar Branch -- July 23 2005 4. Saidarbar Valasarawalkam Branch -- July 30 2005 For timings, pl. contact Sridharvk : saidarbarchennai Long Live The Ancient & Supreme One! At the feet of Lord Shirdi Sai, Chennai Saidarbar Team. " Ramesh and Anitha " kandra Tue, 12 Jul 2005 23:35:03 +1000 Saidarbar Canberra Sairam, Please note on 21st July, Thursday BABA's arathi will be held at evening 5:45 instead of 8:00 PM at Florey Temple. This change in arathi timing is applicable only for 21st July alone. To celebrate the grace of Guru on Gurupoornima; Satyanarayana Vratha is conducted at Mawson temple followed by Sai Satya vrath Kathas and Sai bhajans. The program starts at 6:00 PM at Mawson temple – Vishnu Shiva Mandir, Cnr of Ainsworth Street and Mawson Drv. This event is open for all. Please make it convenient to come and seek BABA's blessings on the holy day. Sairam Anitha For Shirdi Sai Bhajans in Canberra please visit: -------------------------------- Shirdi Sai Baba technical 7/17/2005 21:53:37 -0000 Saidarbar Wallingford Our next Sai darbar and satsang will be held on Sunday the 24th July, 2005. 05:00pm - 05:30pm - Silent Assembly – Sai Nama japa 05:30pm - Satsang Prayer starts with 2 minutes Dhayana Please contact: technical ---- Shanthi Ramakrishnan: shanthi 7/14/2005 17:57:41 -0700 Sai Darbar Portland OR USA We had our monthly Sai Darbar on June 20th Monday. We started the session with OM, Gayatri and Sai Gayatri followed by Sai Ashtothram and sang a Ganesh Bhajan. Then we read 42nd and 43/44th chapters in Sai SatCharitra. Sai Darbar was concluded with Aarti & prasad. Thank you for your support. For Activities of Sai Darbar Portland Please contact: shanthi -------------------- info 13 Jun 2005 18:37:18 -0000 SHRI SHIRDI SAIBABA TEMPLE, 46-16 ROBINSON ST, FLUSHING, NY 11355 Dear Devotees, as you are aware the temple construction is fast progressing. Under the platform, where Baba will be installed, we propose to embed the note books where devotees have written prayers like: -Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai OR -Om SaiRam OR -Sri Ramajayam OR -Om NamahShivaya OR -any such prayer on any deity. If you have any such material please hand them in at the temple or mail them. ---- " Atlanta Sai Temple News " webmaster Tue, 12 Jul 2005 15:31:12 -0700 North America Shirdi Sai Temple of Atlanta Upcoming Events - July 2005 Sponsored Bhajan - Sunday, July 17th from 4 PM - 6 PM. Sainadha Mahabhishekam -Thursday, July 21st on the event of Guru purnima from 4 PM - 5:30 PM. Sai Satyanarayana Vratham - Saturday, July 23rd performed from 2 PM - 5 PM For more details please contact the Temple 700 James Burgess Road, Suwanee, GA 30024 ----------------------- " Shirdi Saibaba Prayer Center " : sai Thu, 2 Jun 2005 05:11:49 -0700 (PDT) Guru Poornima 2005 - Sai Utsav on July 23rd at BAPS (Swami Narayan) temple With the grace and blessings of Sadguru Saibaba of Shirdi, Shirdi Saibaba Prayer Center will be celebrating Sai Utsav, a day long celebration, on occasion of Guru Poornima on 23rd July at Shri Swaminarayan Mandir [bAPS], Brooklyn Center, MN. Please join the celebrations and receive Sadguru Saibaba's blessings. The program includes Traditional Artis, Sai Abhishek, Ganesh Homam, Sai Satya Vrata, Palki Seva, and Sai Naam jap. For Further details Visit: Web Page: Email: hamaresai -------------------------------- " Sri Shirdi Sai Baba Temple of DFW " USA: shirdisaidallas 30 Jun 2005 09:56:54 -0000 Baba Pada Puja & Abhishekam This event repeats on the first Saturday of every month. Event Location: 2109 W. Parker Road, Plano, Texas It will be followed by Vishnu Sahasranamam at 11:00am. Please email your questions, comments or suggestions about the web site to: admin ---- " Om Sai Mandir " saisandesh Fri, 1 Jul 2005 16:28:12 -0400 Online Edition of SAI SANDESH, July 2005 Issue The online issue of Sai Sandesh is available at: Guru Poornima will be celebrated at Om Sai Mandir on Thursday, July 21, 2005 from 7.45 AM to 9.00 PM. All are welcome to attend with family and friends. ---- saibandhu Tuesday, June 21, 2005 2:17:48 AM SHIRDI SAI GURUPOORNIMA CELEBRATIONS IN BAY AREA, CALIFORNIA Shirdi Sai Parivaar invites all to join us for Shirdi Sai GuruPoornima celebrations on July 24th (Sunday) - 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Venue: Presidential Ballroom Sunnyvale Community Center 550 E Remington Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94088 For details please visit Or send email to saibandhu --- babamandir Tue, 12 Jul 2005 16:02:00 -0500 Here is Mandir Pathrika Issue 45. You can also view this issue and all previous issues of Mandir Pathrika by opening following link. Ground Breaking Cermony( Bhoomi Pooja) for the new ShirdiSai Jalaram Mandir will be performed on 7th Aug 2005(Sunday) at 7:00am. Vijay ----------------------------- " S Chopra " saileela99 Sat, 16 Jul 2005 11:58:00 -0000 SHIRDI SAI BABA SANSTHAN OF CANADA Cordially invites you all to join in celebrating Guru Purnima on Sunday, July 24, 2005 At 03:30PM – 5:30PM Followed By Preeti Bhoj at Vishnu Mandir 8640 Yonge St. Richmond Hill L4C 6Z4 For more Information and to Volunteer, please contact: Shirdi Sai Baba Sansthan of Canada (under construction) saileela99 Shammi Chopra ------------- SAIDARBAR – HYDERABAD: SAI A BEACON FOR HUMANITY: You can get your copy at Sai Sevak-Vijay Agarwal: vijishvanya On behalf of Saidarbar, We are grateful to Saisevak Vijay Agarwal, who has released the Second edition of SAI A BEACON FOR HUMANITY, consisting of Baba's Aaratis in Audio form in the above E-book. We will be happy to conduct Tele-Satsanghs to cities out side Hyderabad and India on prior intimation. For further details please contact saidarbar --------- 17. EDITORIAL. Things impressed me from this Magazine: Gurur Brahma, Gurur Vishnu, Gurur Devo Maheshwara, Gurur Sakshat Parabrahma, Tasmai Shri Guruve Namaha ! In this sloka the Guru is compared with the Trinity of Gods -- Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwara. It means Guru is verily the Representative of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. He creates, sustains knowledge and destroys the weeds of ignorance. A sincere guru has to take on all the three functions of the Trinity - Creation (of good qualities), Sustenance (of higher nature) and Destruction (of negative qualities). In Baba's words, " No Sadhanas, nor Proficiency in the six Shastras, are necessary. Have faith and confidence in your Guru. Believe fully, that Guru is the sole Actor or Doer. Blessed is he who knows the greatness of his Guru and thinks him to be Hari, Hara and Brahma (Trimurti) Incarnate. " Baba said, to become Avadhuta, one need not renounce the materialistic responsibilities of family life and become a Sanyasi, even if any one of the above qualities are absorbed and adopted with the firm faith, one can be Avadhuta. Sai devotees may write about their Sai activities in their place, essays, articles and poetry on Sai to " The Glory of Shirdi Sai " - they may be address their contributions to E-mail id: saidarbar with a copy marked to webmaster We shall put in our best efforts to include them in the Glory of Shiridi Sai- the bi-weekly E -Magazine. Unless the author of the articles instructs, not to publish his/her E-mail id, we will publish them as a matter of routine practice. You can for THE GLORY OF SHIRDI SAI for a friend /relative by submitting e-mail ID in the main page of also read the old issues from:, from and from Editor does not accept responsibility for the views expressed in the articles published. This e-magazine is intended for Private circulation only. Submitted by Sai Sevak: Srinivasa Rao Kasturi For SAIDARBAR-HYDERABAD P.S. In case you do not like to receive " The Glory of Shiridi Sai " , kindly reply UNSUBSCRIBE for our necessary action. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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