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The Glory of Shirdi Sai - Issue 16-2005

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Third Year of Publication

Published as Bi-Weekly

Issue 16 / 2005


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Rajeswari Kasturi, Saidarbar – Hyderabad.

From the Satsanghs of Saibanisaji



51. You should know that the Goddess Death is not having partiality

towards rich or poor, healthy or non healthy, educated or uneducated.

She treats everybody with the same coin.


52. You should know that one day after your death the body is going to

become ash and mix with the earth. Still you are taking care of the

body by giving medicines to prolong the life. Similar way after the

death, the soul needs peace for that when you alive, you should chant

the name of Lord.


53. Some of the beautiful flowers which give fragrance will contain

harmful bacteria. In the similar way some persons in the aristocratic

families will have bad qualities. So you should beware of such persons.


54. In the name of penance you can conquer hungry and thirst. But the

day when you conquer the desires and attachments towards your kith and

kin, you will be the real yogi (saint).


55. You will water the coconut tree for first two or three years, but

afterwards it will give sweet water for it's lifelong. In the similar

way, when you receive help from the society, it is your bound duty to

reciprocate the same.


56. The greatest quality in the life is " You serve others without

anticipating any returns " .


57. You look to the road side tree which receives the hot sun light

and gives the shadow to the travelers. In the similar way, you should

live for others.


58. A fool will dig for water after his hut is under fire, you should

not be such a person. You should think about the God while you are in

good health.


59. You should know that the society will recognize the good persons

and in the similar way it will shun the bad quality persons.


60. You know that very well if you do not do the charities in this

life, you will be a beggar in your next life. After knowing this also

if you are not performing charities in this life, you should prepare

to hold the begging bowl in the next life.




August 1918: BABA offered Hemadri Pant a glass of buttermilk and said,

" Drink it all, you won't get such opportunity again.


August 1929: Composer of " SAGUNOPASANA " Arati Book, Shri K.A.Bhishma

passed away at Mohra in Nagpur District.


August 1982: Swami SaiSharananandaji (WamanRao Patel) passed away at

Ahmedabad (Aged 93 years).


August 1984: Administration of SHIRDI SAMSTHAN handed over to the

Board of Trustees by the court and Executive officer appointed for day

to day administration.




Author's Name: SaiBanisa

Publisher: Indiainabook

E-mail: vijishvanya

Price: $6 (Six US Dollars) pay by Credit Card / Pay Pal / Check

You can obtain the copy from Web: http://www.ebeacon.indiainabook.com/



It is a fact that people from all walks of life and traditions believe

in dreams. Obviously, dreams have a very important role to play in our

day to day lives. On the spiritual plane, many devotees/disciples are

guided; messages of actions and will are instructed for implementation

by their Sadhgurus through dreams even after attaining Mahasamadhi

(leaving the physical body).


Samardha Sadhguru Shiridi Sai Baba, in one of HIS eleven assurances

has prophesied while in flesh and blood that HIS mortal remains shall

speak and guide the devotees from the tomb. The Three hundred and odd

dreams of SAIBANSIA put before you are a testimony the fact.

This Book is dedicated to one and all who believe that God is above all.


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The chapter No.46 of 'Sai Satcharitra' highlights one of the many

assurances given by Baba to his devotees. On acceptance of an

individual as a devotee Sai constantly follows him, stands by him,

where ever he is, no matter even if he is thousands of miles away or

across the seven seas. As a staunch devotee of Sai I fully endorse the

popular belief and I am placing before you an incident that has taken

place in my life.


Kindly recall and refresh your memories with the contents of my First

Experience with Sai where in I mentioned about the details regarding

my visit to South Korea. This particular episode is in continuation to

it. As soon as I entered into my Hotel suite in the city of Changwan a

giant sized Honey bee like fly took a round about me and left the

room. As a prelude I must admit that while on a flight from SEOUL in

South Korea to the city of Pusan by a Korean Airliner, a thought ran

through my mind. This may appear unusual and funny to all others but

for those in fold of Sai it will be interesting to know as to how

things get organized under Baba's care. A similar incident is depicted

in chapter-46 of saisatcharitra during BABA's conversation with Nana

Saheb Chandorkar and Kaka Saheb Dikshit on the eve of their departure,

after seeking Baba's blessings. He uttered - " Take Shyama with you and

I shall join at GAYA, by the time they complete their pilgrimage to

Benaress and Prayag (the holy cities in northern India). If these

words are true then to strike similarities I must find Sai in Changwan

before I reach the city - a self test for my faith.


I completed my official assignment in Changwan and was preparing for

return journey to India on 16-05-91. After reading morning Aarati and

I was astonished to find the same fly like insect going round the

table lamp and leaving the room from the window. Sai proved his words

to be an assurance to Shyama by appearing as a big photograph decoured

in the main Hall of the priest of Gaya. By now I got fully convinced

that Sai was with me in the city of Changwan in the form of big fly in

the hotel room. My mind was ringing with words of Sai that he exists

in all forms of life. Probably he meant to convey that he reached

before me and was leaving before I leave for India.



To be Continued…




Janabai was born in the Maharashtra region of India. It was not

uncommon for poor families to hire their children out as domestic

servants, and this is what happened to Janabai at age 7. But the

household she was sent was unusual, for it belonged to the father of

the much-revered poet Namdev. It was in this household that Janabai

spent the rest of her life.


Janabai's poetry suggests a life of endless servant labor in the

household, but one that was constantly revived and supported by her

intimacy with the divine.





These are the dream sequences and messages as received by SAIBANISA

from our beloved GURU LORD SAINATH OF SHIRIDI. In Anticipation that

this feature will help in one's spiritual growth are hereby compiled

from his personal Diary and presented to SAIBANDHUS.

Translated and presented by RAGHU RAMAN SATULURY.


Dated: 27-09-1993.


I gave a deep thinking towards my life and prayed Sai to give me a

direction for a peaceful life. He has shown me a beautiful scene and

opened my eyes.


There was an advertisement on Babool Tooth Paste appearing in a local

TV channel. A happy family was shown with all smiles writ on their

faces and speaking for the usage of the branded paste and to be a

happy family like theirs. In reality, they all do not belong to the

same family as each one is a paid actor and lives in that role for

that moment. On the similar lines, the members of your family (wife

and children) are all drawn together by `Runanabandham' .We also act

and try to live those roles as assigned to us.


Each one of us in a family owes something or other towards each other.


Dated: 28-09-1993.


Tonight I had a content full dream. It was a School spread over a vast

area. The building did not have any doors or windows. Every thing was

kept open to all. The school remained opened through out the day.

There were no restrictions on age of the pupil. It was meant for

imparting spiritual education to all. The Guru was not visible to the

eye. I could infer from the dream that there were no barriers with

respect to age, sex or religion, set to join the spiritual stream.


Towards the end Sai gave beautiful advice Money earned in excess is a

source of mental agony and tensions. Money begotten by illegal means

weakens the sensitive fabric and health of the society. Wealth earned

by fair means and sufficient to meet the requirements is only the

recommended practice to be followed.


Think constantly as to how to amass spiritual wealth for that is the

real wealth.


Dated: 06-10-1993.


My prayer to Sai before bed was as to how one should stay away from

the thoughts of making easy and quick buck in life. It was the sight

of a well-crowded vegetable market. Al sorts of vegetables and fruit

were seen placed in their respective allocated containers in an

orderly manner. There was a wall by the side. A goat was seen on the

wall and was in a fix whether to jump down or not, so that it can eat

the fresh greens and tasty vegetables. If it decides to jump down it

is sure to break its legs. So it chooses to get down the stairs on the

other side and preferred to walk away. At the end a message was given

which went to say that desire for ill - gotten wealth is like cancer,

which will ultimately ruin us.

Do not fall prey to easy money.


To be continued…..



(By Late Sri Bharam UmamaheswaraRao)

" Shashi " : shashi_31


17. Religion

Religion is the virtuous force which establishes us in the Self.

Religion is the link that binds us to mystic force which enables us to

know the Divine. All religions, each in its own way, aim at this

central Realization of Divine in the Self, otherwise called God. From

manhood to Godhood is the course of religious evolution. Sri Sai Baba

says: " Sit for a while calmly. Think deeply in silence. Enquire within

you, `Who am I? What am I? Whence and what for? Why should I live in

this world? What is my duty and destiny?'


Can we answer these questions? We feel perplexed. We cannot find the

origin of life and its goal. The span of life that we live in this

world has a mission. It has a mystic entrance and exit.

In the life when the inner light blossoms, there is no significance

attached to these man made differences.


Sai Baba says: `The humanity is like a garland of varied blossoms,

string on a single thread of luminous Self-Consciousness. If the

collective life of humanity sprouts out from the seed of inner

harmony, then there shall be no egoism born of ignorance. If your mind

is limited, so shall be your life also. Hence you are unable to

overcome the narrow preferences.


Religion is a binding force and brings together the physical, vital,

mental and psychic planes in tune with the intrinsic soul in the

heart. This self-realization is the essence of all religions.


To be continued…..



" L.V.S.Satyanarayana " : lvs_satya

Fri, 22 Jul 2005 19:58:20 -0700(Pacific Daylight Time)


Sai ram

We are really enjoying the write ups coming in the " The Glory of

Shirdi Sai " .


Let me tell about me first, My name is LVS Satyanrayana working in

Qatar in Petroleum Plant


Yesterday (21/07/2005) was Gurupoorinima, we all gathered to

Srigurucharitra parayana. In the series I have got the chance to read

the lesson from 16 to 22 and I passed on the book to others but my

intention was to read out the the Narahari Sharma Stotram in Sanskrit

first (With Baba's grace it has been tuned in a melodious bits) and

then to read out translation of that stotra if Baba give me the chance

to do and I was not remembering that particular lesson number also.

After some time, I left from the parayana hall to relax some time

out side and came back to the hall. One devotee was reading out the

lesson 37, then 38 and then 39 gave back the book to read out. The

time was 11:45 AM. MR. Varama (the house where the Parayana was going

on) gave me that book even though I was little away from him and told

me to read out some more before 12:00noon to proceed for noon Aarathi.

It was more amazing that I have got the lesson what I asked Baba, then

I happily read out that Strotra in Sanskrit in the way Baba helped to

tune and then I shared that leela with MR Varma and again I astonished

when I heard from him that Baba inspired him to give that book to me.


L V S Satyanarayana


" Venkateswara Rao Uppala " venkateshuppala

Tue, 2 Aug 2005 06:17:14 -0700 (PDT)

Experience with BABA


Dear Sai devotees;

I would like to narrate my two wonderful experiences with BABA.

I live in Maryland, USA. There is a Shirdi Sai Baba temple apart from

the famous Lord Venkateswara temple in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. We

visit these temples at least once a year.


1. Two years back, after completion of my Satcharitra Parayan, on our

way to Niagara Falls, when I visited Baba temple with my family, I had

a wonderful experience. After attending the Noon aarathi, and taking

darshan, we came out to the parking lot.

Suddenly, one old lady, appearing very poor, wearing an old saree and

carrying an old plastic mesh bag, approached us and told us that her

daughter needs to undergo major procedure and she is in need of some


I immediately took out my wallet and asked her how much she needed.

She said you can give whatever amount you feel like. I had sixty

dollars, I gave her forty dollars and asked if she wanted more. She

said no, was very happy and wished us good. Later she said she wanted

to give me something in return, even though I was refusing to accept,

she pulled out an old used pink blouse with her trembling hands from

her bag and gave it to me saying it was for my daughter who was 5

years old then. Afterwards she went back into the temple.

It appeared normal at that time. But later, when I started thinking

deep, I realized, it was not NORMAL. I did not remember to have seen

her in the temple. It is a small temple and there were few devotees,

probably twenty that day. Even if she was present somewhere else, I

have not seen any Indian homeless people in USA so far.

Sorry for thinking she was homeless, she may not be homeless, but then

she definitely might have had a family to take care of her in USA. Why

she was asking money from the strangers?

All these doubts made me believe that it was BABA himself who asked me

for dakshina!

I feel bad for not realizing that it was HIM and not prostrating at

that time.

I am preserving this wonderful gift of BABA and whenever I remember

this incident, I feel so elated.


To be continued…



Venkateswaraswamy Swarna " swamysv & swamymain

8/2/2005 07:40:17 -0700

Sai Ram. In the last article, we saw that Baba gave a long discourse

to the rich (but stingy) man, who was pulled to Sai's darbar for

giving the Brahma Jnan to all of us. Let us now see the main points of

Baba's discourse. Sai Ram.

Qualifications for Brahma-Jnana or Self-Realization

All persons do not see or realize the Brahma in their life-time.

Certain qualifications are absolutely necessary. (1) Mumuksha or

intense desire to get free. He, who thinks that he is bound and that

he should get free from bondage and works earnestly and resolutely to

that end; and who does not care for any other things, is qualified for

the spiritual life.

Sai Ram. In Telugu, there is a beautiful saying, " Kami gaka moksha

kami gadu " which means the same thing that is unless one is caught up

in the prison of desires; one doesn't get the desire for freedom. It

is the mind that is bound by desires and it is the same mind that

desires to become free of those desires. Desires, which are simple and

which do not trouble the mind, if not fulfilled, are not problem.

However, addictions (desires, so strongly rooted that if not

fulfilled, they cause intense turmoil) are the problem. Lord Sri

Krishna, in His Gita also cautions His worthy disciple Sri Arjuna

about the Six internal enemies of a man, the leader being Kama. Kama

is not necessarily sexual desire, though that is the strongest. Desire

for wealth, desire for name and fame, Desire for power over other

people, all these are different aspects of Kama. In Viveka Chudamani

(attributed to Sri Adi Shankara), the author tells the aspirant that

it is difficult to get three things, namely, human

birth, desire for liberation, and the company of Saints. In Chapter 8

of Satcharita also, we have seen Shri Hemnadpant, expounding on the

purpose of taking a human birth and at several places, Shri Hemadpant

asserts and assures the reader that the best way of getting free from

the coils of desire is to surrender to the Feet of a Sadguru. And

Sadguru Sai has assured and has shown time and again that Sraddha and

Saburi are the two coins, beyond which He doesn't need any thing else.

All Saints are one in emphasising the need of a focussed approach for

spiritual progress. Initially, there will be hurdles and slips because

of the strong pull of the Vaasanas (desires). These deep-rooted

desires need to be pulled out in the light of Jnana and the

attachments (me and mine) should be burnt (like the turban of Tatya),

as explained in Chapter 6 of Satcharita. The horses of senses should

be handed over to the Intellect (which is strenghtened by the

Sadguru's grace), so that the chariot of this body, mind and ego

reaches the destination of Vishnu-pada, from which there is no

rebirth. In His immortal work, Sri Bhaja Govinda Stotram, Sri Adi

Sankara also prays on behalf of all of us, " Punarapi jananam, punarapi

maranam, punarapi janani jathare sayanam, iha samsare bahu dustare,

krupaya pare pahi murare, Bhaja Govindam... "

Sai Ram. Let us continue with this wonderful chapter in the coming weeks.

To be Continued…….




Smt. Madhu Gopal Ravada, Saidarbar, Hyderabad.

Hello Children! I am Madhu aunty. Do you know Baba use to play with

children and used to tell stories to them? I felt children visiting

Saidarbar should be entertained with good stories. Baba told before He

took His Maha Samadhi that He is Muralidhar and would like to play in

Booty Wada (Samadhi Mandir) with His devotees. So far you have enjoyed

Krishna Leelas. Baba has also established his identity with Lord Sri

Rama. Now I will take you through our epic Ramayan. Tell your parents

to read the Glory of Shirdi Sai – Bi-weekly E-magazine and narrate

Ramayan from this magazine.




Hanuman the brilliant servant and devotee of Rama flew to Garuda, the

vulture King, and brought him to the rescue of Rama and Lakshmana.

Garuda set the two brothers free from the snake-noose. Rama and

Lakshmana were again fit for the battle. On his way to palace Meghanad

received the news that Rama and Lakshmana were free from the effect of

snake-noose weapon. Raging with fury he returned to the battle filed.

He started a merciless and terrific destruction of Rama's army. He,

then, turned towards Lakshmana and used Lord Brahma's divine weapon on

him. Lakshmana became unconscious and fell down on the ground. Now

Meghanad was confident that Lakshmana would surely die. No medicine

could bring him back to consciousness. With the rise of sun, the next

morning, Lakshmana would breathe his last; and Rama would become mad

and die in sorrow of his brother. Thus thinking, Meghanad and his army

returned jubilant.


Seeing Lakshmana's condition Rama became impatient and started

wailing. Vibhishana told that only Ravana's royal physician Sushena

could save Lakshmana's life. Hanuman was sent to fetch Sushena.

Sushena came, saw Lakshmana and said, " Only a herb that grows on

Gandhamardan mountain can save Lakshmana's life, if it is administered

before day-break " . Hanuman said that he would bring the herb. He flew

at great speed. He reached the Gandhamardana mountain to find the

entire hill aglow. He could not distinguish the herb, so he uprooted

the entire mountain and brought it back to Rama's camp. The herb was

immediately administered to Lakshmana and he came back to his senses.


Vibhishana, then, saw smoke rising towards the sky. He ran to Rama and

told that Meghanad was carrying out sacred rituals for victory over

enemy. He said, " If he completes his worship, no one in the three

worlds can defeat or kill him in the battle filed " . Lakshmana asked

Vibhishana to lead him to the place where Meghanad was busy in

worship. Vibhishina led Lakshmana who was followed by Hanuman also.

Reaching there they found unarmed Meghanad absorbed deeply in prayers.

They surrounded him and Lakshmana beheaded Meghanad.


To be Continued……



" Sankaraiah Dubagunta " sainama




We know Baba Sai got several Temples repaired at Shirdi from Dakshina

amount, sometimes through destined devotees. Ofcourse His abode was a

dilapidated structure, which He named Dwarakamai, also got repaired in

1911. The experience narrated by Doma Venkata Swamy Gupta's father in

law in Sai Sudha of March'1945 issue is given below.


" When Baba was in the flesh, this gentleman accompanied his master the

Late Gummadalli Lakshmi Narayana of Secunderabad to Shirdi and both

took darshan of Baba many times. GL was an ordinary merchant not very

rich at that time. On one occasion Baba told him " You have to build a

Lakshmi Narayan Temple " . GL asked Baba " What the probable cost would

be? " Baba replied " Rs six lakhs " GL was aghast as he had not with him

even a fraction of that amount. GL therefore believed that this was

either a joke or some meaningless statement of Baba. But within two

years his own business flourished and he became an owner of many lakhs

and could spare 6 lakhs. At that time Baba had attained Maha Samadhi.

Anyhow GL obeyed the direction of Baba and constructed Lakshmi

Narayana temple in Secunderabad costing about six lakhs inclusive of

the permanent funds. It is still there well maintained and well

managed by GL's children.






Deva Premal & Miten mdp

8/02/2005 14:17:50 +0300

Hindudevotional songs.

Namaste friends,

I have visited your website http://www.saidarbar.org and read your

newsletter " The Glory of Shirdi Sai " and came away veryinspired. Thank

you for doing this good work.


And for sure I will let you know when we sing songs on Lord Sainath of

Shirdi. Wishing you love, peace and harmony,



Devotees speak about Sai in Dreams:


" Syam Sundar : sai_syam


To me each dream sequence of Sri Saibanisji is an example of

Sadgurui Sai Baba's message in setting us in the path of Saism. This

reading gave me the wonderful feeling of going through the pages of

Sri SaiSatcharitra.

Syamasundar Davuluri





I read through the E-Book and in my humble opinion it truly reflects

the essence of SAI Leelas. A pure characterization of Sai teachings

with practical applications.

Rajat Bhakhri,




Saibanisa's dream experience is an " Urn " that contains Baba's

blessings and teachings. My prayers and best wishes to you all for

putting all your sincere

efforts in promoting Shri Sai's Philosophy.



" Subhadra Kakarlapudi " : subhadrakakarlapudi


Lord Sai appearing in Saibanisa's dreams and giving

messages are instructions to his devotes for their

Spiritual guidance. I am glad to know these messages

are available in e-book form.



You can obtain the copy from Web: http://www.ebeacon.indiainabook.com/




Please visit:



Saibanisa-Gopalarao Ravada—Saidarbar Hyderabad –India





Sai on innumerable occasions has said that, I am not God but I am

only a humble servant of God. There are also instances of his having said

that I am the universal mother, Parabrahmah, and the Ruler of the

Universe. In parlance, these words were uttered by Lord Sri Krishna


On numerous occasions and practically demonstrated in different

Contexts in the most reverned Epic Maha Bhagavath.

Some of the miracles performed by Lord Sri Hari in Maha Bhagavath

were also performed by Saianth. To quote in the words of

Hemadhripanth, no difference between him and Lord Sri Hari, Sainath

performed once again all the miracles that Lord Sri Hari did in Sri

Bhagavath. I, read the Holy Maha Bahgavath many a times to draw

similarities between the two great works of our times and made efforts

to arrive at some conclusions which go beyond to establish doubt that

Sainath was indeed God incarnated, to serve Humanity.


Lord Sri Hari said that Saints are the representatives of God who

Come in to the World with a mission to cleanse the World and to free

it from

The social evils, and to guide people when ever there is an unbalance in

The dispensation of justice and adherence to dharma is lost. Today it

gives me pleasure to share some of my thoughts on the topic 'Sai in

Bhagavatham'. When young Baba arrived in Shiridi, Mahalsapathi has

welcomed him by addressing him as - 'Aao Sai'. The word Sai is not new

as we find instances where Lord's names in Hindu mythology are

followed by the word Sai (for example: Sesha Sai, Vatapathra Sai etc).

The literal definition of Sai in any standard dictionary read as: A

South American monkey, thereby indirectly indicating that the word Sai

originates from the period of the Ape man if we go by the logic of

reasoning. I would now like to narrate the incidents taken from Sai

Satcharitra and compare with those drawn from Maha Bhagavatham for

information and presentation to the readers.


Naradha, a staunch devotee of Sriman Narayan, also known as Brahma

Manasa-Putra, can aptly be compared with Sri.Dasa Guna Maharaj

mentioned in Sai Satcharitra.The real name of Dasaguna is Ganesh

Sahasrabuddhe, was a police constable during the year 1894.Dasaguna

came to Shiridi on a patrolling duty along with Nanasaheb Chandorkar.

He was

Instantaneously attracted towards Shiridi Sai.He was gifted with the

natural talent of composing good poetry and singing. He resigned from

the job and established an Ashram and started Sai Thathva

Prachar.-Dissemination of Sai Philosophy. He has never accepted any

charities or gifts.

Lord Sri Krishna comes to the rescue of princess Utthara, wife of

Abhimanyu, saves the foetus in her womb when attacked by Brahmastra, a

divine weapon released by Aswaddhama.

Sapatnekar was under the impression that his son died due to anger

from Baba. Sai uttered to those around that " this man is under false

notion that I have killed his son. Will I ever do such things " ? He is

crying sitting in this place Dwarakamayi. I shall see that the same

child is again put back in to his wife's womb. the author of " Sai

Satcharitra " - 'Sai appears every where in Bhagavatham as one goes

through the book carefully'. Perhaps to establish that there exists

To be Continued……






NEW BRUNSWICK, NEW JERSEY, July 23, 2005: Ved Prakash, Dharma Summit

2005 General Secretary, sends the following press release:


The Dharma Summit 2005 will be held on August 13, 14 and 15 at Rutgers

University, Student Center, 126 College Avenue, New Brunswick, NJ. The

objective of this conference is to bring together heads of all

Devalayas, spiritual institutions, and Dharmic intellectuals in North

America to exchange thoughts and ideas, and share experiences on how

to impart spiritual and cultural education to our next generation and

remove misperceptions about our faith traditions from the society in

order to maintain our Dharmic traditions with dignity. This conference

is being organized with the support, cooperation and involvement of

all major Sampradayas and institutions. Also many intellectuals will

speak in various sessions. The discussion will focus on the future of

Dharma in North America. How can our young generation grow with the

best values from both cultures? How can they learn the true meaning

and concepts of Dharma and take pride in their heritage? All past,

present and future presidents, founders, Board members, youth program

coordinators and volunteer supporters of all Hindu, Jain temples and

Gurudwaras and institutions are invited. Two sessions on Monday,

August 15, will present a workshop on Temple Management,

Administration and priest training, etc. that temple Board members

must plan to attend.


Maryland Temple to Honor Sri Lanka Nallur Temple Festival




MARYLAND, USA, July 17, 2005: The Annual Festival of Nallur Murugan

Temple in Jaffna, Sri Lanka, begins on the sixth day after the July's

new moon. It is a huge affair in Jaffna with hundreds of thousands of

Hindus attending the main events. The hoisting of the holy flag of the

temple (Kodiyetram) indicates the first day, and the festival

continues for twenty-five days. Poonkavanam (Thiru Kalyanam) is on the

twenty-sixth day, which concludes this annual festival. Everyday, the

icon of Lord Muruga's Holy Vel is beautifully decorated with an

abundance of flowers, and taken around the temple in procession. The

Sri Lanka Nallur Kanthaswami Kovil and the Kathirkamam Kanthan Kovil

Annual Festival will be celebrated at the Washington Murugan Temple,

where many Sri Lankan Hindus are settled. This is the sixth year they

are celebrating this festival at the Murugan Temple. The festival will

be held in Maryland on Saturday and Sunday, August 13 and 14.


CARAPICHAIMA, TRINIDAD, July 22, 2005: In memory of all the gurus of

all traditions, Enlightenment Day will be celebrated on Sunday, July

31, at the Dattatreya Yogan Centre, Orange Field Road, Carapichaima

starting at 7 p.m. Enlightenment Day will honour the wealth of wisdom

of all the great spiritualities of the world. Visiting Indian Swami

Shri Brahmavairaagyi, of Kashi, India, founder and spiritual master,

will be conducting the seminar under the auspices of the International

Academy of Kundalini Dhyaan Yoga(IAKDY).



Visit http://www.angelfire.com/sd/SaidarbarCanberra/index.html for

SAIDARBAR - Canberra - Australia activities.

Visit http://www.viswasaidarbar.com for SAIDARBAR - London Activities.

Visit http://www.saidarbarusa.org for SAIDARBAR - Walling ford




7/11/2005 03:55:44 -0600

Om Sri Sairam.

As per Shirdi Guru's Divine desire and Vision, we have been inspired

to build a temple for Him in Trichy District, Tamilnadu. This Temple

will be an epitome of religious harmony, following the message of

Shirdi's Prabhu. The Temple will be called the Shirdi Guru Temple of

Peace. FOR DETAILS contact swar_s

S Swarnambika


Radhika G g_radhika

6/22/2005 12:22:58 -0700

Dear Sai Devotees,

Shri Sai Samartha Vidnyan Prabhodini, Mumbai conducts exams based on

Shri Sai Satcharitra written by Shri Govind Raghunath Dabholkar alias

Hemadpant.This Exam is one of its kind. Every year thousands of

devotees take this exam and help themselves in Spiritual progress. For

more information write to panchasheelexams

The exam will be held on Sunday, August 14 2005

Sai Ram


Saidarbar Chennai: saidarbarchennai


Saidarbar Chennai

Long Live The Ancient & Supreme One!

At the feet of Lord Shirdi Sai,

Chennai Saidarbar Team.


" Ramesh and Anitha " kandra

Tue, 12 Jul 2005 23:35:03 +1000

Saidarbar Canberra


For Shirdi Sai Bhajans in Canberra please visit:



Shirdi Sai Baba technical

7/31/2005 13:01:33 -0000

Saidarbar Wallingford

Dear Sai Bandhu,

Our next Sai darbar and satsang will be held on Saturday the 6th

August, 2005.

05:00pm - 05:30pm– Sai Nama japa

05:30pm - Satsang Prayer starts with 2 minutes Dhyana

Please contact: technical


Shanthi Ramakrishnan: shanthi

For Activities of Sai Darbar Portland

Please contact: shanthi



25 Jul 2005 19:26:13 -0000

The Gurupoornima celebrations went off very well .Due to paucity of

space we had organized the pujas in the ASAMAI temple .The pujas were

well attended, more than 400 devotees participated in the celebrations.


We are very happy to inform you that the New Statue of Baba which

has been received from India was placed in the new temple building for

viewing by devotees.With the blessings of Baba and your good wishes we

expect to be operative in the new temple by November.

Please click on the URL given below to view pictures of the celebrations



" Atlanta Sai Temple News " webmaster

Tue, 12 Jul 2005 15:31:12 -0700

North America Shirdi Sai Temple of Atlanta

For more details please contact the Temple

700 James Burgess Road, Suwanee, GA 30024


" Shirdi Saibaba Prayer Center " : sai

Thu, 2 Jun 2005 05:11:49 -0700 (PDT)


For Further details Visit: Web Page: http://www.hamaresai.org/

Email: hamaresai


" Sri Shirdi Sai Baba Temple of DFW " USA: shirdisaidallas

30 Jun 2005 09:56:54 -0000

Baba Pada Puja & Abhishekam

This event repeats on the first Saturday of every month.

Event Location: 2109 W. Parker Road, Plano, Texas

It will be followed by Vishnu Sahasranamam at 11:00am.

Please email your questions, comments or suggestions about the web

site to: admin http://www.shirdisaidallas.org


" Om Sai Mandir " saisandesh

8/1/2005 08:56:25 -0400

Sai Sandesh August Issue can be read online at:


Back Issues are available at:





For Satsanghs and details please visit www.ShirdiSaiParivaar.org

Or send email to saibandhu



Mon, 25 Jul 2005 13:23:53 -0500


We thank all devotees, who attended and participated in Gurupoornima

Celebrations at ShirdiSai Jalaram Mandir last night. We specially thank

All volunteers, who helped in making the program a success, with your

participation and help, we are sure that together, we can conduct many

such programs at our temple and also construct new temple earlier than


Also please remember that Ground Breaking Ceremony (BHHOMI POOJA) for

new Temple

is on 7th August 2005(Sunday) at 7.00A.M



" S Chopra " saileela99

Sat, 16 Jul 2005 11:58:00 -0000


Please contact:

Shirdi Sai Baba Sansthan of Canada

www.shirdisaicanada.org (under construction) saileela99

Shammi Chopra






You can get your copy at



Sai Sevak-Vijay Agarwal: vijishvanya

On behalf of Saidarbar, We are grateful to Saisevak Vijay Agarwal,

who has released the Second edition of SAI A BEACON FOR HUMANITY,

consisting of Baba's Aaratis in Audio form in the above E-book.


We will be happy to conduct Tele-Satsanghs to cities out side

Hyderabad and India on prior intimation. For further details please

contact saidarbar



Things impressed me from this Magazine:

You will water the coconut tree for first two or three years, but

afterwards it will give sweet water for it's lifelong. In the similar

way, when you receive help from the society, it is your bound duty to

reciprocate the same.


We cannot find the origin of life and its goal. The span of life that

we live in this world has a mission. It has a mystic entrance and exit.


Self-realization is the essence of all religions.

Lord Sri Hari said that Saints are the representatives of God who come

in to the World with a mission to cleanse the World and to free it

from the social evils, and to guide people when ever there is an

unbalance in the dispensation of justice and adherence to dharma is lost.


Sai devotees may write about their Sai activities in their place,

essays, articles and poetry on Sai to " The Glory of Shirdi Sai " -

they may be address their contributions to E-mail id:

saidarbar with a copy marked to webmaster


We shall put in our best efforts to include them in the Glory of

Shiridi Sai- the bi-weekly E -Magazine. Unless the author of the

articles instructs, not to publish his/her E-mail id, we will publish

them as a matter of routine practice.


You can for THE GLORY OF SHIRDI SAI for a friend /relative

by submitting e-mail ID in the main page of http://www.saidarbar.org

also read the old issues from: http://www.saidarbar.org/glory.htm,

from www.saidakshina.com and from http://www.saidarbarusa.org


Editor does not accept responsibility for the views expressed in the

articles published.


This e-magazine is intended for Private circulation only.


Submitted by Sai Sevak: Srinivasa Rao Kasturi




P.S. In case you do not like to receive " The Glory of Shiridi Sai " ,

kindly reply UNSUBSCRIBE for our necessary action.

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