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[Smarthrugaami-Dattavibhavam] THE GLORY OF SHIRDI SAI- issue-8-2006

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The Shri Shirdi Sai BabaTemple in Aurora, Illinois can be searched at www.saisamsthanusa.org. bhagavatula murthy <bhagavatulam wrote: THE GLORY OF SHIRDI SAIFourth Year of PublicationPublished as Bi-WeeklyIssue 8/ 200613-04-2006Hanuman Jayanthi 13-4-06 & Tamil New Year 14-4-06SPECIALPlease visit our Web site: http://www.saidarbar.org---GURUR-BRAHMA, GURUR-VISHNUH; GURU-DEVO MAHESWARAHA;GURUR-SAKSHATH PARAM BRAHMA; THASMAI SREE GURAVENAMAHA: http://www.saidarbar.org/dattatreya/saidatta.htmHanuman Jayanti is the birth anniversary of

LordHanuman.13-4-06Lord Hanuman was born in Anjaneri (now a hilltoptemple). Anjaneri is near Triambakeshwar, Nasik - apilgrim village in Maharashtra State. He is the son ofAnjani and Maruti, born with the blessings of 'Vayu',the wind god (also called Pavan). He is considered tobe an avatar (incarnation) of Lord Shiva.He is one of the seven Chiranjivis and the onlylearned scholar who knew the nine Vyakaranas. Helearned the shastras from Suryadev, the sun god. He iswell versed with the Vedas and other sacred books.He has exhibited astonishing physical strength andworked many miracles. His valour, wisdom, knowledge ofthe scriptures and superhuman strength attractedeverybody who came near him. He had extraordinaryskill in warfare. He is the chosen messenger of LordRama and the minister & messenger of Sugreeva. Hanumanis fast, the most agile and oriented god.Hanumanji is the symbol of

Devotion and Service. LikeKrishna, Rama is an incarnation of Vishnu whoseelevated character and righteous actions are designedto inspire men to divine consciousness. In liberatinghis consort Sita from the demon Ravana (symbol ofmaterial illusion); Rama is greatly aided by the braveHanuman. Hanuman was the chief of the armies of SriRamachandra and took a prominent part in the waragainst Ravana, the king of Lanka, in the Indian epicpoem Ramayana. Hanuman helped restore Sita Devi backto Sri Rama. Recognizing Godhead beneath the humandisguise, Hanuman consecrates himself wholly toservice of Rama. Depicted in kneeling pose of utterdevotion and humility, he symbolized the strength andpurity of the Perfect Servant.Hanumanji is known by many names as Anjaneya, AnjaniPutra, Bajarangbali, Hanuman, Mahaveer, Marutinandan,Pavanputra etc. Hanuman, worshipped for his strength,valor, agility, is a man of

great teaming.Hanuman carried Sri Rama and Lakshmana on his shoulderto Sugreeva, the king of all Vanars (monkeys) inKishkindha and helped them to find Sita. Prior to thewar between Sri Rama and Ravana, Anjaneya visitedLanka, met Ravana, created havoc and burnt down thecity of Lanka (Lanka Dahan). During the war, whenLakshmana was injured seriously, Sushena, thesurgeon/physician of the monkey army, dispatchedMarutinandan to bring herbal medicine, Sanjeevini,from the far-off Sumeru Mountain in the Himalayas,before sunrise. Flying over the Himalayas and unableto identify the particular herb fast, Hanuman uprootedand carried the entire mountain in time to save thelife of Lakshmana along with the rest of the Vanararmy. Hanuman was blessed by Sri Rama with immortality(chiranjeevi) at the end of the war.Hanuman was a bachelor (brahamachari) and isworshipped in all the temples of India. Every

templeof Sri Rama contains an icon of Hanuman. Worship ofSri Rama is complete only with the worship of Hanuman.There are various temples dedicated solely to LordHanuman also. Sant Tulsidas composed the 40 stanzas ofHanuman Chalisa in praise of Hanuman.The worship of Hanuman symbolizes the worship of theSupreme Lord, for acquiring knowledge, physical andmental strength, truthfulness, sincerity,selflessness, humility, loyalty, and profound devotionto the Lord. Students pray to him for intelligence andsoldiers for strength. In olden days, there used to betemples of Hanumantha, at the gates of forts. Thegymnasium of wrestlers invariably have his picture.FromSaisatcharita--Behaviour of Sai Baba--Chapter VIIHE got almost all the temples in Shirdi repaired.Through Tatya Patil, the temples of Shani, Ganapati,Shankar-Parvati, Village Deity, and Maruti were put

inorder.-------------------------------Tamil New Year 14-4-06The months of the Tamil Calendar gains moresignificance and are deeply rooted to the faith of theTamil People. Some months are considered veryauspicious while a few are considered inauspicious aswell. The Tamil New Year, starts in the first month ofSithirai, in the mid-April every year. It iscelebrated with much enthusiasm among the TamilCommunity all over the world. It is marked by giftingnew dresses for the family members and giving prayersto God wishing for prosperity among the people for thecoming year. The second month of Vaikaasi and thetenth month of Thai are considered very auspicious andmost of the marriages usually happens during thosemonths than the other months of the year. The thirdmonth of Aadi is considered inauspicious that usuallymarriages does not happen in the month. It is usuallythe

worst month for thriving businesses and recentlythis situation has changed a lot, as the businessesstarted providing discount shopping during thatparticular month. The fifth month of Aavani isconsidered auspicious among the Tamil orthodox people,and the special occasion of Aavani Avittam marks themonth. The sixth month of Purattaasi is auspicious tothe effect that, most of the non-vegetarian Tamilpeople do not eat meat during the month. The full moondays and the new moon days have considerableimportance among the Tamil people. One of the famousfestivals, the Deepavali, is celebrated on the newmoon day, in the seventh month of Aippasi. The monthof Aippasi is usually characterised bythe North-EastMonsoon in Tamil Nadu, which has gave birth to aphrase, Aippasi Adai Mazhai meaning the 'Non-stopDownpour'. The Festival of Thirukaarthigai iscelebrated during the eighth month of Kaarthigai. Thenineth month of

Maargazhi is characterised by thewinter in Tamil Nadu, and considered auspicious formaiden women to find their groom. The tenth month ofThai is the month of Harvest in Tamil Nadu. Thefestival of Pongal is celebrated to mark the harvestin the first day of that month.From Saisatcharita--Madrasi Bhajani Mela--Chapter XXIXIt was in the year 1916 that a Madrasi Bhajani Mela(Party of the Ramadasi Panth) started on a Pilgrimageto the holy city of Banaras. The Party consisted of aman, his wife, daughter and sister-in-law.Unfortunately their names are not mentioned. On theirway, the party heard that there lived at Shirdi inKopergaon Taluka, Ahmednagar District, a great sagenamed Sai Baba, who was calm and composed, and who wasvery liberal and who distributed money every day toHis Bhaktas and to skilful persons, who went andshowed their skill there.--------------THIS


avoid inquisitiveness tolisten secretively to others.221. Quality of the Gold can be assessed by rubbingagainst a Goldstone. So are troubles which are suretest for true friends, relatives and servants 222. A crow can be decorated with Gold and diamondsand still it cannot become a swan. In the same way, afool can be throned, but he cannot rule the kingdom 223. A bad king with good ministers and servants isfar better than a good king with bad ministers andservants.224. You should always be alert with your staff whoare not loyal.225. Gold gets beauty when polished and not from thefact that it is embedded with pearls taken from theocean. So also training is essential for anintelligent student and not for those few bornintellectuals. 226. Trying to reform a bad person is like chasing amirage227. Refrain from taking loans, keep away from fire,enemies and keep aloof

from contagious diseases thatcan take toll of the lives. 228 It cost nothing to talk good and sweet that bringsin good returns229. A selfless person is like a candle giving lightto others while burning and finally loosing identity.To be continuedElt;BR> -----2. SAI'S NEWS FROM THE TIME MACHINE: April 1886: Baba performed Yoga kriya samadhi for 72hours.April 1904: Rao Bahadhur.H.V.Sathe first arrived atShiridi.April 1912:Baba announces the first arrival ofDhurundhara brothers from Bombay in advance.April1914: Baba appeared in the dream of B.V.Deo andexplained as to how to go about reading Gnaneshwari.April 1918: Baba paid RS 25/- to person named Vaze andmade him to perform Satyanarayan pooja.April1923: First issue of Sri Sai Leela published.April 1940: Shama (Madhav Rao Deshpande passed away atShiridi at the age of 80

yrs.-------------------------------3. SAI IN DREAMS: http://www.ebeacon.indiainabook.com/These are the dream sequences and messages as receivedby SaiBaNiSa Ji From our beloved GURU LORD SAINATH OFSHIRIDI. In Anticipation that this feature will helpin one's spiritual growth are hereby compiled from his personal Diary and presented to SAIBANDHUS. Translated and presented by RAGHU RAMAN SATULURY. 08-05-1994I was mentally upset, as I was not able to overcomethe urge for other women in life. I prayed Sai tooffer me with a way out. Sai appeared in the form of afriend of mine and said Elt;BR> You are not compromising even to look at the womanintending to marry you just because she is notbeautiful as the inner Jnana shakti (intelligence) isunable to differentiate between the relative beauties.Why does the same Shakti fail in realizing

thatseeking other women is like putting one’s hand in to aburning kiln?None can help a knowingly ignorant one.09-05-1994My mind was engrossed in thoughts on Sai philosophy.Sai said EWhen your mind stays disturbed as your children arehospitalized, how can I live in peace idling andremain without reacting, when MY children are introubles?SAI never fails in offering protection to hisdevotees.15-05-1994I prayed Lord Sainath to show me my true position.The scene was that of a marriage stage. Bridegroom’sparty reaches the venue with full vigor demanding forthe dowry. Bride’s father having entrusted me withtask of guarding the brief case stored with moneyasked me to do the needful. I opened the Brief and tomy surprise, the money was not in place. All theelders assembled there branded me as a thief. Bride’sfather tries to commit suicide by immolating

himself.I considered myself responsible for the incident and Itoo try to jump into the fire. In the meanwhile, theperson who stole the money arrives at the scenelaughing. Bride’s father and myself then embraced thethief .He too is perished in the whole process alongwith both of us. I got scared with such a dream andgot up from the bed. What could this mean? I am notclear.Never offer services that can cost life.To be continuedE.----4. QUINTESSENCE OF SRI SAIBABA'S PHILOSOPHY: (By Late Sri Bharam UmamaheswaraRao)"Shashi": shashi_3122. Atma EJnanaAtma is the active principle. From this, arises theworld which is originally inactive. So try to reachthe active Atma and thus attain peace. All worldlythings arise form Atma and get merged in it finally.Even the mind will get merged in Atma. We must knowthis.Atma is self-effulgent. It

will not have any changedue to worldly activities or due to time. It willalways be one. This Atma is the Self and the Atma isthe Universe, both get merged in Paramatma. Theindestructible Paramatma will never get destroyed andis beyond space, time and causation.Atma is permanent and is without any change oralteration. It is full of knowledge, bliss and purity.If we are in the state of Atma, we will always behappy. So, all of us should do Sadhana and try to fixour aim and visualize Atma. Know Atma is not anartificial, conventional thing. The source of theUniverse is the power of Atma.If we practice the following good habits, we will haveDivine perfection and realize the Atma in ourselves.They are: 1. Purity of Anthakarna; 2. Resistance of external indriyas; 3. Reading philosophical books; 4. Straight forwardness; 5.

Charitable nature; 6. Avoiding criticism of others; 7. Peace of mind; 8. Having mercy on all living beings; 9. Not having bad desires; 10. Not doing bad actions; 11. Not having wavering mind; 12. Having Saburi; 13. Having external and internal purity; 14. And not having egoism.If we perform all these things perfectly, we will haveAtma-Jyothi darshan.To be continuedE.-----------------------------5. SANATANA DHARMA & SRI SHIRDI SAIBABAAKHILANDAKOTI , BRAHMANDA NAAYAKA, RAAJAADHI RAAJA,YOGIRAJA, PARABRAHMA SREE SATCHITANANDA,SAMARDHASADGURU, SAINATH MAHARAAJ KI JAIElt;BR> From the Satsanghs of Saibanisa jiSai through Reincarnations Death, is when the soul leaves the physical body and Re entry of the soul in to another bodily form isreincarnation. The underlying

idea to be understood is that one hasto pay the price of his karmic deeds if not in this lifedefinitely in the lives to come. There cannot be an escape from thishard truth of life and has been repeated by all great saints againand again. The sooner It is realized the better it is.EThe seeds you sow,make the fruits you reap". Probably Saibanisa was inspired to placebefore the Lotus feet of Baba, the questions in his mind as hecame across a cross section of people suffering and undergoinghardships in their present lives. The answers were in the form ofvisuals in dreams of Saibanisa and are presented to the Saibandhus andbear relevance to the title.By: Sai Sevak Raghuraman Satulury-------------------------- SANATANA DHARMA –NEWS FROM ABROAD:King Gyanendra Inaugurates WHF Silver

JubileeCelebrationswww.kantipuronline.comBIRGUNJ, April 7 - King Gyanendra has said Hinduism,which dates back to the beginning of civilizationitself, embraces the high ideals of tolerance and"Vasudaiva kutumbakam" or universal fraternity, inwhich ideals lies the strength in the relationsamongst various faiths in this Hindu Kingdom. The Kingmade this remark while addressing the Silver JubileeCelebrations of the World Hindu Federation (WHF) atPipara Muth in Birgunj, on Friday. On the occasion,the King said "Based on humanistic ideals, the Hinduculture, which espouses the precept Sarve bhawantusukhina sarve santu niramaya or 'Let every human beingbe happy and free of disease; let every individual'swell-being be ensured,' is dedicated to the good andpeace of all. " These ideals must be incorporated intoour way of life, as inscribed in the great religiousepic The Bhagawat Gita, the King added.

King Gyanendrareferred to many instances where, for peace, manysages had sacrificed their lives, and said that toestablish permanent peace in the true sense is theneed of the day "Let us all pledge to dedicate some ofour time towards this noble cause," said the King,adding the holy Vedas also lay special emphasis onpeace and humanism.Project Set Up to Trace Indian Diasporainwww.rediff.comNEW DELHI, INDIA, April 8, 2006: The ministry ofoverseas Indian affairs' (MOIA) effort to help personsof Indian origin (PIOs) abroad trace their antecedentsin the land of their forefathers has started bearingfruit with the roots of eight people being traced inthe district of Ballia in Uttar Pradesh. A meetingheld here reviewed the progress in a pilot projectstarted by the ministry, called "Tracing the Roots,"which is under way in the districts of Ballia in UttarPradesh and Bhojpur in Bihar. The Uttar

Pradeshgovernment has already created an archival database of10,000 people who had migrated to different parts ofthe world in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Thereare 56 names from Ballia, where the pilot project isunder way, on the list of 10,000 and of them the rootsof eight have been traced. Most of the ancestors ofthese PIOs had gone as indentured labour to countrieslike Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana, Jamaica, Mauritiusand Fiji. A PIO, who is interested in tracing his orher roots, will have to produce the emigration passthat had been given to the ancestor by the thenBritish government in India. MOIA will then help thePIO trace his or her roots while charging a nominalfee for the exercise. There are around a million PIOsin the Caribbean islands - over 500,000 in Trinidadand Tobago, around 400,000 in Guyana, over 60,000 inJamaica and over 2,000 in Barbados. Mauritius is hometo 700,000 PIOs while

over 300,000 PIOs live in Fiji.----------------------6. SAIBANISA OFFERS PRANAMS TO “LORD SIVAElt;BR> From Sai Satcharita -chapter 28Megha began to look upon Sai Baba as an incarnation ofShiva In order to worship Shiva, bela leaves arerequired and Megha used to go miles and miles everyday to bring them and worship his Shiva (Baba).Megha returned to the Wada, and drew a red Trident onthe wall near Baba's picture. Next day a RamadasiBhakta came from Poona, saluted Baba and offered HimPindi (an image of Shiva). At this time Megha alsoturned up there. Baba said to him - "See, Shankar hascome, protect (i.e., worship) Him now." Megha wassurprised to see Pindi following Trident immediately.http://www.saidarbar.org/sarwam/shiva.jpgInformation about JyotirLingas:5. SRI VAIDYANATHA in ParaliIf one is to draw a line between

Kanyakumari andUjjain, Parali village can be clearly seen on thatline. This village is located on the slopes of Meru orNaganarayana Mountain. Parali is an ancient villagelocated near three rivers, Brahma, Venu and Saraswati,because of the presence of one of the twelveJyotirLingas of Shankara, it has become famous. Thisvillage is also known as Kantipur, MadhyarekhaVaijayanti or Jayanti. It is 26 kilometers fromAmbejogai in the Beed district.History of Parali Vaidhyanath jyothirlinga templeYogeshwari of Ambejogai was married to LordVaidyanatha of Parali. But by the time the marriageparty reached, the auspicious time of the wedding hadpassed. As a result the people of the marriage partyturned into stone statues. Yogeshwari was waiting awayfrom Parali. This is one story that is frequentlyheard there.When the Gods and Demons made their combined effort inAmrit Manthan (Churning for Nectar),

fourteen gemsemerged. There were Dhanwantari and Amrit Ratnas init. When the Demons rushed to grab Amrit, Lord Vishnuhid the Amrit and Dhanwantari in the Shiva Linga ofLord Shankara. Just as the Demons tried to touch theLinga, flames started emanating from the Linga. Thescared Demons ran aay. But when devotees of LordShankara touched the Linga, there was a free flow ofAmrit from the same. Even today, devotees touch theShiva Linga as a part of taking Darshan. Here, thereis no discrimination between caste, creed or color.Anyone can come and visit this place. As theLingamurthy is supposed to have Amrit and Dhanvantari,it is also known as Amriteshwar and Dhanvantari.The mountains and jungles and the rivers, are full ofuseful medicinal herbs. That is why Parali JyotirLingais also known as Vaidyanatha. It is here that LordVishnu successfully helped the Devas to obtain Amrit.Therefore, this place is also

known as ‘VaijayantiEOnce the Demon King Ravana went to Kailasa mountainand did a severe penance to please Lord Shankara. Putup with cold, heat, rains and fine and even then whenLord Shiva did not appear before him, he began to cuthis head off in order to offer it to the ShivaLinga.Then the Lord appeared after Ravana tried to offer histenth head. He restored all of Ravana’s heads andgranted him boons. Ravana expressed his desire to takeLord Shiva to Lanka as a boon. He said, “I want totake you to LankaE Shankara, who is very soft heartedto His devotees, agreed to accompany Ravana to Lanka.He told Ravanan, “You must carry my Linga with careand devotion, but do be careful not to put it down onthe earth until you reach your destination, or else,it will stay at whichever place you put it downEShivacautioned.Ravana began the journey homeward carrying theShivaling. On the way, he wanted to relieve

himself byurination. He bid a cowherd boy to hold the Lingawhile he relieved himself. The cowherd was not able tobear the weight of the Linga and when he could nolonger hold it, he put it down on the earth. And theShiva Linga put there stayed as Lord Shiva alreadyordained and came to be known as Vaidyanatheswar.Here, the gods were sad about Ravana taking away Shivato his Lanka. They requested saint Narada to dosomething. Narada met Ravana and said to him by way ofpraising his penance and Tapas. “You made a mistake intrusting Shiva. Believing Shiva’s word was wrong. Goto him and slander him and get your way. Go to Kailasaand move it entirely. Your success will be gauged byyour art of moving Kailasa from thereE Ravana wastricked into believing Narada. Ravana promptly carriedout Narada’s bidding. Lord Shiva saw the ego drivenmischieves Ravana and told him: “A unique power issoon going to born which

will destroy your pride inthe strength of your armsE Narada informed the Godsof these tidings and his success in his mission. Thegods were relieved and were happy. In the meanwhile,Ravana too was happy with the boon he received fromLord Shiva. He returned and was in a trance and wasunder the influence of Shiva’s mythical power. He washeady and drunk with power. He decided to conquer theentire universe. To subdue his ego only God had todescend on the earth in the Avatar of Rama.To be continued-----7. DEVOTEES EXPERIENCES: monav4/09/2006 14:00:00 -0600SaiRam!I have seen the photos of Baba coming to me inmiraculous ways days after having read extensively onShirdi Baba. On the way to a pilgrimage, whilespeaking about these events with my sister, my sistershowed me his statue minutes after on the road near aresidence after traffic slowed down and

yesterdaythinking of him, I again saw a small picture of his onthe doorway of a bus as soon as I sat down inside.I am very much astounded by the way he shows hispresence each time we meditate on him. We pray thatShirdhi Baba enlightens our path and guide us in allaspects of our life.Also Congratulations to you people behind thismarvelous website for all the good work you are doing.May I request for a prayer for my auntie who isseriously ill and for my getting into a newchallenging international career. Many thanks forprayers and support.Navind---------------------8. SPIRITUAL GEMS FROM SAI SATCHARITRAswamymainTue, 11 Apr 2006 22:11:41 -0700 (PDT)Sai Ram. We have been enjoying the spiritual gems ofBrahma Jnan and how Guru takes care of His disciplesin the last few chapters. In this chapter, anothergreat disciple of Sai, Shri

Dasganu Mahraj is blessedby Sai and Dasganu's doubts regarding the deepermeaning of Isa Upanishat are solved by Sai Maharajthrough a small drama. Sai Ram."Sai (Lord) was originally formless. He assumed a formfor the sake of Bhaktas. With the help of the actressMaya, He played the part of the Actor in the big dramaof the universe."Sai Ram. Here, Shri Hemadpant describes the Nirgunanature of Sai. Maya is the restraining influence ofthe Para Brahman which makes the parts (individualsouls) forgets that they are in fact of the samenature. By trapping the awareness into physical senseswhich are limited in their capacity to show the realpicture, Maya allows each of the small fragments todevelop a sense of separate identity and thus sets upthe stage for the drama of the Universe to take place."Let us remember and visualize Shri Sai. Let us go toShirdi, and see carefully the programmes, after

thenoon-Arati. After the Arati ceremony was over, Saiused to come out of the Dwarakamai, and standing onits edge, distribute Udi to the devotees with verykind and loving looks. The Bhaktas also got up withequal fervor, clasped His Feet, and standing andstaring at Him, enjoyed the shower of Udi. Baba passedhandfuls of Udi into the palms of the devotees andmarked their foreheads with Udi with His fingers. Thelove He bore for them in His heart was boundless. ThenHe addressed the Bhaktas as follows: - "Oh Bhau, go totake your lunch; you Anna go to your lodgings; youBapu, enjoy your dishes".Sai Ram. Sai was distributing Udi and love through Hiswords and actions and was also indirectly advisingeach soul to enjoy the fruits of the karma with asense of equanimity. It is an inescapable law of theuniverse that action is followed by reaction, and thatin turn sows the seeds for further action, which inturn

leads to more reaction and thus an endless cycleis started. Only when the doer does the action withouta sense of the doership (which is possible when thelimited soul realizes its true nature of being onewith every one and every thing), does the cycle stop(for that soul)?"In this way He accosted each and every devotee andsent them home. Even now, you can enjoy these sightsif you bring into play your imagination. You canvisualize and enjoy them. Now bringing Sai before ourmental vision, let us meditate on Him, from His Feetupwards to His face, and prostrating before Himhumbly, lovingly and respectfully, revert to the storyof this Chapter."Sai Ram. One effective way of sublimating our ego isto serve the evolved and enlightened Saints who arefully conscious of their real nature. Sai Sadguru isindeed such and that is why we worship Him so that wetoo become like Him in due course (Bhrama -

keetanyaya). Sai Ram.We will continue with this chapter in the comingissues. Sai Ram.S.V.SwamyAuthor, Editor, Proof-Reader and Book Reviewerwww.freewebs.com/swamyreviewsTo be continuedE.-------------------------------9. SAI WITH CHILDREN: http://www.saidarbar.org/HTML/portraits/7.jpgSmt. Madhu Gopal Ravada, Saidarbar, Hyderabad.Hello Children! I am Madhu aunty. Do you know Baba useto play with children and used to tell stories tothem? I felt children visiting Saidarbar should beentertained with good stories. For the last 2 years Ihave told you about Lord Krishna's Leelas and LordRama Story. Now I want to tell the stories what heardin my child hood.The Farmer's DonkeyOne day a farmer's donkey fell into an abandoned well.The animal cried piteously for hours as the farmertried to figure out what to do.

Finally, he decidedthe animal was too old and the well needed to becovered up anyway; so it just wasn't worth it to himto try to retrieve the donkey.He invited all his neighbors to come over and helphim. They each grabbed a shovel and began to shoveldirt into the well. Realizing what was happening, thedonkey at first cried and wailed horribly.Then, a few shovel-fulls later, he quieted downcompletely. The farmer peered down into the well, andwas astounded by what he saw. With every shovel-fullof dirt that hit his back, the donkey would shake itoff and take a step up on the new layer of dirt.As the farmer's neighbors continued to shovel dirt ontop of the animal, he would shake it off and take astep up. Pretty soon, the donkey stepped up over theedge of the well and trotted off, to the shock andastonishment of everyone.The Moral: Life is going to shovel dirt on you, allkinds of dirt.

The trick to getting out of the well isto stop wailing, and not let the dirt bury you, but toshake it off and take a step up. Each one of ourtroubles is a stepping-stone. We can get out of thedeepest wells just by not stopping, never giving up!Shake it off and take a step up.--------------10. ARTICLES FROM SAI DEVOTEES:"Sankaraiah Dubagunta" sainamaWHO THE OLD MAN WAS??Babu Rao Tukaram Kakade of Satara narrated hisexperience in June'1951 Sai Sudha as Follows:In 1946, he started for Shirdi with his wife andchildren to attend Guru Purnima. Rains were pouring inat and near Shirdi. He took the evening train at Poonaand reached Kopergoan around 2.30am, he knew none.Rains were pouring. He was helpless. Suddenly an oldman came to him and asked him "What are you prayingfor?EKakade answered "I wish to go to Shirdi". Theold man took him and his

family and engaged a Tonga togo to Shirdi and suddenly disappeared when Kakade gotinto the carriage. Kakade then turned to thank him butcould find no trace of him. When the tonga reachedGodavari, there was plenty of water in the river. Thetonga driver did not wish to take the risk of crossingthe river with occupants in it. Some other personappeared there and asked Kakade and wife to ford theriver by walking. As for the two children the strangercarried them in his arms till the other bank wasreached. The tonga stemmed the river freed from thehuman weight. Then Kakade turned to thank him but thestranger had left the children on the bank anddisappeared."Beloved Readers, Baba confirms from the above incident"If you cast your burden on me, I shall surely bearit" Did not Baba Sai provide water to Chandorkar onharischandra hills in the guise of a Bhill? What isimpossible for Omnipotent Sai?OM SAI

SRI SAI JAYA JAYA SAID.Sankaraiah. -----11. LETTERS FROM SAIDEVOTEES:Lingampally Venkat: venkatlb3/28/2006 04:17:24 -0800Sai Ram!Thank you very much for your information throughE-magazine “The Glory of Shirdi SaiE Sai Babablessing always showers on you. Happy ugadiVenkat.------------------------------"Leeladhar": leedhar3/30/2006 06:01:05 +0530Dear Sir,We request you to publish the following in Glory ofShirdi Sai E-magazine."We are setting up a library of Old Shirdi Sai BabaBooks in Hyderabad. Inthis connection we are searching for old books onShirdi Sai Baba inMarathi, Hindi and English. If any devotee has thesame, they may pleasecontact us at leedhar .We are alsosearching for old Saileela Masik magazines in marathi before 1973. If any

devoteehas the same,Please spare a photo copy; we will bear all theexpenses."With regardsLeeladhar---------------"The Shirdi Sai Mandir, Toronto":events4/4/2006 06:44:25 -0400The Shirdi SAI Mandir - Sri Ram Navami Celebrations,April 6 / 8, 2006SRI SATCHIDANANDA SADGURU SAINATH MAHARAJ KI JAI Sri Ram Navami Celebrated on actual day as perCalendar : Opening prayers, Sri Ganesh Pooja, Havan with 108pranams to Lord Sri Ram, Abhishekam of Sri Shirdi SAIBaba with 108 pranams, Dhoop Aarti, Palaki Ceremony & Prasad Thursday April 6, 2006 -6 p.m. onwards Celebrated on following Saturday : Opening prayers,Sri Ganesh Pooja, Havan with 108 pranams to Lord SriRam, Abhishekam of Sri Shirdi SAI Baba with 108pranams, Bhajans & Naam Sankirtan, Dhoop Aarti,Palaki Ceremony & Prasad SaturdayApril

8, 2006 - 4 p.m. onwards. --------------------------12. TELUGU SECTION: Please visit: http://www.telugubhakti.com/telugupages/Misc/ShiridiSai/shirdisai.htmPlease visit for Sai Aartis in Telugu:http://www.angelfire.com/celeb2/saidarbar/PDFS/pdfs.htmPlease visit for Sai Aaratis Audio: http://www.shrisaibabasansthan.org/main_English/saibaba/saibaba_aarti.asp-------------------------------FOR STARTING A SAIDARBAR CHAPTER OUT SIDE INDIA:Please contact: saidarbar & saidarbar---------------13. FROM SAI ORGANISATIONS: Due to space constraints of E-magazine, we are notable to give the full

report on activities of Saiorganizations. However, we are providing theircontact e-mail ID’s and web site address forinterested readers.---------------------The Following Saidarbar chapters are functioningaround the Globe; devotees may be contacted fornecessary information about their activities to thefollowing E-maid ids: Saidarbar Orlando, Florida USA:sathgurusai2002Saidarbar Laurel, MD USA: murali_krishnamurthy2003Saidarbar Chennai-India: saidarbarchennaiSaidarbar-Canberra -AU: kandraFor Further details visit: http://angelfire.com/sd/SaidarbarCanberraSaidarbar Wallingford-PA- USA: technicalFor further details please visit:www.saidarbarusa.org Sai Darbar Portland OR USA:

shanthiSai Darbar Kitwe, Zambia : raoasSaidarbar Danbaru-Canitcut-USA: zutshi_anil_kSaidarbar Woodland Hills-CA-USA:vskachantaSaidarbar Livermore-CA-USA happythursday999Saidarbar-London UK :suresh,sureshSaidarbar EHyderabad -INDIA: saidarbarFor Further details visit: http://www.saidarbar.org-----------------------Sai Activities in NJ Visit: www.shirdisaidham.org oremail at shirdisaidham-----Sai Sansthan, Singapore: www.saisansthana.com----------------"The Shirdi Sai Mandir, Toronto": visitwww.theshirdisaimandir.comOr send an email to info-------------------------"Atlanta Sai Temple News": Visit:

www.templeofpeace.orgOr send an email to webmaster------"Shirdi Saibaba Prayer Center": All the issues are now available online. Please visitthe website www.hamaresai.org or click on URL http://www.hamaresai.org/saisandesh/saisandesh.htmVisit: http://www.hamaresai.org/Email: hamaresai-------------------------------- "Sri Shirdi Sai Baba Temple of DFW" USA: Visit: http://www.shirdisaidallas.orgE-mail: admin----"Om Sai Mandir" This issue of Sai Sandesh can be read online at: http://www.omsaimandir.org/sai_sandesh_v3_issue4.pdfE-mail:

saisandesh--------------------------SHIRDI SAI BABA SANSTHAN, CANADA: saileela99-------------SaiMandir-Houston-TX-USA: Visithttp://www.babamandir.org/mandir/OnlineResources.htmlE-mail: babamandir------SHRI SHIRDI SAIBABA TEMPLE, 46-16 ROBINSON ST,FLUSHING, NY info----------------Sri Shirdi Sai Florida Center: E-mail:voora-----------------------------14. SAI'S BOOK WORLD: Books in English:1. SHRI SAI SATCHARITA The Life and Teachings of Shirdi SaiBabaGovind R.Dabholkar (Hemadpant)Translated in English by:INDIRA KHERPublished by: Sterling Publishers Private Limited.L-10, Green Park Extension, New Delhi -110016E-mail:

ghaiWeb site: www.sterlingpublishers.comPrice: Rs.300/-Books in Telugu: 1. SHRI SAI SATCHARITA - Govind R.Dabholkar(Hemadpant)Translated in Telugu by: Sri Swami AchalanandSaraswatiPublished by: Dr.V.A.Sanvikar“Sri Sai Meenakshi BhavanElt;BR> 81/ A, Sri SaiBaba Officer’s Colony,Sainikpuri, Secunderabad E500 094Price: Rs.151/--------------------------------Please Note: Those desirous of using this facility (Sai's BookWorld) to spread the word about their books may sendONE new copy of the book to Saidarbar, for detailscontact: webmaster , saidarbar & saidarbarAcknowledgement of receipt of books will be done byE-mail only. Book(s) sent to Saidarbar will be retained bySaidarbar and cannot be returned.--------E- Books from Saidarbar: 1. SAI A BEACON FOR

HUMANITY: You can obtain your copy athttp://www.ebeacon.indiainabook.com/other_books.htm2. SAI IN DREAMS You can obtain your copy athttp://www.ebeacon.indiainabook.com/Contact for further details: Sai Sevak-Vijay Agarwal: vijishvanya or vijishvanya-SAIDARBAR EHYDERABAD:http://www.angelfire.com/celeb2/saidarbar/pages/S3500041.htmWe will be happy to conduct Tele-Satsanghs to citiesout side Hyderabad, India on prior intimation. Forfurther details please contact saidarbar-------------------------------15. EDITORIAL.Things impressed me from this Magazine:A crow can be decorated with Gold and diamonds

andstill it cannot become a swan. In the same way, a foolcan be throned, but he cannot rule the kingdom Trying to reform a bad person is like chasing a mirageSai devotees may write about their Sai activities intheir place, essays, articles and poetry on Sai to"The Glory of Shirdi Sai" Ethey may be address theircontributions to E-mail id: saidarbar with a copy marked towebmasterWe shall put in our best efforts to include them inthe Glory of Shiridi Sai- the bi-weekly E -Magazine.Unless the author of the articles instructs, not topublish his/her E-mail id, we will publish them as amatter of routine practice.You can for THE GLORY OF SHIRDI SAI for afriend /relative bysubmitting e-mail ID in the main page ofhttp://www.saidarbar.orgAlso read the old issues from: http://www.saidarbar.org/glory.htmIf you are subscribing this E-magazine for yourfriend or a relative, we request that the personconcerned may be notified about receiving the same.Editor does not accept responsibility for the viewsexpressed in the articles published.This e-magazine is intended for Private circulationonly. Submitted by Sai Sevak: Srinivasa RaoKasturi—Saidarbar—HYDERABAD--INDIAP.S. In case you do not like to receive "The Glory ofShirdi Sai ", Kindly reply UNSUBSCRIBE for ournecessary action.-------------------Tired of spam? Mail has the best spamprotection around Do You


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