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The Glory of Shirdi Sai -Issue11-- 2006

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Fourth Year of Publication

Published as Bi-Weekly

Issue 11 / 2006

25- 05 -2006


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From the Satsanghs of Saibanisa ji




Sai Sevak Smt. Rajeswari Kasturi, Saidarbar – Hyderabad.


250. Cows of different colors give the same milk which is of white

color. Similarly pots of various sizes and shapes are made out of the

same basic material clay. So life everywhere is divine, due to God alone.


251. You should know that the human life, the friendship with good

people and the blessings of God can be obtained only by those who are

on the divine path.



252. You will get Punar janma (Re birth) as per the good deeds of

present Janma and not by any mantras that are chanted.



253. A wise man will never aspire for the things which are beyond his

reach and remains contented with the things available with him.



254. The scorpion will have poison in its tail and a Honey bee will

have poison in its head, the snake will have poison in its fangs but

unfortunately a human being with a bad character will have poison in

the entire body.



255. As the age advances, you will lose your hair, teeth and

functioning of eyes and ears will be diminishing. But even at this

stage also the only thing that will not be reduced is the hope for




256. You should know that growth beyond a proportion is only to break,

rise will be followed by a fall and all people uniting at one place

for a cause are only to disperse, so also death follows life.


257. When you see an elephant toy made out of wood, you will call it

as elephant toy and not wood. In the similar way, you should see the

divinity in all human beings and creatures, even though you can not

see the God in them with your eyes.


258. The dog will try to bite the stick thrown towards it but the lion

will try to pounce on the person who throws the stick against it. In

the similar way, a fool will try to torch the body to understand the

God, but the wise will try to control the desires to understand the God.



259. The God will be pleased with the person who prays for others

happiness rather than looking for his own just like a mother remains

grateful who helps her children in need.


To be continued…




Chaitra 1878: H.H. Akkalkot Swami left the mortal coils at Akkalkot in

Sholapur Distict.


Chaitra 1908: Sri Kashiram Shimpi, a blessed devotee of Baba passed away.


Chaitra 1922: Hemadripanth (Sri. Anna Saheb Dhabolkar) commenced

writing Sai Satcharita Marathi Script.





These are the dream sequences and messages as received by SaiBaNiSa Ji

From our beloved GURU LORD SAINATH OF SHIRIDI. In Anticipation that

this feature will help in one's spiritual growth are hereby compiled

from his personal Diary and presented to SAIBANDHUS.


Translated and presented by RAGHU RAMAN SATULURY.




Yesterday, I wanted to collect money for the cause of SAI from the

friend circle. I was disappointed as none responded. I prayed SAI and

said " As Saibanisa, I cannot engage in mobilizing money, at least

grant me the power to sustain myself in your service " .


Baba had shown me with a vision – An invisible person was pushing a

vegetable cart, engaged in selling them to the passers by. The

interesting part of it was that I could see only the hands in action

and not the person behind it.


Later I was shown a person cycling in darkness with a dynamo driven

light. He was continuously adjusting the beam in darkness for better



Thus a way will be formed, provided a beginning is made, taking the

first step in the right direction. Advance further with the knowledge


I concluded not to seek money favors from others and extend service to

Sai to the extent possible.


Money centric activities will lead to unnecessary headaches.




I offered salutations to Baba and prayed- " I want to take a major leap

in to spiritualism. Let me know my drawbacks so that I can correct

them " . Baba has shown a visual-


I approached a sculptor and requested him to teach me the art, as I

wanted to carve the idol of Ganesha and Shiridi Sai. But the sculptor

began teaching me the art of carving the image of a beautiful woman.

During the process, I was not able to concentrate, as my mind was

getting pre-occupied with evil thoughts. But still I continued,

leading to the breakage of the idol. The sculptor then addressed me-

" your thoughts are not free from the lust for women and lacking the

objective. Firstly learn to control and correct, before treading the

spiritual path " .


Disciplining of the senses is a pre-requisite for spiritualism.




My daughter's health caused me lot of concern. I prayed Baba to bestow

me the courage to face the situation.


Baba said- Life is like driving a loaded truck on a Highway. Most

likely that, we might come across lorries having met with accidents,

but that should not deter us from our ongoing journey.


Affections are the stumbling blocks in the field of spiritualism.



To be continued…..



(By Late Sri Bharam UmamaheswaraRao)

" Shashi " : shashi_31


23. Human Body is Dharmakshetra


Our Buddhi will be purified when we renounce our affinity for the

worldly by desires. Attachment, to pleasures and prosperity, is the

main obstacle to the attainment of salvation. God has blessed us by

giving human birth. So we must perform our duty entrusted to us by

God. No one can remain even for a moment without performing action.

The God will be pleased with the person who prays for others happiness

rather than looking for his own just like a mother remains grateful

who helps her children in need.


The Human body performs actions by Karmendriyas, but also by sense

organs. It means that every act of nature is active in human body. It

is impossible for the human being to abstain from actions altogether

even for a moment. The reason is that outwardly we restrain the organs

and senses, but because of egoism, attachment and desire, we perform

actions by enjoying pleasures while thinking of the objects of

enjoyment. The external pleasures can be renounced by discrimination

thinking over the adverse consequences. But here is no such obstacle

to the enjoyment of internal pleasures. We will go on enjoying them

with our mind and develop a false pride that we have renounced all

worldly pleasures. So we must understand that the internal pleasures

will prove fatal to us. So we must be very carefully restrain our mind

from thinking of the objects of enjoyment.


The renouncement of worldly pleasures is not true renunciation. But

who is controlling the sense by the mind, engages him self in the path

of action with all the organs of the human body without attachment is

the real renunciate.


To be continued…..







From the Satsanghs of Saibanisa ji


Sai through Reincarnations


Life after death:


(5)A man with unfulfilled desires:


The incident relates to the case of an ordinary simple living

Person. He could not lead conjugal life as most of the time he was

away from his wife due to the professional demands. He met an early

death during the year 1974.In the life after, he was born in a rich

family and leading a life full of lust without any morals.


(6)Daughter with a vengeance towards father:


A daughter unable to get the due love and care from her father, was

reborn once again as a daughter to the same father. She now takes

revenge, making the life of the father miserable even though the

father loves his daughter dearly.



(7)Handicapped for twenty five years:


Two young college going girls were roommates in the hostel. They

were living very closely like own sisters. Both of them were

Unknowingly in love with the same boy. As fate decided, one of the

two got married to the boy and the other decided to lead a

spinster's life as society forbids polygamy. As fate has its own

course, the young couple met with an accident and both of them

died. They were reborn and in the subsequent life too, the bonds of

marriage united them. The second girl after death was born as a

handicapped son to the same couple. He spent twenty-five years in

close company of those whom he loved and longed for. The soul's

ambition to be in the company of the couple from the past life is

thus fulfilled.



By: Sai Sevak Raghuraman Satulury






Purana of Kedhar


During the war between the Kauravas and Pandavas, their own kith and

kin got killed. In order to absolve themselves of this sin, the

Pandavas went for a pilgrimage. But Lord Vishweshwara was away in

Kailasa in the Himalayas. On learning this, the Pandavas, left Kashi.

They reached the Himalayas via Hardwar. They saw Lord Shankar from a

distance. But Lord Shankara hid from them. Then Dharmaraj said: " Oh,

Lord, You have hidden yourself from our sight because we have sinned.

But, we will seek You out somehow. Only after we take your Darshan

would our sins be washed away. This place, where You have hidden

Yourself will be known as Guptkashi and become a famous shrine. "


From Guptakashi (Rudraprayag), the Pandavas went ahead they reached

Gaurikund in the Himalayas valleys. They wandered there in search of

Lord Shankara. While doing so Nakul and Sahadev found a he-buffalo. It

was unique to look at.


Then! Bhemma went after the buffalo with his mace. The buffalo was

clever and Bheema could not catch it. But Bheema managed to hit the

buffalo with his mace. The buffalo had its face hidden in a crevice-in

the earth. Bheema started to pull it by its tail. In this tug-of war,

the face of the buffalo went straight to Nepal, leaving its hind part

in Kedar. The face of the buffalo is known as Pashupatinath in Nepal.


On this hind part of Mahesha, a glorious JyotirLinga appeared. Lord

Shankara appeared from this great light. He appeared before the

pandavas. By getting a Darshan of Lord Shankar, the pandavas were

absolved of their sins. The Lord told the Pandavas, " From now on, I

will remain here as a triangular shaped JyotirLinga. By taking a

Darshan of Kedarnath, devotees would attain piety " . Near Kedarnath,

there are many symbols of the Pandavas Raja Pandu died here, when he

tried to make love to Madri. This place is famous as Pandukeshwar. The

tribals here perform a dance called " Pandav Nritya " . The mountain top

where the Pandavas went to Swarga, is known as " Swargarohini " . When

Darmaraja was leaving for Swarga, one of his fingers fell on the

earth. At that place, Dharmaraj installed a Shiva Linga, which is the

size of the thumb.


To gain Mashisharupa, Shankara and Bheema fought with maces. Bheema

was struck with remorse. He started to massage Lord Shankara's body

with ghee. In memory of this event, even today, this triangular Shiva

JyotirLinga is massaged with ghee. Shankara is worshipped here in this

manner. Water and Bel leaves are used for worship.


When Nar-nrayan went to Badrika village and started the worship of

Parthiva, Shiva appeared before them. A few days later, a pleased

Shiva granted them some boons. Nar-narayan wished that for the welfare

of the humanity, Shiva should remain there in his original form.

Granting their wish, in the snow-clad Himalayas, in a place called

Kedar, Mahesha himself stayed there as a Jyoti. Here, He is known as



By visiting Kedareshwar, sorrows do not come even in dreams. By

worshipping Shambara (Kedareshwar) Pandavas were rid of all their

sorrows. Badri-Keshwar's darshan rids one of the material ties.

Whoever gives Dan (alms) at Kedareshwar, just gets assimilated into



Around the main Kedarnath temples, there are many holy places. At the

back, there is the Samadhi of Shankarachrya. A little further up,

there is dangerous cliff called Bhariguptan (Bhairav Udan). One has to

pass through dreadful, and life threatening circumstances. But what

one gets is not Mrityu (Death) but Moksha (Salvation). On all the

eight sides of the temple, there are eight shrines.


In short, it is to say that in order to visit Kedarnath, JyotirLinga,

one has to go through a treacherous route. But when people are

determined and dedicated, they never get tired. Every one keeps

chanting Jay Kedarnath! Jay Kedarnath!!


To be continued-------



Altima LE altima_le

5/20/2006 19:24:01 -0700


Dear Sai devotees,


I want to share this wonderful experience which reassures that Sai is

with you always. I have always believed in Sai. Sai has always held

my hand in the times of need.


A few months ago, I lost my job. I was sad, but the very next day I

got interview call and within a week I was offered a position in the

same company. Though I was not completely satisfied with my new

position, I took it, it was pending approval. I thought it was a done

deal and slowed down my job search. Two weeks passed, by then it was

already 3 weeks since I lost my job and I was still waiting for the

formal offer letter, suddenly the employer called and said that the

offer was rejected by higher authorities. I was very sad, did not know

what to do since I am on H-1Visa and I can't stay without job for a

long time, time was running out. I prayed to Sai deeply, I didn't

sleep that night due to all that was going on. First of all losing my

job, then losing it again. I was sad and prayed Baba to rescue me.


The very next day, Baba showed me some hope, my ex-colleague called

and said that there is still some time and I am not totally out of

status yet, but I better get a job before time runs out. I got an

interview call from a reputed company. I attended the interview but

not satisfied with my performance, while on my way back I was sad

since I was not totally satisfied with my performance and I was

scolding myself for not putting my best out there. But as soon as I

reached home, the company HR called and gave me a very good offer. It

was so soon, I could believe it. IT WAS ALL SAI LEELA. Sai then stood

with me at every step while I got my visa transferred. He was there

with me at every step, believe me this is true.


Dear devotees, let off your ego and do a complete surrender, Sarvasva

Sharanagati to lord Sai, he will be with you in every step of your

life. Life poses you with my challenges but if you have firm belief in

satguru, he will protect you from all the calamities. I can't tell

you or put in words how much I thank Baba for this.


Satguru sainath maharaj ki jai.



5/19/2006 05:38:04 -0600

Sai Ram friends,

I am a pharmacy graduate from India. I have moved to Canada in Feb

2002 as an Immigrant. I had a dream to establish a pharmacy store on

Baba's name some thing like " Shirdi Sai Baba Drug Mart " . I have

applied for a franchise for a leading Drug store chain in Canada

(Shoppers Drug Mart).The process to get a store (franchise) with

shoppers Drug Mart involves couple of steps. Firstly completing

certain management courses and secondly, be successful in at least 2

interviews with head office. With the blessings and grace of Shri

Shirdi Sai Baba I have got a store in Brampton, Ontario, Canada with

just one interview, I have only completed 1 course out of 3 management

courses that I was supposed to do.


Most of us know the importance of a resume to apply for any job in

North America (more so in Canada).Its because of Lord Sainath's

blessings even with out forwarding my resume to the head office I have

been Chosen from the 4 prospective candidates who applied for the

franchise. I have got this news on Wednesday i.e. 10 May 2006 around

6: 15 PM.I have decided to name the store after our beloved Baba as

" Shirdi Sai Baba Drug Mart " .

On the same day at around 8:15 PM I was involved in a car

accident (I was driving the car).A pickup truck had crashed into the

rear left hand side of my car. Again with Baba's blessings none of the

passengers (myself and my friends) were seriously hurt and all of us

are safe. If the accident had occurred a couple of seconds before I

don't know what would have happened to me and my friends. Baba, please

bless all your devotees and help me to increase my faith and devotion

towards you.

Jai Sai Ram






" Swamy " swamymain

Mon, 22 May 2006 22:51:02 -0700 (PDT)



" On fully believing in Baba's words, he left Shirdi and came to Vile

Parle (a suburb of Bombay), and stayed with Kakasaheb Dixit. There the

next day, when Das Ganu was enjoying his morning nap (some say when he

was engaged in worship), he heard a poor girl singing a beautiful song

in clear and melodious tones. The subject matter of the song was a

crimson colored Sari, how nice it was, how fine was its embroidery,

how beautiful were its ends and borders etc. " Sai Ram. Though the girl

was singing about the sari, the song indirectly instructs us about the

samsara (the material world) caused by Maya. The apparent beauty of

the world is what ensnares us and binds us. Sai Ram.


" He liked the song so much that he came out, and saw that it was being

sung by a young girl, the sister of Namya, who was a servant of

Kakasaheb. " Sai Ram. So Sai Maharaj's prediction came true as it was

bound to. Sadguru's words are never in vain. However, if faith is not

there, results may not come immediately. Sai Ram.


" The girl was cleaning vessels, and had only a torn rag on her person.

On seeing her impoverished condition, and her jovial temperament, Das

Ganu felt pity for her and when Rao Bahadur M.V.Pradhan next day gave

him a pair of dhotars, he requested him to give a sari to the poor

little girl also. Rao Bahadur bought a good Chirdi (small Sari) and

presented it to her. Like a starving person getting luckily good

dishes to eat, her joy knew no bounds. Next day she wore the new Sari,

and out of great joy and merriment, whirled, danced round and played

`Fugadi' with other girls and excelled them all. The Day following,

she kept the new Sari in her box at home and came with the old and

torn rags, but she looked as merry as she did the previous day. On

seeing this, Das Ganu's pity was transferred into admiration. He

thought that the girl being poor had to wear a torn rag, but now she

had a new Sari which she kept in reserve and putting on the old rag,

strutted herself, showing no trace of sorrow or dejection. Thus he

realized that all our feelings of pain and pleasure depend upon the

attitude of our mind. " Sai Ram. Pleasure and pain come from the

emotional part of the mind. The logical part of the mind, Buddhi acts

only as an observer and may be in an analytical mode. Sai Ram.


" On thinking deeply over this incident, he realized that a man ought

to enjoy whatever God has bestowed on him in the firm conviction that

He besets every thing, from behind and before, and on all sides and

that whatever is bestowed on him by God must be for his good. " Sai

Ram. By using the words enjoy, Shri Hemadpant has conveyed a very deep

meaning. Just as the servant girl was merry all the time, whether

wearing the beautiful sari or a torn rag, we should remain happy

irrespective of what is happening to our body or mind, since we are

not body or mind. This happiness comes from a deeper source of

spirituality. Sai Ram.


" In this particular case, the impoverished condition of the poor girl,

her torn rag and the new Sari, the donor, the dance and the acceptance

were all parts of the Lord and pervaded by Him. Hence, Das Ganu got a

practical demonstration of the lesson of the Upanishad - the lesson of

contentment with one's own lot in the belief that whatever happens is

ordained by God, and is ultimately good for us. " Sai Ram. This is in

consonance with the theory of karma and destiny. We reap what we sow.

We do good acts and we get happiness. We do bad acts and get

unhappiness. We evolve by this dualistic mode of karma and finally

realize that we are beyond karma. When we realize that we are not the

doer, and so we are not the enjoyer, we reach our destination of

oneness with that Universal Energy, which permeates all through the

universe and which we call by various names such as God, Bhagawan,

Vishnu, Siva, Shakti etc.


We will continue with this chapter in the next issue of Glory. Glory

to Sai! Sai Ram.



Author, Editor, Proof-Reader and Book Reviewer



To be continued…..




Smt. Madhu Gopal Ravada, Saidarbar, Hyderabad.


Hello Children! I am Madhu aunty. Do you know Baba use to play with

children and used to tell stories to them? I felt children visiting

Saidarbar should be entertained with good stories. For the last 2

years I have told you about Lord Krishna's Leelas and Lord Rama Story.

Now I want to tell the stories what heard in my child hood.


The Man in the Moon



There was a blacksmith once who complained: " I am not well, and my

work is too warm. I want to be a stone on the mountain. There it must

be cool, for the wind blows and the trees give a shade. "


A wise man who had power over all things replied: " Go you, be a

stone. " And he was a stone, high up on the mountain-side. It happened

that a stone-cutter came that way for a stone, and when he saw the one

that had been the blacksmith, he knew that it was what he sought, and

he began to cut it.


The stone cried out: " This hurts! I no longer want to be a stone. A

stone-cutter I want to be. That would be pleasant. " The wise man,

humoring him, said, " Be a cutter. " Thus he became a stone-cutter, and

as he went seeking suitable stone, he grew tired, and his feet were

sore. He whimpered, " I no longer want to cut stone. I would be the

sun; that would be pleasant. " The wise man commanded, " Be the sun. "

And he was the sun.


But the sun was warmer than the blacksmith, than a stone, than a

stone-cutter, and he complained, " I do not like this. I would be the

moon. It looks cool. " The wise man spake yet again, " Be the moon. " And

he was the moon.

" This is warmer than being the sun, " murmured he, " for the light from

the sun shines on me ever. I do not want to be the moon. I would be a

smith again. That, verily, is the best life. " But the wise man

replied, " I am weary of your changing. You wanted to be the moon; the

moon you are, and it you will remain. "


And in yon high heaven lives he to this day.





" Sankaraiah Dubagunta " sainama




The incident narrated below took place sixty years ago. As this throws

light on how a fervent prayer results in an instant reply from Lord

Sai, it is reproduced for the benefit of present day students of Saiism.


SK Viswanathan treated Baba as a loving mother, a tender father, a

spiritual guide and Divinity Himself. He further declared " Sai lives

with His devotees, showers His Grace and protects them with such love

that no mother on earth can do. " Such an ardent devotee had to undergo

mental agony on account of His ten and half year old son's missing

from home on 26-1-1944.All human efforts including reporting to the

police were made.


He was assured by Swamy Kesavaiahji " Baba Helps " , even palmists and

astrologers assured that the boy would return safe. As he lost his

thirteen year old son one and half year ago, no assurance gave him

peace of mind. At last he cried out in silence to Him " If it my lot to

loose this boy in accordance with my past bad karma, I will try to

bear it, My Lord. But how can I bear the thought of the frenzy some

who would attribute this mishap to me solely for worshipping Thee?

Whether my boy is traced or not, whether you give me more suffering

and agony, whatever worst may befall on me, I sought refuge at Thy

Lotus feet and I shall not budge an inch, let Thy Will be done. " This

sincere cry gave him great relief and he slept with a calm mind. in

the early hours he had a vision in which a tall, white robed fakir

beating the boy made him sit by his side and served sweets to both of

them to eat. When he got up he felt he was greatly relieved. As usual

he went to the office and received a telegram, which reads " Umapathi

brought home safe. " He thought whether this was a miracle or a test

for him.


It appears the boy went to Madras in search of his mother who was then

staying in Madras. The boy was fed by somebody during journey. The

police caught him as a missing boy and handed over to Children Aid

society, Egmore from where he was taken home by the boy's uncle.


Dear readers, his prayer was fervent with tears in his eyes and he was

more worried if others attributed this mishap to Baba's worship. His

decision not to leave Baba's feet under any circumstances is worth

emulating by us. Let us try to realize that God is always impartial

and we get nothing by accusing God.







Wed, 10 May 2006 01:39:26 -0700 (PDT)


I take this opportunity to thank you for adding me in you group Sai darbar

with Pranams at the Lotus Feet of Swami


Kerala, India.


dheeraj kanal: dheerajkanal

On 5/16/06



Thank you for sending the information E books were very informative I

have read two of them Ebecon and Sai dreams. Again it is good work

done for devotees.


Please keep me informed on more updates.


Sai bless us all.


Dheeraj Kanal



5/1/2006 16:58:10 +0100

Dear Sai Devotee,


1) Through prayer seek recluse in Lord Shri Shirdi Sai and release

the soul from


2) Praise is meant to be received by one ear and let out by the other.

3) Try making every day a day of achievement.

4) Be noble in every thought and in every deed.

5) Whatever is given will find countless ways back to us.

6) Our deeds determine us as much as we determine our deeds.


Lanka Venkata SubbaRao.



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Due to space constraints of E-magazine, we are not able to give the

full report on activities of Sai organizations. However, we are

providing their contact e-mail ID's and web site address for

interested readers.



The Following Saidarbar chapters are functioning around the Globe;

devotees may be contacted for necessary information about their

activities to the following E-maid ids:


Saidarbar Orlando, Florida USA: sathgurusai2002


Saidarbar Laurel, MD USA: murali_krishnamurthy2003


Saidarbar Chennai-India: saidarbarchennai


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Saidarbar Wallingford-PA- USA: technical

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Sai Darbar Portland OR USA: shanthi


Sai Darbar Kitwe, Zambia : raoas


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" The Shirdi Sai Mandir, Toronto " : visit www.theshirdisaimandir.com

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" Atlanta Sai Temple News " : Visit: www.templeofpeace.org

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" Shirdi Saibaba Prayer Center " :

All the issues are now available online. Please visit the

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Visit: http://www.hamaresai.org/

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" Sri Shirdi Sai Baba Temple of DFW " USA: Visit:


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" Om Sai Mandir "

This issue of Sai Sandesh can be read online at:


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Sri Shirdi Sai Florida Center: E-mail:voora





Author's Name: Sai Ananda

Publisher: Sri Sai Spiritual centre, 1st Block, Thygarajanagar,

Bangalore – 560 028- INDIA.

Web: www.ssscsaipadananda.org

Telephone: 6766922.

Price: Rs.50/-



The present book by `Sai Ananda' completes the trilogy of the author

on Baba. Having been a follower of Poojya Narasimha Swamiji, Poojya

Saipadananda Radhakrishna Swamiji and Poojya Narasimha Baba, `Sai

Ananda has been a silent Sadhak. While his first book focused on the

path of Dharma propounded by Baba, the second one highlights the role

of Sadguru. The present volume `The light of wisdom – Shirdi Sai Baba'

complements the Guru's role as a destroyer of darkness unto light.

Hardwork and a lot of patience have gone into the book. To serious

students of SAIISM, the present volume along with the two others

mentioned above is a must.


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Contact for further details: Sai Sevak-Vijay Agarwal:

vijishvanya or vijishvanya





We will be happy to conduct Tele-Satsanghs to cities out side

Hyderabad, India on prior intimation. For further details please

contact saidarbar




Things impressed me from this Magazine:

As the age advances, you will lose your hair, teeth and functioning of

eyes and ears will be diminishing. But even at this stage also the

only thing that will not be reduced is the hope for survival.


The God will be pleased with the person who prays for others happiness

rather than looking for his own just like a mother remains grateful

who helps her children in need.



Sai devotees may write about their Sai activities in their place,

essays, articles and poetry on Sai to " The Glory of Shirdi Sai " – they

may be address their contributions to E-mail id:

saidarbar with a copy marked to webmaster


We shall put in our best efforts to include them in the Glory of

Shiridi Sai- the bi-weekly E -Magazine. Unless the author of the

articles instructs, not to publish his/her E-mail id, we will publish

them as a matter of routine practice.


You can for THE GLORY OF SHIRDI SAI for a friend /relative by

submitting e-mail ID in the main page of http://www.saidarbar.org


Also read the old issues from:



If you are subscribing this E-magazine for your friend or a relative,

we request that the person concerned may be notified about receiving

the same.


Editor does not accept responsibility for the views expressed in the

articles published.


This e-magazine is intended for Private circulation only.


Submitted by Sai Sevak: Srinivasa Rao Kasturi—Saidarbar—HYDERABAD--INDIA


P.S. In case you do not like to receive " The Glory of Shirdi Sai " ,

Kindly reply UNSUBSCRIBE for our necessary action.


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