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The Glory of Shirdi Sai - Issue 20--2006 from Saidarbar.

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Fourth Year of Publication

Published as Bi-Weekly

Issue 20 / 2006

28- 09 -2006




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The first & only magazine in 3d Page turning format.














" I am the mother - origin of all beings - the Harmony of three Gunas,

the propeller of all senses, the Creator, Preserver and Destroyer "

—Baba-(Sri Sai Satcharita-chapter Three)


Durga in the Hindu tradition


According to the narrative from the Devi Mahatmya of the Markandeya

Purana, the form of Durga was created as a warrior goddess to fight

the demon Mahishasura. Through intense prayers to Brahma, Mahishasura

had the boon that he could not be defeated by any man or god. By

virtue of this power, he invaded the gods, who went for help to the

supreme trinity (Brahma, Vishnu, and Rudra), but Mahishashura defeated

all of the gods including the trinity themselves. He unleashed a reign

of terror on earth, heaven and the nether worlds.


Eventually, since only a woman could kill him, the trinity bestowed a

dazzling beam of energy upon Uma/Parvati, the wife of Shiva,

transforming her into the goddess, Durga. Each god also gave her their

own most powerful weapons, Rudra's trident, Vishnu's discus, Indra's

thunderbolt, etc.

The word Shakti, meaning strength, reflects the warrior aspect of the

goddess, embodying a traditional male role. But she is also strikingly

beautiful, and initially Mahishasura tries to marry her. After

conquering the three worlds, he is challenged by Durga. After several

days of battle during which his army is decimated, he is finally

killed on the tenth day of the waxing moon fortnight.






















Compiled by:

Sai Sevak Smt. Rajeswari Kasturi, Saidarbar – Hyderabad.




Man's goal in life should be to secure release from worldly ties and

realize God. Scriptural authority has laid down two paths to achieve

this objective to carry out the religious duties and to acquire

spiritual knowledge.


Time having totally changed since these procedures were spelt out, it

will now be found that both are arduous and require enormous

concentration. To observe the religious directives, a person should

have proper guidance, as even a minor lapse may result in grave



To equip oneself with knowledge will also mean strenuous practice as

in tight-rope walking. Hence, as easier procedure has been prescribed

in the sacred text- the Bhagavatham, viz. Devotion to God. This serves

as a bridge between two roads mentioned earlier.

Any one can adopt this mode while all that is expected of a person is

to divert his desire to possess worldly material, towards God.

Om Shantih Shantih Shantihi

Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu

To be continued…




Bhadrapada 1910: H.H Gajanan Maaraj of Shegaon left his mortal coil.

At the same time Shirdi Sai Baba grieved profusely and said " Hallo! My

Gajanan is gone " .


Bhadrapada 1922: Mahalsapathi passed away on 11-09-1922





These are the dream sequences and messages as received by SaiBaNiSa Ji

From our beloved GURU LORD SAINATH OF SHIRIDI. In Anticipation that

this feature will 1help in one's spiritual growth are hereby compiled

from his personal Diary and presented to SAIBANDHUS.


Translated and presented by RAGHU RAMAN SATULURY.




I decided to travel in the footsteps of Sai. I have asked for HIS

guidance and a word on it. He thus advised me to get rid of the desire

for other women, to sleep on the floor, to control taste for rich

food, to serve the sick and needy, to avoid befriending superiors, not

to hurt other's feelings, and always to remember that dog as the

animal associated with faith.


Simple living associated with faith is the only the gateway to

spiritual world.




I asked Sainath to give message for the Saibandhus. He advised to

worship Sai all alone, serve Sai in the company of fellow Sai

devotees. While in true-life offer food to others before you eat.

Where as in spiritualism, have it first for you, assimilate and then

only engage in passing on to others.


Any amount of preaching without practice will not please Sai.




Yesterday I came to know about Sai Philosophy. I wanted to know more

and requested Sai to throw some more light on the subject. HE advised-


To take HIS helping hand, just as a baby does in holding the mother's

hand initially before learning to balance and start walking. At

every juncture, pray for God's grace. Treat win-loose, ups- downs,

fame -defame all on equal plane to be qualified for traversing on the

path shown by Sai.


A good moral conduct is a must for spiritualism.




It was the time when the city of Surat was affected with plague. I

asked Sainath to show a way out for the people to over come the

sufferings. HE said-

Whenever the evil forces succeed in suppressing the good, this type of

mass casualties and epidemics will be a routine affair. Remember only

healthy ones win the race and the sick ones bow down their heads and

succumb to death. Avoid travel to the effected areas and maintain the

surroundings clean and hygienic.


It is nature's way to strike balancing the evil forces.



To be continued…..



(By Late Sri Bharam UmamaheswaraRao)

" Shashi " : shashi_31


25. Importance of Swadharma:


A person who is placed, in particular circumstances, had to perform

his dutiful activities, with full vigor and these ordained duties to

him are his Swadharma. Others Dharmas are less virtuous and his Swa

Dharma is most virtuous to him.


If one performs Swa-Dharma well, it will fulfill all desires like



Sri Sai Baba taught thus:


" Everyone has to do his Swadharma as `Nitya-Yagna'. If one neglects

his Swadharma and shows interest in Para-Dharma, he will be tied to

the bands of life and death. If you perform Swadharma, you will not be

entangled in worldly ties. As the world is mixed with Maya, you are

not able to do Swadharma. If you do Swadharma, you will secure all

necessities, without even performing pilgrimage, meditation, Bhajans,

Pujas etc. You should not entertain any selfish desire in your mind.

Do your Swadharma. If you are engrossed in your Swadharma, it will

never let you down. By performing Swadharma as `Puja, your protection

is My duty. If you perform Swadharma as bounden duty, you will attain

happiness from all sides and you get difficulties very rarely.

Otherwise if you dislike performing Swadharma, enjoy the riches and

become blind in self-enjoyments, you will be harmed. You may not be

able to enjoy the happiness which you want.


However, much you repent later, it will be useless. So don't leave

Swadharma at any time. Do not allow your indriyas to go round freely.

You will be completely destroyed, just like the fish out of water. "


To be continued…..







News FromAbrod


SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, September 24, 2006: Sri Venkateswara Temple,

Helensburg, Australia, about 50kms south of Sydney has been

celebrating Ganesha Visarjana since 1991. This year the festival,

celebrated on September 3, brought over 4,000 people from near and far

( " near " by Australian standards is a radius of 500kms). In Sydney, the

observance was started in 1996 by a small group of nine families. It

has grown in three years to over 1,000 families worshiping Ganesha.

This year's celebration was held at the Whitlam Leisure Center in

Liverpool, in west Sydney. A full program consisted of Ganesha

clay-modelling activities, classical music, dance and sangeetam

programs, and a free dinner was served to 2,500 people. Sathyanarayana

Puja was performed on Sunday followed by a tabloid presentation of the

Ramayana and Bhagavatha presented by 80 children. Swami Damadoranand

of the Vedanta Center presided over the function.



COSTA DEL SOL, SPAIN, September 14, 2006: The Hindu Temple of

Benalmadena, on the Costa del Sol near Malaga, Spain, recently

celebrated Krishna Janmastami. The temple is located by the Parque de

la Paloma (Park of the Dove). The temple has a total area of 1,993

square meters and is single story with five domes.



CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA, September 11, 2006: More than 16,000 people

poured into De Anza College, Cupertino, on Saturday, September 9, to

be part of an exciting day to celebrate the Hindu way of life. Hindu

Sangam, a one-day grand cultural program aimed at displaying the

various Hindu intellectual, cultural and spiritual contributions made

over thousands of years, was organized by Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh and

supported by over 40 San Francisco Bay Area organizations including

Sunnyvale Hindu Temple. The day started with a yagna (offering and

prayer) for world peace. Prof. Subhas Kak, a well-known indologist and

Delaune distinguished professor at Louisiana State University,

inaugurated a poster-exhibition on Hindu Culture and Dharmic

Traditions of India presented by Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh. Attendees

then participated in programs on Ayurvedic medicine, cultural

programs, Dharma Vedika (religious philosophy), exhibition, Hindu

theme park, Samskritam, Yoga, and youth activities.



FIJI, September 20, 2006: For the first time ever a historic Diwali

Issue magazine will be published by the Shree Sanatan Dharm Pratinidhi

Sabha of Fiji to mark the Festival of Lights 2006. The magazine, which

is an A4 format, is scheduled to be launched at the Hanuman Gari

Temple in Nasinu 9 miles on September 26, 2006. The chief guest at the

launching will be Pundit Dewan Maharaj, national vice president of the

Sabha and owner of Quality Print Limited, a state of the art printing

press situated in the capital city of Suva. The magazine has many

interesting articles on Diwali, messages from the President and Prime

Minister of Fiji and other organizations and individuals associated

with the Sabha, Lakshmi Pooja Vidhi, Diwali recipes and much more. The

magazine is being published under the banner of Sanatan Samachaar, a

registered newspaper of the Sabha and will be also posted on the

Sabha's website for maximum readership. Editor Shalendra Prasad said

that t he first ever Diwali Issue is a historic achievement for the

Sabha and assured readers that more interesting things will follow in

future for Sanatan followers in Fiji and abroad. " All profits from the

publication of this issue will be directed towards the education

assistance of needy children, " Mr. Prasad said. The magazine will be

sold for a cover price of Fijian Two Dollars. There are more than

300,000 Hindus in Fiji Islands.





Vijayadasami Signifies the victory of good over evil. On this day you

pray to Mother Durga to destroy all your impurities, your vices, your

defects. She is to fight with and annihilate the baser animal

qualities in the spiritual aspirant, the lower, diabolical nature in

you. Once you have accomplished your task on the negative side that of

breaking down the impure propensities and old vicious habits, the next

step is to build up a sublime spiritual personality, to acquire

positive qualities in place of the eliminated demoniacal qualities.


Vijayadashmi Festival


Dussehra can also be interpreted as " Dasa-Hara " , which means the

cutting of the ten heads of Ravana. On the day of Dussehra, Ram,

killed the great demon Ravan, who had abducted Ram's wife Sita to his

kingdom of Lanka. Ram, along with his brother Lakshman and devoted

follower Hanuman, and an army of monkeys fought a great battle to

rescue his wife Sita. The war against Ravan lasted for ten days. Sita

had been returned to her husband Ram and they now make their way to

Ayodhya in triumph and glory.


Dussera is the tenth day after Navratri. It marks the end of the nine

days of Navratri. Vijayadashami as Dussehra is also known, celebrates

the homecoming of Lord Rama the hero of the epic Ramayana, after he

rescued his wife Sita from Ravana, the king of Lanka.


Dussehra is also reminiscent of the end of the exile and banishment of

the Pandava princes in the epic Mahabharata and their return with

their weapons to reclaim their kingdom.

Vijayadashami is also celebrated as the day of victory to rejoice

about Durga's triumph over the demons led by Mahishasura. It is

essentially a festival in honor of Durga. The Divine Mother fought

with him for nine nights, and killed him on the evening of the tenth

day, known as the Vijaya Dasami.


Importance of Vijayadasami from Sri Sai Satcharita—CHAPTER 42

Vijayadashami(1918) dawned and Tatya's pulse began to beat very slow

and he was expected to pass away shortly. But a curious thing

happened. Tatya remained, his death was averted and Baba passed away

in his stead. It seemed as if there was an exchange. People said that

Baba gave up His life for Tatya; why He did so? He alone knows as His

ways are inscrutable.




9/11/2006 08:24:33 -0700




I want to share couple of BABA leela's with you so that all

Saidevotees will enjoy


First Leela - I think on August 30th, My father was on his way to


BABA temple and stopped at gas station to fill his bike. All of sudden one

lady approached him and called " with his name " and also told that, I know

you and your family very well.. I know you built the temple in Nandiwada.

I know where you live. Further she said I'm elementary school teacher. I

need Rs 200/- immediately for my daughter operation.


My father is in utmost trans stage (as if he is just following her

instructions) and took money out of his pocket and gave her 200/-.

Further, she said I need another 100/- and he gave her. Again she said I

need another 50/-. He gave her and she left from that place. My dad came

back to normal and went back to home. Mom and other relatives thought he

was cheated.


I called my parents (regular week end call); my mom told me told this

story. I told her couple of stories that were narrated in SAI book. She

didn't believe. However after the call, I washed my face and kneel down in

front of BABA picture and asked him please show me your leela's.


I opened the book for an answer " You will not believe. " I got the

page that I narrated the story to my parents. I called them again read the

page. They believed now. Meanwhile my mom put the slips at BABA feet. She

got the answer that he came and took that money from him. What can I say.

even now while I'm writing this leela my body shaking with joy. Yeah I

forgot my father couldn't even remember her face.





8/06/2006 10:34:31 -0600



Hello friends it's a great pleasure to give my experience. I

am m a third year engineering student and my belief and experiences

are truly exciting. I was awaiting my results this year. I had Maths

in critical if I would not have cleared I would have got a year down

which is not good. I read Satcharitra every time before my

examinations. Like every time I read it this time also and in my

vacation [after exams] was supposed to go to Vaishnav Devi, first time

in my life. Well I just said in my mind that I should have a good

Darshan of Baba there so that I will come to know that I will get

cleared, you won't believe I was coming down walking after Devi

darshan out of Baba's grace I came by the back road you wont believe

there is a big Baba Mandir there and Surprisingly, I also got the

evening Aarthi which was really great before results I went to Shirdi

and after darshan in morning the Padukas were not kept so I could not

touch them as every time I use to touch them and feel nice. This was

at 8 A.M I went to my hotel room with parents and had to leave in 2

hrs for Poona so we decided to sleep for a while as we had got up

early for Kakad Aarthi. Friends when I went of to sleep and

looooo!!!!!! Baba in my Dream it was so real and guess what we spoke

to each other and I asked Him about Padukas and next moment he put His

feet in front of me and I kissed them and really felt bliss in my

dream...not to mention I have cleared Maths with Baba's grace. Baba in

my dream appeared in an old women's attire but it was so real, as you

can understand your mom even if she wears a man dress. It was such a

great experience - many such experiences I have experienced. Would

love to share with you







Swamy " swamymain

Sat, 23 Sep 2006 23:17:37 -0700 (PDT)



Sai Ram. We have completed the 20th chapter where Das Ganu's problem

was solved by Baba through Kaka's maid servant. It is not just Das

Ganu's problem. It is the problem of all seekers. Understanding

esoteric texts like Upanishads is not easy. Literal meaning and

underlying occult meaning are not always same. It needs a Master, who

has practically lived and understood the occult meaning to explain it

to us and He knows best how it should be explained. Thus Baba

continues to explain the estoreric truths which He allowed His

disciple Shri Hemadpant to record in Sri Sai

Satcharita, through these articles. It is the experience of many Sai

devotees that when they do parayan of Satcharita with Sraddha and

Saburi, several insights come to them. All such insights are not to be

shared since some are very personal and make sense to that particular

devotee and that too at that time! Other insights are to be shared at

the right time through the right medium. The time for these articles

has come, many years after some of them were recorded in the margins

of Satcharita. It is He who gives the insights, and it is He who gets

them into the light at the right time. Mistakes in perception if any

are due to my insufficient spiritual maturity (my ego is still going

through several refinement processes) and are not to be ascribed to

Baba. Sai Ram.


We will now take up Chapter 21 of Sai Satcharita, which deals with

three main stories, that of V.H.Thakur, Anantrao Patankar and a

pleader from Pandharpur. Each story has a beautiful message to Sai

Bhaktas. Sai Ram.


In the introduction to the chapter, Shri Hemadpant makes a very

interesting observation about the grace and when it descends on us.

Let us see what he writes in the preliminary remarks. Sai Ram.


" It is a general rule, that it is our good luck in the form of

accumulation of merits in past births that enables us to seek the

company of Saints and profit thereby. " Sai Ram. The same is expressed

at several other places in Satcharitra (Chapter 8 for example) and

also in other texts such as Viveka Chudamani, attributed to Sri Adi

Sankara. Apparent exceptions to this rule, like the hunter/robber who

got the benefit

of Saint's company and became Sri Valmiki, the first poet who wrote

Sri Ramayana are because the good deeds of the past births flower at

the right time due to Divine Grace. Exceptions don't reduce the value

of the rules. Sai Ram. In our case, that we are able to carry out this

Satsangh on the Spiritual Gems found in Sai Satcharita is certainly

due to our good deeds in this and previous births and of course due to

the grace of our beloved Baba. Sai Ram.



" In illustration of this rule, Hemadpant gives his own instance. He

was a resident Magistrate of Bandra, A suburb of Bombay, for many

years. A famous Mahomedan

Saint named Pir Moulana was living there and many Hindus, Parsis and

many others who followed different religions used to go to him and

take his darshan. His Mujavar (priest) by name Inus pressed Hemadpant

many a time, night and day, for going to see him, but for some reason

or other he was not able to see him. " Sai Ram. He could not see that

particular saint because he was Sai Baba's man. And Baba mentioned

clearly that He will pull His devotees wherever they are.


" After many years his turn came and he was called to Shirdi where he

was permanently enlisted in Sai Baba's Darbar. Unfortunate fellows do

not get this contact of the Saints. It is only the fortunate ones that

get it. " Sai Ram. And we are really fortunate to be enjoying the

nectar of this enlisting of Shri Hemadpant in Sai's Darbar. We too are

members of Saidarbar! When we read these articles, we get the benefit

of reading the Satcharita and also delving deeper into it to get the

gems hidden. Thus we are doubly blessed. Sai Ram.



We will continue with this chapter in the next few weeks. Sai Ram.



Author, Editor, Proof-Reader and Book Reviewer







Smt. Madhu Gopal Ravada, Saidarbar, Hyderabad.


Hello Children! I am Madhu aunty. Do you know Baba use to play with

children and used to tell stories to them? I felt children visiting

Saidarbar should be entertained with good stories. For the last two

years I have told you about Lord Krishna's Leelas and Lord Rama Story.

Now I want to tell the stories what heard in my child hood.




In the kingdom of Magadh there lived two beautiful Swans. They lived

near a very large and ancient lake and were famous for their helpful

nature. They had befriended a huge Turtle that lived in the lake and

the three became good friends. Over the years, their friendship grew

until they could hardly stay away from each other.


One day, a few hunters came to the forest near the lake. They shot

arrows at the birds of the area killing many of them. As they started

moving towards the lake, the Swans decided to leave. They called to

the Tortoise and bade him goodbye.

The Tortoise was very unhappy and requested them to carry him too

along with them. The Swans were sorry for him but surprised too. How

could they carry him, they thought?


The Tortoise gave a suggestion. 'If a stout stick was brought, then

the Swans would hold each end in their beaks whilst he would bite the

center. Thus they could fly away carrying him with them.' The Swans

were very apprehensive as they would fly high in the sky, beyond the

reach of the hunter's arrows. They said to the Tortoise, " Dear friend!

Do you know the result of any mishap? We would blame ourselves as long

as we live, if anything untoward happened. Do think twice before you

decide. "


" I do not believe that you could be as foolish and as cowardly as you

behave. I am sure that nothing could go wrong, or is it that you are

trying to avoid taking me along? "


The Swans were sorry to hear this from their old friend and decided to

do their best and leave the rest to fate. So, after a few attempts at

gripping the stick they all clamped down hard and flew off with the

Tortoise hanging in between them. The other birds in the sky squealed

and squawked and laughed at this extraordinary sight. They passed

sarcastic remarks at the ungainly Tortoise which infuriated him.

For some time, he kept control on himself but in the end it was too

much. As he tried to retort in anger, he lost his bite on the stick

and dashed to the ground, where he lay smashed to death.


Lesson: 'Never be hasty in your decisions.' A step taken without due

consideration of results may be your last step.





Sudha vohra sudha_vohra

On 9/15/06


Mera sai jado ki chadi, phir kaisee dhookhon ki ladi

tord dega har ek hadhkadi , jhod dega kadi se kadi

mera sai jado ki chadi........


Phir se bande tu kayon hai udas

rook le aansouon ki barsat

beet jaigi yeh bhi ghadi

mera sai jado ki chadi......


Usko aapna bana ke to dekh

Usko dil me betha ke to dekh

phir jamane ki thujhe kay padi

mera sai jado ki chadi.....


Woh hai malik sapka hum hai das

Kaiyon nahi sunega woh teri fariyad

bat banegi nahin hai bigadi

mera Sai jadu ki .....




Tanya mehra mehratanya

On 9/22/06

Sai please mere aure mere kid ko aapki kripa se jo khushi milne wali

hai usko sada banyaye rakhna and I want to come to Shirdi along with them

Jai Sai Ram




Shirdi Sai Mandir WebMaster: webmaster

9/10/2006 16:46:10 -0700


Shirdi Sai Baba Murthi Pratishta Mahotsav

The Shirdi Sai Mandir, Toronto, Canada

Friday Sep 29, 2006 - Monday Oct 2, 2006

Devotees are invited to attend and participate in Shirdi Sai Baba

Murthi Pratishta Mahotsav during the auspicious days of Navratri from

Friday, Sep 29 until Monday, Oct 2 - Vijaya Dashami, Baba's Maha

Samadhi day. Pranapratistha ceremonies will be conducted on Shirdi Sai

Baba's life-like Murthi across four days to the accompaniment of

sacred Vedic rites, Bhajans, Naam Sankirtan and Satcharita Prayan.

Garba, Dandia and other cultural activities are also planned during

all days of Mahotsav. Please mark your calendars and do not miss this

rare opportunity to receive Baba's Grace and be immersed in Divine Bliss.


For details please

Visit: www.theshirdisaimandir.com

email to info



poonam mulchandani : poonam_mulchandani2002

On 8/25/06

Dear Saibandhu

Pranaam. Actually I would like to share the kind deed of BABA that has

happened in SURAT last night. A very beautiful image (face) of SAIBABA

is seen on the walls of a building eight-storeyed, where hardly anyone

lives. It was really a pleasing moment, also I was near to Saibaba the

whole day long, I don't know but I had a good experience of SAI, even

since 3 days I am continuingly watching BABA's image in the dreams and

also while doing AARTI.I got to hear as if BABA told I am coming, it

really has happened when I saw the wonderful Face of BABA on those walls.

Sai has really given me an immortal feeling for which I am

thankful and praiseful to SAI.




sanju vij : vsvg_ss

On 9/11/06,


Sai ram aap sab ki raksha kare .


Today I opened the mail box. I'm feeling very HAPPY on receiving

your E-magazine " The Glory of Shirdi Sai " , I am continue having a


Thanks for your services, so nice of you all. I am feeling that now I

am in Sai`s lap, as I will be going to read Sai`s Magazine. Now I am

waiting for your magazine. I am never been to Shirdi; I am striving

for Shirdi trip. See when baba calls me. I experienced many miracles

of saibabaji at my home with me which always make me happy fills the

gap of baba me. baba always says that I am with u what if u r not

been to Shirdi , I am here with , for my satisfaction faith every

time HE gives me signals of HIS presence with me . Many thing s to

say. sometime I think what others think of me if I say too much on sai

ram as baba`s power is unlimited. Have nice day.


Regards to you.


Murali koneru " muraliraja1919

Thu, 21 Sep 2006 17:06:16 +0100 (BST)


Dusserah & Baba's Punyatithi - An Invitation From Shirdi Sai Sansthan,

Sydney, Australia


Invites you to with Family & Friends to join & celebrate


Dusserah & Baba's Punyatithi On 24th, 30th September, 1st & 2nd

October 2006




Sunday, 24th September 5:00 pm - Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam

Saturday, 30th September 6:00 pm – Baba's Palki Utsav (First time in

Sydney )


Sunday, 1st October

6:00 pm – Children's Bhajans & Fancy Dress

8:00 pm – Maata Chowki


Monday 2nd October

6:00 pm - Bhajan Sandhya

Bhajan concert by Local artistes & Orchestra


25th Sept ~ 1st Oct – Shree Sai Satcharitra Parayan - Every evening

5pm to 7pm


Sai Mandir

420 Liverpool Road (crn. Hill Street & Liverpool Roads) Strathfield

South, NSW 2136



Please visit:



Please visit for Sai Aartis in Telugu:



Please visit for Sai Aaratis Audio:




Please contact: saidarbar & saidarbar




God's Rainbow & other short stories

Ms. Zarine Taraporewala

Meher Dhun Endowment Nata Shahi

69 Worli Sea Face

Mumbai - 400 025


Divine Grace of Sri Shirdi Sai Baba

Dr. S. P. Ruhela

Diamond Pocket Books

Sai Divine Research Centre

126 Sector 37

Faridabad - 121 003



Shirdi Sai Baba in the light of Sufism

Marianne Warren

Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd

A-59, Okhla Industrial Area,

Phase 2, New Delhi 110020

Tel: 011 26387070 / 26386165

Email info


Please Note:

Those desirous of using this facility (Sai's Book World) to spread the

word about their books may send ONE new copy of the book to Saidarbar,

for details contact:


Acknowledgement of receipt of books will be done by E-mail only.

Book(s) sent to Saidarbar will be retained by Saidarbar and cannot be






Saidarbar members would like to convey hearty thanks to Saibandhu

Murali Koneru of Australia and Saibandhu Murali Bala of USA who

has uploaded Saibanisa's discourses Audio C.Ds in their web sites




You can download Audio:

Sri Sai Satcharithra (In English Language)

Sri Sai Satcharithra by chapters (In English Language)

Sri Sai Satcharithra (In Telugu Language)

Sai Satcharithra by chapters (In Telugu Language)

Sri Guru Charithra (In English Language)

Sri Guru Charithra by chapters (In English Language)

Request Sri Sai Satcharithra CD (English and Telugu Language Available)

Saibanisa's discourses (Telugu)






Contact Murali Bala murali






Things impressed me from this Magazine:


Man's goal in life should be to secure release from worldly ties and

realize God.

Swa-Dharma is most virtuous


'Never be hasty in your decisions.' A step taken without due

consideration of results may be your last step.


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Submitted by Sai Sevak: Srinivasa Rao Kasturi



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