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Thursday Message from Sri Sai Satcharitra

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Sairam to allShirdi Sai Baba is UltimateThursday Message: BABA's Leelas cannot be described, the same way Udhi Leelas also cannot be described. There is no measurement for the uncounted Leelas of BABA's Udhi. The greatness of BABA's Udhi is that it cured many incurable diseases. We feel happy when we listen to such stories and our faith in Baba increases manifold and our urge to roll our self in the Udhi becomes intense. Udhi was the panacea for all sorts of diseases and problems and mere application of the Udhi taking Baba's name or without taking His name has

helped many devotees. How can we take the Udhi without remembering Baba, it is not possible. So by touching the Udhi we are reminded of our loved Baba and His beautiful smile. When we find no solutions to our, and when we lose all the hope of solving the problem, it is but natural that we pray for Divine Help, the same way when the nephew of the Malegaon doctor was suffering from tubercular bone-abscess, they were advised to take the help of the great Saint Sri SaiBABA. Baba cured the disease just by applying the Udhi and assured them “Those who come and resort to this Masjid shall never suffer anything in

this life. This is not a Masjid but Dwaravathi, who steps here will get health and happiness, within no time, You also will get this experience". With this experience, the doctor also became BABA's devotee and gathered BABA's love and blessings. As a human, when we do not have strength to suffer from an intense pain we pray GOD to remove this intense pain and let it be distributed for next life. When doctor Pillay was suffering from Guinea-worms, he prayed BABA to distribute the pain for next 10 births. But Baba cured his pain within 10 days that is the greatness of BABA and His Love. If Baba wills it, He can burn the Karmas which we have accumulated through the ages, and

This is the greatest help Baba is doing to His devotees, so that they quickly progress towards the path of Salvation. If we have immense faith on Him, He will solve our problems and save our life’s, when Shama approached BABA for his brother's wife was suffering from fever, BABA advised him to send only Udhi, the next day she is quite alright and her fever has gone. All these are happened only with the Love of BABA towards His devotees only when they have firm faith on Him. BABA only needs faith and Love on Him; it is nothing but the

love towards His devotees. The same way, the Irani Girl, The Hardha old man and Bombay Lady benefited through their unmovable faith on BABA. It is not Udhi which is the most powerful, Udhi is only a medium through which Baba cured and solved the problems of His devotees. It is the Faith of the devotee in Baba and the patience with which they suffer ensured that their faith in Baba has increased and as Baba has said, first I will give what My devotees want and later on I will give them what I want. So in this way Baba has ensured that all His devotees take to the Subra Marg that is the path of Salvation. And Baba has come into this world to ensure our redemption from the worldly life’s and ensure a place at His lotus feet. So dear devotees lets work out way to get a place at the lotus feet of Baba by having firm faith in Baba and lets strive to have patience, It is the most difficult thing in this fast world where everything moves at the speed of Light and in this fast world to have patience is difficult but lets strive to get that, and that will ensure us a place at BABA’s feet. So let’s start using Udhi in everything, and in this way we will get firm

faith and patience, which are the two coins which Baba keeps asking His devotees _ Chapter XXXIV Greatness of Udi (continued) (1) Doctor's Nephew - (2) Dr. Pillay - (3) Shama's Siste-in-Law - (4) Irani Girl - (5) Harda Gentleman - (6) Bombay Lady. This Chapter continues the subject "Greatness of Udi" and describes cases in which the application of Udi was most efficacious. Doctor's Nephew At Malegaon (Dt. Nasik) there lived a doctor (qualified and degree-holder). His nephew suffered from an

incurable disease - Tubercular bone-abcess. The doctor himself and his brothers, the medical practitioners, tried all sorts of remedies and even an operation. There was no relief and there was no end to the little boy's suffering. Friends and relations advised the parents of the boy to seek divine aid and recommended them to try Sai Baba, who was known to have cured such incurable cases by His mere glance. The parents, therefore, came to Shirdi. They prostrated themselves before Baba, placed the boy before Him and pleaded humbly and respectfully, and implored Him to save their son. The merciful Baba comforted them saying "Those who resort to this Masjid shall never suffer anything in this life and to the end of time. Be now care-free. Apply Udi on the abcess and within one week he will recover. Believe in God. This is no Masjid, but Dwarawati. He who steps here will soon get health and happiness and his sufferings will come to an end". The boy was made to sit before Baba,

Who moved his hands on the affected part and cast His loving glances on him. The patient was pleased and with the application of the Udi, he began to recover, and was all right after some days. The parents then left Shirdi with their son, thanking Baba for the cure, which was effected by Udi and Baba's gracious looks. After knowing this, the doctor, the uncle of the boy became wonder-struck and desired to see Baba while he was on his way to Bombay for some business; but at Malegaon and Manmad somebody spoke to him against Baba and poisoned his ears. He therefore, dropped the idea of visiting Shirdi and went to Bombay direct. He wanted to spend the rest of his leave at Alibag, but at Bombay he heard three successive nights, a voice crying out,"Still you disbelieve me?". Then the doctor changed his mind and resolved to go to Shirdi. He had to attend in Bombay to a case of Infectious Fever, which showed no signs of abatement soon. So he thought that his Shirdi trip would be postponed. He however proposed a test in his mind and said,"If the patient gets all right today, I start for Shirdi tomorrow." The wonder is that exactly at the time when the determination was taken, the fever began to abate and the temperature became normal. Then he went to Shirdi as per his determination, took Baba's darshan and prostrated himself before Him. Baba gave him such experiences that he became His devotee. He stayed there for four days and returned home with Baba's Udi and blessings. Within a fortnight he was transferred on promotion to Bijapur. His

nephew's case gave him an opportunity for seeing Baba and this visit engendered in him a neverfailing love for the Saint's feet. Dr. Pillay One Dr. Pillay was an intimate Bhakta of Baba. He was much liked by Baba, Who always called him Bhau (brother). Baba talked with him off and on and consulted him in all matters and wanted him always at His side. This Pillay suffered once very badly from guinea-worms. He said to Kakasaheb Dixit, "The pain is most excruciating and unbearable. I prefer death to it. This pain, I know, is for repaying past Karma, but go to Baba and tell Him to stop the pain and transfer the working of my past Karma to ten future births of mine." Mr. Dixit went to Baba and

told Him his request. Then Baba, being moved by his request, said to Dixit,"Tell him to be fearless. Why should he suffer for ten births? In ten days he can work out the sufferings and consequences of his past Karma. While I am here to give him temporal and spiritual welfare, why should he pray for death? Bring him here on somebody's back and let us work and finish his sufferings once for all". The doctor was brought in that condition and was seated on Baba's right side,where Fakir Baba always sat. Baba gave him His bolster and said,"Lie calmly here and be at ease. The true remedy is, that the result of past actions has to be suffered and got over. Our Karma is the cause of our happiness and sorrow; therefore put up with whatever comes to you. Allah (God) is the sole Dispenser and Protector, always think of Him. He will take care of you. Surrender to His feet with

body, mind, wealth and speech, i.e. completely and then see what He does." Dr. Pillay said in return that Nanasaheb had put a bandage over the leg, but he found no relief. "Nana is a fool" replied Baba. "Take off that bandage or else you will die. Now a crow will come and peck you, and then you will recover." While this conversation was going on, one Abdul, who always cleaned the Masjid and trimmed the lamps, turned up. While he was attending to his work of training, his foot accidentally fell upon the stretched leg of Dr. Pillay. The leg was already swollen and when Abdul's foot fell upon it and pressed it, all the seven guinea-worms were squeezed out at once. The pain was unbearable and Dr. Pillay bawled out loudly. After some time, he calmed down and began to sing and cry alternately. Then Pillay enquired when the crow was coming and peeking. Baba said, "Did

you not see the crow? He won't come again. Abdul was the crow. Now go and rest yourself in the Wada and you will be soon allright." By application of the Udi and by taking it in the stomach with water, and without taking any other treatment or medicine, the disease was completely cured in ten days as predicted by Baba. Sharma's Sister-in-law Shama's younger brother Bapaji was staying near Sawool well. Once his wife was attacked with Bubonic plague. She had high fever and two bubos in her groins. Bapaji rushed to Shama at Shirdi and asked him to come and help. Shama was frightened,

but according to his wont, he went to Baba, prostrated himself before Him, invoked His aid, and requested Him to cure the case. He also asked His permission to go to his brother's house. Then Baba said, "Don't go there at this late hour (night), send her Udi. Why care for the fever and bubos? God is our father and master; she will be alright easily. Do not go now, but go there in the morning and return immediately." Shama had full faith in Baba's Udi. It was sent with Bapaji. It was applied on the bubos and some of it was mixed with water and was given to the patient for drinking. No sooner was it taken in, than perspiration set in profusely, the fever abated and the patient had a good sleep. Next morning Bapaji was surprised to see his wife alright and refreshed with no fever and bubos. When Shama went there next morning with Baba's permission he was also

surprised to see her at the hearth and preparing tea. On questioning his brother, he learnt that Baba's Udi cured her completely in one night. Then Shama realized the significance of Baba's words. "Go there in the morning and return immediately. After taking tea, Sharma returned and after saluting Baba said,"Deva, what is this play of Yours? You first raise a storm and make us restless and then calm it down and ease us". Baba replied "You see mysterious is the path of action. Though I do nothing, they hold Me resonsible for the actions which take place on account of Adrista (destiny). I am only their witness. The Lord is the sole Doer and Inspirer. He is also most merciful. Neither I am God nor Lord. I am His obedient servant and remember Him often. He, who casts aside his egoism, thanks Him and he, who trusts Him entirely, will have his shackles removed and will

obtain liberation". Irani's Daughter Now read the experience of an Irani gentleman. His young daughter got fits every hour. When the convulsion came she lost her power of speech, her limbs got shrunk and contracted and she fell down senseless. No remedy gave her any relief. Some friend recommended Baba's Udi to her father and asked him to get it from Kakasaheb Dixit at Vile Parle (suburb of Bombay). Then the Irani gentleman got the Udi and gave it mixed with water to his daughter daily for drinking. In the beginning the convulsions, which were coming on hourly, came every seven hours and after a few days the daughter recovered

completely. Harda Gentleman An old gentleman of Harda (C.P) was suffering from a stone in his bladder. Such stones are generally removed by surgical operations and people recomended him to undergo one. He was old and weak, lacked strength of mind and could not think of submitting himself to surgical treatment. His suffering was soon to end in another way. The Inamdar (City Officer) of that town happened to come there at this time. He was a devotee of Baba and had always a stock of Udi with him. On the recommendation of friends, his son got some Udi from and mixing it with water, gave it to his old father to drink. Within five minutes the Udi was assimilated, the stone was dissolved and came

out through his urine and old man was soon relieved. Bombay Lady A woman of the Kayastha Prabhu caste in Bombay always suffered terrible pain at her delivery. She was very much frightened each time she became pregnant and did not know what to do. Shri Rama-Maruti of Kalyan, who was a devotee of Baba advised her husband to take her to Shirdi for a painless delivery. When she next became pregnant, both husband and wife came to Shirdi, stayed there for some months and worshipped Baba and got all the benefit of His company. After some time the hour of delivery came and as usual there was obstruction in the passage from the womb.

She began to suffer labour pains, did not know what to do, but began to pray to Baba for relief. In the meantime, some neighbouring women turned up and after invoking Baba's aid, gave her Udi-mixture to drink. In five minutes, the woman delivered safely and painlessly. The issue was still-born according to its fate; but the mother who got rid of the anxiety and pain, thanked Baba for the safe delivery and ever remained grateful to Him. Bow to Shri Sai - Peace to be all

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