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Dear Members, The Sidharaja Dattatreya avathara who is one of the shodasha (16) avathaaraaas of Lord Dattatrreya, was taken his janana on Maagha Shudha Poornima. Today we are performing this powerfulday. Today, it is very powerful, if any one can perform the following mantra recitation with "Arghya pradaan". The donation of a spiritual book to a sadhak on this day is very powerful. SIDHARAAJA DATTATREYA This avathaara is more favaourable for Meditation (Dhyana). This incarnation was formed infront of Sidhus (sadhaks) on Maagha Shudha

Poornima. Whoever performs this incarnation with the following mantra and perform Datta Maalamantra and donate a Book, then they will get the anugraha of Lord Dattatreya. In this incarnation, Lord Dattatreya proposed a special YOGA MAARGA to the Sidha samaaja. Arghya Mantras: One have to give Arghya with each following mantra on this day. 1. SARVA SIDHAANTHA SIDHAAYA PARAMAATHMANE MAHAA RAAJAAYA SIDHAAYA KARMA NAARGHYAM DADAAMYAHAM|| 2. SAMSAARA DUKHA NAASHAAYA SARVA SHOKA HARAAYACHA| SIDHARAAJA DEVAYA KARMA NAARGHYAM DADAAMYAHAM || 3. SWAROOPA GNAANA DEEPAAYA SARAVA SHAKTHI DHARAAYACHA SIDHARAAJAAYA SHANTHAAYA KARMA NAARGHYAM DADAAMYAHAM|| :: AVADHOOTHA CHINTHANA SHREE GURU DEVA DATTA :: Subrahmanyam.Bharathuladatta_gururayasmarthrugaami-dattavaibhavam


The larger versions of these photos will be available until May 02, 2007 (90 days)


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