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Dattatreya--Kalaparimanam over a cuppa

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Dear Suhrudh, Last week, I was talking with Soujanya Kumar and he was asking me my experience with Jabali. One interesting thing, I forgot to mention is with regards to the experience I had that morning. After my mandatory cuppa of tea in the morning, I heard my mother mumble " Dattu(my pet name), you are tormenting me with your morning cuppa of tea. Why don't you take coffee like all southindians" I replied back "Amma, I hate Bru instant coffee and I love your elachi tea" As I was ruminating over the cuppa, I could see a storm brewing in my cuppa! At first it sounded just that though you a spanish might say "una tormenta en un vaso de agua". I was thrown into a tunnel and thenceforth into a strange place. I later cognized the place in those bike-parivrajaka days(as I fondly

remember) as Mekedatu in Karnataka and then as if in a bygone-time machine, I reached a place filled with compost. Some information about Mekedatu before I proceed with my stories. Sangama in Karnataka is the confluence of two rivers – Arkavathi and Kaveri(Cauvery) where there is a temple dedicated to Sangameshwara. . This place is around 2 hours drive from Bangalore and can be done on a two-wheeler or a four-wheeler. Arkavathi will be just a small stream for most of the year and will have some water during the monsoons. It is best to visit the place in rainy season when kaveri is running full of water.The last 5kms of the drive to Sangama is quite

interesting. The road takes a steep dip into a valley and offers a nice view of the running river. The waters here are shallow and wide, so you can walk around in the water or take a dip. When you are done, you can walk through the forest, along the banks of the river for around 3kms and reach Mekedatu. You also have the option to take a bus, but most people prefer to walk. As you move towards Mekedatu, you notice the river getting narrow, until at some point there is hardly a 20 feet distance between the banks. The river runs ferociously at this point and has formed beautiful soft structures on the rocky banks. Legend has it that the channel was so narrow that sheep would jump across, and hence the name Mekedatu(Meke = sheep, datu = cross in Kannada).. The connection of mekedatu and Datta, I will reveal in the next email.(The connection is more of Atri-Maharishi the father-seer of the Lord) Now coming back to the story, I saw a skeleton and

heard a para-vani saying "These are the bones of Dattatreya". I was flabbergasted and meekly replied back "No it is impossible. Datta never dies. He is Amara" I then saw the skeleton dancing and then it got converted into a small boy with cocky eyes. The cocky-eyed boy saw me and asked "You think Iam mad don't you?" I replied back "Are you a yaksha or an abdul? or am I dreaming with my cup of tea?" He replied back and gyrated around laughing out in a shrill-baritone combo voice "How can you be sleepy when you are drinking tea?" I felt myself in a surreal world and asked him, "Please leave me to the comfort of my living room. Iam already duibbed a madcap by people around me for my entree' into Kundalini Tantra" I could hear my mother's cry " Rama(sometimes she calls me by that name too) are you done with the tea? The

servant maid has come and I have to give the cup for her to wash". I heard myself reply back tartly, "Undu Amma inka tagaledhu"(wait Mom, I have not taken it yet). But the strange thing was this nagna-balaka who looked at me with cocky eyes said to me "Drink your milk Dattu,fast", mockingly. I was embarrased a bit and replied back "Iam not a baby" He replied back "All are babies to me, do you know my age?" With that I snapped out of the trance. I do not know who was that though you might have intelligently guessed it who it might have been. Dattatreya as per the puranas was born to Athri and Anasuya but no one knows which yuga or

manvantara he was born. The Antonio Rigopoulous book which I gave you also does not mention insomany words. In this context NRM researches(Natural Remnant magnetism researches) have shown proved the validity of continental drift theories.I will later explain to you the contextual importance of this fact vis-a-vis manvantaras. The Time-line arises with regard to Chakshusha manvantara and the end of that epoch. And going back approximately 12 and 1/2 crore years(one crore = 1000000 as per Indian ganitha)--the three worlds had a jala-pralaya and it is said that Sreeman Narayana took the matsya-avatara and saved the Saptha Rishis and Vaivasvatha Manu in a small boat(much akin to the Noah theory of the west). Sri Hari after saving the spiritual realms in the svetavaraha rupa( I fiund Aguila eating a white-pig detestable as he eats the very symbolic animal which saved him--please ask him to avoid pork heart atleast!) the manvantaras list goes like this--Svayambhuva,svaarochisha,Uttama,Taamasa,Raivatha--these five manvantaras came in a chorono-sequential manner and then came the Chaakshusha manvanatara. Each manvanatara is approximately 30.82 crore years and thus multiplying this by 5 we get 185.16 crore years as the genesis point.All this has a connection with the continental drift theory which I just stated above. Now in the Mahanubhavi sampradaya of Dattatreya--chakradhara has said that Lord Dattatreya is from this geneis point(in Sootra paatha vichara). I want to narrate to you some more revelations I got over that cuppa tea, but right

now my tea has become cold and I need it to place it in the microwave to heat it. Please pass on my bestwishes to the new baby--you have named her Datta-parimala. Did you know that Parimala was a name in spain too(your own root) too? More on that later lest another storm brews in my cuppa in the microwave. Nityo Rakshathu DattaMoorthy Rudhitho Lokaika Poojyo Guruhu! Shreeram Balijepalli Please visit Smarthrugaami Dattavaibham blog posting for many artciles like this. The link is : http://smarthrugaami-dattavaibhavam-group.blogspot.com/




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